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Lesson of the Hour
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Lesson of the Hour

Author: Dean Road

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A broadcast of the weekly "Lesson of the Hour" presented each Lord's Day at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL.
101 Episodes
The Son of Man

The Son of Man


Most people avoid controversy. The secular world tells Christians to keep their faith to themselves. However, Christians cannot. Christians confess Christ openly. Furthermore, the faithful have the firm foundation to defend the faith. Even critical scholars admit that Jesus professed to be the Son of God. As Lewis presented, Jesus is either lunatic, liar, or Lord. The answer to many is quite clear. Jesus is the Lord. He is the Son of Man. This message encourages Christians to challenge the world with Jesus's question, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"Scripture Reading: Mark 14:60-62 (read by Christopher Howell)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded December 9, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
A person’s understanding of God shapes how that person views the world. The apostle Paul wrote a young church in Colossae seeking that they be filled with the knowledge of God’s will, so that they may walk in way that is pleasing to God. For this reason, Paul emphasized the preeminence and greatness of Jesus Christ. Seeing the greatness of Jesus Christ keeps one from blending the traditions and philosophies of human wisdom with the gospel. Viewing the world through Jesus Christ keeps believers from false teachings. This message encourages all Christians to give Christ preeminence in every part of one’s life.Scripture Reading: John 1:1-3,14 (read by Phillip Bailey)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded December 2, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Seeing God's Breath

Seeing God's Breath


In the last days, people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, and lovers of pleasure. They will have an appearance of religious devotion and yet deny God’s power. Paul spoke this warning telling Timothy how evil people and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. Within this context, Paul affirmed that every Scripture is God-breathed. The Bible is the product of men moved by the Spirit and speaking by God. Christians need the Scriptures to confront the deception in the world and proclaim the gospel by convincing, correcting, and encouraging others. This message proclaims the vital importance of the Scriptures for teaching and every good work.Scripture Reading: II Peter 1:20-21 (read by Steve Berg)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded November 25, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Most people avoid being judged. We seek the comfort, security, and acceptance of loved ones. However, no one will be able to escape judgment for our wrongdoing. Judgment day makes sense that all the wicked and evil acts ever done will come to a reckoning before the holy God. Jesus proclaimed various times of the coming of the Son of Man who will repay each person according to what each one has done. Jesus even depicted God separating the blessed and cursed according to their acts of compassion toward His brethren. For this reason, Christ preached that His disciples are to lose their lives, take up their crosses, and follow Him.Scripture Reading: Matthew 19:28-30 (read by Justin Hirt)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded November 11, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
People grow in their experiences with others who model, coach, and teach them. According to the Bible, a disciple is someone who receives such instruction from a teacher. Most people stop closely following Christ because it costs too much. Many have simply given up on being a disciple — a Christian. This study encourages believers to live lives as disciples of Christ starting with some basics of being a disciple of Christ according to Jesus’s own words.Scripture Reading: Luke 14:15-24 (read by Gene Bryant)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded November 4, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
The governor Festus thought that Paul was out of his mind for his faith in Jesus Christ. However, Paul proclaimed the gospel of Jesus's death and resurrection, and urged all to believe. This sermon will present the uneven ground for which we try to tell the gospel to the world. Unbelievers suppress the truth about God in unrighteousness. Unbelievers also assert arguments and lofty opinions from authority. Their view of God is always slanted. For this reason, Christians direct unbelievers from a right view of God to the gospel of Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection.Scripture Reading: I Peter 3:14-15Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded July 8, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Salvation Together

Salvation Together


The Bible tells of Christians receiving salvation together when Jesus returns. Those who are living will change to immortality and the dead will resurrect in glorified bodies. The redemption of the body and the freedom of creation to glory is the Christian hope. This lesson draws from the Scriptures revealing the hope and wonder of Jesus’s return. For this reason, the apostle Paul encouraged Christians with words of Jesus’s coming and exhortation to live awaken and sober lives.Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 15:51-53 (read by Justin Hirt)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded October 21, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Most people are looking for security and significance in this life. God through Christ satisfies those personal needs more than any other. God gives each person love and purpose. Furthermore, God fulfills these needs through Christians — the church. The Bible reveals that every person needs a close relationship and community of believers in the church. The writer of Hebrews warned of the evil and unbelieving heart that falls away from God by the deceitfulness of sin. His answer is that Christians encourage one another daily. This message presents the need of every person for the community of believers — the church.Scripture Reading: Galatians 6:1 (read by Phillip Bailey)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded October 14, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
To most people, death is the enemy. People fear death. The Scriptures admit that death is the enemy. However, Jesus conquered the power of death by coming in the flesh and resurrecting bodily from the dead. Jesus also promised to go and prepare a place for His disciples. The Scriptures describe this place as the new heavens and new earth. This message focuses on the place of eternal life that comes on the last day. The Bible reveals that the old heavens and old earth will perish and change, and then God will create new heavens and a new earth. This message depicts that world to come. Peter declared, “We are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Pet 3:13).Lesson by Scott Shifferd.Recorded September 30, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
The Heavenly Country

