Leading With Strengths

Leading With Strengths showcases the greatest leaders across all industries in one place, sharing their journey, knowledge and how they’ve used their strengths to become successful. Hosted by Gallup’s CEO, Jon Clifton, this podcast is more than interviews — it's a masterclass in harnessing strengths. We'll sit down with visionaries, icons, executives, world leaders and more as they reveal the hidden layers of their unique strengths. Leading With Strengths — because true leaders aren’t born; they’re shaped by their strengths.

Arthur Brooks - #1 NYT Bestselling Author, Harvard Professor and Happiness Expert

Futuristic | Ideation | Strategic | Woo | Input   Description: As an author, speaker, Harvard professor and entrepreneur, Arthur Brooks explores leadership, happiness and living well in the modern era. He has published 13 books, including Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier with co-author Oprah Winfrey, and writes the popular “How to Build a Life” column in The Atlantic. Arthur has dedicated his career to promoting human happiness and raising wellbeing within private companies, universities, public agencies, and community organizations. For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request


DeMoine Adams - CEO, TeamMates Mentoring

DeMoine Adams, CEO of TeamMates Mentoring, has made it his life’s work to elevate and develop the next generation of young people. Drawing on his experiences in the NFL, Adams brings a coach’s mentality and the principles of strengths-based leadership to his mission-rich organization. As a dedicated servant leader, Adams works tirelessly to help his organization’s mentees embrace their strengths and become highly effective leaders. CliftonStrengths Top 5: Futuristic | Significance | Individualization | Relator | Strategic For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request


Chanda Chacón - President and CEO, Children's Nebraska

President & CEO at Nebraska’s Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Chanda Chacon, has dedicated her career to pediatric healthcare, ensuring that patients receive safe, high-quality, family-centered care while strengthening organizations and fostering programs of excellence.Chanda brings two decades of experience and a commitment and passion to improve the life of every child that needs help.Her CliftonStrengths Top 5: Achiever | Arranger | Communication | Positivity | WooFor more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request


Janina Kugel: Non-Executive Director and Senior Advisor

Being named as one of the 100 most influential women in German business is, without a doubt, a major career milestone. For Janina Kugel, it’s one in a long string of achievements that showcases her natural talents and Strengths. Janina, once a longtime CHRO at Siemens and now a board member, senior advisor and author, has built a brand for herself characterized by thoughtful leadership and modern approaches to process re-engineering, people development, and organizational design. CliftonStrengths Top 5: Strategic | Input | Communication | Arranger | Relator For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request


Dr. Robert E. Johnson: President of Western New England University

In this episode, we have the privilege of welcoming Dr. Robert E. Johnson, the President of Western New England University. His unyielding belief in higher education as a public good and as a path for transforming individual lives has led him to dedicate his 30-year career to preparing students to adapt and succeed in a dynamic future—one where jobs as we know them may no longer exist, career mobility is the norm, and individuals are responsible for continuously adding and creating new value.Robert’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Futuristic, Connectedness, Maximizer, Ideation and Achiever.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Jeremy Fewtrell: Deputy Commissioner Field Operations of Fire and Rescue New South Wales

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming a hero, Jeremy Fewtrell. He is the Deputy Commissioner Field Operations of Fire and Rescue New South Wales. He is a recipient of the Australian Fire Service Medal, the highest honor afforded to Australian firefighters, and has responsibility for all New South Wales’ fire stations and community safety work.Through the 2019-2020 bushfire season and the major flooding events of recent years Jeremy has played a critical role leading the response to these disasters.Jeremy’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Learner, Arranger, Responsibility, Achiever and Connectedness.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.comTranscripts available upon request.


Roy Spence: Cofounder and Chairman of GSD&M

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming Roy Spence, Cofounder and Chairman of GSD&M. Roy has played a pivotal role in shaping the identities of some of the world's most iconic brands. His work in helping organizations articulate their purpose, values, and impact has set a new standard for meaningful engagement and connection.Roy’s most passionate endeavor is the Make It Movement of which he is the founder and CEO. His endeavor is to make 2023 the Year of Purpose where together we as Americans stand together on the “One Thing” we all agree on: every parent wants their kids to be successful.Roy’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Strategic, Arranger, Maximizer, Relator and Responsibility.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Mike Allen: Co-founder of Axios

