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On the Leadership Junkies Podcast, we explore leadership, business, and personal growth to help you grow your business and live a richer life. One thing we know about leadership - You can’t grow your business bigger than you. We believe that leaders have to put their people first. If you take care of your people, your people will take care of your business. Get ready for conversations that will challenge your thinking and help you transform your leadership and your business. Welcome to your bigger business, and bigger life.
186 Episodes
Jeff and Craig reminisce about podcasting over the past two years, including guests, topics, and lessons learned.
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Do you want to grow your business? Are you willing to grow yourself in order to grow your business? Are you willing to be uncomfortable? In what ways would you and your business grow IF you were 30% more courageous?
Our special guest David Wood will answer these and other questions about personal growth, leadership, entrepreneurship and courageous leadership.
David Wood is a former consulting actuary to Fortune 100 companies. He built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for life coaching and coaching thousands of hours in 12 countries around the globe.
As well as helping others, David is no stranger to overcoming challenges himself, having survived a full collapse of his paraglider and a fractured spine, witnessing the death of his sister at age seven, anxiety and depression, and a national Gong Show! (
He coaches high-performing business owners to double revenue, and their time off by focusing on less and being 30% more courageous in their business or career.
Show NotesEpisode highlights…
Understanding role of vulnerability and authenticity in true influence and leadership
Role of humility in leadership
Relationship between humility and intimacy in leadership
Practice more revealing to create more intimacy, influence and trust
Power of authentic relating in life and leadership
Practicing vulnerability in leadership
Vulnerability is risk, but worth it (especially in leadership)
Shifting the question from what could go wrong to what could go right
Role of patterns in life, relationships and leadership
Impacts of preambles in communications and relationships
Using ownership language in your relationships and leadership
Being 30% more courageous in your business and leadership
The trap of being comfortable and strategies for being intentionally uncomfortable
Why playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you can do
Critical question: What’s one thing you’re willing to do in the direction of your dreams?
Importance of dignity for yourself and others in leadership
David Wood (
David Wood Website
Free Gifts from David Wood
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Do you want to learn more about ways to do business online? Are you looking for strategies to achieve rapid growth in your business? Do you want to become a better storyteller and build more influence into your business and marketing?
Our special guest Shaahin Cheyenne will answer these and other questions about entrepreneurship, business growth and doing business online.
Shaahin Cheyenne has been called many things in his life including the “Willy Wonka of Generation X,” but his favorite is simple: the world’s leading Amazon industry expert.
Shaahin is the Founder of the brain nutrition startup Accelerated Intelligence (AI). He’s also an award-winning business mogul, author, filmmaker and inventor of Herbal Ecstacy, the nootropic that sparked the (100% legal) Smart Drug Movement.
His serial entrepreneurial career has spanned more than 30 years, earning over $350 Million. His Amazon products have outpaced Fortune 500 companies’ sales on the platform, selling millions of units worldwide. Many of these multi-million-dollar companies noticed, which led Shaahin to become one of the world’s most sought-after Amazon experts.
Shaahin’s Amazon sales approach for start-ups and Fortune 500’s is the same approach he uses to accelerate his own success: a mix of proprietary software, Amazon promotions, copywriting, Amazon ads and social proof.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
What it means to be truly invested in your idea
Being relentless as an entrepreneur (and never accepting “no”)
Importance of having a mentor as an entrepreneur
Vital role of influence in business and entrepreneurship
Understanding Amazon as the great business equalizer
Ways that innovation can be the kiss of death in business
Influence driven by telling a better story
Ways that larger companies are leveraging online marketing to grow their businesses
Leadership lessons from an e-commerce influencer and mogul – it’s not about being liked, the need to be fair and allow your people to make mistakes
Strategies for creating a culture that allows people to learn from making mistakes
Leveraging the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule) to grow your business
Good design is found in the white space, including life design
Power of living and leading in the flow space (and ways to get into the flow space)
Importance of having multiple streams of income
Role and importance of being a decision architect to grow your business
Realities and challenges for service-based businesses when it comes to rapid growth and exit
Shaahin Cheyenne (
Shaahin Cheyene Website
Free Amazon Course – Email Shaahin at and mention Leadership Junkies in the subject line
Amazon Mastery Course
Billion: How I Became the King of the Thrill Pill Cult Book by Shaahin Cheyene
Hack and Grow Rich Podcast
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Do you want to be a world-class networker and build quality relationships? Are you ready to build authentic relationships based upon human connection? Do you want to learn the keys to building relationships that matter?
Our special guest Tallal Gondal (Leicester, England) will answer these and other questions about networking, relationship building and accelerating your outcomes through the power of relationship.
Tallal Gondal is the author of the #1 International Bestselling book TurboCharged Networking, which shares the message that Care, Value and Service are the 3 TurboChargers to building human connection, and human connection is critical to networking and building authentic long-term relationships.
Tallal is also a speaker, and his mission is to help people cultivate the mindset and develop the skillset to become world class networkers in their personal lives and business lives.
Tallal’s super passions are building relationship equity, creating holistic success, and cultivating a savage mindset. Tallal is also a maths lecturer, a boxing coach and enjoys reading non-fiction and watching UFC.