The Heavenly Country


Have you ever felt like you can never go home? In the Bible, many faithful examples wandered the earth looking forward to a heavenly home. The epistle to the Hebrews affirms that the heavens and earth will perish and change. Hebrews describes the heavenly country and the blessing of a kingdom that will remain and not be shaken. God has designed and prepared a city for His people. God’s promises of a world to come is reality. This lesson surveys the promises of God throughout Hebrews for Christians to have full assurance of hope until the end.Scripture Reading: Luke 11:13-16 (read by Barry Rutkowski)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded September 23, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ
The Eternal Kingdom

The Eternal Kingdom


Many people have various beliefs about the afterlife. What did Jesus say? Jesus revealed that He will judge the nations inviting the faithful to inherit the kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world (Matt 25:34). The Bible tells of a coming eternal kingdom that those who supplement their faith will inherit. However, those who continue in the works of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do you believe Jesus? Are you ready to face death?Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded September 16, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
The Greatest Commands

The Greatest Commands


A scribe witnessed Jesus answering loaded questions from the chief priests and religious leaders. For this reason, he asked Jesus, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Jesus revealed the greatest commands are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. These two commands are life-changing revealing how one loves God by giving one’s whole life to God. This message explores the events surrounding the greatest commands for Christians to know God as the source of all love.Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 6:4-5 (read by Gerrit Dekker)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded September 9, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Many want to write every friend and family member into salvation. However, Paul expressed anguish for his Jewish brethren who had the great promises of God for Israel but did not have salvation without Christ. This message draws God’s revelation from Romans 9–11 to see God’s people of promise and those whom God elected in His mercy. God has prepared people as vessels for wrath and others for mercy. Paul explains all that God does glorifies His name and power. God’s actions include calling people who were once not His people and so stirring Israel to zeal for God.Scripture Reading: Romans 11:25-32 (read by Barry Rutkowski)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded August 26, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Jesus warned of false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing and yet are inwardly ravenous wolves. He taught His followers to recognize them by their fruits. The apostle Paul warned Christians to watch out and avoid those who cause divisions contrary to the doctrine. Such false teachers serve their appetites and speak smoothly with flattery deceiving the hearts of the naïve. This message looks to rescue friends and family from divisive teachers and specifically counter the pitfalls of 5-point Calvinism.Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:15-20 (read by Don Kovar)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded August 19, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
How many preachers have read the whole Bible? You may be surprised by this message. As children are heading back to school, Christians should consider furthering their education and returning to Sunday school. One cannot be saved by having a zeal for God without knowledge His righteousness (Rom 10:1–3). This message seeks to encourage the faithful to know God. When someone does not recognize, honor, and thank God, then their morality and self-control will disintegrate.Scripture Reading : II Peter 3:18 (read by Steve Berg)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded August 12, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Ready to Give

Ready to Give


God gives the greatest gains. The first Christians realize the significance of this giving. Many sold lands and houses. They brought the proceeds and laid them at the apostles’ feet. What good comes from giving like the first Christians gave? This message turns to the Scriptures to pull out the truth about the blessings of giving. Christians give as a church to advance the gospel and give relief to those enduring disaster. Such giving produces joy and thanksgiving.Scripture Reading: Luke 12:32-34 (read by Dutch Dekker)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded August 5, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Enjoy What God Gives

Enjoy What God Gives


Life is more than wanting, saving, and gaining. Jesus warned against wanting, which is coveting. Jesus affirmed that life does not consist of the abundance of goods. However, many people feel a sense of security by possessing income and investments. The Scriptures teach that Christians must rely upon God rather than upon wealth. Furthermore, the apostle Paul revealed that godliness with contentment is great gain. Greater than any wealth is relying upon God and finding contentment in Him. This message will draw from Paul's insights about contentment from 1 Timothy 6.Scripture Reading: I Timothy 6:17-19 (read by Dutch Dekker)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded July 29, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Reap Abundantly

Reap Abundantly


Do you believe Jesus about giving? Jesus revealed that God gives a greater measure back to those who give. Many hinder the measure of God’s blessing by their lack of giving. This message explores the blessings of giving abundantly and what is giving abundantly means. Giving to relieve saints and spread the gospel is to invest and entrust in God’s giving and grace. To rephrase the apostle Paul, those who give sparingly receive sparingly and those who give abundantly receive abundantly in every way.Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded July 22, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
United in Mission

United in Mission


The apostle Paul requested prayers for an open door to declare the mystery of Christ when he was in prison. For this reason, Paul urged Christians to walk in wisdom toward outsiders making the best use of time and speaking with grace knowing how to answer each person. The church of Christ unites in its mission to make disciples. Jesus revealed that each person is either with Him or against Him and either gathering or scattering. This message urges Christians to think more about sharing the gospel with others.Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:16-20 (read by Dutch Dekker)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded July 15, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL
Should Christians stay out of politics? Many would prefer Christians remain quiet or secular in addressing government action and behaviors of society. However, neither society nor self are the source of what is morally right and wrong. God is the only possible standard of moral absolutes. Furthermore, Christ spoke openly against abuses. Christians must speak the same way and uphold God’s moral standards. The Scriptures reveal how Paul used his rights as a citizen of Rome to continue spreading the gospel through beatings, arrests, and more. This message explores how the Scriptures encourage Christians to obey government authorities and live as free people even in the face of persecution.Scripture Reading: Romans 13:1-7 (read by Don Kovar)Lesson by Scott ShifferdRecorded July 1, 2018 at the Dean Road church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL