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Learn Polish Podcast

Author: Roy Coughlan

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Learn how to Speak Polish in a fun way

A Native Polish Teacher teaches an Irish Foreigner.

We cover everyday topics and are here to help you.The show has been No.1 in lots of Countries as well as getting to the 0.5% of Podcasts. The shows are also available on Video.

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465 Episodes
Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discussed what are the 5 keys to a successful relationship.   All Social Media + Donations   To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit   Now also on Bitchute   Youtube   To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits   In this Episode we discuss:   Zasada- Rule   Pięć zasad udanego związku- Five rules for a successful relationship   Szacunek- Respect   Szanować drugą osobę- To respect the other person   Tolerancja- Tolerance   Nie posprzątałaś domu- You didn't clean the house   Akceptacja- Acceptance   Akceptujemy drugą osobę- We accept the second person   Nikt nie jest doskonały- Nobody is perfect   Akceptujemy, że ta osoba ma wady- We accept that this person has disadvantages   Nie mamy oczekiwań- We have no expectations   Nie jesteśmy rozczarowani- We are not disappointed   Powinniśmy sam chcieć być perfekcyjni- We should want to be perfect   Ty jesteś dobrym przykładem- You are a good example   Relacje w pracy- Relations at work   Relacje w rodzinie- Relations in the family   Zasady ogólne- General rules   If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit   All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers -   Please Share with your friends / Subscribe and give a 5* Review  - Thank You (Dziekuje Bardzo :) )   #learnpolish #speakpolish #polishpodcast
#107 House Cleaning

#107 House Cleaning


Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discussed house cleaning.   All Social Media + Donations   To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit   Now also on Bitchute   Youtube   To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits   In this Episode we discuss:   Sprzątanie- Cleaning   Czy lubisz sprzątać?- Do you like cleaning?   Tak, lubię sprzątać- Yes, I like to clean   Nie, nie lubię sprzątać- No, I don't like cleaning   Nie lubię, ale muszę- I don't like it, but I have to   Bałagan- Mess   Odkurzać- To vacuum   Mój syn odkurza- My son vaccumes   Mój syn lubi sprzątać- My son likes to clean   Myć podłogę- Wash the floor   Myć okna- Clean windows   Kurz- Dust   Wycierać kurze- Mop the dust   Sprzątać łazienkę- Clean the bathroom   Sprzątać kuchnię- Clean the kitchen   Zmywać naczynia- Wash the dishes   Lubisz zmywać naczynia?- Do you like washing dishes?   Zmywarka- Dishwasher   Jesteś dobrze zorganizowany- You are well organized   Twój dom jest czysty- Your house is clean   Kiedy byłeś mały lubiłeś sprzątać?- Did you like to clean when you were little?   Pedant, pedantka- Pedant, pedant   Znasz kogoś kto jest pedantem?- Do you know someone who's a pedantic?   Moje przeciwieństwo- My opposite   Napiszcie w komentarzach czy lubicie sprzątać i co- Write in the comments if you like cleaning and what   If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit   All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers -   Please Share with your friends / Subscribe and give a 5* Review  - Thank You (Dziekuje Bardzo :) )   #learnpolish #speakpolish #polishpodcast
#106 Valentine's Day

#106 Valentine's Day


Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discussed Valentine's day   All Social Media + Donations   To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit   Now also on Bitchute   Youtube   To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits   Correction - St Valentine was born in Italy and burried in Dublin, Ireland.   In this Episode we discuss: Walentynki- Valentine's Day   Walentynki są popularne- Valentine's Day is popular   Czerwone serce- Red heart   Poduszka- Pillow   Serce to symbol Walentynek- The heart is a symbol of Valentine's Day   Zakochać się- Fall in love   Kiedy miałem 15 lat pierwszy raz się zakochałem- When I was 15 I fell in love for the first time   Jak miała na imię Twoja pierwsza miłość?- What was your first love's name?   