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Let's Go to Kenya
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Let's Go to Kenya

Author: 100 Humanitarians International

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8 Episodes
01-The First Trip

01-The First Trip


Jump in as Heidi and Moses share their beginnings through the first trip Heidi took to Kenya.
02-The First Meeting

02-The First Meeting


It's amazing how quickly Heidi and Moses aligned with their vision of how to help the Maasai people. It all started with a meeting about a cultural center.
Twenty-six people joined in the first round of expeditions. So many that Heidi and Moses had to split the trips. What lessons were learned during that first attempt to help the people in Kenya?
This episode illustrates some of the amazing "coincidences" during the early development of fundraising programs. It is encouraging to see the guidance of the Lord in the work.
05-The First Families

05-The First Families


Are you building a team of followers? Or are you building a team of leaders? Our first families were found through incredible leadership from our Community Directors.
Our Four Pillars

Our Four Pillars


Every humanitarian organization focuses on specific needs for their communities. At 100 Humanitarians International, we focus on 4 specific areas we call our Four Pillars.
Feeding the world can sound like quite an impossible and daunting task. Is it possible? Perhaps not. But why not give it a try? Listen as we dive into the power of Simple, Sustainable, Scaleable Food Systems that teach Stewardship and Self-Reliance.
Pillar 2: Clean Water

Pillar 2: Clean Water


When is the last time you worried about elephants or lions disturbing your water sources? With roughly 2 billion people on the planet not having clean water access what can be done? So far, we have found success with water tanks, spring preservation and protection, and bore holes.