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Language of Love with Dr. Laura Berman
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Language of Love with Dr. Laura Berman

Author: The Language of Love

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Language of Love is a weekly podcast where Dr. Berman shares her compassionate, humorous, and no-nonsense advice: answering listener questions and interviewing thought leaders and experts on relevant topics. Dr. Berman is ready to help you create the fulfilling and passionate love life you deserve, regardless of your relationship status, gender, or sexual orientation. Are you ready to get started? 

224 Episodes
In this episode of the Language of Love Session, I continue my conversation with Marla and Ken, a couple I've been helping to understand the hurdles they've faced and the strides they've made in enhancing their emotional and physical intimacy. We delve into the details of their physical intimacy and sexual relationship. Ken opens up about his struggle with sexual energy and desire, which he feels is lacking, describing it as "flat." Although his testosterone levels have been normal in past tests, we get into how misleading the wide range of “normal” is, and how important it is to have results read by someone who’s really trained in anti-aging medicine and hormone therapy. I also cover the important role testosterone plays, not only for sexual desire but also for overall well-being, and we discuss various hormone replacement options. Marla shares her perspective as well, and together we reflect on how Ken's recent retirement might be influencing his energy and motivation. I advise them to consult with a specialist in sexual medicine to address these concerns, with the hope of enhancing their relationship. Here is what we explore: Importance of initiating physical intimacy in the relationship Emphasis on sensual and erotic touch to strengthen the connection Retirement and its impact on confidence and sense of purpose Testosterone therapy and its potential impact on sexual energy and general well-bein Remember, the journey to rekindling intimacy is both personal and universal. Check out my website for books and courses like Quantum Sex to improve your sex life, along with many others. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this Language of Love Bite, I'm diving into a topic that seems to be on a lot of men's minds: penis size. I know it's a sensitive subject, but it's important to talk about the concerns and misconceptions that surround it. Let's get one thing straight: the myths about what's considered "average" size are pervasive. I came across a study that really puts things into perspective—50% of men weren't happy with their size, yet a staggering 80% of women were actually content with their partner's size. This discrepancy shows that the pressure men feel is often internal and not based on the reality of their partners' satisfaction. I want to caution you against making comparisons to what you see in pornography. Porn is not real life, and it's certainly not a benchmark for your own body. And when it comes to treatments that promise to increase size, please be wary. There are countless products and procedures out there, from penis extenders to surgery, but they come with limited benefits and significant risks. I want to reassure you that in most cases, your size is more than adequate. What's truly important in a sexual relationship is technique and the emotional connection you share with your partner.  Remember, if you're seeking to elevate your sex life, visit my website and explore my course on quantum sex. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
As parents, we play a critical role of being a safe container for our children's emotions. It's so important for us to understand that our kids need us to be their emotional anchors. And let's be honest, that's not always easy. It means we have to do the hard work of unlearning some of our own past conditioning so we can better co-regulate with our little ones. In this episode of The Language of Love, I'm joined by the wonderful parenting coach Cassidy Callan. Together, we're diving into the intricate world of parenting, with a special focus on emotional intelligence. Cassidy is here to offer some invaluable advice on how to handle those inevitable emotional outbursts. She's a pro at guiding parents on the importance of grounding, empathy, and validation. It's not just about managing the outbursts—it's about understanding them and using those moments as opportunities for connection and growth. We're also going to emphasize the significance of being present and empathetic. I can't stress enough how modeling emotional regulation is key. Creating a nurturing environment is essential for children to develop their emotional intelligence. Our kids learn from watching us, so it's up to us to show them what it looks like to handle emotions in a healthy way. We explore: Creating a safe and empathetic environment for emotional expression and regulation The impact of parents' emotional state on children Collaborative and cooperative parenting Supporting children's emotional development and nurturing their unique abilities and gifts The challenges of regulating emotions in public settings Validating and empathizing with children's emotions Be sure to check out my website for my courses, books, and products that can help you love and be loved better. