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Learn Polish Language Online Resource


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Hi, I’m Piotr, and welcome to the Real Polish Podcast! This podcast is all about helping you master Polish language through comprehensible input. I create episodes that are easy to understand but still challenging, using real Polish about culture, history, and everyday life.
Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, you’ll find valuable insights to improve your listening skills and boost your fluency. Join our community and immerse yourself in Polish. Tune in and start your language journey with me today!
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102 Episodes
RP472: Łódź

RP472: Łódź


In this episode of the Learn Real Polish Podcast, I discuss the fascinating history of Łódź. Unlike many other Polish cities, Łódź has a relatively short but dynamic history. The Industrial Revolution spurred rapid growth in textile manufacturing, attracting a diverse population of migrants, particularly Germans and Jews. I believe you will find this story both captivating and easy to follow, aiding in your Polish learning journey. Premium users of can access the full Polish transcript for deeper comprehension. The post ⁠RP472: Łódź⁠ appeared first on ⁠⁠
RP471: Kolory osobowości

RP471: Kolory osobowości


Welcome to this episode of Learn Real Polish, where I will tell you about four basic personality types. Dr. Taylor Hartman labeled them as red, yellow, blue, and white. I think you will be so interested in discovering which personality type you are that you will even forget you are listening in Polish. Comprehensible input will facilitate your Polish learning. Remember that premium users of can also access the complete Polish transcript for enhanced comprehension. The post RP471: Kolory osobowości appeared first on
RP470: Polish Jokes

RP470: Polish Jokes


In this episode of the Learn Polish Podcast, the focus is on Polish Jokes. We’ll explore the history and cultural significance of these jokes, and how they reflect certain aspects of Polish humor and society. I’ll discuss this fascinating subject in simple Polish, providing comprehensible input to help you improve your language skills. Premium users of can also access the full Polish transcript for enhanced comprehension. The post RP470: Polish Jokes appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
RP469: Absurdyzm

RP469: Absurdyzm


Welcome to the latest episode of Learn Real Polish. In this episode, we'll listen to two recordings I received from Julia and Larysa. They discuss synchronicities in their lives. Additionally, we'll shift our perspective and delve into absurdism, a theory positing that the universe is irrational and devoid of inherent meaning. I trust that this Polish comprehensible input will facilitate your Polish learning journey and keep it engaging. Premium users of can also access the complete Polish transcript for enhanced comprehension. Enjoy! The post RP469: Absurdyzm appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
This episode of the Learn Polish Podcast talks about a concept from Carl Jung called Synchronicity. It's about when things seem connected in a meaningful way even though there's no clear cause. I'll explain this interesting idea in simple Polish, providing Polish comprehensible input to help you understand better. Premium users of can also access the full Polish transcript for enhanced comprehension. The post RP468: Synchroniczność appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
RP467: Ludzie i psy

RP467: Ludzie i psy


This episode of the Learn Polish Podcast is the first one since my dear dog, Jobie, passed away. Today, I want to talk about something important: the strong connection between people and dogs. It's been around for ages, from way back in ancient times to now. This bond is so deep that it's a big part of human life everywhere in the world. If you'd like to read along in Polish, you can become a premium member one of my learning Polish program at Your support helps me continue creating episodes like this one and developing new materials for learning Polish. The post RP467: Ludzie i psy appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
This is the Learn Real Polish Podcast! In this episode, I'll talk about the prisoner's dilemma, which is like a game that pops up in many real-life situations where people need to make smart choices. It's called a "dilemma" because it's tricky - even though working together would be best, it's tough for them to trust each other or figure out how to team up effectively. I believe that providing interesting material will help you learn Polish. Listening and reading are the best ways to learn languages. Please consider becoming a premium member at to access Polish transcripts of this episode and all podcast episodes. The post RP466: Dylemat więźnia – zdradzić czy współpracować appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
This is the Learn Real Polish Podcast! In this episode, I will tell you about the Rosenhan experiment, conducted to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnoses. As always, I'll explain everything as simply and clearly as possible. My goal is to provide you with interesting material to help you learn Polish. Listening and reading are the best ways to learn languages. Please consider becoming a premium member at to gain access to Polish transcripts of this episode and all podcast episodes. The post RP465: Eksperyment psychologiczny appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
Welcome to The Real Polish Podcast. Today marks the second anniversary of the Russian attack on Ukraine. I have a recording from Ira in which she talks about her first days after the attack. Last week, Alexey Navalny was murdered in a Russian prison. These two events were the inspiration behind making this episode about Putin and Navalny. Please consider becoming a premium member at to gain access to Polish transcripts of this episode and all podcast episodes. The post RP464: Putin kontra Nawalny appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
RP463: Roald Amundsen