In this episode, we have the privilege of welcoming Mike Allen, co-founder of Axios. An accomplished American political journalist whose influence resonates far and wide. As the co-founder and executive editor of Axios, and a former chief political reporter for Politico, Mike’s career has been marked by his dedication to insightful reporting and his impact on shaping political discourse.Mike’s contributions have been nothing short of transformative. His dedication to insightful reporting has shaped the landscape of American political journalism and earned him the moniker "The Man The White House Wakes Up To" for his correspondence with the White House.Mike’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Individualization, Relator, Activator, Positivity and Self-Assurance.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Gordon Gee: President of West Virginia University

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming Gordon Gee, President of West Virginia University. A distinguished educator, visionary leader, and advocate for higher education, President Gee's contributions have left a permanent mark on the realms of academia, innovation, and community engagement.His experiences have been shaped by a commitment to excellence, a passion for fostering intellectual curiosity, and a deep understanding of the vital role universities play in shaping society. Through his leadership, we have gained a deeper appreciation for the transformative potential that education holds and the vital role it plays in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.President Gee’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Intellection, Learner, Achiever, Arranger and Woo.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.comTranscripts available upon request.


Marie Royce: CEO of Marie Royce, LLC

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming The Honorable Marie Royce, CEO of Marie Royce, LLC. A remarkable businesswoman, diplomat, and educator, Marie’s journey is a tapestry of leadership and global impact. As CEO of Marie Royce, LLC, she's a driving force behind innovation, serving on boards such as Cognito Health and Petrocas Energy Group. With a Fortune 500 pedigree at Procter & Gamble, Marriott International, and Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent, Marie's business acumen shines.Marie was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate and sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State, Educational and Cultural Affairs on March 30, 2018 and served until January 20, 2021. In her role she managed a wide range of global programs to advance U.S. foreign policy objectives through educational, professional, cultural, and sports exchanges that promote mutual understanding between the people of the United States and people of other nations, even creating the Academy of Women Entrepreneurs across 80 countries.Marie’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Achiever, Maximizer, Self-Assurance, Arranger and Strategic.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.comTranscripts available upon request.


Tom Osborne: HOF Football Coach, U.S. Congressman, Founder of TeamMates

In this episode, we are honored to have former Nebraska Football Coach, Athletic Director, U.S. Congressman, and Founder of the TeamMates Mentoring Program, Tom Osborne join us. A revered figure in the world of sports, mentorship, and leadership, Tom’s influence reaches far beyond the field, touching the lives of countless individuals through his commitment to excellence and character development.With a legacy that spans decades of coaching, public service, and community engagement, Tom’s insights offer a unique perspective on the transformative power of mentorship and sportsmanship. His experiences have been forged through a lifetime of guiding athletes, fostering teamwork, and instilling values that extend far beyond the game.om’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Belief, Achiever, Self-Assurance, Relator and Responsibility.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.comTranscripts available upon request.


Shauna Olney: Chief of Gender, Equality and Diversity Branch at the International Labour Organization

In this episode, we are thrilled to welcome Shauna Olney, the Chief of Gender, Equality and Diversity Branch at the International Labour Organization. With over three decades dedicated to advancing global gender equality and non-discrimination, Shauna's transformative impact shines brightly. Her 25-year tenure at the International Labour Organization fostered groundbreaking initiatives, including the Women at Work Centenary Initiative and the establishment of Convention No. 190 against violence and harassment.As Chief of the Gender, Equality and Diversity Branch, Shauna's vision ignited monumental change. Her commitment extends through advocacy, mentoring, and advising, all while being recognized as one of the world's 100 most influential people in gender policy.Shauna’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Achiever, Input, Learner, Developer and Relator.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Paul Allen: Visionary founder behind Ancestry.com and current CEO of Soar.com

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming Paul Allen, the visionary founder behind Ancestry.com and current CEO of Soar.com. A trailblazing entrepreneur, philanthropist, and technology innovator, Paul’s contributions have revolutionized the way we explore our personal histories and connect with our roots.With a career marked by his relentless pursuit of innovation, Paul’s insights offer a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and people. His experiences have been honed through years of dedicated work, a passion for leveraging technology for human enrichment, and a deep appreciation for the stories that shape our identities.Paul’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Learner, Input, Ideation, Intellection, StrategicFor more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Kevin Lobo: CEO of Stryker

