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Lawfully Creative

Lawfully Creative

Author: Crefovi

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Lawfully Creative is a series of intimate and honest conversations hosted by Annabelle Gauberti. Annabelle talks with artists, policy makers and performers – to hear their stories, what inspires their creations, what decisions changed their careers, and what relationships influenced their work.

Lawfully Creative also encompasses our Crefovi's daily updates, which are our reflections and comments on the latest news which impact the creative industries, as well as Crefovi's live webinars, which are thought leadership podcasts on legal issues in the creative industries.

Produced by Crefovi.

116 Episodes
Crefovi's live webinar began on Thursday 25 July 2024 at 14:00pm London time (UK), and provided a poignant description of Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood movie star and co-inventor of one of the most useful and used Standard Essential Patents in the world, nowadays. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on patent law & the entertainment industry? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Thursday 25 July 2024, 14:00pm London time (UK) as she explores the input from Hedy Lamarr, not only to the entertainment sector, but also to the field of telecommunications and communication networks, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS and wireless cellphones. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: 1. Who was Hedy Lamarr? 2. What did she invent? 3. Hedy Lamarr’s years after her ground-breaking invention and SEP 4. Her inventive legacy, after a life fully lived Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crefovi's live webinar began on Friday 26 April 2024 at 14:00pm London time (UK), and provided an in-depth analysis on Standard Essential Patents (‟SEP”) and licencing negotiations on FRAND terms. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on competition law & patent law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 26 April 2024, 14:00pm London time (UK) as she explores how Standard Essential Patents (‟SEP”) have become instrumental to technological evolutions in the 21st century, and how to ensure licencing negotiations on FRAND terms. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: 1. What are Standard Essential Patents (‟SEP”)? 2. What is Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (‟FRAND”)? 3. Why are FRAND terms so contentious? 4. What is the proposed SEP regulation from the European commission? Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crefovi's live webinar began on Friday 12 April 2024 at 14:00pm London time (UK), and provided an in-depth analysis on the work various competition authorities around the world do, in relation to competition law in labour markets. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on competition law & labour markets? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 12 April 2024, 14:00pm London time (UK) as she explores how the CMA has lately sprung into action, in order to research, investigate and, ultimately, decide, whether the majority of UK's labour markets lack competition due to no-poach agreements, salary-fixing agreements and other anticompetitive tactics used by UK employers. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: 1. What is the CMA doing in relation to competition law & labour markets? 2. Why is the CMA concerned about competition law & labour markets? 3. What are the next steps, for the CMA, with respect to competition law & labour markets? Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crefovi's live webinar took place on Friday 29 March 2024 at 14:00pm London time (UK), and provided an in-depth analysis on the Digital Services Act and its impact. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on internet and media competition law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 29 March 2024, 14:00pm London time (UK) as she explores how the The Digital Services Act is upon us and, with its bestie the Digital Markets Act, promises to force powerful changes in the digital ecosystem currently in place in the European Union and even globally. In this webinar, our expert speaker discusses: 1. What is the Digital Services Act? 2. Who is affected and/or impacted by the Digital Services Act? Providers of online intermediary services 3. What are the obligations that providers of online intermediary services have, under the DSA? Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crefovi's live webinar took place on Friday 23 February 2024 at 15:30pm London time (UK), and provided an in-depth analysis on the Digital Markets Act and its impact. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on internet and media competition law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 23 February 2024, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores how the Digital Markets Act is forcing change in the digital services’ industry, to ensure more competition. In this webinar, our expert speaker discusses: - What is the Digital Markets Act? - Who is affected and/or impacted by the Digital Markets Act? Gatekeepers - What are the obligations that gatekeepers have, under the Digital Markets Act? - Why was the Digital Markets Act adopted by the EU? Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crefovi's live webinar took place on Friday 26 January 2024 at 15:30pm London time (UK), and provided an in-depth analysis on the live touring and ticketing industry: the sky is the limit, despite anticompetitive allegations marring the live industry. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on music law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 26 January 2024, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores how the live touring and ticket business is back with a vengeance, post COVID-19 pandemic. In this webinar, our expert speaker discusses: - How live and touring have become the core revenue stream for artists; - The live and touring ecosystem, and - Ticketing issues in the live music industry. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crefovi's live webinar begun on Wednesday 10 January 2024 at 15:30pm London time (UK), and provided an in-depth analysis on three judgments handed down on 21 December 2023 by the European Union Court of Justice, which have changed the rules of the sports’ game. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on sports competition law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Wednesday 10 January 2024, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores how European sports market is about to experience a tidal wave of welcome change, in relation to how its sports federations and associations lay out their rules to‟pay and play” in European sports competitions. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - The EUCJ gives green light to football Super League; - EUCJ finds International Skating Union rules breach antitrust law, and - Rules of UEFA and the Belgian football association on ‟home-grown players” could be contrary to EU competition law. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Friday 22 December at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on Farfetch's catastrophic fall from grace. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on fashion law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 22 December 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores how Farfetch drove itself to the ground, in less than 5 years. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - What is Farfetch? - How, and why, is Farfetch in such dire straits? - What’s next for Farfetch? Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