RP463: Roald Amundsen


Welcome to The Real Polish Podcast. Today, we'll learn about Roald Amundsen, a famous explorer from Norway. He went on exciting trips to the cold places of the world. We'll talk about his adventures in an easy way. Learning about Amundsen is also good for improving your Polish. Join us on this journey and become a premium member at to get Polish transcripts. Let's discover Polish while exploring Roald Amundsen's story together. The post RP463: Roald Amundsen appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
Welcome to The Real Polish Podcast, your go-to resource for learning Polish. In this episode, I'll be talking about the James Leininger reincarnation case. I'll explain it in a way that's easy to understand, especially if you're at an intermediate level. Listening to stories like this is a great way to improve your language skills. To get access to Polish transcripts of this episode and all our podcasts, consider becoming a premium member at The post RP462: Dowód na reinkarnację appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
This is The Real Polish Podcast, providing comprehensive input for learners of the Polish language. In this episode, I talk about politics in Poland from 2000 to 2024, with a special focus on two of the most powerful politicians, Donald Tusk and Jarosław Kaczyński. Listening to stories is one of the most efficient ways to improve language skills. Please become a premium member at to gain access to Polish transcripts of this episode and all podcast episodes. The post RP461: Polityka w Polsce w XXI wieku appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
This Real Polish Podcast provides comprehensive input for learners of the Polish language. In this episode, I retell Charles Dickens' story 'Christmas Tale.' Listening to stories is one of the most efficient ways to improve language skills. You can also access Polish transcripts of all podcast episodes by becoming a premium member at The post RP460: Opowieść Wigilijna appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
This episode of Learn Polish Podcast is about the history of Poland at the time of Casimir the Great, that is, in the 14th century. He was the last monarch of the Piast dynasty on the Polish throne. He is considered one of the most outstanding rulers of Poland. Full transcript in Polish is available for premium users of The post RP459: Kazimierz Wielki appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
RP458: Pan Tan

RP458: Pan Tan


In this episode of Learn Real Polish, I would like to discuss Mr. Tan, a patient of Dr. Broca who lost his ability to speak in his 30s. He retained the capacity to comprehend language, yet he found himself unable to articulate words. I will present the information in a manner that is easy to grasp, making this podcast an excellent resource for enhancing your Polish comprehension skills. The post RP458: Pan Tan appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
Welcome to the latest episode of the Learn Real Polish podcast! We'll hear from two of our listeners, Ashley and Alexander, who have shared their thoughts and stories with us. Get ready for a captivating story based on "Głucha przestrzeń" by Stefan Grabiński, often called the Polish Edgar Allan Poe. After the story, I'll give you a brief overview of the author, Stefan Grabiński. Remember, this podcast is an excellent way to improve your listening comprehension skills. For premium users, we offer a podcast transcription on Let's dive into the episode and enjoy the content! The post RP457: Opowiadanie na Halloween appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
Welcome to a new episode of the Learn Real Polish Podcast. This time, we're exploring the journey that led to the creation of the State of Israel. We'll look at the history, important events, and important people who influenced the birth of the nation. From its ancient beginnings to the time after World War II, this episode will give you a brief summary of this important historical moment. We will also listen to recordings from listeners. This podcast is designed to be a lesson in listening comprehension. A transcription of the podcast is available to premium users at The post RP456: Jak powstał Izrael appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
In this episode of the Learn Real Polish Podcast, we begin with a look at its origins in ancient civilizations and the shift from the Earth-centered view to the Sun-centered model, thanks to thinkers like Nicolaus Copernicus. We also touch on the conflicts between science and religion during this period. I strongly believe that listening to the interesting topic will help you learn Polish. Transcripts of this and all other episodes of the podcast are available to all premium subscribers on The post RP455: Teoria heliocentryczna appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
In this episode of the Learn Real Polish Podcast, get ready for an epic adventure as we delve into the life of Maurycy Beniowski, the 18th-century explorer and adventurer. Learn Polish and stay tuned for a journey through history, adventure, and discovery! Transcripts of this and all other episodes of the podcast are available to all premium subscribers on The post RP454: Maurycy Beniowski appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
RP453: Barbie