Kochać- To love   Kocham moją żonę, chłopaka, syna- I love my wife, boyfriend, son   Umawiać się na randkę- To pick up a date   Chodzić na spotkania- To go to meetings   Być z kimś- To be with somebody   Związek- Relationship   Dawać prezenty- To give gifts   Mężczyźni kupują kobietom piękne czerwone róże- Men buy women beautiful red roses   Kartka Walentynkowa- Valentine's card   Ja Cię kocham tylko troszkę, jak kogucik swą kokoszkę- I love you only a little, like a cockerel his hen   Bądź moją Walentynką- Be my Valentine   Czy w Irlandii celebrujecie Walentynki?- Do you celebrate Valentine's Day in Ireland?   Masz siedem dni żeby kupić prezent dla swojej Walentynki- You have seven days to buy a gift for your Valentine   Napiszcie w komentarzach jak celebrujecie Walentynki- Write in the comments how you celebrate Valentine's Day-   If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit   All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers -   Please Share with your friends / Subscribe and give a 5* Review  - Thank You (Dziekuje Bardzo :) )   #learnpolish #speakpolish #polishpodcast
Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discuss who works where.   All Social Media + Donations   To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit   Now also on Bitchute   Youtube   To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits   In this Episode we discuss:   Umówić się na wizytę- To make an appointment Zapisać się- Sign up Chciałbym umówić się na wizytę do doktora- I would like to make an appointment with a doctor Czy ma Pan swoją kartę?- Do you have your card? Kiedy Panu pasuje przyjść?- When is it fit for you to come? Co Panu dolega?- What is the problem? Kaszel- Cough Katar- Runny nose Prywatny problem- Private problem Musiałeś płacić za wizytę?- Did you have to pay for a visit? Byłem prywatnie- I was privately Czy wolisz chodzić do lekarza prywatnie czy do lekarza publicznego?- Do you prefer to go to the doctor privately or to the public doctor? Kurkuma- Turmeric Olej kokosowy- Coconut oil Naturalne metody leczenia- Natural treatments Antybiotyk zabija dobre bakterie- The antibiotic kills the good bacteria Nie lubisz chodzić do lekarza- You don't like going to the doctor Pijesz herbatę z miodem i cytryną- You drink tea with honey and lemon Chusteczka higieniczna- Hygienic tissue Ręcznik kuchenny- Kitchen towel Lekarstwa- Medicine Herbata z imbirem- Ginger tea   If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit   All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers -   Please Share with your friends / Subscribe and give a 5* Review  - Thank You (Dziekuje Bardzo :) )   #learnpolish #speakpolish #polishpodcast
Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discuss different things to ask for in a tailors.   All Social Media + Donations   To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit   Now also on Bitchute   Youtube   To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits   In this Episode we discuss:   Ostatni dzień tygodnia- Last day of the week Niedziela- Sunday Kalendarz- Calendar Dzień Babci- Grandmother's day Składać życzenia- To make wishes Co możemy życzyć babci?- What can we wish grandma? Kupujemy kwiaty- We buy flowers Życzę Ci zdrowia, uśmiechu, dużo energii- I wish you health, a smile, a lot of energy Dobre ciasto- Good cake Okulary- Glasses Robienie na drutach- Knitting Bujać się na fotelu na biegunach- Rocking on a rocking chair Babcia ma zawsze dużo słodyczy- Grandma always has a lot of sweets Dzień Dziadka- Grandfather's day Dziadek zawsze coś naprawia- Grandpa always fixes something Chodzić do lasu na grzyby- To go to the forest for mushrooms Dziadek pokazuje samochód- Grandpa shows the car Z dziadkiem można łowić ryby- You can fish with your grandfather Pamiętasz swojego dziadka?- Do you remember your grandfather? Czy w waszym kraju jest takie święto?- Is there such a holiday in your country?   If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit   All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers -   Please Share with your friends / Subscribe and give a 5* Review  - Thank You (Dziekuje Bardzo :) )   #learnpolish #speakpolish #polishpodcast
#101 Tailor Services

#101 Tailor Services


Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discuss different things to ask for in a tailors.   All Social Media + Donations   To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit   Now also on Bitchute   Youtube   To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits   In this Episode we discuss:   Usługi- Services Krawiec- Tailor Kim jest krawiec?- Who is the tailor? Idę do krawca- I'm going to the tailor Byłem u krawca- I was at the tailor Krawiec nie mówi po angielsku- The tailor does not speak English W czym mogę pomóc?- How can I help you? Za długie spodnie- Pants are too long Skrócić nogawki- Shorten the legs Urwał się guzik- The button has broken off Pan chce przyszyć guzik- You want to sew on a button Rozporek się zepsuł- The fly broke Wstawić nowy rozporek- Insert a new fly Zmniejszyć marynarkę- Reduce jacket Poszerzyć spodnie- Widen pants Zwęzić spodnie- Narrow pants Za tydzień wszystko będzie gotowe- In a week everything will be ready   If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit   All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers -   Please Share with your friends / Subscribe and give a 5* Review  - Thank You (Dziekuje Bardzo :) )
Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On the 100th Episode we talk about why I like Poland.   All Social Media + Donations   To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit   Now also on Bitchute   Youtube   To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits   In this Episode we discuss:   Wyjątkowy dzień- A special day O Polsce- About Poland Lubię Polsce bo w Polsce jest piękne morze- I like Poland because Poland has a beautiful sea Morze Bałtyckie- Baltic Sea Pierogi- Dumplings Pyszne jedzenie- Delicious food Piękne miasto Gdańsk- Beautiful city Gdańsk Trójmiasto- Tri-City Kraków jest pięknym miastem- Krakow is a beautiful city Stare miasto- Old Town Dużo zabytków- A lot of monuments Piękna architektura- Beautiful architecture Dużo turystów- Lots of tourists Dobre piwo- Good beer W Polsce są piękne kobiety- There are beautiful women in Poland Niebieskie oczy- Blue eyes Jasna karnacja- Light complexion Molo w Sopocie- The Sopot molo Piękne góry Tatry- Beautiful Tatra Mountains Piękne jeziora- Beautiful lakes Mazury- Masuria Polska jest nowoczesna- Poland is modern W Polsce jest dużo atrakcji- There are many attractions in Poland Język polski jest piękny- The Polish language is beautiful Napiszcie w komentarzach, lubię Polskę bo… - Write in the comments, I like Poland because ...   If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit   All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers -   Please Share with your friends / Subscribe and give a 5* Review  - Thank You (Dziekuje Bardzo :) )
Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we talk about  Greetings (Formal & Informal).   Find all Graphics to freely Download     Start Your Own Podcast + Social Media & Donations     All other Social Media & Donations   Spotify   Apple   To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit   Now also on   Bitchute   Youtube   To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits  --------------------------------------------------   Learn how to say basic greetings: What is your name How do you feel What is your telephone number Counting 1-10 Yes Goodbye / See you     Additional information can be found at Learn to Speak in Public at
Immerse yourself in the richness of the Polish language as we explore floral vocabulary in this episode of Learn Polish Podcast. Host and the co-host Daniel dive into the exciting realm of flower names in Polish, turning a routine podcast episode into an enjoyable linguistic journey. In the vibrant lexicon of flowers, you'll learn how to say with Daniel how a phone goes 'bing' in Polish! The session further introduces listeners to the Polish names for various types of prominent flowers, such as roses (Róża), lotus (Lotus soup), tulips (Tulipan), lavender (Lavenda), sunflower (Słonecznik), lilies (Lilie), daisies (Stokrotki), and daffodils (Narcissus). As you familiarize yourself with these words, the hosts also share intriguing tidbits about the flowers. From consuming sunflower seeds to utilizing lavender to ward off pests, the narrative is sure to spark interest. Join us in this refreshing episode as we continue to explore and appreciate the beauty of the Polish language. Share with us your favorite flower and any other flower names you'd like to learn in Polish. Find this episode and all things related to our podcast at Don't forget to leave us a thumbs up, rate us five stars, and share with your friends! Na razie. Dziękuję bardzo i do widzenia!