26 October 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Thursday 26 October at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on Women's football in the UK (England & Wales). You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on sports law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Thursday 26 October 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores how Women's football in the UK (England & Wales) has evolved, over the years, and where it is going. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - a troubled history; - corporate governance, and - resolving football disputes. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2 August 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Wednesday 2 August at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on the consultation review of the England & Wales arbitration act 1996, launched by the Law commission. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on UK and French arbitration law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Wednesday 2 August 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores how the Law commission is structuring its review of the arbitration act 1996. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss the various changes envisaged to the arbitration act 1996, as follows: - Confidentiality; - Independence and disclosure; - Discrimination; - Immunity of arbitrators; - Summary disposal; - Court orders in support of arbitral proceedings; - Challenging the jurisdiction of the tribunal; - Appeals on a point of law, and - Proper law of the arbitration agreement. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
29 June 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Thursday 29 June at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on the various legal frameworks to restitute cultural assets which were stolen, or illegally exported, from their origin countries, which apply in France and the UK. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on French and UK art law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Thursday 29 June 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores how the two France and UK regimes on cultural assets restitutions need to be set up, and implemented. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - International law: UNESCO conventions and UNIDROIT convention; - European Union legislation: Directive 2014/60/EU of 15 May 2014 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a member-state; - French rules relating to cultural objects' restitution, and - UK rules relating to cultural objects' restitution. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
21 June 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Wednesday 21 June at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on the key differences, post Brexit, on the vertical block exemption regimes in the EU and the UK. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on EU and UK competition law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Wednesday 21 June 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores how the two EU and UK regimes on vertical block exemptions differ, and how this is going to impact pan-European companies with distribution networks. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - Vertical block exemption regimes: legal frameworks in the EU and the UK; - EU Regulation 2022/720: What has changed, and - UK VABEO: key differences from EU Regulation 2022/720. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
31 May 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Wednesday 31 May at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on the implications of recent Anglo/French jurisdictional disputes relating to arbitration agreements, in the Kabab-Ji v Kout Food case. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on arbitration law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Wednesday 31 May 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores why the Kabab-Ji v Kout Food precedent is important, to understand how to maximise one's chances to get a successful arbitration, and enforceable subsequent arbitral award. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - the facts; - the procedure, and - the key findings from the Kabab-Ji v Kout Food case. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
28 April 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Friday 28 April at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on why the Writers' Guild of America and its members are on the verge of a strike. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on entertainment law and media law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 28 April 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores why the negotiations between the WGA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers seem difficult, at this time. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - the role of writers in motion pictures and TV; - unionised writers: how the Writers Guild of America pulls the strings to improve writers’ fate, and - the other side of the pond. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
31 March 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Friday 31 March at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on how entertainment stars and celebrities have become the go-to pool, to select the new creative directors of the luxury houses. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on fashion law and the law of luxury goods? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 31 March 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores why naming an entertainment star as new creative director of a fashion house may be a daring, but ultimately rewarding, strategy. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - inverted pyramid of human resources management; - rise of entertainment stars as fashion designers; - contract between luxury brands & creative directors: freelancing but not really free. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
