Let's Take This Online

Welcome to the #1 bootcamp for entrepreneurs and creators to learn and acquire skills in the world of digital and social media marketing.

S02 E49 - Jayde Vincent

It is quite rare, or at least not as frequent, to see a social media influencer who utilizes LinkedIn to its full extent. More so even, when that person is from a younger generation.  This is exactly what caught my eye about Jayde. Not only is she a verified creator on TikTok and has over 1.2M, but her utilization of LinkedIn is one that most adults seem to be lacking in. She literally is everywhere on LinkedIn! I've seen her dropping daily posts, she actually has a great series of ABC's of TikTok, she appears on a ton of podcasts as well as collabs with individuals across the platform. It was great to record an episode with her and I am excited to see her success in the future. https://www.tiktok.com/@jaydecandance https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaydevincent/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E48 - Peter Sumpton

The world of marketing is one of constant evolution and growth. Being part of that industry for all my career, I have witnessed the major changes this field has undergone. It is always great speaking to others in the field and learning about their journey and growth within it. Peter is currently helping businesses and individuals in learning and progressing their marketing skills and knowledge.  https://marketingstudylab.co.uk/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/petersumpton/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E47 - Mark Hirst

I found that in order to grow you must first acknowledge what you don't know. Pretending to know something for the sake of a conversation will bring no value in the long run. Once you can understand that you do not truly know something, you can venture ahead to gather the knowledge and information to grow your aptitude. SEO and website design have always been realms where I lacked knowledge. My strength was always in SEM (Search Engine Marketing or Paid Search) and SEO was not in my scope. Over many podcast episodes, I was able to gather different experts on the field and learn first hand about how they go about these unknown worlds (to me). Mark Hirst is one of those people. He is currently the MD of Blue Beetle, which is an agency that provides clients with services in digital, website and SEO. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mphirst/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E45 - Jason Leavy

Jason Leavy is the MD at Vice Media, but his journey to today is one worth listening to. His approach, attitude and gratitude to the obstacles he overcame is something I truly enjoyed discussing with him. Alongside the team at Vice Arabia, they have been working diligently to create Arabic content that puts the spotlight on regional stories and individuals.  This is one episode you do not want to miss! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date to the most recent episodes as they come out. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonleavy/ https://www.vice.com/ar As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E44 - Ryan Pyle

Do you know those guys who travel around the world and film documentaries? We all have had that dream, of quitting our jobs and doing just that. However, we don't see the years of work and effort these adventurers put and the obstacles they have to overcome. Ryan Pyle is one of those guys. I have been wanting to release this episode for so long now as every moment is captivating. Listening to Ryan's journey is fascinating and this podcast could have gone on for ages. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with the episodes. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanjpyle/ https://www.ryanpyle.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/ryanjpyle/videos https://www.instagram.com/ryanpyle/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E43 - Hazem Karkoutly

I love the digital and media world. I love learning about new digital trends, metrics, and ways to improve KPI's. And, it is always great to meet someone who shares that passion. Hazem is one of those individuals who loves what he does; to the point that he left the corporate world to pursue it. Currently, he is a consultant and trainer in the realm of social media and digital. This was an awesome conversation that could have gone on for ages. Make sure to stay tuned as Hazem and I are working on something amazing! https://www.linkedin.com/in/hazemk/ https://www.hazemk.com/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E43 - Lee Rowley

Talking to someone who is so passionate about their field is always refreshing, especially when their journey was difficult and full of obstacles. They would have to overcome them all to be able to reach their current state. That is exactly how I felt when talking to Lee Rowley. Lee is a professional copywriter, don't let that word fool you though, who has taken the field to another level. The way he chooses and works with clients is just awesome and his past is something most of us have never been through.  Make sure to listen and SUBSCRIBE. https://www.linkedin.com/in/theleerowley/ http://leerowley.com/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E42 - Dr. Matthew Ingalls