Welcome to Learn Polish Podcast episode number 465 where we aim to help you expand your vocabulary - this time with a focus on supermarket related words and phrases. In this episode, we'll cover the Polish names for common grocery items, from lemons and onions, to milk and coffee, and many more. Featuring a lively discussion with Daniel, learn about what these everyday items are called in Polish and how to ask for them. We have compiled a list of items, Daniel will tell you what they are in Polish and you will be able to pronounce them along with our hosts. Learn how to order your groceries in a polish supermarket with phrases like "Czy możesz podać mi cytryny?" (Can you hand me lemons?) and many more. Identify what different kinds of onions, milk or oils are called or how to distinguish between a shopping trolley and a pram, both known as 'vuzek' in Polish. Ultimately, this episode aims to help you navigate a Polish supermarket with ease and confidence. So whether you're making dinner or baking a cake, we've got you covered! Listen to this episode on, YouTube and Rumble and don't forget to leave us a five-star rating and comment. We look forward to hearing from you and enjoy the episode!
Welcome to episode 464 of the Learn Polish Podcast. In this episode, we delve deep into interesting conversations on how to foster an enriching relationship with your child. You can check out this episode as well as our previous ones on our website, or you can find us on YouTube and Rumble. Today, we discuss essential factors in maintaining meaningful relationships with your child, be it a son or a daughter. Our approach primarily revolves around 'getting on your child's level'. We believe effective communication happens when each party can relate to the other's experiences and perspectives, hence the need for parental figures to be on the same level, emotionally and mentally, as their children. We also explore becoming sportscasters or playing and engaging in shared activities, emphasizing the role that one-on-one quality time plays in strengthening bonds. This could be anything from a trip to the cinema or a visit to a theme park like Mandoria or Energialandia. The podcast further stresses the importance of eating dinner together, highlighting the value of eye contact and conversations over meals. Spending time in the garden and even cooking together was also recommended. Bedtime bonding, such as reading together or solving math problems, is another great way we discuss to connect with your children. Sharing travel experiences, like a vacation in Estonia, was also discussed as a way to build tighter family bonds. Thus, the episode is a comprehensive guide to practical and effective ways to foster a healthier and closer relationship with your child. Share your tips and strategies with us in the comments, because the more we learn and do together, the better!
Welcome to the 463rd episode of the Learn Polish Podcast, where we make learning Polish fun and engaging. This episode is dedicated to the classic card game, Uno, and how it is played in Polish culture. The hosts discuss the game mechanics, the importance of each card, the tactics, and the enjoyment they derive from it. Along the way, you'll pick up some Polish vocabulary related to gaming and more. The hosts take listeners through the entire game, starting from drawing the seven cards, explaining the function of "Change Colour" and "Pass" cards, to the thrill of shouting "Uno" when you're down to your last card. They then describe a couple of Uno variants, such as "Dos Express" and "Uno Flip," adding more excitement and depth to the game. This episode is not just full of linguistic insights but also packed with laughs and friendly banter, making your Polish learning journey an entertaining experience. Ending the episode on a high note, the hosts encourage listeners to share their own experiences playing Uno. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, whether you're learning Polish or just love card games, this episode is sure to fascinate you. Find all our episodes on, and don’t forget to rate us and leave your comments.
