Lecture date: December 8, 2016. Author Daniel Botkin discussed his book, Twenty-Five Myths That Are Destroying the Environment: What Many Environmentalists Believe and Why They Are Wrong.
Lecture date: September 7, 2016. Michael Shellenberger describes why environmentalists are fighting for Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, California’s last, and why they will succeed.
Lecture date: November 30, 2016. Douglas McCauley shares stories of science and adventure from his career as a marine biologist.
Lecture date: November 17, 2016. Rob Gould is the founder and president/CEO of One Degree Strategies. He discussed using the discipline of marketing to change people’s behavior regarding climate change.
Lecture date: November 9, 2016. Sandy Trautwein discussed the fascinating lives of seahorses, seadragons, and pipefish, why seahorses are facing extinction within thirty years, and how the Aquarium is contributing to their conservation.
Lecture date: October 14, 2016. Russ Parsons and Sarah Rathbone discuss Dock to Dish and the important role of well-managed local seafood in an environmentally responsible seafood supply.
Lecture date: October 7, 2016. Russ Parsons, Robert Egger, and Arlin Crane discussed how culinary training coupled with supportive programming can provide new hope for reformed gang members, previously incarcerated men and women, and emancipated foster youth and the communities they live in.
Lecture date: September 23, 2016. Russ Parsons and Brian Brown discuss sustainability in the winemaking industry.
Lecture date: October 27, 2016. Dr. Sean Carroll discussed the discovery of the “The Serengeti Rules,” the ecological rules that regulate the numbers and kinds of animals and plants in any given place.
Lecture date: October 18, 2016. Photographer Mac Stone shared images and stories from his book, Everglades: America’s Wetland.
Lecture date: October 12, 2016. Artist Gail Wight discussed how topics in biology—like deep time, species diversity, extinction, and the forces of weather on habitat—drive her studio practice.
Lecture date: October 5, 2016. Marine biologist Dr. Helen Scales discussed seahorse behavior and biology and how seahorses are endangered by modern threats rooted in humans' ancient beliefs.
Lecture date: September 27, 2016. Charles Wurster discussed his book, DDT Wars, and the inside story it tells of the decade-long scientific, legal, and strategic campaign that culminated in the national ban of the insecticide DDT in 1972.
Lecture date: August 30, 2016. Patrick Krug discussed ecological reasons for sea slugs’ beautiful coloration, their role in drug discovery and biomedical research, and their dramatic and intriguing mating behaviors.
Lecture date: August 18, 2016. Mike Bartick discussed diving at night and photographing nocturnal marine life.
Lecture date: August 9, 2016. Andrew Nosal discussed leopard sharks that gather in shallow water off La Jolla Shores Beach in Southern California every summer.
Lecture date: July 19, 2016. Josefin Stiller discussed new insights into seadragon biology gained from field observations in Australia and from novel genetic techniques in the lab. Stiller and her advisors serendipitously discovered the ruby seadragon in 2015.
Lecture date: July 12, 2016. A panel of experts discussed the pros and cons of ocean desalination as a source of fresh drinking water in Southern California.
Lecture date: July 7, 2016. Joel Van Eenennaam discussed the history of white sturgeon aquaculture, the reproductive biology of this species, and hatchery techniques for wild stock enhancement and commercial aquaculture.
Lecture date: June 29, 2016. Scott Noakes discussed the discovery of two Pleistocene gray whales offshore of Georgia and what it might mean for our knowledge about Atlantic gray whales.