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Lanto's Lantern with Suzanna Axisa
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Lanto's Lantern with Suzanna Axisa

Author: Suzanna Axisa

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Who is Suzanna Axisa?

Someone who:
• loves to blend the knowledge of science with the wisdom traditions
• is a passionate advocate of anything that helps you recognise, trust and use your intuitive intelligence with confidence
• believes that if you aren’t showing the world the you of your dreams and ambitions then you aren’t the real you. You’re someone else’s version of you, replete with their fears, unresolved pain and self-serving agendas.

Intuitive intelligence has finally come of age. World class athletes say that you can study and train as hard as you like, but in the end what gets that gold medal is a “sense of knowing”. Einstein attributed his genius to his intuition, as did world class entrepreneur Steve Jobs. Companies even include intuitives on their board of advisors and the world of scientific research now thinks that intuition is sexy!

So, if you’re interested in finding out how to blend your intuitive intelligence with your other intelligences to reach your core genius, don’t miss Lanto’s Lantern.
We look at anything – from nutrition to time outs, from energy to cognitive psychology, and from the wisdom and spiritual traditions to cutting edge science - to help you recognise, trust and use your intuition.
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My guest today is Wendy Ida, author of Take Back Your Life: my no nonsense approach to health, fitness and looking good naked. Three-time award winning body builder and top fitness trainer, Wendy started her fitness career when she gained 24kg after the birth of her second child. Thrilled by the results of training, she left her job as an accountant to become a fitness coach and nutritionist. Written for women, but full of earthy common sense for men, her book has tons of information about what we should know about our body. She provides a 90-day guide to regaining control of our middle-age spread that is easy to follow and delivers very visible results. A passionate advocate of the benefits of looking good naked, she sees the body as at the epicentre of the results of life experiences that are still undigested by the time we reach middle age: divorce, overeating, job loss, relocation and health issues.
Stefan Rippel, author of Healing Your Spine, learn to live without back pain. If you are seriously interested in the health of your back, or you’re a therapist you’ll find this book an invaluable addition to your reading. As the first book about curing and preventing back pain that is based on energetic medicine, it shows, in compelling language, the links between all the possible causes of back pain: physical, mental and energetic. Once you know what you are dealing with, Stefan then provides a comprehensive series of simple exercises and treatment techniques that are highly effective, as well as safe and easy to learn. His belief is that living with back pain blocks vital life force, because our emotions pass directly from the brain to the spine. As the brain sits directly on top of the spine, it uses this latter to transfer information to all other parts of the body. Whatever blocks are in the spine affect the quality of information that is transmitted by it because the pain and discomfort created as a result of these blocks, reduces our capacity not only to work , but also to fully realise ourselves. You can find out much more about Stefan and his work by visiting his website at
Christopher Vasey ND, author of several books on detoxification and rejuvenation. And today we’re talking about two of them: The Naturopathic Way, how to detox, find quality nutrition and restore your acid-alkaline balance, and The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health: restore your health by creating pH balance in your diet.
My guest today is Dr Synthia Andrews ND, author of The Path of Energy. Dr Andrews is a naturopath with more than 30 years’ experience as a massage and energy practitioner and it was this experience that led her to understand subtle energy, which she believes equips us with everything we need to engage the world of energy and creatively change our lives: all we need do is remember how. And that’s what’s this book does – remind us how.
My guest today is Ann Faison, author of the very beautiful Dancing with the Midwives: a memoir of art and grief. Ann is an artist, writer and healer, who has exhibited in museums and galleries including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Los Angeles. For the last decade she has also worked with another of this programme’s guests, healer David Elliott.
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