He loves going to the gym, driving fast cars and has an unhealthy relationship with protein shakes. Tallal lives in Leicester, England, with his wife, 2 kids and 2 cats.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Understanding the power of relationships in overcoming obstacles and achieving your objectives
Need for vulnerability in asking for help or support from your relationships
Importance of building relationships before you need them
Role of care, value and service in building human connection and relationships
Being intentional in your relationship building
Why human connection is the foundation of valuable relationships
What it means to genuinely care in your relationship building (intention / heart)
Importance of curiosity in networking and relationship building
Relationship building must be genuine and authentic
Integrating personal and business in your networking and relationship building
Value in relationship building is about mindset of helping others
Role of emotional safety in networking and relationship building
Creating a safe space by going first with vulnerability
Be curious about the world in order to add value to others from what you learn and can share
Relationships are a life asset and resources for others
Power of why questions in networking and relationship building
Service foundation in networking is the actions you take to serve others
Systematizing your relationship building and follow ups
Understanding the “savage mindset” – unbreakable, unshakeable and unstoppable
Networking and building relationships is all about building human connection
Tallal Gondal
TurboCharged Networking Website
Turbocharged Networking Book by Tallal Gondal
The Leadership Junkies Podcast
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Do you believe in the power of relationships? Are you looking to grow your relationship building strategies and skills? Do you want to grow your business via high quality word-of-mouth referrals?
Our special guest Matt Ward will answer these and other questions about relationship building, networking and high value referrals.
In 2002 Matt Ward began working with business owners through his digital marketing agency, inConcert Web Solutions, to improve their bottom line, gain more clients, and grow their respective businesses. He sold his agency in 2018 so that he could focus on helping businesses get more word-of-mouth referrals!
Matt's the author of MORE...Word of Mouth Referrals, Lifelong Customers & Raving Fans, and his newest book, The High-Five Effect: How To Do Business With People Who Bring You Joy, which was released October 2021.
Matt believes that creating deeper and more meaningful connections will result in more word-of-mouth referrals. He personally uses this philosophy in his own business. Since 2002 Matt has spoken at hundreds of business events, seminars, trainings, conferences, and associations, including Score, The Better Business Bureau, The National Paving Expo, and the Vacation Rental Success Summit in Toronto, Canada.
Matt is a professional member of the National Speakers Association and the host of the popular small business-centered podcast, The Mass Business Podcast!
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Differently understanding networking and relationship building
Strategies for networking more effectively
Power of building relationship-based referral partners
Stop looking for customers and clients at networking events
Understanding the difference between leads and referrals
Being the connector to add value to others
Role of trust in networking, relationship building and creating referral partners
Challenges when building relationships with a numbers focused mindset
Strategies for building top of mind awareness
How to consider reciprocity in networking and relationship building
Chasing joy in relationships instead of chasing business
Dos and don’ts of handwritten notes
Importance of continuing to keep your network warm
Understanding trigger points and touch points in relationship building
Using CRMs and other tools to enhance your relationship building efforts
Keys to incredible relationships – genuinely care and be genuinely curious
Foundations of generating consistent and valuable relationships
Role of effective 30-second commercials and elevator pitches
Be wary of the word “you” in your networking and relationship building
The 10 x 10 approach to leveraging your networking and relationship building
Make it personal in your networking
Matt Ward
High Five Effect Website
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Are you looking to grow your leadership? Do you want to be a more impactful leader? Are you ready to tap into your zone of genius as a leader?
Our special guest Anna Liebel (Reykjavík Iceland) answers these and other questions about leadership, vulnerability and self-leadership.
Anna Liebel is the creator of what she calls the Zone of Genius and her mission is to live happily and help others choose to do the same. As a Mindshifter, she helps male leaders in tech get out of the firefighter mode, become the proactive Leaders they want to be, and enjoy the ride as they go.
Anna's background is in engineering and project management, and back in the corporate days, she met too many brilliant humans who acted as stressed, overwhelmed managers-firefighters. She is committed to shifting the workplace practices to empower these brilliant humans to become the Genius Leaders they can be.
Her practice is highly customized to address the needs and the current situation of every Leader Anna works with. The main goal is to create a safe space for the leaders to explore new practices, learn to understand themselves and others better and get the support they have been lacking while being the go-to person for everyone else in their organizations. As her clients put it, "it's a real luxury to be selfish for this one hour per week and have space to focus on myself and my needs only.”
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Show NotesEpisode highlights…
Unique challenges for men in leadership
Vital role of vulnerability in leadership
Differently understand vulnerability in leadership
Vulnerability is the opposite of control
Key challenges for men to be vulnerable in their leadership
Sustainable leadership leads to happier and healthier workplaces, with families and in communities
Differently understanding the alpha male story
Sustainable leadership starts with doing the inside work first
Role of boundaries in impactful leadership
Today’s workforce is more often working too much rather than not enough
Importance of curiosity in leadership
Self-leadership and self-inclusion in overall leadership
Ways your inner compass helps you steer the storms of life
Strategies for enhancing your sense and practice of self-inclusion as a leader
Differently navigating fear as a leader
Importance of self-care for leadership (especially men)
Exploring your Zone of Genius as a leader
Knowing and claiming your gifts
Cost of taking care of everyone else without embracing your own self-care
Importance of creating space between your initial reaction and your thoughtful response
Role of self-awareness and pattern spotting in your leadership
Taking your power back in your leadership
Becoming more aware of your triggers in order to amplify your leadership
Anna Liebel
Anna Liebel Website
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Do you want to lead with more influence and impact? Are you committed to growing yourself and your leadership? Do you want to inspire others into action?
