Legacy Podcast

Legacy Podcast

This is for fathers!<br /><br />Join us, Andy Lamberton and Stephen Mullan, as we interview Christian fathers about leaving a legacy in our children's lives. We are two fathers, working in youth ministry and (along with our wives!) raising children in Ireland. We want to be fathers who disciple our children. So listen in as we cover topics from failing to pregnancy, family devotions to our secularising world. <br /><br />This is the Legacy podcast: where we talk about all things faith and fatherhood. <br /><br />All episodes and articles found at www.legacyfathers.org.

Fathers Turn. A Reading from 'The Heart of the Father'. S4E7

Join Andy, Rob and Stephen as they read through The Heart of the Father: Seven Reading to Celebrate Father's Day.As a Father – so the LORDFathers KnowFathers SpeakFathers DesireFathers Do Not LeaveFathers RunFathers TurnLinks:Legacy


Fathers Run. A Reading from 'The Heart of the Father'. S4E6

Join Andy, Rob and Stephen as they read through The Heart of the Father: Seven Reading to Celebrate Father's Day.As a Father – so the LORDFathers KnowFathers SpeakFathers DesireFathers Do Not LeaveFathers RunFathers TurnLinks:Legacy


Fathers Do Not Leave. A Reading from 'The Heart of the Father'. S4E5

Join Andy, Rob and Stephen as they read through The Heart of the Father: Seven Reading to Celebrate Father's Day.As a Father – so the LORDFathers KnowFathers SpeakFathers DesireFathers Do Not LeaveFathers RunFathers TurnLinks:Legacy


Fathers Desire. A Reading from 'The Heart of the Father'. S4E4

Join Andy, Rob and Stephen as they read through The Heart of the Father: Seven Reading to Celebrate Father's Day.As a Father – so the LORDFathers KnowFathers SpeakFathers DesireFathers Do Not LeaveFathers RunFathers TurnLinks:Legacy


Fathers Speak. A Reading from 'The Heart of the Father'. S4E3

Join Andy, Rob and Stephen as they read through The Heart of the Father: Seven Reading to Celebrate Father's Day.As a Father – so the LORDFathers KnowFathers SpeakFathers DesireFathers Do Not LeaveFathers RunFathers TurnLinks:Legacy


Fathers Know. A Reading from 'The Heart of the Father'. S4E2

Join Andy, Rob and Stephen as they read through The Heart of the Father: Seven Reading to Celebrate Father's Day.As a Father – so the LORDFathers KnowFathers SpeakFathers DesireFathers Do Not LeaveFathers RunFathers TurnLinks:Legacy


As a Father – so the LORD. A Reading from 'The Heart of the Father'. S4E1

This is the first of a short seven part series. Join Andy, Rob and Stephen as they read through The Heart of the Father: Seven Reading to Celebrate Father's Day.As a Father – so the LORDFathers KnowFathers SpeakFathers DesireFathers Do Not LeaveFathers RunFathers TurnLinks:Legacy


Help me grow as a Christian Man, with Joe Barnard.

The Christian life is no anti-climax. Jesus invites us to life in all its fullness.When Jesus calls Peter to ‘come follow me’ he doesn’t leave Peter in the dark. He says come follow me, and I will make you into a fisher of men. Jesus had a journey of transformation in mind for Peter. Discipleship.If you’re feeling stuck, your faith stagnant – listen to this episode. Sometimes we need a nudge to awaken us again. To grow in the freedom of putting Christ first. To live a generous and grateful life with God and our family. Chapters0:00 - 5:32 Introductions5:33 - 10:48 The main things that help Christian men grow10:49 - 12:08 You’re from Scotland but your accent's American?12:09 - 21:22 PRESS and Men Behaving Dadly21:23 - 39:59 More things that help spiritual growth for menGuest: Joe BarnardJoe Barnard is the pastor of Holyrood Evangelical Church in Edinburgh and the executive director of Cross Training Ministries, a discipleship ministry focused on training men in spiritual fitness. He is also the author of ‘The Way Forward: a Road Map of Spiritual Growth for Men in the 21st Century’. Married to Anna, they have four children.Host: Andy LambertonAndy Lamberton is the director of Legacy. He goes to the same church his parents, grandparents, great and great great-grandparents went to. Married to Debbie, they are raising their four children in Donegal with ice-pops for dessert most days. Author of Letters for Exiles: Faithful Living in a Faithless World.Links: LegacyCross Training Ministries


How to Help Your Children with Friendship, Sex and Marriage - With Ed Drew. S3E5

Friendship, Sex, and Marriage, I mean … I like all those things! But I struggle to talk about them with my children. Join Andy as he talks with Ed Drew from Faith in Kids about loneliness and value, sex and sexuality, marriage and Mr Rogers.Chapters0:00 - 2:36 Introductions2:36 - 13:47 Transferable Skills13:47 - 17:03 Loniness, Friendship and Value17:03 - 27:31Sex and Sexuality27:31 - 37:08 Final RemarksPart of our ‘How to’ seriesGuest: Ed DrewHe is the director of Faith in Kids, which seeks to resource children's and family ministry in the local church. For twelve years, he was the Children’s Worker in South West London. He’s married to Mary, and they have three children. Before all that, he worked as an engineer. Author of Raising Confident Kids in a confusing world.Host: Andy LambertonAndy Lamberton is the director of Legacy. He goes to the same church his parents, grandparents, great and great great-grandparents went to. Married to Debbie, they are raising their four children in Donegal with ice-pops for dessert most days. Author of Letters for Exiles: Faithful Living in a Faithless World.Links: LegacyFaith in KidsFacebook article mentioned in Podcast


