Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde

Listen to the show LIVE Thursday at 4:00pm Pacific Time and 7:00pm Eastern on BBSRADIO.COM - Station 1! Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde The Lena Live Radio Hour has been awarded sponsorship from Calvary Hospital. 
We are honored by their support of our programming. With the Lena Live Radio Hour—hosted by Prof. Lena Miremonde and produced by Julian Lampert—the world's most progressive voices come each week to our program to share the latest from the frontiers of science, medicine, the arts, politics, psychology, and economics. With the syndication of our programming, we can now be heard on iTunes Radio, Tune-In Radio, and other radio networks. Our guests have included Nobel Laureate Wolfgang Ketterle, Professor of Physics at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), New York State Senators Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Suzi Oppenheimer, the late UN Ambassador Jerome Shestack, and Carol Roth—CNBC contributor and New York Times Best-Selling Author. Please join us each Thursday evening at 7pm Eastern Time/4pm Pacific Time on BBS Station One. Our programming schedule and guest biographies can be found on our website here: http://www.miremondearts.org/lena-live-radio/
 Elyena Miremonde is internationally known as a musician, journalist and educator. Using her expertise in the psychology of performance, she established an approach that applies to virtually all areas of human performance: from artistic expression to public-speaking, from academic achievement to developing self-confidence among young adults. Lena infuses an aura of music and art into nearly every area of conversation, whether it be medicine, politics, film-making, cooking, and more. Drawing from her rich background of life and work in Europe and the U.S., Lena’s shows often project ideas that are universal to listeners all over the globe.

Lena Live, March 22, 2016

Lena Live with Special with Lena Miremonde and the music of Julian Lampert giving a special message and music to the people of the world, dedicated to victims of the recent Belgium Terror Attack that left over 30 dead and 100 wounded. Cher Famille, Amis, et Collégues, L'histoire a démontré que c'est directement aux heures les plus douloureux que les gens se réunissent et planter les graines pour faire pousser les roses qui emergent de les cendres. C'est exactement que nous avons été témoins avec les Bruxellois qui ont été profondément bienveillants et nobles dans cette période tragique. Voici un morceau—un improvisation qui est devenu rapidement un chanson—que j'ai enregistré aujourd'hui, "In Memoriam" aux victimes et pour ses familles; "Une Bougie pour Bruxelles", une prière musicale: Chaleuresement, Julian Lampert Dear Family, Friends, and Colleagues, History has shown, that it is in the toughest periods when people come together and plant the roses which grow out of the ashes; this is what we witnessed among the Bruxellois who have been so remarkably gracious and noble amidst such tragedy. This is a piece—an improvisation which quickly turned into a song—I recorded today, In Memoriam to the victims and to their surviving families—"A Candle for Brussels"; a musical prayer. With warm wishes, Julian Lampert


Lena Live, December 31, 2015

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and Julian Lampert


Lena Live, June 25, 2015

Interview with Klaus Heyne


Lena Live, November 14, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, October 31, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, October 17, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, September 19, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, September 3, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, August 27, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, August 20, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, August 13, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, July 9, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, June 25, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, June 11, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, May 28, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, April 30, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, April 20, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, April 2, 2013

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert!


Lena Live, February 26, 2015

Lena Live Elyena Miremonde and Julian Lampert and music by Julian Lampert


Lena Live, January 8, 2015

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and Julian Lampert, and very special guest Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt


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