Our special guest Phil Johnson answers these and other questions about leadership, emotional intelligence, living in the present and growing your consciousness in order to grow your leadership.
Phil Johnson is an executive coach, trainer, international speaker, leadership and emotional intelligence advisor, and creator of the Master of Business Leadership Program and podcast. He’s also the Founder and CEO of the Master of Business Leadership program (MBL).
The MBL focuses on the development of emotional intelligence. Over the past 21 years MBL has been promising and delivering greater earning power and career advancement around the world.
Phil also runs the MBL YouTube channel and co-hosts the MBL podcast. Phil continues to inspire other business leaders through the MBL program, executive coaching, speaking engagements, and his writing. Phil has published several books including the MBL Success Map, MBL Tribal Wisdom, The Servant Warrior Leader, and The New Economic Currency.
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Show NotesEpisode highlights…
Today’s state of leadership – a desperate need for authentic, emotionally intelligent leaders
Redefining emotional intelligence in the context of navigating fear in different ways
Ways that authenticity builds followership (emotional contagions) and enhances your energy
Truth that our unconscious minds drive most of our habits and behaviors
Different perspectives on and strategies for fear
Understanding the drama triangle (drama, chaos and conflict) and its impact on communication, relationships and leadership
Are you a sheep dog, a sheep or a wolve in your leadership?
Emotional intelligence growth is an exponential multiplier in results
Understanding the unconscious nature of victimhood personally and professionally
Ways we use internal stories to justify and rationalize our behaviors
Understanding the biological and sociological resistance to change (and the role of a coach in overcoming it)
The cost of disengagement in business
The power of the space between stimulus and response – this is the space of leadership
The path to impactful leadership is enhancing your level of consciousness
Power of presence in leadership (most present person is the most influential)
Exploring the key obstacles to growing your emotional intelligence
This moment is the only thing that’s real
If your actions don’t inspire others, to follow your example, you're not a leader
We have to act our way into thinking differently
Impact of fear-based decision making and leadership on trust and relationships
Being more present versus being less distracted
Leadership isn't a position. It's not a title, it's a choice.
Key habits than enhance our consciousness, presence and influence
Reality that the riskiest thing is to fail to lead (it’s riskier than choosing to lead)
Strategies for finding and hiring people with higher emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is an experiential process (not an intellectual process)
Phil Johnson LinkedIn
A New Earth Book by Eckhart Tolle
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Are you considering outsourcing for your business? Are you an outsourcing resource for other businesses? Do you want to better understand the ways that outsourcing can help you grow your business and balance your life?
Our special guest Rachel Luther answers these and other questions about entrepreneurship, leadership and outsourcing.
Rachel Luther is the Founder of Check Off Your List and an entrepreneur who was a virtual assistant before people knew what the term meant. After spending the last 10+ years growing her VA business from a one-woman show to a team of talented professionals providing all areas of back-office virtual support, Rachel is divulging her secrets to success, covering work/life balance, strategies for outsourcing, remote work, and everything in between.
Rachel created her business to have a life and build a business, which she built while not only raising four children, but also homeschooling them.
Rachel is often asked, “Can you be an entrepreneur and still have it all?” The answer is a resounding “Yes,” and her podcast (Checking Off Your List) tells you how.
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Show NotesEpisode highlights…
Role and importance of outsourcing in the new realities of COVID and remote work
Understanding what needs to be outsourced
Keys to choosing outsourced resources given the greater resource options
Growth of virtual assistants and outsourced solutions
Strategies for building your business as a virtual assistant or outsourced resource
Strategies for choosing your outsourced resource
Understanding different categories of virtual assistants and outsourced resources
Outsourcing tasks versus projects versus processes
Shifting your mindsets to work with outsourced resources
Outsourcing as a path to balance and business growth
Effective outsourcing and shifting your control mindset
Value of outsourcing by working with people who can focus on what they do best and what they love
Understanding why outsourcing rates may be higher than employee rates (value versus cost)
Value of outsourcing – Clearing your plate and getting better results with less effort
Understanding your unrealistic view of your employees’ productivity
Ways the outsourcing conversations have changed over the past five years – shifting from how is this possible to strategizing what needs to be outsourced
Key questions to ask in exploring and choosing outsourcing resources
Key question to ask in determining what to outsource (and what not to outsource)
How to assess the value of outsourcing versus the cost of outsourcing
Growth of fractional services in business
Keys to assessing the outsourcing of marketing and social media
Why outsourcing sooner than you think will help you grow your business and balance your life
Rachel Luther LinkedIn
Rachel Luther Instagram
Check Off Your List Website
Checking Off Your List Podcast with Rachel Luther
New One Minute Manager book by Ken Blanchard
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Are you intrigued by what history can teach us about leadership? Do you wonder how different Presidents would navigate today’s challenges? Are you committed to more deeply understanding leadership and history?