How to Embrace God’s Call to be Fathers to the Fatherless - with Roger Cooke. S3E3

Would you consider fostering?Every 15 minutes, a child comes into care in the UK. What can we, as the church, do to help?We were delighted to have Roger Cooke, from Home for Good, on the Legacy Podcast. Roger provides a depth of insight which we (Stephen and Andy) found both inspiring and helpful in considering if fostering is something our families can do. Join us. Chapters0:00 - 7:45 Introductions7:45 - 22:35 Why should we care?22:35 - 35:32 What does it take?35:32 - 42:46 Commissioning for Every FatherGuestRoger Cooke is the right man to help us consider fostering and adoption. He leads the work of Home for Good, who believe we all have a part to play in ensuring every child and young person has the home they need. They work to mobilise the Church in the UK to respond to the needs of children in care. Find out more at homeforgood.org.uk HostsAndy Lamberton is the director of Legacy. Author of Letters for Exiles. And used to be a farmer. Stephen Mullan is Chief Excetutive of Dreamscheme. Writer at Rethinking Youth. And likes to wander.Links: LegacyHome for Good


How to open your Bible with your Children, with Chase Replogle. S3E1

Imagine getting to sit in as someone else opens the Bible with their children. Big thanks to Chase Replogle for giving us the opportunity to do just that with his new podcast. Let's Talk Bible for Kids (and parents)Chapters0:00 - 2:50 Introductions2:50 - 18:00 Opening the Bible with our children18:00 - 31:53 The 5 Masculine InstinctsThis is the first in our ‘How To’ series. Up next: How to Help Your Children Slow Down, with Kent EvansGuest: Chase Replogle"Chase is the pastor of Bent Oak Church in Springfield, Missouri. Host of two podcasts - the Let's Talk Bible podcast for kids (and parents) and the Pastor Writer Podcast, on reading, writing and the Christian life. He is author of The 5 Masculine Instincts and enjoys being outdoors with his wife and two kids, sailing, playing the guitar (badly), and quail hunting with his bird dog Millie."Host: Andy LambertonAndy Lamberton is the director of Legacy. He goes to the same church his parents, grandparents, great and great great-grandparents went to. Married to Debbie, they are raising their four children in Donegal with ice-pops for dessert most days. Author of Letters for Exiles: Faithful Living in a Faithless World.Links: Legacy websiteLet's talk Bible websiteFive Masculine InstinctsLetters for Exiles


Raising Daughters Today. S2E3

“To have a father who delights in knowing and loving them is one of the greatest blessings any girl can have.”In the third and final ‘square-table’ conversation, Andy and Stephen are joined by Jonny McKane and Evan Reid, to talk about raising daughters today.—Reflection from Stephen:We can sometimes fight against the reality that our daughters will one day become women and will leave home. As Andy says near the end of this episode: “I don’t want my daughter to change!”Who relates? I know I want my one and half year old daughter to forever stay small, cute and slightly squidgy!At the heart of this feeling is a mix of love and joy. Yet, what I learned in this conversation was that the loving, joyful relationship between a father and his daughter is foundational and formative in her journey to womanhood.Of course, there is much we need to think about as we raise our girls (and we cover a lot in this episode), but never underestimate the place of joy.To have a father who delights in knowing and loving them is one of the greatest blessings any girl can have.In this conversation we talk about:The joys of being a father to a daughterHow we can exasperate themHopes and fears as your daughter grows from girl to womanHow a father-daughter relationship changes over timeJourneying with the emotions of your daughterNot being scared to speakCherishing her now while preparing her for the futureTwo songs for fathers with DaughtersBe kind to yourself - by Andrew PetersonA song from a father to a teenage daughter.We challenge any father to watch this video and have dry eyes at the end.V2"I know it’s hard to hear it when the anger in your spirit is pointed like an arrow to your chest.When the voices in your mind are anything but kind, and you can’t believe your father knows best.I love you just the way that you are, I love the way He made your precious heart.Be kind to yourself"Banks - By NEEDTOBREATHEA song about caring without controlling.Chorus:"I want to hold you close, but never hold you back.Like the banks of a river"


