Leonado SECondo - our beautiful world listening seeing

Hey everybody listener :) Leo Sec is here to create in your mind and soul good vibes and emotion and additionally inspire and motivate YOU to feeeling and thinking about this beautiful world, life and the connection with your self inside and outidfe with everything we never see and anderstand with our brain and thinking , BUT we cold feel it and make it real with our dreams, beliefe and wishes to say it to your self, to others and create our beautiful dream of love, peace and harmony in this world :) Let´s do it NOW feeling, believe, speake out and find our soul family to create it in REAL

Thailand Leo spirituality peace kindness and harmony in diversity

Good morning and thank you so much that you take time for my ideas imaginations my lovely voice inspire motivate and give you definitely a lot of good positive energy Inspiration namasté and see you in the next time of peace and love


Leo & Laos Christmas time and love is coming :)

Good morning welcome welcome to the Holy evening welcome to the 24th of December welcome to Love and Peace and sharing smiles and love and forgiveness and beautiful sweet smells and tastes to the Christmas time welcome! merry christmas! how wonderful


Laos & Leo - welcome in Laos welcome in the Mekong Delta 1000 islands and the lot of dreams and

Welcome in Laos welcome and the delta of the Mekong a power for river and this area tausend of Islands like a fairytale and hot and Sunshine everyday but behind the scene is a other reality there is poverty there is Desillusion der swating for new time will she come?!


Leo and Malaysia - gratefulness on the beach :)

Good morning good morning good morning welcome and our soul diary by and with Leonardo secondo thank you so much for you and parts and welcome to be thankful to be crateful to be appreciate the moment of life, our treasure of life and the moment of life and power of the now, how wonderful Leonardo secundo


We are creator and we are Destroyer - we can everyday use our possibility to decide wich direction

We also powerful we can be evils and we can be angels and everyday with a new possibilitys to decide for what we want to be


Angkor Wat sounds of nature between temples and history auf 1000 years

Yes it's possible to tell stories with out to say anything in human language without words and sentence listen to the voice of the nature to the voice of the past and history listen and let it de in your heart and feel notatio


Angkor Wat Story 7 plus 1 - manifesto final for our human future in love & peace together let start

Hello soul family and part of galaxy of peace and light and colours ,Angkor Wat Story 7 plus 1 - manifesto final for our human future in love & peace together let start now with a smiling heart for ourself :))) How wonderful! Leo :)


Angkor Wat story 7 - lets come in balance and harmony in diversity together

Good morning good morning good morning welcome in Angkor Wat the past the history the wisdom of the nature and the trees and the human mindkind essential forever beautiful future let's dream and learn together by history of human and the book of nature with analyze the nature is a open mind, how wonderful


Angkor Wat story 6 - living together with solidarity and collaboration more stronger

Good morning good morning good morning let's live together in symbios, solidarity, collaboration, friendship in a networking in inspiritual Kind, wir stronger together and we are more protective and we are more creative and can make beautiful things together real impossible to do it alone let's come together how wonderful the whole human mind kind one Soul in million of Bodies - we work together - how wonderful


Angkor Wat story 5 - past and historical stories transform in a wonderful future :)

Welcome welcome in our future from the past in Angkor Wat, we can lonelots of the history of Amgkor Wat, A mega Metropolis city and why the collapse and how we can do it better wonderful How powerful how visionary


Angkor Wat - Story 3 our past and history for our wonderful future

Let's have a look and history let's have Imagination what happen 1000 years before let's vier what can tell us paramed temples and stone to make it better in our wonderful future so let's learn from the anchester


Angkor Wat 3rd Story why high cultures collabs

Welcome welcome to und Kovac the old Kingdom a powerful Empire and after 500 years at collapse why?! Can, should, have we to learn from the history in the past for the future to make it to more beautiful definitely let's listen what I feel in ruins of Angkor Wat ...


Angkor Wat 2nd story about believe in the power of work together

Welcome welcome in the past and the history of the care Kingdom of anchor what the amazing town mysical never understandabl, let's use the power of experience and western and history to go in the future with a wonderful imagination of our future world


Leo Asia Laos Boarder Crossing inside too ...

Let's cross borders let's Cross countries, et's Cross in friendship, let's cross and jump over laciness and fear and routine to coming new countries of Lights love and forgivness


Singapore & Leo - Soul family Hommage for town & beautiful souls

Good morning, good morning ... you know sometimes the Universe decide for you and unexpected I landed in Singapore and take five days off, i'm not a Fan of big towns but this city is really impressive and relative calm and partly full of green and trees and yes I could enjoy the hospitality of beautiful Souls I felt me like in a family a soul family, how wonderful :):):)


Leo & Malaysia - islands, walks and peace on the ocean ... :)

Good morning good morning good morning the sun sisters and soul brothers and thank you so much for take time have peace and looking for peace inside and outside zuletzt kann man long with the walk and the ocean in let's comment peace listen the wave sounds and my voice and get deeper inside and come and silence how powerful :) How wonderful Leonardo


Leo & Laos Mountains,journey by life, rivers, viewpoints and recognitions

Good morning welcome in Leonardo soldary intended for that reflection Inspiration Motivation transforming and Provokation of Egos yes welcome in a small village deep in the mountains of the north of Laos and I promise der Salat the recognize inside and outside how beautiful let's come enjoy our journy of life


Leo and Malaysia – Turtle mind in my brain dialogues with nature

Good morning formulation good morning from the beach good morning from the island good morning also lot of young turtles and the teach my lot listen what turtles tell me How wonderful to be connected with the mind of animals and patience and silence and power and my human brain :)))


Leo & Philosophie speaking and waiting for answers with the universe

Good morning good morning wonderful Soul you know sometimes with speak with higher Power bist du Universe with got this the sun with the stars and I do the same but there was nur answer so I give me intuitive the answer me self ... Listen my Intuition for the question of life it's love and patience


New kind of Happyness - appreciation, thankfulness, satisfaction

New kind of Happyness - appreciation, thankfulness, satisfaction, new level to be and be beautiful for you and me and us :):):)


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