There are two families in Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear – Goneril, Regan and Cordelia Lear and Edmund and Edgar Gloucester –and their fathers!
The Love Test and the word ‘Nothing’. Lear divides his kingdom and abdicates responsibility.
Shakespeare's vision of the world in King Lear is essentially pessimistic. Would you agree. Discuss the view with suitable quotation and reference. (Cog sheet! How to answer a typical exam question interrogated and analysed through introduction, body of answer and conclusion. )
Edmund in Act 5 Scene 3 in the camp near Dover “This speech of yours hath moved me, And shall perchance do good: but speak you on; You look as you had something more to say.” And Lear in Act 3 Scene 2 “Poor fool and knave, I have one part in my heart that's sorry yet for thee!"
The value of Nothing - Lear, Kent and role of The Fool as Lear's conscience
Cog sheet! How to answer a typical exam question interrogated and analysed by introduction, body of answer and conclusion.
Lear in Act 4 Scene 6, The Fool in Act 2 Scene 4, Goneril in Act 5 Scene 1, Lear in Act 3 Scene 2
What in your opinion are the most important changes that take place in the character of King Lear during the play. (Cog sheet! How to answer a typical exam question interrogated and analysed by introduction, body of answer and conclusion. )
The parallels in the families of King Lear and The Earl of Gloucester
Lear’s daughters Goneril and Regan gang up on Lear
Lear in Act 4 Scene 7 - I’m a Foolish fond old man … Gloucester in Act 4 Scene 1 - I have no way and therefore want no eyes …. Gloucester in Act 2 Scene 1 - My old heart is cracked, it’s cracked …. Lear in Act 4 Scene 1 - As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods …. Lear in Act 5 Scene 3 never, never, never, never, never.
The Storm Scene. Lear recognises ‘need” as he moves towards self-realisation.
In the play, King Lear moves from a position of centrality to one of loneliness and isolation. Discuss. Introduction, body of answer and conclusion. (Cog sheet!)