RP453: Barbie


In this episode of the Learn Real Polish Podcast, I will talk about the movie Barbie. I have to tell you that initially I had no intention of watching a film about Barbie. I thought it was just a movie for teenagers and I wouldn't find anything interesting there. However, the marketing did its job… I finally bought tickets and together with Anna we went to the cinema. Transcript of this and all other episodes of the podcast is available to all premium subscribers of the site The post RP453: Barbie appeared first on Learn Polish Language Online Resource.
Comments (28)

Лариса Т

Dziękuję za wszystkie podkasty! To jest wielka praca! RP - najlepszy podkast po polsku!

Feb 12th



Jan 29th

Farhad Rad

#Mahsa_Amini #Nika_Shakarami #Sarina_Smailzade #Hadis_Najafi #Dictator_Governance #Protest #Iran #مهسا_امینی #نیکا_شاکرمی #حدیث_نجفی #سارینا_اسماعیل_زاده ✌️✌️✌️

Oct 9th

Лариса Т

bardzo czekawy podkast, albo dla mnie bulo moim zdaniem za duże muzyki na tle

Oct 9th

Kobieta Lizaveta

To jest bardzo dobry podcast, tylko zaczynam uczyć się języka polskiego (0,5 podręcznika A1 "Krok po kroku"), ale wszystko rozumiem, bo pan mówi powoli i temat podcastu jest ciekawy 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Aug 21st

Oleg Kovzan


Jul 1st

Катарина Койко

świetny odcinek! bardzo podoba mi się! dziękuję! proszę jeszcze o takim nagrani!)

Sep 2nd


dla Białorusinów język polski jest bardzo łatwy :) ale tylko wtedy, kiedy dobrze wiedzą swój język ojczysty. Ponieważ dużo słów mamy zapożyczonych z polskiego. Ale niestety większość Białorusinów mówią tylko po rosyjsku. Ale dobrze rozumieją polski i ukraiński.

Aug 3rd

Denis Yurkov

najlepszy podcast !

Jul 4th

Denis Yurkov

Najlepszy podcast Piotra!

Jun 9th

Kamil Glogowski

Great potcast, I'm trying to learn how to write and read in Polish, I already speak in Polish because of my parents but I grew up in Spain, Good luck with the learning of the Spanish language, no es muy dificil!

May 31st

Denis Yurkov

Bardzo dobrze Piotr😏

Jan 27th

Alona Ponomarenko

Jest Pan mistrzem! Zawsze mega ciekawe tematy!

Nov 28th

Катарина Койко

dzięki petr. bardzo głęboko zbadałem problem

Nov 14th

Катарина Койко

dziękuję bardzo! to jest bardzo dokładny podcast pod względem medycznym!

Nov 11th

Alona Ponomarenko

Pan jest świetny! Dziękuję za ciężką pracę i ciekawy materiał!

Nov 4th

Oberst Leutnant

Dzien dobrzy, Pioter. Ja uczy sie jęnzyka polskego od dwa miesiące. Dzieńkue bardzo za audio.

Nov 4th


The other podcasts are on

Aug 6th

Мэри Эгнес

Super! djękuję bardzo, Piotr! :))

May 18th

Мэри Эгнес

dziękuje bardzo, Piotr! :))

Apr 19th