This was probably one of my favorite podcasts of all time! Dr. Ingalls has an incredible story how he learned Arabic, traveled through Yemen and became an Associate of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. I will leave it at that as this is one episode you HAVE to listen to. Do SUBSCRIBE and drop some feedback to keep improving this podcast. As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E41 - Neal Patel

The best thing about this podcast is talking to individuals who know something I don't. SEO is a realm that I never dove into, as I always stayed on the paid search part of the game. Talking to Neal was awesome as he is so knowledgeable about the subject and explains it quite well. This conversation was organic in itself where we explored different topics and aspects of Neal's expertise. He currently is the MD over at Bruce Clay MENA, which one of the top SEO agencies in the region/world. I knew Neal earlier in his career and his rise to his current position is definitely a reflection of the work he put in to learn a ton in his field. Definitely a topic to explore, especially if SEO is something you know nothing about. https://www.linkedin.com/in/patel-neal/ https://bruceclaymena.com/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E40 - Fariba Zoulfaghari

Fariba is the founder of Hubpreneur, which is an online ecosystem for entrepreneurs. I personally use her app and have met several individuals who were great contacts to have. She also organizes events and publishes those through the app. She organized the most recent podcast forum which was a great discourse between podcast creators. She also is a co-organizer of FunDXB where entrepreneurs come and share their story of failure. https://www.linkedin.com/in/fariba-zoulfaghari/ https://hubpreneur.com/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E39 - Basil Fateen

Basil is the founder and CEO at HireHunt. HireHunt is a talent platform where applicants can show their skills, expertise & personalities through interactive job applications.  Basil has had an interesting journey into the HR and recruitment world and it was great having this discourse with him. I have been delving into this realm, which has been relatively unknown to me, as there is something off (to me) when it comes to recruitment. So as I learn and gain knowledge in this field, it is great to have individuals such as Basil on the podcast. https://www.linkedin.com/in/basilfateen/ https://hirehunt.com/ Hope you enjoy it! As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E38 - Dr. James Lockhart

This podcast episode was originally recorded for my other podcast "Hanging with Hoos", but I thought it was better to merge the 2 podcasts under Let's Take This Online. Dr. Lockhart is broadly trained in world affairs, global and transnational history, and comparative analysis, with interdisciplinary area expertise in the United States, Latin America, and the Near East, and subject interest in the Cold War, the post-Cold War world, and intelligence history. It was awesome listening to all these different chapters of history from an expert and to learn that amount in one podcast is amazing! As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E37 - Vimal Badiani

Vimal is currently the VP of Performance at Merkle EMEA with a strong background in media. I have always been quite outspoken about my viewpoints on the media industry when it comes to the client fee structure, the culture, and the hiring process; and it was really refreshing to hear someone in a senior position agree and voice similar thoughts. Vimal and the Merkle team are trying to change the way the standard agency works on many levels and we went on many tangents that I absolutely loved. This is one of those podcasts that allow me to formulate and shape my ideas further and it was great to bounce off of Vimal You can find and reach out to Vimal below as I am sure he is up to discuss the podcast topics further. https://www.linkedin.com/in/vimalbadiani/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E36 - Dr. Vernon Pederson

This podcast episode was originally recorded for my other podcast "Hanging with Hoos", but I thought it was better to merge the 2 podcasts under Let's Take This Online. Dr. Pederson is a specialist in the history of American and International Communism with emphasis on the maritime unions and the Spanish Civil War. I always had a love for history and learning about the history of Communism from an expert like Dr. Pederson, was an absolute honor. I truly hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I enjoyed recording and learning. As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E34 - Guido Mercati

Guido is a global nomad with fifteen years of multichannel brand strategy experience agency side in EMEA. He is a former Head of Strategic Planning in Milano, London and currently Dubai working on regional and global businesses spanning over almost every industry. He is also a Board Member of the Mobile Marketing Association, Global Council Member at the Branded Content Marketing Association and Executive Regional Director, Digital and Social Media at Publicis Communications https://twitter.com/Guido_Mercati https://www.linkedin.com/in/guidomercati https://www.instagram.com/guido_mercati/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E33 - Karen Osman