Our special guest Jason Voiovich answers these and other questions about leadership, Presidential history, and leadership lessons from our Presidents.
In a career that spans more than 25 years, Jason Voiovich has launched hundreds of new products – everything from medical devices, to virtual healthcare systems, to non-dairy consumer cheese, to next-generation alternatives to the dreaded “cone of shame” for pets, to sex aides for cows (really!).
He’s a graduate of both the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota, and he has completed post-graduate studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management. His formal training has been invaluable, but he credits his true success to growing up in a family of artists, immigrants, and entrepreneurs. They taught him how to carefully observe the world, see patterns before others notice them, and use those insights to create new innovations.
History is Jason’s favorite way to observe the world. No surprise that Jason’s book is titled Marketer in Chief: How Each President Sold the American Idea. He believes that the people from the past have plenty to teach us about the challenges and opportunities we face today.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Connecting the dots between history, history lessons and leadership
Risk tolerance, innovation and leadership
Understanding the context of historical leadership relative to today
Best leaders are curious about everything including people
Curiosity – innate or developed
Curiosity is the foundation of empathy
Modern day leadership lessons from Napoleon
Realities of situational leadership
Separating success from great leadership
Understanding the evolving role of the President of the United States including as Chief Communicator
Understanding the leadership of Abraham Lincoln in the context of the times
Role of empathy in leadership
Examples of innovation and creativity by Presidents
Leadership lessons of Ben Franklin
Realities of trust issues in the Presidency
Importance of reading history based upon historical scholarship
Best leaders ask the best / better questions to inspire others to action
Jason Voiovich
Jason Voiovich Website
Marketer in Chief Website
Marketer in Chief: How Each President Sold the American Idea Book by Jason Voiovich
The Leadership Junkies Podcast
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Do you want to bring more happiness and fun into your workplace? Do you wonder about the role of playfulness in leadership? Are you committed to transforming your peoples’ experience at work?
Our special guest Lisa Caprelli will answer these and other questions about the vital role of happiness, fun and playfulness in leadership, teams and cultures.
Lisa Caprelli is a speaker, songwriter and an award-winning author of the unicorn book series, Unicorn Jazz.™ Unicorn Jazz series offers social emotional learning (empathy, kindness, love, belonging, believing in others, feelings and more). She is an author of 18 books, and has produced music videos for kids. Lisa is the producer and director of Unicorn Jazz Presents The Thing I Do - a family show on Amazon TV.
After a 10+ year career in creating radio show programming and podcasts combined with a 26 year marketing career in representing over 160 CEO's and leaders, Lisa created Skip a Step: Imparting Wisdom for Young Entrepreneur Minds.
Lisa is a Forbes contributor, has been featured in FORBES magazine, ABC News, Shout Out LA, USA today newspapers, and more media and news outlets.
Lisa's ambitious and multi-faceted perspective inspires people all around her to live a life of purpose. As a writer, educator and leader she is called upon for storytelling while fostering perseverance, imagination and inspiration. She enjoys teaching young minds the power of possibilities be it: elementary schools, teens, educators, parents, counselors, librarians and more.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Bringing more fun, entertainment and playfulness into business and leadership
Choosing kindness to build great teams
Entrepreneurial mindsets and skills as life skills
Leadership is about people and relationships
Importance of fun in learning experiences
Embracing make believe sessions in your business
Being aware of the stress of adulting and injecting more happiness and fun into your adult lives
Understanding the difference between making work fun versus having fun outside of work
Leadership lessons from the movie Big
Playfulness is essential to learning and happy workplaces and connected teams
Play and fun are not lost time (they’re investments in your people and culture)
Understanding the role of social emotional learning in learning and development
Impact of COVID in the education system, process and mindset
Importance of giving back by helping another human being (including your team members)
Getting intentional about happiness at work and about what makes you happy (and then do it)
Transforming our patters and beliefs about leadership and work
Lisa Caprelli
Unicorn Jazz Website
Skip a Step: Imparting Wisdom for Young Entrepreneur Minds and Kidpreneurs book by Lisa Caprelli
Unicorn Jazz: Help and Give Back book by Lisa Caprelli
Unicorn Jazz Presents The Thing I Do (family show on Amazon TV)
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Do you feel like there’s even more inside you and your leadership? Are you committed to working on yourself to enhance your leadership influence and impact? Are you ready to elevate your leadership and impact by growing your spiritual intelligence as a leader?
Our special guest Amy Lynn Durham answers these and other questions about leadership, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and creating magic at work for your organization and team.
Amy Lynn Durham is the CEO of an organization called Create Magic at Work. She's a UC Berkeley Certified Executive Coach. She's also certified to coach in 21 skills associated with Spiritual Intelligence (SQ).
