Learn Japanese with Noriko

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Season 3-55 姪っ子と過ごした週末とかわいいペルーのセーター

🙏Can I ask you all a favour? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-54 バランスゲーム、究極の選択、あなたはどっち?

バランスゲーム A無限のエネルギーを持つか。 B無限の時間を持つか。 A夢がない人生を生きたいか B夢を追いかける人生を生きたいか どっちの旅行を選びますか。 A:北極で下着のみを着る旅行  B:砂漠でダウンジャケットを着なければいけない旅行 A左右で違う靴を履くか。 Bシャツを裏返しに着るか。 Aあなたのペットが一日人間になるか。 Bあなたが一日ペットになるか。 A人生の一番幸せだった瞬間をもう一回体験すること。 B人生の一番恥ずかしいミスをやり直すこと。 Aウィスキーが二度と飲めなくなる(みんなの他の大好きな飲み物が飲めなくなる) Bコーヒーが二度と飲めなくなる A何も読めないけど、聞いたことは全部覚えている B読んだことは全部覚えているけど、聞いたことはぜんぜん覚えない A:一生、母語だけを話せて、他の言語を忘れてしまって話せない。 B:一生、どんな言語でも話せるようになるけど、母語を忘れてしまう。 A:動物とコミュニケーションが取れる。 B:人の裏にある感情を理解できる。 A:毎日吐いている。 B:毎日下痢している。 A:Amazonのようなオンラインショッピングが使えない人生。 B:Streamingサービスが使えない人生。 どっちの社会に住みたい? A: インターネットを使ったテクロノジーがあるけど、自由が制限されている社会。 B: インターネットがないけど、結構自由がある社会。 🙏Can I ask you all a favour? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-53 Conversation with Kotsu Kotsu Nihongo - Mizukiさんの強みと尊敬する人

🙏Can I ask you all a favour? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌 MizukiさんのYouTube https://www.youtube.com/@kotsukotsunihongo SunnySide Japanese(会話グループレッスン) https://www.sunnysidejapanese.com Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-52 ゴミゼロの未来のために:Zero waste

🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language.https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira


Season 3-51 消えていく本屋さん

🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira


Season 3-50 Conversation with Yasuyo 小さな成功体験の積み重ね

この会話は、イギリスに住んでいる私と、Mori Mori JapaneseのYasuyoさんとの会話です。外国語を学ぶ際の困難さや自信のなさについて話し合いました。私は、自分の英語力に自信がなく、なかなか積極的に話せません。Yasuyoさんは、イギリスに住んでいた経験から、現地の英語に戸惑ったことをシェアしてくれました。やすよさんは、言語学習は終わりのないプロセスであり、小さな成功体験を積み重ねることが大切だということ、また、安心できる環境で練習することで、自信につながると話してくれました。とてもいい会話の内容です!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira


Season 3-49 なかなか自分に自信が持てない

🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-48 アパートの問題、停電、Danceの効果など

🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう! Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-47 24時間文句を言わないチャレンジ

🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-46 日本の映画Perfect Days

🙏Can I ask you all a favor? If you enjoy my podcast, please rate my show. I really appreciate you all. 🙌ありがとう!💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-45 Liverpoolファンが熱い!

日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上)💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language.https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support.https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira


Season 3-44 バレンタイン、抹茶わらび餅、ダンス

Video PodcastはSpotifyで見られます。日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上)💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library:Little Samba by Quincas Moreira & Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-43 関西在住、アプリ開発者のクリスさん

アプリの名前:Nihongo、クリスさんのYouTube 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko Music from YouTube Music Library : Little Samba by Quincas Moreira


Season 3-42 散歩から帰ってきたばかり、テンション高め

Sorry :ポッドキャストの中で 少しぱちぱち音が聞こえます。ごめんなさい。 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko 💻Transcriptions of Seasons 1 and 2 are available for free on my website. https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-41 あーあ、ショック!

日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko 💻Transcriptions of Seasons 1 and 2 are available for free on my website. https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira


Season 3-40 サボる?休む?

Video PodcastはSpotifyで見られます。💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko 💻Transcriptions of Seasons 1 and 2 are available for free on my website. https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com Music from YouTube Music Library Little Samba by Quincas Moreira Fine Dining by TrackTribe


Season 3-39 引っ越しの経験について質問に答えます

Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko


Season 3-38 17146

Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko


Season 3-37 イギリスでの仕事の経験について

Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko


Season 3-36 Japanese with SayakaのSayakaさん

Season 3 日本語のポッドキャスト(中級以上) 💜🌸Join our vibrant community, Japanese Together, and unlock access to the meet-ups, where you can connect with fellow learners and dive deeper into the Japanese language. https://japanese-together.mn.co 💌Join Patreon $5 to access the PDF with Furigana. Thank you for your support. https://www.patreon.com/japanesewithnoriko


Maryam Nazari

Hi Noriko:) hope u r doing great do u know any references on castbox or youtube who can teach japanese to an elementary student like me?(with an average english)

02-22 Reply


안녕하세요?노리코선생님. 저는 한국 부산에 살고있습니다. 일본어 공부 열심히 하겠습니다. 감사합니다 ~^~^ 初めまして紀子先生。 私は韓国のブサンに住んでいる 女性です。 日本語の勉強頑張ります。 ありがとうございます。

08-22 Reply


漢字んついて ありがとうございます。のりこ先生。日本語が面白いです。

01-24 Reply



01-04 Reply



07-13 Reply












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