Learn Portuguese - BrazilianPodClass

BrazilianPodClass is a free podcast for those who want to learn Brazilian Portuguese. It is released once a week, for all levels with focus on conversation, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and popular expressions.

1 - At a Seminar Reception Desk

We’ll be listening to a dialogue that takes place in Rio de Janeiro, at a seminar reception desk, between the receptionist and Mr. James Youlten. In this dialogue, James Youlten from England tells the receptionist his name, how to spell it and where he comes from.


Deziño Lopes

Eu sou do Brasil e queria aprender o inglês! estou estudando atualmente, mas queria praticar conversação. Alguém pode me ajudar, por favor?

12-04 Reply

Masoud Shahrouzi

Hi how can I lesson the episodes 2-561 ?

08-17 Reply

Miguel Yiming

Muito obrigado pelas aulas!

07-17 Reply

Mohamadreza Amini

hi. I'm Iranian. my name is Mohammad. I'm going to Brazil soon. please help me to learn protuguese.

03-12 Reply

Donna Barath

Just found out that you could learn different languages love it if I could understand my daughter in law she is Brazilian. Hopefully I could understand some phrases

11-19 Reply




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