Learning Portuguese is Fun

Every Podcast episode has a worksheet which includes the audio transcript, exercises and answers: https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materials Follow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfun AND ENJOY! ;)

T2 Episódio 11 - Expressões idiomáticas com animais: duas espanholas à conversa

S2 Episode 11 - Animal idioms: two Spanish talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/aG7WpFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 10 - Expressões idiomáticas com o corpo humano: duas espanholas à conversa

S2 Episode 10 - Idioms based on the body: two Spanish talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/02eWH Follow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 9 - Estereótipos (parte II): uma espanhola e um bósnio à conversa

S2 Episode 9 - Stereotypes (part 2): a Spanish and a Bosnian talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/JeVnfFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 8 - Estereótipos: uma espanhola e uma búlgara à conversa

S2 Episode 8 - Stereotypes: a Spanish and a Bulgarian talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/tGuOHFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 7 - Que futuro para o nosso planeta?: um finlandês e um americano à conversa

S2 Episode 7 - What is the future of our planet?: a Finnish and an American talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/6mpUtFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 6 - Tradições natalícias e de fim de ano: duas francesas lusodescendentes à conversa

S2 Episode 6 - Christmas and New Year traditions: a conversation with two French with Portuguese rootsCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/3xNy9Follow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 5 - Gastronomia: uma búlgara e um holandês à conversa

S2 Episode 5 - Gastronomy: a Bulgarian and a Dutch talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/2xqYsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 4 - As minhas viagens: um inglês e um bósnio à conversa

S2 Episode 4 - My travel experiences: a British and a Bosnian talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/AXI3QFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 3 - O português na minha vida: uma búlgara e uma espanhola à conversa

S2 Episode 3 - Portuguese language in my life: a Bulgarian and a Spanish talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/u6w1oFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 2 - Aveiro: dicas de um aveirense "de gema" e a experiência de uma espanhola em Aveiro

S2 Episode 2 - Aveiro: tips from a local (@portuguese_com_o_filipe) and a Spanish expat in AveiroCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/XhoBcFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


T2 Episódio 1 - O português na minha vida: um finlandês e um americano à conversa

S2 Episode 1 - Portuguese language in my life: a Finnish and an American talkingCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://payhip.com/b/HYqVrFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Episódio 50 - O fado e fadistas portugueses

Episode 50 - Fado and its singersCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_ASONGS:1: Balada da Despedida do 5º Ano Jurídico 88/89 (Rui Lucas, António Vicente e João Paulo Sousa)2: Uma casa portuguesa (Amália Rodrigues)3: Lisboa, menina e moça (Carlos do Carmo)4: Sei de um rio (Camané)5: Chuva (Mariza)6: Andorinhas (Ana Moura)7...


Episódio 49 - 14 coisas que não se podiam fazer antes da Revolução dos Cravos

Episode 49 - 14 things you couldn't do before the Carnation RevolutionCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Episódio 48 – Uma visita ao Oceanário de Lisboa

Episode 48 - A visit to the Lisbon OceanariumCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Episódio 47 - Delta Cafés, uma marca portuguesa de referência

Episode 47 - Delta Cafés, a reference brand in PortugalCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Episódio 46 - O aniversário do meu marido

Episode 46 - My husband's birthdayCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Episódio 45 - 1 de dezembro: a Restauração da Independência de Portugal

Episode 45 - 1st December: day of the restoration of the independence of PortugalCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Episódio 44 - Black Friday

Episode 44 - Black FridayCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Episódio 43 - Conjugação pronominal reflexa: colocação do pronome

Episode 43 - Portuguese reflexive verbs: where do you put the reflexive pronoun?Check out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Episódio 42 - Feriados em Portugal

Episode 42 - Bank holidays in PortugalCheck out the audio transcript and worksheet in our website!https://learninglanguagesis.fun/podcast-materialsFollow us on Instagram: @learninglanguagesisfunIntro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28xU2HLfu_A


Shaun Flanagan

Muito obrigado!! Eu gosto do sotaque de Portugal!

06-19 Reply

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