Welcome to episode 462 of the Learn Polish Podcast. Today, we delve into an interesting discussion about the game of darts ('Żutki' in Polish). This episode takes a lively turn as Daniel, clothed in a blue top, integrates with the green screen during our recording. We discuss the nitty-gritty of the dart game, providing translations for key terms in both English and Polish. From tackling the fundamental elements of darts, like singles, doubles, and triples to the complications of scoring in the game, we cover it all. We even touch on the intricacies of the dartboard, specifically the bullseye and the outer segment of it. Sharing our experiences and tips, we debate about the best strategies in the game. Electronic versus traditional darts, ideal throwing angles, and more - we unpack every aspect of this exciting sport. As a bonus, we even offer a spontaneous invitation to anyone who'd fancy a game of darts with us in Łódź! We wrap up this episode by expressing gratitude and inviting suggestions from our listeners for future podcasts. If you're ready to learn some Polish through a fun and engaging game, this is an episode you don't want to miss. Enjoy it on our website, YouTube, or Rumble.
Welcome to episode 461 of the Learn Polish Podcast, "Polish Basics - Learning to Greet in Polish with Daniel", where we are offering new and improved programming while maintaining our mission to help you learn Polish in a fun and interactive setting. This episode is all about greetings in Polish – a must-know topic for anyone planning a trip to Poland or interested in its language and culture. This episode is guided by the insightful Daniel. To start off, Daniel goes over the fundamental greeting ‘dzień dobry’, equivalent to 'good day' or 'hello', which you would use regularly when meeting somebody. He explains this is a handy phrase to have at the ready, as it's culturally appropriate to use variations of the greeting depending on the time of day and formality of the situation. We then transition into 'dobry wieczór,' which translates to 'good night' or 'good evening.' This is another common greeting to use throughout your day, particularly if you find yourself in a shop or out later in the night. The next part of the lesson is about 'Cześć.' It has a dual meaning of ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ but is mostly used informally. The less common yet still essential greetings such as 'witam' (welcome) and 'do vidzénia' (goodbye) are also covered. We wrap up the show detailing how to use various other casual greetings that are popular among youngsters. Even though greetings like 'seama’ (how’s it going) and ‘hey’ aren’t used traditionally, they are quite trendy and convey coolness. Daniel further shares some of his uses of these greetings amongst his friends. This podcast episode is available on various platforms including Rumble and YouTube, and can be listened on Bitchute. Join us next time for another educational and enjoyable lesson on Polish vocabulary and conversation. Thank you for listening!   Find the show here
Welcome to the 460th episode of Learn Polish Podcast! Are you new to learning Polish? Begin with our older episodes, go back right to the start so you can understand and learn systematically. All our previous episodes are available on If you want to learn from Kamilla's team, visit We're also available on platforms including BitChute, YouTube, and Rumble. Don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications to know when fresh content is out. Give us a thumbs up and drop your comments - it means a lot to us! In this episode, we dive into the Polish vocabulary associated with the English word ‘Against’. You will learn how to use 'przeciw’ and ‘wbrew’, the two Polish words that equate to 'against'. Understanding their distinctive nuances will help you compose sentences more confidently in Polish. The conversation in the podcast serves as examples on how to use these Polish terms in real, everyday conversations, such as discussions about purchasing a new car or disagreeing with someone's opinion. Whether listening in the morning or evening, make the most of this episode regardless of time! Happy learning and do zobaczenia next time.   Words used in this Episode:   Przeciw- Against   Krem przeciw starzeniu się skóry- Anti-aging skin cream   Żel przeciw kleszczom- Anti-tick gel   Syrop przeciwkaszlowy- Antitussive syrup   Tabletka przeciwbólowa- Painkiller   Szczepionka przeciw grypie- Vaccine against flu   Wbrew- Against   Syn robi coś wbrew mamie- The son does something against his mother   Nie rób w życiu nic wbrew sobie- Don't do anything in life against your will   Wbrew sobie zostałam w tej pracy- Against myself, I stayed in this job   Wbrew opiniom golf nie jest drogim sportem- Against opinions, golf is not an expensive sport   Kupiłem nowy samochód wbrew żonie- I bought a new car against my wife  