Raising Sons Today - Round Table. S2E2

“Fatherhood is a journey punctuated by moments”. Paul Paynter says that on our podcast - so he does! The journey and the moments. As dads, we need to keep both in mind. Co-Hosts Andy and Stephen are joined on the Legacy Podcast by David McGinty, David Penney, Paul Paynter, Paul Decock and a young man called Nathaniel to have a round table on Raising Sons Today. Here’s our summary.What we do over the long run will greatly influence our sons. They will notice our priorities. They will be shaped by the atmosphere we create. And they will, in large part, follow our model of masculinity. But moments will also have a defining influence on our sons. Decisions around tech. Trips abroad. A conversation about girls late at night. How we mark key milestones is something intentional fathers think about. All of these moments have the potential of deeply shaping our sons’ lives. Moments, though, can be easily missed. In Jon Tyson’s Book - The Intentional Father he says: “So much of our lives is defined by moments. Moments of wonder, moments of heartache, moments of accomplishment, moments of regret. An intentional father is aware of the power of moments and works hard in advance to create life-changing ones.”In this episode we cover both the journey and the moments. We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did. This is a wild ride and we talk about:raising sons in the digital worldlies and honestydangers and dutiesseizing momentsvision and intentionprioritising worshiploving your wifeinfluencing the atmospherethe thousand-mile stareworking from homewhat boys need modelling faithchallenging boysshould I give my son a phone?what’s the difference between raising a son or a daughterwords for a father whose son has rebelled Links:www.legacyfathers.org The Intentional Father by Jon Tysonhttps://christianheritagelondon.org/walkshttps://boysbrigadeni.org/


Disciple Making Fathers - Round Table. S2E1

'Disciple-makers are first of all disciples. They are ordinary people like my mum and dad. My mum was a disciple of Jesus, carefully disguised as a care home assistant. My dad, a caretaker at a primary school.' Jim BrownFor season 2, we have three round tables: 1. Disciple Making Fathers, 2. Raising Sons Today, and 3. Raising Daughters Today. We’re delighted to have Jim Brown, Chris Agnew and Peter Munce kicking off our first episode with - Disciple Making Fathers.In this episode, we talk about:What it means to be a disciple-makerLearning from the Ultimate FatherThe 4 roles of a fatherThe gift of fatherhoodDiscipling young childrenHow the church can support disciple-making fathersWhere to start?What we want our children to know before they are 18*****Legacy is a ministry for fathers from Exodus - we provide programmes for churches to help faith and fatherhood thrive.


Raising Kids for Christ in a Confusing World with Pete Wright. S1E6

“Should I do Catechisms with my children? and what even does that look like?”Join co-hosts Andy Lamberton and Stephen Mullan as they chat with Pete Wright from Growing Young Disciples about Raising Kids for Christ in a Confusion World.Companion article, by co-host Andy Lamberton - here.LinksGrowing Young Disciples - Raising Kids for Christ in a Confusing WorldNew City CatechismJoin Legacy’s email list.


Why fun matters in faith formation with Sam Balmer. S1E5

“When our children see us wholeheartedly share in their laughter and dances, they will more readily trust us with their tears and concerns.”Join co-hosts Andy Lamberton and Stephen Mullan as they chat with Sam Balmer from Bible Education Services (PBS).We need to apologise for the audio quality of this episode. The mic settings were off, and we were in the wrong type of room. Forgive us - we’re still learning how to do this! This is no reflection on the content, Sam has nuggets of gold!Related article, by co-host Stephen Mullan - here.LinksRead Jeff Gawn’s Article on Family WorshipRegister your children for Postal Bible School with Bible Education ServicesJoin Legacy’s email list.Visit the Legacy website.


Prioritising Time with Austin Mackintosh. S1E4

“As men, there is a temptation to become either wasters or workaholics. Instead, may we learn to see each day as an opportunity.”Join co-hosts Andy Lamberton and Stephen Mullan as they chat with Austin Mackintosh - father to six!Reflection article available here.Other LinksReceive inspirational emails for Christian Fathers2 Minute Video explaining LegacyThe Tail End Blog post


Fathers and the Unexpected with David Smyth and Dawn McAvoy. S1E3

"We can’t prepare our kids for every eventuality. So much about fatherhood is unexpected. There will be challenges our children encounter that we simply can’t forecast. But then again, the job is to be a good parent, not a good prophet."Join co-hosts Andy Lamberton and Stephen Mullan as they chat with David Smyth and Dawn McAvoy from Evangelical Alliance and Both Lives Matter.Related article, notes and links here:https://www.legacyfathers.org/fathers-and-the-unexpected-with-david-smyth-and-dawn-mcavoy-legacy-podcast-s1e3/


Failing Forwards with Graeme Thompson. S1E2

In our second episode of the Legacy Podcast, Graeme Thompson talks about how dads can move forward from failure.Reflection article from the episode written by co-host Stephen Mullan available at www.legacyfathers.org.


Why We Need Fathers with Spud Murphy. S1E1

While unstable families make for a more dramatic story, ordinary, hard-working dads are not celebrated as they ought to be.Join Andy Lamberton as he chats with Spud Murphy (director of RUMbLE), about why we need fathers today.Reflection article from the episode written by co-host Stephen Mullan available here.Helpful LinksRUMbLE websiteWatch a 2 Minute Video explaining Legacy, a ministry for fathers.


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