Amy has spent years in the corporate world managing hundreds of employees for all different types of companies. She created create magic at work with the intention to offer Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) and EQ tools to energize and transform the workplace. Amy not only believes in creating positive company cultures, but this is what she does in her passion and her work.
Amy believes in leading differently, building cultures differently and creating magic at work.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Two key leadership questions: How do you want to leave your team feeling? Are you leaving your team in a better place than when you found them?
Understanding emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ)
Critical impacts from leading with emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence
The intelligences pyramid from the bottom up: Physical Intelligence (PQ); Cognitive Intelligence (IQ); Emotional Intelligence (EQ); Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)
Strategies for practicing emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence
One key spiritual intelligence skill is making wise and compassionate decisions
Exploring your breadth of time perception
The role of radical self-forgiveness in leadership
Understanding that spiritual intelligence is across a spectrum of skills (not just a single skill)
What it means to lead from your higher self and why it matters
Leadership work is the deep inside personal work
Importance of creating a safe place for vulnerable conversations at work
Exploring the scales of motivation and energy
The Great Resignation and the call for spiritual intelligence in leadership
Overcoming the challenges of all the roles required of middle managers and leaders
Importance of vulnerable conversations at work to create magic at work
Strategies for building spiritual intelligence skills in a virtual workplace
Foundations of spiritual intelligence – human connection, compassion, emotions, empathy, vulnerability and curiosity
Gifts of spiritual intelligence in leadership – innovation, productivity and profitability
What it means to be a selectively data driven executive and why it holds you back
One result of creating an environment that thrives with emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence is a workplace that creates less ego induced drama
The important role of paradox (complexity of thought) in leading with spiritual intelligence (enhancing your polarity management skills)
Expanding your leadership to quantum leadership where you think about the effects that your business has on humanity, communities and the planet
Amy Lynn Durham
Create Magic at Work Website
The Spiritual Intelligence Experience
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Book by Deepak Chopra
The Leadership Junkies Podcast
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Do you wonder what the future holds for our children? Do you believe in empowering youth to live their dreams? Are you looking for ideas on helping young people live and lead different lives?
Our special guest SF Banks answers these and other questions about youth motivational development, leadership and living your dreams.
Shaun SF. Banks has been involved in the youth development industry for over 20 years. he's a captivating, humorous, and passionate communicator. Shaun excels at motivating and developing youths to go after their dreams. Shaun educates families on effective ways to support their youth and give them an edge in life.
In 2007, Shaun opened the I AM Defense institute against profound disinterest in working with children. Since that time, SF. has developed a passion for creating personal development systems for youth.
Shaun is the creator of Camp Warrior King, which helps thousands of youth gain exposure to amazingly fun activities, "You Can Have IT ALL!" Youth conferences, "You Can Have It ALL!" Youth motivational Development Magazine, The Team Hott SAWCE development characters, and other development tools for children. Shaun has also authored 3 books on the personal development topic.
One of SF.'s big passions is the "You Can Have IT All!" orphanage in Bombo, Uganda, where he currently supports over 30 children with shelter, food, and school supplies.
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Episode highlights…
Reality that most kids have baggage from their past and that youth from all circumstances need motivational development and empowerment
Working hard is important but it’s not the only thing
Tools for empowering and motivating youth to live their dreams
Vital role of character development to fuel motivation, empowerment and achievement
Value of experiential learning experiences
Importance of instilling the belief that someone is worthy of having and living their dreams
Overcoming the cultural and family messages that dreams aren’t real and that life is not about dreams
Changing the narrative of youth also involves shifting the parents’ narrative
Role of fun in growth, development and learning
Hurt people hurt people – happy people create more happiness
Importance of service as a tool for people and character growth and development
Relationship building through shared service experiences
Role of respect and respecting differences as character foundations – treat others the ways you want to be treated
Mindsets and strategies for addressing bullying
Education system challenges and opportunities for youth development
Value of personal development as part of an overall education approach and mindset
Dreams are not for kids only and must not be delayed
Parents must gas/fuel (support) their children’s dreams even in small ways
Shaun “SF” Banks
SF Banks Instagram
You Can Have It All Website
You Can Have It All Magazine
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Are you an entrepreneurial creative? Do you want to grow your business and protect your valuable intellectual property? Is your lawyer truly your partner and helping to grow your business?
Our special guest Rachel Brenke answers these and other questions about entrepreneurship, business growth, intellectual property and ways the right lawyer can help you grow your business, especially for creative entrepreneurs.
Rachel Brenke is a multi-faceted entrepreneur, business strategist and intellectual property attorney. She’s a very successful lawyer focusing on Intellectual Property while helping to protect small businesses along with several successful legal niche brands, including TheLawTog®, FitLegally, and BlogLegally.