Welcome to a new episode of Learn Polish Podcast. In episode number 459, Roy and Kamila once again delve into the exciting world of the Polish language, this time focusing on new vocabulary and idioms. Whether you are a beginner just embarking on your Polish language journey or an advanced learner looking to push your skills to the next level, this episode offers a unique and enjoyable learning experience. Dive into handy idioms such as ‘odnosić sukces’ (to succeed), ‘odnosić zwycięstwo’ (to win), ‘odnosić skutek' (to be successful), and learn how to use them correctly in context. They also discuss the more intense topics of accidents and injuries, with idioms such as ‘odnosić obrażenia’ (to be injured). Amid all the learning, Roy and Kamila also share some light-hearted banter and personal stories, giving you a delightful glimpse into Polish culture, humor, and lifestyle. Stay tuned till the end for additional language learning resources and tips. If you have any suggestions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out – your input is greatly appreciated! Visit Kamila's team at and find all the episodes on And remember, practice makes perfect, so keep learning, and until next time, dziękuję bardzo. Do widzenia!   Word used in this Episode:   Idiomy- Idioms   Odnosić, odnieść sukces- To succeed   Ten mężczyzna odniósł sukces- This man was successful   Odniosłem sukces w życiu, mam święty spokój- I have succeeded in life, I have peace of mind   Pieniądze szczęścia nie dają (ale tylko małe) - Money doesn't buy happiness (but only a little money)   Odnosić, odnieść zwycięstwo- To be victorious   Odnosić, odnieść skutki- To succeed   Odnosić, odnieść obrażenia- To be injured
In episode number 457 of the Learn Polish Podcast, we delve into welcoming the wonderful season of spring while having a detailed discussion about the fundamental aspects of Polish grammar. We focus on cases, declination, and variations of the word 'Spring' in Polish – an insightful session for those learning the language. We consider sentence construction using different cases in Polish, illustrating how forms change in various contexts. We talk about the implications of the word 'Wiosna' (Spring) in different cases, making the process interactive and relatable. We also have a look at common errors students might make when translating directly from English, and cover useful grammar corrections. Breaking down the grammatical designation of 'Spring' in Polish, we show how words transform in Polish cases. We transition from the nominative case, designing sentences depicting the beauty of spring in Polish grammar, to the instrumental case, the accusative case, and beyond. In this episode, we present not just an introduction to the season, but a deeper understanding of Polish grammar made easy. Join us in our linguistic journey while embracing the essence of spring! Feel free to comment on whether you enjoy such grammar-focused topics and if you want more podcasts concentrating on Polish cases. Regardless of your preferences, we extend our warm greetings from Roy and Kamila and look forward to catching up soon!   Words used in this Episode of Learn Polish Podcast:   To jest wiosna- It's spring   Wiosna to moja ulubiona pora roku- Spring is my favorite season   Wiosną świeci słońce- The sun shines in spring   Lubię wiosnę- I like spring   Na wiosnę robi się cieplej- It gets warmer in spring   Myślę o wiośnie- I'm thinking about spring   Rozmawiamy o wiośnie- We're talking about spring   Nie lubię wiosny- I don't like spring   Potrzebuję wiosny - I need spring