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this Language of Love Session, I have the privilege of reconnecting with Victoria, a courageous soul navigating the turbulent waters of her relationship after her partner's cancer diagnosis. Her story is one of love, resilience, and the quest for balance amidst life's unexpected challenges.  Victoria's experience is a reminder of how illness can transform not only the life of the person diagnosed but also that of their partner. She bravely shares her frustrations about feeling lost in the role of a caretaker, a sentiment that many can relate to. The balance between supporting a loved one and maintaining one's sense of self is delicate and often difficult to achieve. Here's a sneak peek of what we discuss: Victoria's struggles in her relationship after her partner's cancer diagnosis and treatment The intricate balance of healing and growth within a relationship affected by illness The complexities of confronting uncertainty and the allure of looking for answers externally The importance of open communication and seeking professional help Remember that relationships are a dance of give and take, especially in times of crisis. It's through our challenges that we often find our greatest strengths and learn the most about ourselves and our partners. Don't forget to check out my website for courses designed to improve your sex life and relationships! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Do you find yourself in a place where you feel less attractive or irresistible to your partner? You're not alone. It's a common challenge that many people face in their relationships. The good news is that there are strategies and actions you can take to become truly irresistible to your partner. In this Language of Love Bite, I share some golden nuggets to make you absolutely irresistible to your partner. Together, we dive into these transformative insights that can sprinkle some magic into your relationship. From cherishing your independence to keeping that flame of desire alive with little gestures of love, each tip is like a spark igniting deeper connections and joy. As we journey through the importance of loving yourself, looking after your appearance, and daring to explore new adventures together, a path unfolds. It's not just about spicing things up for a moment; it's about nurturing a love that's lasting and electrifying. With these simple yet powerful principles of independence, desire, appearance, exploration, and self-love, you will be on your way to crafting a relationship that's irresistibly beautiful. Remember, if you're seeking to elevate your sex life, visit my website and explore my course on quantum sex. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Did you know your kitchen is like a special sanctuary where you can nourish your body and soul, and even find a way to cope with loss and grief through cooking? In this Language of Love Conversation, I'm joined by the amazing Jules Davis, also known as the Kitchen Healer, and the author of “The Kitchen Healer: The Journey to Becoming You.” Jules and I talk about how cooking and food aren't just about filling our bellies but also key ingredients in self-care, personal growth, and nurturing our emotional health. Jules has some incredible insights on the power of cooking with intention and how being mindful in the kitchen can transform the whole experience. As for me, I'm sharing a bit about how I have had to redefine my own relationship with food over the years. It's been a path of discovery, not just about what I'm eating, but also understanding my deeper hungers – those emotional needs that we often try to satisfy with a snack or a meal. Together, we’re challenging some of those traditional views on nourishment. We are all about embracing a more nurturing, expressive, and yes, delicious approach to cooking and eating. So, let's get ready to stir the pot and spice things up in this episode! Curious about what's on the menu? Here's a sneak peek:  Jules’ expertise as the Kitchen Healer and her work on women's healing The concept of nourishment and its connection to emotional well-being  Recognizing cooking as a meditative and nurturing practice The emotional and spiritual dimensions of cooking Slowing down and creating intention around nourishing oneself Nourishment beyond just food, encompassing connection, love, and passion Don't forget to explore Jules Davis' book, The Kitchen Healer, to discover how turning on the fire in the kitchen and in your life can bring you freedom. Connect with her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram or Website. Also, If you are going through grief, please remember to visit my website to explore my good grief course because no one should go through grief alone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this Language of Love Session, I catch up with the amazing couple, Marla and Ken, who have been married for 38 years, to discuss the challenges and triumphs of maintaining intimacy in a long-term relationship. If you have been following Ken and Marla's journey, you're probably eager to hear about their progress. And if you're new to their story, I highly