Learn English

Language learning Slovene Korean English Blog by Polina Nesterova

Different cultures. And hints

This episode is also available as a blog post: http://pnesterova.com/2021/09/26/korean-marathon-day-25/


Mind mapping as a way to revise vocabulary

 This episode is also available as a blog post: http://pnesterova.com/2021/09/16/korean-marathon-day-15/ Ff


My Korean marathon. Control only over yourself

This episode also available as a blog post at: http://pnesterova.com/2021/09/27/korean-marathon-day-26/


Learning languages in old times and now

This episode is also available as a blog post: http://pnesterova.com/2021/09/24/korean-marathon-day-23/


ESL lesson on Age with a student Upper-intermediate

Slides are available at: https://pnesterova.blogspot.com/2021/11/age-online-lesson-plan-intermediate.html Slides on video: https://youtu.be/3iQuJIsYJ7I


To get them annoyed as motivation

This episode is also available as a blog post: https://pnesterovacom.wordpress.com/2021/11/11/korean-marathon-day-50/


About me as a teacher

  ESL video lesson plans on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/engpnesterova/ Esl video lesson plans on the website: https://pnesterova.com/category/english/english-listening/ Transcript: Good morning, good afternoon and good evening! I have been teaching English for more than five years now, and still, I cannot find the limit for my influx of new knowledge. The English language is the incentive and the empowering strength, which helps you explore and expand your horizons. The knowledge illuminates new paths of your life enriching it and making you stronger. Meeting new people from all over the world and broadening your world outlook that’s the essential part of my existence now. My aim is to help people achieve their fluency goal for which I use the language immersion method. We are trying to communicate mostly in English throughout the lesson and use authentic language resources. I have a long history with English since childhood👩‍🎓😁 And it has become my professional career. Now I am a certified English teacher with a degree in English, korean and slovenian language learner. I’ve been teaching English for more than five years and obtained a Cambridge certificate C2 proficiency in 2017. To sum up, Polina Nesterova is an ESL teacher with more than five years of experience. She has taught English in Korea, obtained a CPE certificate and a degree in linguistics and teaching English. The owner and the content creator of Learn Slovene&Korean&English blog. The spheres of interest include cognitive science, teaching and learning languages, memorization techniques.


How to make faster decisions ESL lesson elementary

Full lesson with vocabulary, video and exercises at: http://pnesterova.com/2021/09/20/decisions-video-lesson/ The audio is from a YouTube video Alan uses live listening: https://youtu.be/cv_cLwHGcyI Decision making text The same decisions The topic of this lecture is decision-making. How do people make decisions. And the best way I think to make decisions that’s what the lecture is about. Yes, now I think that it’s not possible it’s just impossible to get all the information you need to make a decision. But I think it’s only possible to get about 20% 30% of the information. The second thing is as we grow up, as we go from child to adult we get conditioned from our parents, from our schools, from the government. We get to think in a certain way. And we get to like some things and not like some things. You’re different from me because of where you came from. And because of this it’s very difficult to make decisions in a different way. You’ll tend to make the decisions in the same way. New decisions So I don’t know if you agree with me or not, but I think that making decisions rationally or intuitively is a waste of time. First of all, the problem is that you’re in a rut. You’re kind of conditioned. So how can you get out of the rut and make different decisions. It’s one problem. How it’s very easy instead of making rational decisions you make decisions by chance. You let chance make decisions for you. And it’s very easy way of doing this and that’s to use this. It’s easy Okay here are my reasons for doing this. First of all, it’s quick and it’s easy. Second, it’s not stressful. Ordinary decision making is very stressful. It takes a long time. Oh, shall I not go? What should I do? Very stressful bad for your heart, isn’t it? So it’s quick, it’s not stressful. And it’s possible that you can do something that you would never have done before. Life is dangerous anyway. Pure chance Your life is decided by chance anyway. The people you meet, you meet by chance. I met my girlfriend and my wife by chance and it changed my life this way. I could have met somebody else and I could have changed that way. It was pure chance that I met her at that time. Most of the things that happened to us are chance. So why not use chance to make decisions. In control of your life? Well why not? Good question, isn’t it? Why not is because most of us want to believe that we are deciding. You want to believe that you’re you’re deciding what to do, don’t you? You want to believe that you’re in control of your life. Actually you are not. So accept it and throw the dice. More ESL video lessons on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/engpnesterova/