Welcome to the 456th episode of Learn Polish Podcast. Today we discuss the traditions and customs surrounding the Easter holiday in Poland. As we delve into the symbolic representations of Easter from little lambs, colourful eggs to daffodils, we add an interesting angle by throwing light on how these symbols differ from those in Ireland. In this thought-provoking episode, we also entertain the listeners with fun facts about some common Easter dishes and flowers that signify this holiday. Reminiscing about Easter in Poland and Ireland, we compare the differences and peculiarities of the holiday in both countries. For example, while the Poles follow a custom of painting eggs (pisanki), this tradition is seemingly absent in Ireland. We also explain the Polish custom of Święconka or the blessing of the Easter basket and compare it with Irish traditions. We talk about how the variety of food and even alcohol is brought to church on Holy Saturday to be blessed and then eaten on Easter Sunday in Poland, a tradition which is not seen in Ireland. Intriguingly, we also explore the language link between the Easter cake (Babka) and interesting phrases in Polish. We encourage you to join us on this fascinating journey to understand the rich cultural nuances of the Easter holiday in Poland and Ireland. We invite listeners to share their Easter traditions in the comments to help us broaden our understanding of these cultural celebrations. Whether it's the charming tales of the Easter Bunny or the solemn church rituals, tune in to this podcast episode to feel the spirit of Easter from different cultural perspectives. Comment, share, and join us next week for more fascinating talks about the Polish language and culture!   Words used in this Episode of learn Polish Podcast:     Święta religijne- Religious holidays   Święta rodzinne- Family holidays   Święta państwowe- Public holidays   Wielkanoc- Easter   Zając- Hare   Królik- Rabbit   Pisanki (malowane jajka)- Easter eggs (painted eggs)   Kolor żółty- Yellow color   Żonkil- Daffodil   Żurek- Sour soup   Babka wielkanocna- Easter cake   Święconka- Easter basket   Święcić pokarm- Bless food Czekoladowe jajka- Chocolate eggs
Welcome to Learn Polish Podcast, episode 455, where we delve into the intriguing world of children and what they like to do. Joined by my son Daniel, we delve into various activities that engage children. From running, jumping, swinging to climbing trees and more, we uncover a refreshing perspective that children bring to the table. Fascinated by the nuances of the Polish language? Daniel and I discuss words for various activities and states, like biegacz (to run), spragniony (thirsty), skakacze (jump), and chodzić po drzewach (like climbing a tree). Tune in to enrich your Polish vocabulary as we further delve into a variety of verbs and phrases linked to children's activities. Additionally, we reflect on preferences that shift as kids age, discussing differences between things like trampolining, tree houses, and other forms of play. We even compare various obligations such as school and homework systems in different locations, providing a more diverse outlook. We encourage our listeners to participate in the discussions and share their thoughts about each episode. Your feedback is immensely valuable for our program. Until our next episode, Dziękuję bardzo, do widzenia.
Welcome to the Learn Polish Podcast where we delve into the intricacies of the Polish language. In this episode, we dissect the meaning of the word 'O'. The word 'O' is versatile and dynamic in the Polish language, posing an interesting challenge to learners. Let's unravel its mysteries together. Primarily, 'O' translates to 'about' in English. We utilize it while talking about who or what we are thinking about, bringing to the forefront expressions like o kim myślisz or o czym myślisz, that translate to who are you thinking about or what are you thinking about respectively. Contrarily, it could also mean 'at' in English during certain contexts, particularly while inquiring about the time. Consequently, we come up with phrases such as, 'O której godzinie budzisz się?' This translates to, 'At what time do you wake up?'. Interestingly, 'O' is also used quite frequently when asking for something - 'I ask for your help' would be 'Proszę o pomoc' in Polish. Join us on this linguistic journey as we continue to explore the depths of this lovely language. Give us your thoughts and share your experiences in the comments, and don't forget to subscribe for more enlightening episodes. Enjoy learning with us on Learn Polish Podcast!   Words used in this Episode:   O kim, o czym myślisz?-Who, what are you thinking about?   Myślę o synu- I'm thinking about my son   Myślę o nowych butach- I'm thinking about new shoes   Marzę o nowym domu- I dream of a new house   Budzę się o piątej- I wake up at five   Zaczynam pracę o ósmej- I start work at eight   Obiad mam o osiemnastej- I have a dinner at eighteen   O której godzinie chodzisz spać?-What time do you go to sleep?   Proszę o informację- I ask for information   Proszę o pomoc- Please help