She’s also a mother of five, wife to an Army veteran, a practicing lawyer, an author (7 books), a cancer survivor, and a Team USA athlete (aquathon). Through her podcast, brands, and one-on-one services, Rachel helps creative entrepreneurs with business strategy and legal needs such as forming businesses, draft contracts, and business and intellectual property law.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Exploring the entrepreneurial mindset and building a business that gives you life you want
Importance of having a business growth strategy
Looking differently at business growth the role / value of the right legal advisor
Role of a full legal strategy for your creative business
Why having a lawyer is an essential part of your business strategy for your creative business
Risks and limitations of do-it-yourself law and online legal resources (i.e. Legal Zoom)
Value of flat rate legal fees for business owners and lawyers
Doing the math of why appropriate legal advice is an investment for your business (not a cost)
Demonstrating your value through your different questions
Questions as the key to developing your business growth strategy
Role of rocks and fear in limiting your business growth
Unique business challenges for creatives
Using questions to help your clients and team find their own answers (instead of giving them the answers)
Creating contracts that align with your work flow
Using the contract to help you be a better leader and business owner
Value of working with a lawyer who’s grown other (non-law) businesses
Importance of being confident in the value of what you create and sell
Risks of putting your money issues and beliefs on your clients and potential clients
Role of money blocks in limiting your business growth
Your mindset with your clients must align with your mindset with your vendors
Recognizing the season of life that you're in and evolving and pivoting based upon that season of life
Rachel Brenke LinkedIn
Rachel Brenke Instragram
Rachel Brenke Twitter
Rachel Brenke Website
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion and Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade Books by Dr. Robert Cialdini
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Do you lead or work with R&D, scientific or tech teams? Is collaboration one of your core values or objectives? Are you looking for strategies to enhance your communication, relationship building, collaboration and outcomes?
Our special guest Dr. Nicole Tschierske (Hamburg Germany) answers these and other questions about leadership, collaboration, communication and work systems with R&D, science and teach teams.
Dr. Tschierske is a coach and consultant who helps leaders and teams in R&D and tech do their best work. Nicole works with her clients to improve their collaboration and communication skills so their work gets the momentum and recognition it deserves. She also helps construct ways of working that reduce stress, increase motivation and engagement, and deliver results. In short, Nicole helps organizations and leaders build remarkable partnerships internally and externally.
Nicole lives in Hamburg, Germany, holds a PhD in chemistry and is trained in coaching, positive psychology, change management, and advanced problem-solving. When she’s not buried in research papers and books you can find her taking long hikes in the German countryside or mesmerized by Mary Poppins on the screen.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Understanding and leading people who think, communicate, learn and collaborate differently
Importance of staying open and curious in interacting with and leading people
Leading teams of different people and communication styles
Building relationships among people of difference (it can all change with one person makes the effort)
Tools for leading and collaboration with R&D and tech teams
Improved communication creates better outcomes, greater innovation and increased speed to market
Importance of having a skilled facilitator in enhancing your communication, collaboration and relationships
Role of team and communication ground rules
Using systems to build and enhance communication and relationships
Exploring Dunbar’s number – the limit (150) to the number of people with whom we can maintain stable social relationships
Role of trust in communication, relationship building, collaboration and change management
Exploring vulnerability in the R&D, science and tech sector
Understanding collaboration and ways to achieve it
Exploring the creation and outcomes of remarkable partnerships
Collaboration as a culture and system (more than a process)
What it means to have a culture where every person takes 100% for the outcomes and experience, especially in conflict management
Core elements of building remarkable partnerships
Nicole Tschierske
Nicole Tschierske Website
Positive Leadership in Action: Tools, Techniques & Best Practices Book by Markus Ebner
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Do you wonder if your alcohol use is really serving you? Are you curious about the impact that alcohol is having in your life? Are you aware of the deeper reasons that you consume alcohol? Are you willing to be curious about your alcohol use?
Our special guest Karolina Rzadkowolska answers these and other questions about the impact of alcohol in our culture, society, businesses, leadership and lives.
Karolina Rzadkowolska is a certified alcohol-free life coach who helps powerful women make alcohol insignificant in their lives. She’s worked with thousands of clients through her online courses and coaching to change their drinking habits and unleash a new level of health, happiness, and potential to go after their biggest dreams.
Her book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You (Harper Collins and featured in Target) will be out on bookshelves on January 4th. She’s the host of Euphoric the Podcast, founder of Euphoric Alcohol-Free, and her work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Popsugar, Authority Magazine, Greatist, and Elite Daily. Karolina’s passionate about helping you discover what really makes you happy outside of a beverage and design a life you love.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
There’s more to alcohol use than abstinence and abuse (normal drinker versus problem drinker)
The reality of the impact of alcohol of the millions of people in the middle of alcohol use
Understanding the prevalence of alcohol in our culture
New health realities of alcohol consumption
Health impacts of alcohol use
Conscious and unconscious beliefs around alcohol use
The role and challenges of the labels we use with alcohol use in our culture
Key social drivers for alcohol use
Obstacles to changes in our alcohol use (what we get from alcohol)
The role of comparativeness in alcohol use
The value of an alcohol break in your life
Key questions regarding your alcohol use: Is it making you happy? Is it aligned with your values? Is it helping you achieve your values every day? Is it helping you achieve my bigger dreams?
Moving beyond the social pressures around alcohol
You don’t have to solve all your questions about alcohol – just take a break
The benefits of reducing or eliminating alcohol use in your life
Karolina Rzadkowolska
Karolina Rzadkowolska Instagram
Euphoric Alcohol Free Website
Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You Book by Karolina Rzadkowolska (Free Gift)
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Are you committed to building a people-first culture? Are you looking for actionable strategies to build such a culture? Do you want tools you can use to enhance your leadership and people development?
