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Lead a Life You Can Love

Author: Jamie Smith

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Are you ready to turn that vision you have for your life into reality so you can start to lead a life you can love?

Lead a Life You Can Love is an exploration of what it takes to lead a fulfilling life and career on your own terms. If you’re in constant pursuit of the best version of yourself, passionate about personal development, and ready to start taking action towards your goals and dreams, because you just can't shake the feeling that you were meant for something more; then join me, your host, Life & Leadership Coach Jamie Smith, along with influential leaders & best selling authors, who join me as guests, to share their expert life & career advice for creating success & happiness. 

You can expect to hear about building better habits, intentional living, goal setting,  entrepreneurship, mental & emotional health, business, life balance, authentic leadership, &  how to have the mindset you need to achieve your goals and beyond.


After each episode you’ll feel motivated, inspired, and empowered to go after that something more you’ve been wanting in your life. You’ll be given actionable insights, tips, and resources that’ll help you level up; at work, at home, and everywhere in between. So, whether you've got entrepreneurial dreams, leadership aspirations, or you're just trying to become a better you than you were yesterday, you're in the right place! Let's grow on this journey together and create the lives we want to live.


New episodes every two weeks. Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen so you never miss one!  Visit for more information

76 Episodes
In this episode of Lead a Life You Can Love, we explore the concept of life's seasons; From periods of growth and productivity to times of rest and reflection. Learn how to recognize which season you’re in, navigate through each phase with intention, and embrace the natural rhythm of change. Whether you're in a time of new beginnings, slowing down, or deep reflection, this episode offers practical insights to help you find clarity and peace in every stage of life. Support the showContact...
This episode explores the importance of self-reflection in personal growth and well-being. You'll learn how self-reflection enhances emotional intelligence, decision-making, and mindfulness while fostering self-acceptance and accountability. This episode also provides practical tips for starting a practice of self-reflection in your own life, emphasizing its role in achieving clarity, focus, and a deeper understanding of who you are and who you want to be.Get your pen and paper ready for some...
In this episode of Lead a Life You Can Love we dive into the transformative power of waking up early and how it can lead to greater success in life. Discover the science behind early mornings, the benefits of a powerful morning routine, and real-life examples of successful early risers. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, this episode offers practical tips to help you embrace the sunrise and unlock your full potential. Tune in and learn how small changes in your morning routine can s...
If we shift our mindset to focusing only on things we can control, we will live a more productive, less stressed, and more fulfilled life. Tune in to find out how you can learn to focus only on what you can control and find out why this is so crucial to your personal and professional success. Support the showContact:Book a Complimentary Discovery Call JamieSmithCoaching.comFacebook LinkedInInstagramBecome a Supporter of Lead a Life You Can LoveSuggestion or topic you'd like to hear me ex...
In this episode of "Lead a Life You Can Love," we explore the essential skill of adaptability and why it's so important for personal and professional success. We will delve into the importance of embracing change, staying flexible, and cultivating a growth mindset and an evolving mindset in today's ever-evolving world.Discover how adaptability can help you navigate the modern job market, foster stronger relationships, and stay resilience in the face of all life’s challenges. This episode shar...
Are you holding yourself to unrealistic expectations or old standards you put in place for yourself? Meanwhile everything around you has changed since you originally set those expectations. Then tune in to this episode where we explore what it means to have an evolving mindset. Because just like your life constantly changes around you, your expectations of yourself need to change too. We have to learn to evolve in order to experience the change in our lives as a positive experience and t...
Are you feeling stuck, having self-sabotaging thoughts, or constantly battling your inner critic? In this episode of "Lead a Life You Can Love," we dive into the topic of overcoming self-created obstacles and learn how to get out of your own way. Tune in for a discussion about the root causes of self-sabotage, such as fear and negative beliefs, and for practical strategies to recognize and challenge these barriers to your success. From becoming more self aware, setting small, achievable ...
New beginnings are something we all experience and they can be really exciting but also feel really shaky and a bit scary even because of all the uncertainty that comes with them. In this episode I’ll give you ways that you can prepare for your new beginning so that you can move forward into the next chapter of your life with courage, intention, and enthusiasm. Resources: Random Acts of Kindness: 20 Things You Can Do Today to Make the World a Better Place- Episode 67 Lead a Life You Can Love&...
If you’re like me and you look for ways you can spread kindness in the world, this episode is sure to give you some inspiration on random acts of kindness that you can do today to make the world a better place. Helping other people through random acts of kindness is so good for our own mental and physical health. So not only is it a great way to make the world around you a better place, but it’s a great way to help yourself live a happier more fulfilled life too. Tune in for 20 awes...
If you’re your own harshest critic and you’re constantly beating yourself up in life, you’re not alone my friend and you need to hear this episode. Learning to give yourself some grace as you journey towards becoming the best version of yourself is so important and truly necessary if you want to flourish and thrive. So, tune in for some practical steps you can take to embrace a mindset of self-compassion and to learn to give yourself some much deserved grace. Support the showContact:Book...
Feeling like you’re slacking on your goals or like you lost focus of what’s really important to you in life? This episode is all about how to clear the clutter in your mind and in your home so that you can get refocused and reenergized around who you want to show up as this year.Clutter and mess equal overwhelm and stress so tune in to this episode for tips on clearing your mind and cleaning your house so the garden in your mind can thrive and your physical space can shine. You’ll feel happie...
Struggle with staying consistent? Then tune in to this episode because if you want to be successful, consistency is KEY. You'll learn about all the ways being consistent benefits you, in your personal and professional life, and you'll learn steps you can take to strengthen your consistency skillset so that you can start creating real results in your life. Consistency is WAY more important than being perfect. It's having a mindset of progress over perfection. If you can learn to embrace consis...
If you struggle to find meaning or experience joy in the work that you do and you're ready to find a career you can be fulfilled by, then this is the episode for you. We spend too much of our lives working to dread what we do. Work can be about so much more than the paycheck. Finding a career you can love is possible for you and I'll share how in this episode. Resources:Build the Life You Want by Arthur C. Brooks & Oprah Winfrey Support the Show.Contact:Book a Complimentary Disc...
Having a great professional reputation is what will help differentiate you from the rest and what will support you in all your future career success, whether you work for an organization or for yourself. In this episode I’ll cover some ways you can build your professional reputation into one that you can be proud of and one that will help you get as far as you want to get in your career. We’ll explore how to be your own brand ambassador, the importance of having a positive attitude...
Whether you've just started looking for that special someone or you're years into a long term relationship, this episode is for you. We'll explore what love is all about; what it means, how to find it, and how to nurture it. Episode Highlights: How your values contribute to the success or failure of a relationshipQuestions to strengthen your relationship Don't make your partner solely responsible for your happiness How love is a choice. You get to choose your soulmate.How to ke...
Building Confidence