recommend catching up on their previous episodes—it's been quite a ride! Marla and Ken open up about their emotional highs and lows, including the impact of losing a close friend and struggles with finding the right therapist and committing to daily connection exercises. We also delve into their struggles with self-criticism and their pursuit of joy within their partnership. So, let's dive right in and see how things have been unfolding since our last session. We discuss: Challenges in expressing love and connection in the relationship Importance of foundational activities for maintaining a strong connection Suggestions for building physical and emotional intimacy Identifying specific actions to nurture emotional bonds and self-care Don't forget to explore my free course on Quantum Sex! It's designed to elevate your sexual experience to new heights. Simply visit the homepage of my website to get started. Until next time! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you tired of the same old snooze fest in the bedroom? Are you craving a wild, spine-tingling adventure that will leave you breathless and begging for more? Well, my friend, you've come to the right place! In this Language of Love Bite, I'm excited to dive into a topic that's both fun and informative. I'm going to share with you my insights on five sexual positions that women find enjoyable. We also get cozy with spooning, discussing the intimacy it brings to your connection with your partner. And let's not forget the Yab Yum and Cat Technique – I explain how these positions can enhance your connection and really activate the G-spot. Let’s dive in! I'm all about experimentation and finding what works best for you and your body, so visit my website for all my courses, books, and products that will definitely heighten your pleasure. I even have a course on quantum sex to help you explore further! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Imagine having a blueprint for love that empowers you to design the kind of love that fulfills you, lifts you up, and sets you free. In this Language of Love Conversation, I’m sitting down with two remarkable guests. Joining me is  Mark Groves, a human connection specialist and founder of Create the Love, and Kylie McBeath, a certified health coach and host of the Journey Home podcast. Together, they form a powerhouse couple who have co-authored the book “Liberated Love.” Mark and Kylie introduce us to the concept of liberated love, a term that encapsulates a commitment to truth, transparency, and honoring each other's individual paths in a relationship. This approach to love is about not trying to fix or control one another but rather supporting each other's growth and authenticity. Their personal journey, which they candidly share, took them from a phase they refer to as relationship 1.0—a time marked by unconscious dynamics and codependency—to a transformative period they call the sacred pause. This mutual uncoupling allowed them to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, which eventually led them back to each other, ready to begin relationship 2.0, a renewed and more conscious partnership. Here is what we unpack with Kylie and Mark: The concept of “liberated love” and its principles The significance of the “sacred pause” in relationships An exploration of codependency in relationships Recognition of blind spots and masks in relationships Self-awareness, healing from codependency, and personal growth before entering new relationships Intergenerational patterns and societal influences in shaping beliefs about relationships Check out Liberated Love by Mark Groves and Kylie McBeath. Whether you're single, in a relationship, exploring a transition, or seeking growth, this book is for you. You can also find Mark on Create the Love and Kylie on Instagram for more inspiring content. Also, do not forget to check my website for more resources to take your intimacy to the next level. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this episode of Language of Love, I am featuring another session from the Good Grief Day event, and this time we have speaker and author Anita Moorjani. Anita's story is nothing short of miraculous. She was grappling with end-stage cancer, her body riddled with tumors, and she was on the verge of what seemed like an inevitable end. But it was in this moment of extreme physical depletion that Anita experienced something extraordinary—a near-death experience that would change her life forever. She also explores the significance of joy in our lives and the comforting idea that our departed loved ones are still with us in some form. During the Q&A segment, she offers her perspective on what the afterlife might hold for controversial figures, discussing the notion of personal growth beyond the traditional view of eternal punishment.  We explore: Cultural conditioning and societal expectations impacting Anita's illness Anita's miraculous recovery and the importance of finding joy and uplifting energy Communicating with deceased loved ones and the signs they send Addressing the belief that grieving may keep loved ones trapped The choice to operate from the highest version of oneself Please remember to check Anita's website to learn more about her latest projects. Don't forget to grab a copy of her book "Dying to Be Me" for more insights. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn. As usual, you can visit my website for more amazing resources and courses. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this Language of Love Bite, we're going to dive deep into a topic that's both incredibly personal and universally relevant – the five common types of trauma and how they impact our love lives and relationships. As a sex and relationship therapist, I've seen firsthand how trauma can really shake the foundation of our self-worth and trust. We're talking about sexual trauma, physical trauma, emotional trauma, and those gut-wrenching experiences of rejection, humiliation, abandonment, and betrayal. Each one of these can leave scars that might not be visible to the eye but can be felt deeply in the heart. I want to walk you through how these traumas can hinder us, and how they can make us put up walls where we should be building bridges. It's about understanding that when we're hurt, our instincts tell us to protect ourselves, sometimes to the point where we might push away the things we desire most – connection, intimacy, and love. But here's the thing – and this is so important – healing is possible. I can't stress enough the value of trauma-informed therapy. Techniques like somatic experiencing can be game-changers, helping us to reconnect with our bodies and process those deep-seated emotions that we've been carrying around. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. It's not a sign of weakness; it's a step towards recovery. And I want you to know that you're not alone in this. We're in it together, and I'm here to support you on your journey towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Remember to visit my website for tips on revitalizing your sex life: prioritize open communication, try the fantasy box, take my “Seven Days to Better Sex” course, and explore “Quantum Love.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Did you know that 50 million Americans have some form of dysregulated immune system? But here's the catch - you may not even realize that you are one of them. Perhaps you've been given a diagnosis that you don't fully understand or have been told that you have an autoimmune disorder. The truth is, it's not just a medical issue, it's also an emotional one. In this Language of Love Conversation, I'm excited to be joined by Dr. Sara Gottfried, a Harvard-educated medical doctor, scientist, researcher, and author of four New York Times best-selling books.  We dive into the connections between trauma, autoimmune diseases, and how our bodies keep everything in check. We are chatting about how trauma can throw our systems out of whack, messing with our immune system and sometimes leading to autoimmune issues. Dr. Gottfried is here to shed light on why catching these autoimmune diseases early is so crucial, especially when the signs can be pretty vague. In this conversation, we break down: The connection between trauma and dysregulation in the body The pine system and its role in responding to trauma Understanding autoimmune diseases and the immune system Potential treatments for autoimmune conditions To learn more about Dr. Gottfried's latest projects and to read her latest book, Hormone Cure, visit her website. Explore the connections between trauma, autoimmune diseases, and how our bodies keep everything in check. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This Language of Love episode is a special one! I'm sharing another talk from my Good Grief Day event, and this time I’m featuring the incredibly gifted medium and author, Susan Grau. She has an extraordinary ability to connect with the other side, and she reached out to our audience members, delivering messages that are sure to touch the heart. During the event, Susan brought comfort offering apologies, expressions of love, and even signs from their departed loved ones. They’re truly powerful moments, and you can feel the love reaching out from beyond. It's moments like these that remind us of the unbreakable bonds of love. As we delve into these connections, I can't help but relate to the profound sense of grief that comes with losing someone we love. I've been there, and I understand how hard it is. But I also know the solace and closure that can come from feeling that connection to our loved ones who have passed on. It's a reminder that love transcends all, even death. Be sure to check out my website for my online course, Good Grief: Healing from Loss with Love, for more guidance and support on your healing journey. And, remember to grab a copy of Susan’s book “Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons.” Happy reading! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you ever imagined how you can achieve simultaneous orgasms with your partner? Many people find it challenging to experience this together. However, some techniques can be employed in your sex life to achieve this shared climax.  In this episode of the Language of Love Bite, I dive into a subject that is often whispered about in the corners of our most private conversations: the art of achieving simultaneous orgasms with your partner.  