Our special guest Boomer Brown answers these and other questions about leadership, people development and building cultures of high trust, better people and great impact.
Dr. Boomer Brown, PhD serves as the Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) and Visionary for Doing Good at Work, Inc. As a business owner & leader, educator, international conference speaker, author, executive coach, board member, and adviser, his leadership has garnered him the respect of business and community leaders across various industries and cities.
Boomer believes work and business are good, profit is a must, and companies should invest in people, leaders and process to yield the greatest profitability. He is committed to connecting the heart and mind of business leaders to change world. He believes business is a key piece in creating Total Societal Impact. It all starts with people.
His simple, positive, and authentic communication style appeals to a diverse audience. He is passionate about his family, his faith, and service to others. He is committed to caring for business leaders, redeeming business, and changing the world. Better people, better business, better world. We make people better!
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Putting people first may be something completely new
What it means to have healthy people in your organization
Origins of the concept of cultures of psychological safety
Seizing the opportunities today to take a more holistic approach to your people and your business
The troubles with creating solutions in a vacuum and without your peoples’ input
The importance of a well-informed and intentional people strategy
The impact of fear of losing control on our leadership and people strategies
The role of questions and listening in developing your people
Shortcoming of overly metricfying business (data is not the solution – it’s a tool for solutions)
Better people plus better process equals better profits
Value of Monday morning momentum meetings
Trust is the amniotic fluid of people first cultures
Critical obstacles to trust in today’s social cultures
Strategies for aligning your people with your strategy and values
Understanding yellow line companies (building new companies inside and existing company)
Trust keys – consistency and safety
Using carefrontation in your leadership
Critical need for appreciation in the feedback mix
The role of the five appreciation languages with teams, engagement and people development
Importance of seeing people as individuals
Value of employee care programs (safety net offering)
Boomer Brown (
Doing Good at Work Website
The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging Peopleby Gary Chapman
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Are you committed to leading with a people first approach? Do you want to unleash your authentic leader? Are you ready to empower your own leadership?
Our special guest Chris Rollins answers these and other questions about leadership, the LBGTQ+ community, leading people first and empowering your authentic and powerful leadership.
Chris Rollins is a purpose-driven leadership and executive coach who works with leaders – especially in the LGBTQ+ community – to experience new levels of growth, success and fulfillment. Chris is passionate about working with leaders to find their own voice and style so they can lead with purpose and authenticity. He's particularly skilled at creating a safe space where his clients can experience meaningful transformation to drive positive business results. He's worked with clients across industries and functions and is particularly inspired by coaching leaders who adopt a "people-first" approach.
Before working as a coach, Chris spent a decade in corporate America. He first honed his craft in sales before rising through the leadership ranks at a digital marketing research company in the customer success function. He then leveled up to an internally focused role as SVP of Organizational Development where he served on the executive team as a trusted partner to the CEO. When living and leading from his essence, Chris embodies compassion, intimacy, love, joy and peace.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
What it means to create safe spaces for people and why it matters
Unique challenges for the LBGTQ+ community as leaders
Understanding the multiple pursuits of safety in the LBGTQ+ community
Bridging differences through the authentic pursuit of connection
The role of intersectionality in understanding differences and building a strong DEI culture
Ways that survival mode (not feeling safe) keeps people from their full power, authenticity and impact
Importance of seeing critical leadership traits as anything but soft
The impact of being in your threat state in your leadership
The value of people first leadership and its impacts
The need for bringing more compassion, kindness, vulnerability and authenticity to the workplace
Understanding the intersection of empathy and compassion in leadership
Differently understanding being kind and being nice
Critical role of authentic conversations in leadership
The trouble with performance improvement plans (getting past the policy and process)
The difference between agreements and expectations (and why it matters)
Beware the huge blind spot of self-protection (often unconscious)
Ways that a people first mindset is becoming the norm in the workforce
Understanding and navigating the shifting workforce (e.g. the Great Resignation)
Get clear in who you are as a leader and be willing to authentically live and lead that way
Self-reflection is the foundation of leadership
Chris Rollins
Chris Rollins Website
QueeHR Community
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Are you a creative struggling to unleash your creativity? Are you battling with your inner critic? Do you want to move past the “not enough” stories and doubts? Are you ready to claim your most creative and impactful self?
Our special guest Cami Travis-Groves answers these and other questions about the inner work of life and leadership.
As a transformational coach and an expert in inner work, Cami Travis-Groves helps creatives tame their inner critics for good and become their absolute best selves. As a 30-year veteran of the graphic design industry, she understands intimately the struggles of a creative career.
Cami is also an international keynote speaker and an author based in the Kansas City area. She is probably best known for her good juju, spreading it wherever she goes.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
If you only work on your symptoms, the root cause will always bring back the issues
Unique challenges faced by creatives in business, career and life
The role of your inner critic in holding you back
Navigating a male dominated industry as a woman
Realities of using affirmations to create inner change
The role of trauma in birthing our inner critic
Understanding the ways that your limbic brain is holding you back
Getting access to the parts of your brain that serve you
Understanding and being aware of your emotions to shift from reaction to response
The importance of having a conversation with your inner critic
Overcoming the subtle limiting messages as a creative (i.e. “Don’t be a starving artist.”)
Why creatives often carry the deepest wounds
The need for trauma informed training in education
Life and leadership is about coloring outside the lines
The reality that little “t” trauma is everywhere and just as impactful
Being aware of the little “t” traumas you create for others every day
Understanding the importance of the Losado Ratio (people need a ratio of 3 to 1 positive feedback over constructive feedback)
Embracing reinforcing feedback as a leadership and growth tool
Transformation coaching is a healing journey
The inner work is uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but it’s the path to freedom
Cami Travis-Groves
Cami Travis-Groves Website
100 Days of Creative High Growth Program
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Are you tired of coming up short in achieving your objectives? Do you want to live and lead differently? Are you ready to live and lead beyond your past experiences?
Our special guest Michael Unbroken answers these and other questions about leadership, life transformation, healing trauma and having the success you desire.
From homeless to hero, Michael Unbroken, is the Founder of Think Unbroken, best-selling author, award-winning speaker, podcast host, coach, and advocate for adult survivors of childhood trauma. Since 2016, Michael has empowered over 100,000 trauma survivors to get out of The Vortex, learn to love themselves, and become the hero of their own story. Michael has spoken in over 80 countries, won investments from Undercover Billionaire Grant Cardone, and is on a mission to end generational trauma in his lifetime.
Think Unbroken’s mission is to empower trauma survivors with the tools and curriculum of Think Unbroken to get unstuck, learn to love themselves, get "Out of The Vortex" and reclaim their power. We believe that by creating palatable and practical tools that Trauma Warriors around the world can overcome their past, heal from trauma, and become the hero of their own story!
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Your circumstances and experiences don’t define your or your life, unless you let them
Overcoming the not enough messages from your life
What are you willing to do to have the life you want to have?
In order to get to where you want to go you have to know how you got to where you are
Realities and impact of childhood trauma
In order to move past your past, you have to address is
You must invest in yourself first in order to move past your old stories and experiences
The importance of getting clear on your values and what you stand for
The difference between success and failure is decision
The only way you create belief in yourself is you have to prove to yourself that you’re capable of trying (you must be willing to try and fail)
Trusting your intuition is essential
Ways your head keeps you from the life and outcomes you desire
The value of using binary language in your self-talk
Learning to trust and follow your gut instincts
Self-awareness in leadership is everything
Critical question: Am I trying to be right or seeking to achieve the mission?
The people who are most successful in life are the people who operate mission based
Realities of vulnerability in leadership
Michael Unbroken
Think Unbroken Website
Think Unbroken Podcast
Free copy of Think Unbroken book by Michael Unbroken
The Leadership Junkies Podcast
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Are you looking for the secret sauce for remote and hybrid work? Are you struggling with engaging and communicating with your remote team? Do you want tools to help you lead and manage a remote team?
Our special guest Hoyin Cheung answers these and other questions about remote work, humanizing remote experiences and leading remote teams.
Hoyin Cheung is an entrepreneurial visionary with a knack for being ahead of the curve. Accurately predicting the social and psychological harms associated with social media, he moved on from his successful digital marketing agency to pursue the future of humanized digital interactions.
Today, Hoyin is the Founder and CEO of Remo, an interactive virtual event platform that humanizes the online event experience. He has pioneered technology and ground-breaking concepts in remote work and real-time virtual collaboration. In just over a year, Hoyin has grown Remo from 5 to over 100 members, all working globally. He’s currently passionate about creating authentic conversations that drive meaningful relationships in the most human way possible with the help of technology.
Remo’s events bring communities together built upon purpose and common interests and provide opportunities to grow and facilitate trust. This leads to organic relationships in the virtual space, as well as offline. These common factors create comfortable networking settings, setting the stage for real human interaction and creating deep connections that can last a lifetime. Hoyin believes this process is the most humane way to bring people together.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
Strategies and platforms for bringing people together online in the most human and humane way
The importance of video in building trust, connection and relationships
Humanizing online experiences
Thinking differently about the remote experience (not just the remote work technology)
Creating space for spontaneous conversations online
Moving beyond productivity as the focus of remote work experiences and events
Ways that technology platforms can deliver more engagement during meetings, gatherings and events
Enhancing your online and remote networking events and experience
Assessing and navigating the camera on / camera off realities of online gatherings
Unique challenges of remote and hybrid work
Impact of remote work on meetings quantity and quality
Role and importance of a communication charter in your business
Key tools for managing remote work forces
Challenges of boundaries with remote and hybrid work
Rethinking meetings and length of meetings
Remote works requires minimizing meetings (not expanding them)
Role of physical boundaries at home in holding work boundaries
Critical role of policies and processes when managing a remote team
Hoyin Cheung
Remo Website
Who Book by Geoff Smart and Randy Street
The Leadership Junkies Podcast
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