Building Confidence


Do you often look at other people and wonder how they’re so confident and wish you had more of that? Well, you CAN have more confidence because it’s a skill you can build, not something you were either born with or not. And it’s no wonder you want more of it. Confidence can benefit you in so many ways and in so many areas of your life; like your relationships, your career, your influence, and more! Join me for a deep dive into what confidence is all about (Spoiler Alert: It's about so m...
If you struggle with staying disciplined, you’re not alone. Having discipline isn’t something you were either born with or not. It’s a learned behavior. If you want to make discipline your new habit and kick procrastination to the curb, then tune in! In this episode I’ll give you 5 ways you can become more disciplined so that you can start to achieve those goals, have that morning routine you’ve been striving for, and create those big results you’ve been hoping for in your career and li...
If you’re anything like me, you don’t like waiting. And the fact of the matter is, we spend most of our lives waiting. Waiting for the next milestone in our lives to come around, waiting for the results to come from the goals we’re working towards, waiting in line for something. And if you struggle with being patience like I do and find yourself rushing through life, this episode just might be the one for you. I’m making an effort to practice more patience in my life by SLOWING DOWN, and I’m ...
At the end of every year and the start of a new one, it's SO important for our personal growth that we pause and reflect on the year we had. This episode gives you 10 powerful questions you can ask yourself to help guide you through this reflection, for deep learning and incredible growth ,so that you can make the new year ahead your BEST YEAR EVER! Cheers to that!Resources:Episode 55-How to Set Goals That Matter Episode 50- How to Navigate Your Career Transition with Confidence with Lau...
Sometimes in life things just don’t go our way. Our plans and all our good intentions just go out the window, because as much as we’d like to believe we’re in control, we’re just not. The universe sometimes has another plan working that we know nothing about. And that can at times, be a hard truth to accept, Tune in to this episode for 5 ways you can deal with it when things just don’t go your way. Support the Show.Contact:Book a Complimentary Discovery Call JamieSmithCoaching.comF...