In this episode, we are excited to welcome Kevin Lobo, CEO of Stryker. With a career marked by his commitment to driving innovation and improving healthcare outcomes, Kevin’s insights offer a unique perspective on the intersection of technology, medical science, and business leadership. His experiences have been honed through years of dedicated work, a passion for improving lives, and a deep understanding of the evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers.His work in advancing surgical solutions, medical devices, and patient-focused innovations showcases his dedication to pushing the boundaries of what's possible.Kevin’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Individualization, Learner, Achiever, Activator and Positivity.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Vint Cerf: Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google.A true pioneer in the realm of technology and communication, Vint’s contributions have fundamentally shaped the digital landscape we inhabit today.With a career spanning decades and a legacy that extends from his pioneering work on the creation of the Internet to his continued advocacy for innovation, Vint’s insights offer a profound perspective on the evolution of technology and its impact on society. His experiences have been forged through a lifetime of exploration, invention, and a deep curiosity about the interconnected world we live in.Vint’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Futuristic, Input, Communication, Strategic and Analytical.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.comTranscripts available upon request.


Donde Plowman: Chancellor at the University of Tennessee

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming Donde Plowman, the Chancellor at the University of Tennessee. An accomplished academic leader, change agent, and advocate for education, Donde has made a significant impact in higher education through her dedication to fostering growth, innovation, and transformative learning experiences.Before assuming her current role, Donde played a pivotal role in driving positive change within educational environments. Her work in promoting student success, fostering collaboration, and embracing new approaches to learning showcases her unwavering dedication to creating meaningful impact.Donde’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Strategic, Achiever, Positivity, Futuristic and Maximizer. For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Reggie Van Lee: Partner and Chief Transformation Officer at Carlyle

In this episode, we have the privilege of welcoming Reggie Van Lee, Partner and Chief Transformation Officer at Carlyle. As Chief Transformation Officer, Reggie plays a pivotal role in elevating Carlyle's market competitiveness, driving growth, and enhancing operational efficiency.Before his journey with Carlyle, Reggie's distinguished 32-year tenure at Booz Allen Hamilton speaks volumes. As Executive Vice President, he spearheaded business units across diverse industries, amassing a wealth of expertise.Reggie's commitment extends beyond corporate success. He's a beacon of influence on numerous boards, including Fortitude Re, Gallup, and more. His dedication to arts, education, and community upliftment is exemplified through roles at the Kennedy Center, the Public Theater, and the National CARES Mentoring Movement.Reggie’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Positivity, Activator, Achiever, Input and Woo.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Ambassador (Dr.) Robin Renee Sanders: CEO of FEEEDS and a former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria & Republic of Congo

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming Ambassador (Dr.) Robin Renee Sanders, CEO of FEEEDS and a former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria & Republic of Congo. A distinguished diplomat, global strategist, and thought leader, Ambassador Sanders has dedicated her career to fostering international relations, economic empowerment, and sustainable development.With a wealth of experience that spans continents and cultures, Ambassador Sanders brings a unique perspective to the table. Her insights have been honed through years of dedicated service in diplomacy, international affairs, and her unwavering commitment to bridging gaps and building connections on a global scale.Ambassador Sanders’ Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Learner, Strategic, Arranger, Individualization and Achiever. For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Justin Bibb: Mayor of Cleveland

In this episode, we welcome Justin M. Bibb, the Mayor of Cleveland. A dedicated public servant, urban innovator, and community advocate, Mayor Bibb has taken the helm of leadership to drive positive change and progress in the city of Cleveland.Before assuming the role of Mayor, Justin demonstrated his dedication by contributing to various impactful initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life for citizens. His work in urban planning, economic development, and grassroots activism has positioned him as a beacon of hope for Cleveland’s future.Mayor Bibb’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Activator, Arranger, Maximizer, Responsibility and Self-Assurance. For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


Deepak Chopra: Founder of the Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global

In this episode, we have the honor of welcoming Deepak Chopra, Founder of the Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global. A world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine, spirituality, and personal transformation, Deepak has left a permanent mark on our understanding of the mind-body connection and the power of holistic well-being.Before becoming a globally recognized advocate for mindfulness and healing, Deepak made groundbreaking contributions to the field of mind-body medicine, bridging ancient wisdom with modern scientific understanding. His work continues to inspire millions, fostering a greater understanding of the profound potential we all possess to lead meaningful, balanced lives.Deepak’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths are: Strategic, Connectedness, Maximizer, Adaptability and Futuristic.For more interviews visit leadingwithstrengths.com Transcripts available upon request.


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