Launch! Faith Formation

Launch! faith formation is a series of short videos and curated resources to support and equip ministry leaders for the important work that God calls us to - the work of growing in love of God and neighbor for the transformation of today's world.


Join the launch team as we discuss recent articles and current research that help us navigate the changing landscape as we lead faith formation in today's world. In this episode, we are talking about Overwhelm as we reflect on Susan Beaumont's blog, Overwhelm: Not a Problem to be Solved. us as we reflect and find inspiration and support from one another.



After taking time to rest and reflect we take a moment to reorient.Join the launch team as we discuss how taking time to reorient helps us identify the next right step on the longer journey to the new, and better or more fruitful, ministry normal.This is the third episode in a three part series on leading well- how to move ministry forward out of the pandemic when there is still quite a bit of uncertainty.



After taking time to rest, we reflect as we discern what we need to nurture and restore in order to move towards health and wholeness. Join the launch team as we discuss how taking time to reflect, check in, and assess where we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually helps us move forward and lead well. This is the second episode in a three part series on leading well- how to move ministry forward out of the pandemic when there is still quite a bit of uncertainty.



Rest is an important part of our daily living. It is where we start as we get ready to look ahead and move forward. Join our launch team and guest Rev. Cora Glass as we talk about the importance of rest, a few possibilities for taking rest, and an invitation into a space for rest.This is the first episode in a three part series on leading well - how to move ministry forward out of the pandemic when there is still quite a bit of uncertainty.


Curriculum, or not?

As we seek to do ministry in today's world we know that curriculum is a helpful tool. Join us as we talk about choosing and using curriculum in the time of COVID-19.


Relationships Over Content

As we seek to do ministry in today's world we know that relationships are essential. Join us as we talk about some of the reasons why we need to focus on relationships over content.


Hybrid Faith Formation

As we seek to do ministry in today's world we know that designing a hybrid ministry is essential to our work. There are many ways to design a hybrid ministry. Join us as we talk about some of the possibilities.


Online Ministry Tools

As we seek to do ministry in today's world we know that digital tools are essential to our work. There are many tools to choose from. Join us as we talk about some of the possibilities.



A teeter totter is an image that helps us as we plan faith formation in today's world. Imagine a ministry plan that is built on your purpose or why, that shifts between online and gathered ministry, and is connected by digital tools. This image helps us find a balance as we build an adaptive, flexible, and innovative hybrid ministry plan


Start with your Why

As people of the Christian faith, we believe that Christ guides our steps. Therefore we move forward with intention and purpose. Faithful ministry begins with discernment as we ask: "God, how are you calling me to lead your people?" Deep within this question is the call to articulate our purpose and values- the “why” for all of the ministry experiences we seek to create. Through prayer, we can identify our “why,” our purpose and values that will guide our ministry. Your “why” provides the fou...


Will Families Ever Come Back?

Join the launch team as we discuss recent articles and current research that help us navigate the changing landscape as we lead faith formation in today's world.In this episode, we are asking: Will families ever come back, as we reflect on Deborah Kirk's blog: Will families ever come back? us as we reflect and find inspiration and support from one another.


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