DiscoverLakeview Missionary Church Sermons
Lakeview Missionary Church Sermons

Lakeview Missionary Church Sermons

Author: Lakeview Missionary Church

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The Sunday sermons from Pastor Christopher L. Scott at Lakeview Missionary Church in Moses Lake, WA. Thanks for listening!

810 S. Evergreen Dr.
Moses Lake, WA 98837

Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here,
166 Episodes
What do we as Christians use to cope with stress? Do we use material possessions, or do we turn to God? In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about God's purpose for our lives even in tough times. He breaks down the distinction of the Trinity, and how each member of It works in the life of a believer. Finally, he talks about the predestination of every Christian, and how we can seek God's peace and joy even when the situation seems impossible. What were times when God brought you out of darkness? Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher addresses the one thing everyone has in common: The fact that we all sin. With this sin comes certain ways we can act on it. Do we bottle it up, or do we share it with people? In this passage, Christopher breaks down the cooperation, the investigation, and the resolution of the people who have sinned and married outside of the faith. He shares how Ezra confesses the sin to God, and what the solutions of cleansing their sins were. Can one person's sin effect a whole community? Why is it harder to overcome sin the longer we wait to address it? How have things changed in the ways we address our sin compared to the Old Testament? Listen to learn more!
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about divorce, and what the Bible says about this topic. He breaks down the Covenant, and what Ezra's next step was in reference to mixed marriages. Finally, he shares with us the specific consequences revealed, and the meaning of 'church discipline'. Why did the people weep after Ezra expressed his feelings? What are the 'sometimes statements' Christopher uses? Listen to learn more!
In this sermon Pastor Christopher talks about Ezra’s prayer, his troubles, and the definition of sin. He breaks down three reasons why the people were disobeying God, and how it was an embarrassment to Ezra. He shares with us how to properly respond, and how we can develop the correct view of sin. What do people’s prayers reveal about them? How can we see God’s grace in everyday life? How did God always protect the Jews? Listen to learn more!
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about Chapter nine in Ezra and the report he receives about the Jews and their misbehavior. He breaks down three reasons why mixed marriages at that time were bad, and how important it is to find a Godly spouse. He talks about Ezra's cause and depth of grief upon hearing the report. What does the Bible say about choosing a Godly spouse? What is the comparison of Nehamiah and Ezra? What worldly thinking do we hear, about the Bible, that we need to be aware of? Listen to learn more!
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about the report Ezra received about the Jews concerning their intermarrying. He breaks down Ezra's response, and the comparison between him and Nehamiah. Finally, he talks about the Bible's direction in choosing a spouse, and the depth and cause of Ezra's grief. What is a worldly concept we should be aware of when discussing the Bible? Why would the world be blessed if the Jews protected their lineage? What are the differences between intermarrying then versus now? Listen to learn more!
In this sermon Pastor Christopher shares basic principles for counting and managing money given to a local body of believers. These are principles derived from Ezra's practice in Ezra 8 that are also practical for us as a local body of believers today. Thanks for listening. LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH 810 S. Evergreen Dr. Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-5270 Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
What does it take to reform and change people? In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about the genealogies and how they described the brave people who left Babylon to go back to their country. He talks about the four ways to reform a people: God has to be working in them and the situation, it takes people to reform people, we need teachers and servants and fasting and prayer. Finally, he breaks down the length of Ezra's trip, and why he needed Levites. Who were the Levites? Why did they not go back to their origin land? Listen to learn more!
This sermon is from Sunday, July 21st 2024 Thanks for Listening!
Thanks for listening. LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH 810 S. Evergreen Dr. Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-5270 Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
Thanks for listening.
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about the seventh day of Creation. He discusses three things God does after the climax of the sixth day and the summary statement of Moses. He breaks down the differences between Christian practices before and after the coming of Christ, and how our interactions are different compared to early Christians. What commandment did Christ not affirm? Why did God sanctify the seventh day? What are the differences between God 'creating' and humans 'inventing'? Listen to learn more! Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher continues the topic from two weeks ago: Day Six of Creation. He touches on the subject of social issues, how to handle delicate situations we might not agree with, and gives ideas on how to bring up children the way God has called us to. Christopher also discusses the topic of gender designation and same-sex relationships. Is a person's gender assigned to him at birth, or can they choose it later in life? Is marriage made for everyone, regardless of gender? How have things changed since the fall of man in comparison to the time before it? Listen to learn more! Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
Join us this week as we were celebrating the ordination of Pastor Christopher! We were also blessed to have guest speaker Dave Passey share the message. In this sermon, Dave Passey speaks on the meaning of ordination: the human recognition of God's call in a person's life. He breaks down the priorities of a Christian's life, and 7 ways to keep and purify your heart. How can we keep and guard our hearts in a world filled with distractions? Listen to learn more! Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
Who are we and what is our purpose? In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about the sixth day of Creation, and the design of man. He talks about the climax of the Creation story, and the true focus and structure of the sixth day. He describes how we are made in the image of God, and in what ways we are not made in His image. Finally, he breaks down our role on earth, and our value as people made in the image of God. Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about the fifth day of Creation, and the design of living creatures. He breaks down the description of the living creatures, and the refuting of Evolution. He talks about the reproduction of animals, and how God describes the quality of His own Creation. Finally, Christopher talks about the belief of Ancient Near Eastern Creation Myth. Listen to learn more! Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about the fourth day of Creation. This passage is on the design of the two great lights, as well as the stars, and how God governed them. Christopher describes three main points about this topic: the summary, the specifics, and the statement of time referring to Day Four. He breaks down the Scripture passage, and also describes the weaknesses and the strengths of the belief of Intelligent Design. What does the belief of Intelligent Design proudly declare? What are its strength from a DNA and Genetic point of view? Listen to learn more! Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
In this sermon series, Pastor Christopher has been discussing Doctrines of Anthropology and the many certainties of God's Creation. In this sermon, he breaks down the beliefs of Evolution and how it's strengths and weaknesses compare to Creationism. He discusses the limits of Creation, and how Moses' presentation of day three describes the absolute power of God. Is God in control of His creation? Is it true that everything exists because God exists? Listen to learn more! Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about four Creation Certainties and the separation of water on the second day. He breaks down God's Deed, Decree, and Designation of Creation, and the cycle and purpose of everything. Christopher also touches on the uniqueness of Moses's description of God, and how he shows the differences between the other gods and the one true God. Finally, Christopher talks about the strengths and weaknesses of Old Earth Creationism. Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
In this sermon, Pastor Christopher talks about the day God created light. He breaks down the command God uses in order to design light, and the commentary that occurs after. He talks about the different beliefs about Creation and breaks down the ideas of Young Earth Creationists. How can we find our calling in the light? How does the author of the book use specific wording to show the age of Earth? Listen to learn more! Thanks for listening! LAKEVIEW MISSIONARY CHURCH, 810 S. Evergreen Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, 509-765-5270, Pastor Christopher sends a weekly update to our church every Wednesday with an encouraging article, prayer requests, and announcements. Subscribe here, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.