Technology and education word formation listening

 The full mind map and a table on science and technology word formation  At a recent family dinner my mother was struggling to remember an actor’s name. Doing what seemed natural, I took out my smartphone, searched for the movie she was talking about and voila! Benedict Cumberbatch. This series of events, which might seem completely (worth) of comment for most of us, (complete) blew my mother away.“How did you know to do that?” she asked, while I tried to explain that it was simply second nature. But, later, it got me thinking; thinking about how we use technology in so many different aspects of our lives. Planning, socialising, communicating and banking – just some of the things that we now tend to do through our gadgets. However, there is one particular group for which technology has had a (benefit) and profound impact on students. Going back to my family dinner, and chatting about university life, it didn’t take too long for the phrase “you kids have it so much easier these days” to feature. But, to be completely fair on my mother, she has a valid point. While we still have all the same (education) benefits as those of the previous generation, we have so many more as well. We still have libraries available to us, but we also have (count) virtual libraries that exist on the Internet. Student faculty (interact) is another area that has benefited from technology, for both parties. Nowadays, we can communicate from the comfort of our homes, or even while we are on a bus, through mail, instant messaging or even Instagram. It’s amazing to actually look back, compare,  and take on board the (advance) that have been made and the benefits we are reaping as a result. Smartphones, projectors and smart speakers are already a common sight in lecture halls, and why shouldn’t they be? The (replace) of textbooks with e-books on phones allows students the luxury of having up-to-date, interactive or even personalised learning materials. More ESL English video lessons on Facebook 


Theodore Dreiser. The writer of American dreams. Elementary listening

Dreiser was born in Indiana, America.  His parents were of German origin. They were very poor. He spent his childhood in poverty. He went to university but didn't take a degree. In 1892 he started to work as a reporter for Chicago newspapers.  His first novel Sister Carrie is about a young woman who doesn't want to live in the countryside. She goes to the city and becomes a famous actress. The novel makes people think about morality and lifestyle. It was called the greatest of all American urbal novels. In his other novels he shows different situations where young people want to have a lot of money.  Some of such people become criminals. People killed for money, married for money and it was called the American kind of crime.  Dreiser also was a poet. He wrote about poverty and ambition. He understood the social injustice of the working class and joined the Communist party USA in 1945.  His business novels make people think about life and goals in life. There is a Dreiser college in New York. Also, you can see his name in a Chicago Literary Hall of Fame. He is one of the greatest unique American writers, who showed some important aspects of social life.


Minimalism intermediate listening with exercises

The audio is from Minimalism: A documentary about the important things YouTube video  The full lesson with exercises and discussion questions  Key vocabulary: the thing you were obsessed about compulsory consumption It wasn’t about just getting rid of my stuff More ESL video lessons on Facebook 


Describe your goal or dream pre-intermediate listening

Audio is from Everyday English: goals and dreams  The full lesson with discussion questions and listening exercises  Key vocabulary: I regret not taking lessons  amateur theater  recreational pilot license  More ESL video lessons on Facebook 


Creative and interactive resources to learn a foreign language

Also the episode is available as a blog post  ESL English video lessons on Facebook  Learn Slovene&Korean&English on Facebook 


Shopping and minimalism elementary listening

The full lesson with exercises, vocabulary and discussion questions  Key vocabulary: obsessed with  a source of pollution  mind becomes clear More ESL video lessons on Facebook 


Healthy food ESL video lesson

The audio is from a YouTube video Everything Gwyneth Paltrow eats in a day  The full lesson with vocabulary, exercises and discussion questions  Key vocabulary  I’m obsessed with that stuff Smoothie that has some good fat and some protein and some fiber Peanut butter protein bars More ESL video lessons on Facebook 


Future food video lesson with exercises

The audio is from a YouTube video Future food The menu of 2030 The full lesson with exercises, vocabulary and discussion questions  Key vocabulary: food sources affordable product food shortages More ESL Video lessons on Facebook 


Trendy clothes elementary listening exercise

Based on a YouTube video Material girl  The full lesson with vocabulary and interactive exercises  More ESL video lessons on Facebook 


Discrimination and racism listening exercise

The audio is from a YouTube video Julie Chen | Asian Plastic Surgery | Double Eyelid The Talk Secret Revealed The full lesson with vocabulary and exercises  Ket vocabulary: the audience can’t relate to you unless you get a plastic surgery I look more alert More ESL listening and video lessons on Facebook 


Cultural Inequality ESL video lesson plan

The audio is from a YouTube video #InequalityIs: Favianna Rodriguez on cultural inequality The full lesson with vocabulary, exercises and discussion questions  Key vocabulary: Cultural inequality You don’t see yourself reflected In a future that we have not yet fulfilled More ESL video lessons and plans on Facebook 


Entrepreneur character for coffee shop ESL video lesson

Audio is from a YouTube video Starting a coffee shop business  The full video lesson with exercises and vocabulary  More video lessons on Facebook 


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