Karen is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and luxury travel journalist and editor, Karen Osman has lived the expat life for almost twenty years across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. One of her latest achievements is securing a three-book deal with UK-based Head of Zeus publishing house following her win at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature Montegrappa Novel Writing Award 2016 with her crime-thriller novel, The Good Mother, which was published in October 2017. Since then, The Good Mother has received incredible reviews and was also a number 1 Amazon bestseller in Australia. Her second novel, The Home, was published on 4 September 2018 and was a number 1 bestseller in the UK. Her third book, A Perfect Lie which was out in September 2019. http://www.karenosman.com/ https://www.instagram.com/karenosmanauthor/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E32 - Nadine Mezher

Nadine is a growth-driven marketer / strategic planner with an entrepreneurial spirit and currently a co-founder of Sarwa; a hybrid automated investment platform. Sarwa makes investing easy and affordable, by combining proven investment strategies with technology that drives down costs.  The realm of investing and investment platforms have been something that fascinates me of late, and Sarwa has been making a name for itself in the region; so I thought it would be good to sit with Nadine and understand what they are working towards as well as her journey to her current position as Co-Founder. Listening to Nadine speak about her journey from fashion into an investment startup was full of value. Hope you enjoy! https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadine-mezher/ https://www.sarwa.co/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E31 - Leena Kewlani

Leena comes from 22 years of media experience. Her roles at Digital Media Services (Choueiri Group) and at MEC (now Wavemaker) were to build, develop, create new products and expand the Branded Content offerings for agencies and clients. In April 2019, she created Artezaar.com with her business partner Teena Thawani. Artezaar is a unique online marketplace that connects artists with art enthusiasts, art lovers, collectors, and professionals. She loves collaborating with artists, because being an artist herself, her DNA understands where they come from, what difficulties they face in promoting and selling their work. She believes coming together as a strong art community will help spread the joy and beauty of art to people who love and appreciate art. www.artezaar.com Instagram: @artezaar, @leenakewlani.art Twitter: @artezaar, @leenakewlani YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl4rA-7RmWi0iI5jGWtHaMg Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/artezaar Linkedin:  www.linkedin.com/company/artezaar, www.linkedin.com/leenakewlani As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E30 - Richard Fitzgerald

Richard is CEO and Founder of Augustus Media, publishers of Lovin Dubai, Lovin Saudi and SMASHI TV. He has worked in the media advertising space for the since 2006 at agencies in Ireland, England, and the UAE. He successfully built a regional Social Media department at Mindshare MENA before becoming Managing Director of a creative technology start-up. In 2015 he launched a ‘new media’ company; Augustus, and has grown it to a team of 20 people with offices in Dubai and Riyadh. Augustus was recognized as Best SME Company in the 2018 MENA EFFIE Awards for its innovative publishing approach with Lovin Dubai. Richard is fascinated about changing media consumption habits, and passionate about creating effective brand communications through native advertising, https://www.linkedin.com/in/fitzyrichard/ https://twitter.com/fitzyrichard https://www.instagram.com/fitzyrichard/ https://weareaugustus.com/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


S02 E29 - Nelio Leone

Nelio is a Full Stack Growth Marketer obsessed with building edgy digital brands and conversion funnels. He left a corporate career to join a startup that got bought by Uber for $3.1B, Careem.  After that, he left Dubai to join a community of "Digital Nomads" in Chang Mai, Thailand where he met individuals working hard to build million $ businesses without investors, offices nor physical teams. Eventually, he moved back to Dubai to work on a new laundry start-up, "Washmen". In 14 months, without a team, they grew Washmen by 5X+, and closed a multi M$ Series B; Facebook even built a case study on the brand. Nelio now helps entrepreneurs earn their own "Black Belt" in Growth Marketing, http://www.urbanmonks.io/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonelioleone/ As always, I'm Digital Hoos and you can find me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalhoos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalhoos LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hussam-el-hage-42566230/ Sign Up to the LTTO Newsletter Here: https://mailchi.mp/6f383cc738de/lttosignup


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