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Leadership Matters

Author: Dr. Sheryl White, with Guest Co-Host Dr. Undraye Howard

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Leadership Matters, the forum of choice for current and emerging public and nonprofit leaders. Dr. Sheryl White and Guest Co-Host Dr. Undraye Howard, along with their guests, explore practical tips for issues management, human capital strategies, and improving leadership effectiveness. Leadership Matters, your forum for Informing Leaders. Inspiring Solutions!
644 Episodes
4 Strategies to Equip Teams to Handle Disagreements with Greater Emotional Intelligence. Tune in to hear host Dr.
Abrasive Leaders: The Bad, The Good, A Unique Perspective and Solution! Join co-host Dr.
Tune in to Leadership Matters with Dr.
Tune in to Leadership Matters with Dr. Sheryl White to hear Alexander “Disco Pete” Tunley, Retired Navy Chief SEAL & SWCC and current training instructor discuss four essential tools for greater leadership effectiveness: the torch, the sword, the rock, and the cup. Don’t miss Leadership Matters: Informing leaders. Inspiring Solutions!
Tune in to Leadership Matters with Dr. Sheryl White to hear Olga Osby, Co-Partner with Clean Slate Behavioral Health Solutions in Jackson, MS discuss what trauma and trauma informed care are, how trauma can show up in the workforce, and tools/techniques that can be used to integrate trauma informed care into the workplace. Don’t miss Leadership Matters: Informing leaders. Inspiring Solutions!
Tune in to Leadership Matters with Dr.
Leaders’ Role in Staying Informed and Participating in the Voting Process. Tune into Leadership Matters as host Dr. Sheryl White discusses leaders’ role in staying informed and participating in local, state and national elections with Rudolph A.
Leaders’ Role in Staying Informed and Participating in the Voting Process. Tune into Leadership Matters as host Dr. Sheryl White discusses leaders’ role in staying informed and participating in local, state and national elections with Rudolph A. Johnson, III, President and CEO of the Neighborhood House Association (NHA) in San Diego, CA and Ed Condon, Executive Director of Region 9 Head Start Association. Too often people serving in nonprofit and public organizations are reluctant to engage in social action activities due to not wanting to put their organization or themselves at risks. Among other topics, our guests will discuss how nonprofit and public leaders can engage in social action-related activities responsibly and without undue risk? Don’t miss this important conversation on Leadership Matters: Informing Leaders. Inspiring Solutions!
Tune in to Leadership Matters as host Dr. Sheryl White continues the conversation with Dr. Vinitia Mathews a first-generation immigrant who rose from poverty to having a seat at executive tables. Dr.
Tune in to Leadership Matters as host Dr. Sheryl White sits down with Dr. Vinitia Mathews a first-generation immigrant who rose from poverty to having a seat at executive tables. Dr.
Hispanic Voices on Leadership! Tune in to Leadership Matters as host Dr.
Want to advance your or others' leadership effectiveness? Yes! Then, you will not want to miss this episode with our host Dr.
Stress can be defined as the way our body and mind responds to change. There are no shortage of changes today.
Encore: Invisible No More

Encore: Invisible No More


Tune in as host Dr. Sheryl White joins a circle of culture scholars, practitioners, and educators to discuss life, hurts, healing, and suggestions for victorious living and leading. Dr. Jacki Leak, Lifelong Learner; Dr.
Are you leading and living on purpose? Or are you busy doing all the things you "can do" and rarely getting to the things you are purposed to do? Join host Dr.
These are indeed challenging times.
The Juneteenth National Independence Day Act was signed into law in 2021 by President Joe Biden making Juneteenth a federal holiday. Tune into Leadership Matters with host Dr. Sheryl White and guest Isaac Ford Jr., MSW, retired Marine Corp Master Gunnery Sergeant, motivational speaker, certified DEI consultant, and author of Up from the Bottom a Memoir, as they discuss the importance of Juneteenth, intergenerational trauma, the healing process, and leading with a trauma-informed approach. Leadership Matters: Informing Leaders. Inspiring Solutions!
Join us to hear Henry Foster, III, Chief of Staff for the County of San Diego 4th District Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe; Romero Davis, Director of Practice Excellence with Social Current based in Washington, D.C.
LGBTQ+ Voices in Leadership: Increasing Understanding and Being an Ally Tune in to Leadership Matters as co-host Dr. Sheryl White explores life and lessons in leadership through the eyes of leaders from the LGBTQ+ community. Special guests Dr.