24 March 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Friday 24 March at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on the progress AI has made, in creative fields protected by copyright, and how AI-generated works may be protected by copyright. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on copyright law and technology law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Friday 24 March 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores why these AI technological advancements will revolutionise the copyright rules. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - AI technological advances; - who the main players are in the AI field; - AI's legal challenges, in particular with respect to who has rights to the AI-generated output and who is the author of the AI-generated work, and - how the law can adequately address AI, in order to make it beneficial for the creative industries. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
13 March 2023 | 15:30pm London time Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Monday 13 March at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on the CMA's merger inquiry into Sony's acquisition of Kobalt’s AWAL & KNR. You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on competition law? Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Monday 13 March 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores why this merger inquiry is important for the music industry. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss: - the specifics of Sony's acquisition of Kobalt's assets, AWAL and KNR; - how the CMA reviewed the acquisition and the outcome of such merger inquiry; - our view on the fairness, accurateness and meaningfulness of the outcome of such merger inquiry. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
15 February 2023 | 15:30pm London time  Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Wednesday 15 February at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on how freedom of speech in the creative industries has taken a turn for the worse, in recent years.  You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on freedom of speech in the creative industries?  Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Wednesday 15 February 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores what attacks are currently launched on freedom of speech and freedom of the press, around the work and, in particular, in France and the UK.  In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss:  - A global context of seriously curbed free expression and free press;  - How legal systems and tactics are used to silence the creative industries, via attacks on the freedoms of expression and the press;  - The use of rap lyrics as legal confessions and evidence in court to ‟put away” and silence artists, and  - SLAPP lawsuits to censor, intimidate and silence investigative journalists and authors.  Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7 February 2023 | 15:30pm London time  Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Tuesday 7 February at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on the litigation case John Lobb Ltd v John Lobb SAS: a disconcerting attempt to void a contract for common mistake.  You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on the John Lobb Ltd v John Lobb SAS litigation?  Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Tuesday 7 February 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores the key points relating to this trademark and commercial litigation case. In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss:  - the facts;  - the procedure in the high court and court of appeal of England & Wales;  - a lack of self-awareness and impartial analysis which leads to a public relations' disaster, for John Lobb Limited.  Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
24 January 2023 | 15:30pm London time  Crefovi's live webinar will begin on Tuesday 24 January at 15:30pm London time (UK), and will provide an in-depth analysis on how the Chanel group left France, to restructure in London, in the UK.  You haven’t yet secured your free place for our upcoming webinar on how Chanel kissed goodbye to France?  Here is your chance to join Annabelle Gauberti on Tuesday 24 January 2023, 15:30pm London time (UK) as she explores the key points relating to the Chanel restructuring for tax reasons.  In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss:  - Chanel: a corporate genesis;  - Chanel: a recent change of corporate structure which puts the UK on the map, post Brexit;  - the legal and tax takeouts from such restructuring, and Frexit, post Brexit. Check the written version of our thought leadership content on and Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (29)

Annabelle Gauberti

Here is our new podcast, I hope you like it!

Oct 28th

Charlotte Telfer

Fur business is triggering but here it is explained in a sensible and sensitive manner: well done!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

Everything you wanted to know about the film industry in the 21 st century!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

Great podcast about music monetisation and music rights!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

Loving this podcast about music management!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

Keep it up Crefovi

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

BBC World SErvice is always the best, especially when talking about ChuCk Taylor converse shoes!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

Great podcast about GDPR compliance Crefovbi

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

Awesome podcast about GlobeTrotter, the luggage maker!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

I love custom jewelry so really liked that podcast!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

I am looking forward to going to Wales now, thank you for hte podcast Crefovi!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

this podcast is super insightful thank you!

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

this podcast is insightful thank you

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

insightful podcast, Crefovi, I am enjoying this

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

Great insightful podcast, Crefovi

Oct 21st

Charlotte Telfer

Thank you for insightful podcast, Crefovi!

Oct 21st

Tyrone Smith

Great input, here, thanks!

Oct 20th

Tyrone Smith

Awesome content , really, crefovi

Oct 20th

Tyrone Smith

Great podcast, Crefovi, you are a star!

Oct 20th

Tyrone Smith

Great cnotent Crefovbi

Oct 20th