I explore: How to achieve simultaneous orgasms with a partner The importance of individual and mutual orgasms The beauty of incorporating oral stimulation alongside self-stimulation Significance of open communication and intuition during sexual exchanges The stepwise approach to practicing simultaneous orgasms The differences in time to reach orgasm for men and women Don't forget to visit my website and explore the free Quantum Sex course. It will help you elevate your sexual response to new heights.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you or a woman you love is in her 40s or beyond, this episode is for you! Going through menopause can feel like walking through a big, confusing and uncomfortable maze with no guidance. The good news is there is help and guidance available! In this Language of Love Conversation, I sit down with Dr. Louise Newson, a renowned medical expert on menopause and author of "The Definitive Guide to the Perimenopause and Menopause," to unravel the complexities of menopause, perimenopause, and hormone therapy. Our conversation is not only enlightening but also deeply personal, as we delve into the evolutionary context of menopause and the myriad of symptoms and treatments associated with this life stage. We chat about the incredible benefits of hormone therapy, and yes, that includes vaginal hormones. It's all about finding what works for you because, let's face it, every woman's journey is unique. Personalized treatment? Absolutely essential. This episode is all about empowering you with knowledge and compassion because navigating menopause is a journey that no woman should have to walk alone. Let's get informed and support each other every step of the way. Here is a summary of what we unpack: The evolutionary context of menopause The different symptoms and treatments associated with menopause The misdiagnosis of menopausal symptoms as depression The impact of menopausal symptoms on sexual desire and intimacy A holistic approach to menopause care and caution against sensationalized or over-medicalized approaches  Remember to check out Dr Louise Newson’s book, The Definitive Guide to the Perimenopause and Menopause, for more insights. You can also visit her website or connect with her on LinkedIn. Additionally, don't forget to explore my brand new course that aims to unleash the passion within and help you enjoy a better sex life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This episode of the Language of Love is a special one! I’m thrilled to share with you the beautiful talk Biet Simkin gave at our Good Grief Day event. Biet is a spiritual teacher and musician whose life story is a profound testament to the resilience of the human spirit. She shares her journey of healing and takes us through her powerful breathwork practice (make sure you aren’t driving or operating heavy machinery when you do it!).  Biet opens her heart to us, sharing her personal narrative of navigating through the darkest valleys of loss and emerging into the light of purpose and spiritual awakening. She speaks candidly about her descent into depression and self-destructive behavior, a tumultuous period exacerbated by the vibrant yet chaotic New York City art scene. The story takes a heartbreaking turn when she recounts the unimaginable loss of her infant daughter to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). That tragedy was only compounded by the subsequent deaths of her father and the loss of her home. It's at her breaking point that Biet surrenders to a higher power, marking the beginning of her transformation. She leads us in a grief meditation and discusses her unique breathwork technique. I have personally experienced the benefits of breathwork and can't wait for you to try it. You will learn: Biet’s personal story of loss; her struggles with depression, substance abuse, and grief, and how it transformed her Biet's insights on grief and leading the audience through a grief meditation exercise Recommendations for practicing breathwork at home Personal stories of loss and healing shared by the audience I invite you to join us on this journey. Whether you're seeking solace, understanding, or a new perspective on your own path of healing, this episode is for you. Don't forget to visit my website for my grief course. Check out Biet Simkin's book, "Don't Just Sit There!: 44 Insights to Get Your Meditation Practice Off the Cushion and Into the Real World." It's amazing! For updates on Biet Simkin's latest projects and to connect with her, visit her website or reach out on LinkedIn.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Did you know that most women fake their orgasms? It's a shocking reality that brings to light the underlying issues surrounding female pleasure. However, amidst the discussions on faking orgasms, there's a lesser-known side to the story. What happens when a woman actually cannot reach an orgasm? This Language of Love Bite is all about a topic that is both captivating and incredibly important for women – achieving orgasm. I acknowledge that it can sometimes be a difficult subject to discuss, but let's have an honest conversation about it. Understanding our bodies is essential, and this includes becoming comfortable with self-stimulation. Ultimately, it's about being self-aware, right? Here is a glimpse of what I unpack:  What happens when a woman can't reach orgasm  The common causes for an orgasm, or difficulty or inability to reach orgasm  The most common myths about women reaching orgasm  Importance of self-exploration and understanding one's body Why many women fake orgasm The guilt and shame around sexuality  The impact of attention deficit disorder on orgasm The lack of enough foreplay among couples  The physiological aspects that influence a woman's ability to orgasm. Debunk the myth that mutual orgasm is the ultimate goal The significance of intimacy and connection in sexual satisfaction Please remember to visit my website where you can find my free course on Quantum Sex. This course is designed to help you enhance your sexual response and experience full-body orgasms. It will also teach you how to use sex magic to manifest your dreams and establish a deeper sexual connection with your partner. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Can love truly transcend language barriers? Is it possible for two souls to connect in the absence of a shared vocabulary? These questions have puzzled philosophers, poets, and love-struck individuals for centuries. In this Language of Love Conversation, I am thrilled to be joined by Sangita Patel, Canadian TV personality from Love and Translation, to discuss the complexities of finding love across language barriers. Love and Translation is a social experiment reality show where American men and women, who don't speak English, try to form connections without a common language. The women have translators, but the men must use nonverbal cues, engaging in activities like eye gazing and smelling competitions to see if love can grow without words. We dive into: Nonverbal communication and cultural differences in relationships The impact of hormonal contraceptives on attraction Importance of maintaining emotional and physical connection in relationships Importance of communication and affection in relationships, and especially in parenting The power of nonverbal communication and the potential for love to transcend linguistic and cultural boundaries Remember to watch the Love and Translation show to discover more about Sangita's work. Follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook to learn more about her projects. And don't forget to visit my website for a free 30-day challenge that will elevate your intimacy to the next level! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this episode, we're continuing our conversation with Ken and Marla, who have been kind enough to share their intimacy journey with us. If you've been following their story, you know that we've been exploring some of the challenges they've been facing in their relationship, particularly around intimacy and sexual health. For those who might have missed our previous episodes, I highly recommend going back and checking them out to get the full context of Ken and Marla's journey. It's been an enlightening experience, not just for them but for all of us listening in. Now, picking up from where we left off last time, Marla was opening up about her struggles with a lack of sexual response, which she suspects might be linked to hormonal imbalances. And Ken has been dealing with low energy and sleep problems, which can certainly take a toll on intimacy. I want to stress the significance of hormones in sexual health. They play such a crucial role, and it's important that we don't overlook them. It's not uncommon for sleep issues and low energy to be connected to hormonal imbalances, and identifying any issues there is vital for overall well-being and, by extension, Ken’s relationship with Marla. So, let's dive in and see how things have been going since our last conversation.  In this episode, we’re diving into: Marla's concerns about her lack of sexual response and arousal Ken’s struggles with low energy levels and poor sleep quality The role of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in sexual response and overall well-being Marla's previous experience with hormone replacement therapy and concerns about family history of breast cancer. Recommendations for personalized hormone therapy and regular monitoring The potential risks and side effects of hormone therapy Remember to check out my free course on Quantum Sex. It's going to teach you how to take your sexual response to the next level. Just go to my website’s homepage. Until next time! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Welcome back to another Language of Love Bite!  This week we explore a topic that resonates deeply with many of us: the making and maintaining of soul friendships.You know, those deep, meaningful connections that just light up your life?  I'm going to share with you the emotional healing necessary  to make room for these kinds of friendships. We'll also chat about why knowing your worth and setting boundaries isn't just good for you, but it's essential for nurturing healthy, soulful friendships. I've got some stories from my own life to share, too, because let's face it, we've all been there when a friendship ends. It's tough, but I'll give you some tips on how to handle it with grace and how to spot the real deal soul friends in your life. Try out any of my guided meditations to ground your system and regulate your energy, and then check out my book Quantum Love for a deeper dive into this topic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit