Let's Talk About CEX! The Customer and Employee Experience

All Audacious, Outrageous, and Legendary Customer Experience (CX) begins with the Employee Experience (EX). Maxine Shapiro and her guests will reveal why and how this process is relevant and a highly effective way to approach your Customer or Guest Experience as well as your culture and mission. Maxine’s passion and expertise for Audacious and Authentic CX and EX came from her years as a financial commentator on NPR’s “Marketplace” and hosting of two financial radio shows and 20 years of speaking, facilitating, and coaching on Collaborcate! Collaborate, Communicate and Create ResultsExecs of businesses from all sectors, from hospitality to retail to B2B, will share the ups and downs in their quest to be Legendary. These organizations realized how they treated their employees directly influenced how the customer and guests were cared for. She’ll go into every nook and cranny. This is an exhilarating journey for all involved, and we want you to be inspired to discover your own Audacious and Legendary CX. Whether you’re already reaping the benefits of this paradigm or you know you need to, this podcast will fire your imagination! Click Subscribe now – your customers will be glad you did.

No Cat was Killed here. Aren’t you Curious?

Dr Alison Horstmeyer was doing research on anxiety. Then she came across some work on curiosity. “Is there a tie between anxiety and curiosity?” Alison takes us on this ride into our own inquisitiveness. “The way in which you explore is, is going to, determine how comfortable you are from leaving what you know, and also the degree in which you do that.” Though she uses terms like uncertainty and fear of it, heard during the depth of the pandemic, terms that becam...


A Journey into the Ambiguous Unknown – Bring It On!

As consultants how many of us have been contracted to come in and solve one problem, when the real issue was covered up by an “ambiguous and complex situation.” Justin Zalewski and Studio Science thrive on those challenges and come out victorious every time. Be ready to take notes – and smile a lot. He covers it all, IT, overburdened, understaffed teams, etc.In this spirited conversation, Justin Z (and his great voice) humbly share stories where their deep knowledge, agility, and not-qu...


Gems on Quizzes, Community and Caregivers

If you’re a caregiver or carer who also has a passion that you love, having your own small online business may be your answer. It’s been a godsend for Trudy Rankin’s Australia, and beyond, community. AND, if you already have a small business or online biz, then you need to know how quizzes can up your Customer Experience. Trudy teaches her groups how to fill needs and not just assume what you’re offering everybody wants. And just because she is the quiz queen, her work in he...


Do B2B Better

With Clients like DOW, Hagerty, and UKG, Jim Tincher, CCXP, Founder and CEO of Heart of the Customer, LLC, knows How to “Do B2B Better: Drive Growth Through Game-Changing Customer Experience.” That’s also the title of his new book.Tincher talks about the “Emotional Northstar,” (it’s real), the value of the right survey, and how confidence is the key to maintaining and growing the B2B customer. You’ll be mesmerized by how he tied this all up in our brief time together. One of the many tip...


5 Infallible Ways to Catapult Your CEX Through Improvisation!

There are thousands of books out there that contain a plethora of ways to make your Customer Service and your Customer and Employee Experience Legendary. And unfortunately, there are an equal number of manuals and scripts that help the CSR say exactly the right thing when a customer or guest says…. Here is where Maxine asks you to suspend your thinking and start teaching the components of improvisation. She takes her years of training hundreds of teams and leaders and capsuli...


Zappos – A True and Transparent Path to Delivering Happiness Part 2

In Part 2 of this rich conversation with Jamie Naughton-Henriod Chief of Staff for Tony Hsieh, ex-CEO of Zappos, we go beyond the walls of Zappos as she tells how hands-on they were when they had to outsource their call center. From tours to the global work environment to the current “power shift” from employer to employee, Jamie shares her experience and wisdom constantly reminding us of Tony Hsieh’s mission – and it’s not about shoes. Enjoy.


Zappos – A True and Transparent Path to Delivering Happiness Part 1

Grab your tablet, pen paper, or crayon as Jamie Naughton-Henriod, Chief of Staff for Tony Hsieh, ex CEO of Zappos, takes us for a deep dive into the culture and customer service extraordinaire, that organizations still wish they could duplicate. Jamie was instrumental in creating, establishing, and evangelizing this dynamic culture that made the online retailer one of America’s most recognizable — and beloved — employer brands. And because of the richness of this conversation, I’v...


Labor Day: A Few Facts, Stats, and Stories on the Labor Force and Unions

Let’s go back to the 1880s and see what life was like for the workers and what was the catalyst for Labor Day. Maxine highlights a few facts on unionization and just a couple of stats and stories regarding minorities and their voice and influence in our labor movement.Connect with Maxine:Maxineshapiro.comLinkedIn.com/in/maxineshapiro.com


So You’re in Transition (Or You Really Want to Be)

There’s no better time than the present, for employees to be evaluating their present position. Or maybe you’ve been forced to appraise your current path. Brian Hinchcliffe, career consultant, extraordinaire, talks about why and how people can make the most of their time of transition and not be forced into making the same mistakes in taking a position they are not happy in. We all know that much of the workforce does not want to go back to the pre-pandemic discomfort and unhappin...


Max on Swag, Fishbowls, and a Little Surprise

Here’s where Maxine shares her wisdom, experience, and humor by reminding us that when we think no one sees or hears us, whether in CX, EX, management, or leadership, we’re actually in a fishbowl! Whatever we do, people are watching. And not in a creepy way. Just being in the role we play, our customers, guests, and teams see us for bad – pouty, impatience, apathetic, or for good. The good is generous, joyful, natural, present, and agile. But Max doesn’t stop there. Sh...


Defining the “New Collar” and Other Current Wisdom

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, “aka sjvn,” has been writing about technology since “300bps was the cutting edge.” And he is no dinosaur! Steven and Max take a light romp through “new collar” work, unionization of employees, women in tech, and a couple of other provocative issues. Steven’s wisdom, knowledge, and good heart shine throughout. Sit back and let us know if we pushed any of your bottoms. That’s always our hope.Steven's Websites:https://www.zdnet.com/meet-the-team/us/steven-j...


The Human (and fun) Side of Fintech

Almost ten years ago, David Rueda, began a new position in Fintech at LendingUSA, leaving a most successful career in selling luxury items. He was not sure he could be fully expressed, in Fintech. What happens when you see life through new lenses? David, now Executive VP at LendingUSA, most joyfully discusses, how making human connections is always his number one purpose whether employee, client, or colleague. Don’t be fooled by his breezy spirit. He is passionate abou...


Max on Musk

So what do you really think of Elon Musk? And his email to employees? “Everyone is required to spend a minimum of forty hours in the office per week...not some pseudo-office.” Your host, Maxine Shapiro, ex-financial commentator on NPR’s Marketplace, goes on a rant. Just when you thought command and control leadership was properly put to rest, Musk dangles this carrot out to other CEOs…well…you’ll just have to listen. Max uses humor, a little sarcasm, and a few facts to make her po...


The Power of a Collaborative Environment!

A Human Resources thought- leader, Kirkland Jones, speaks in plain terms as he sheds light on the business model of the industrial age that had a stronghold in organizations long after the end of that era. You’ll recognize it: when “people were interchangeable” and “the world is stable and predictable and anything other than that was bad.” With his 40+ years of going into organizations that know they need to change and don’t know how, he tells the stories of what happens when this transf...


A CX Pioneer Turns Customer Experience Into Community Experience

Long before the people-who-make-up reality tv created Undercover Boss, there was Bradly Sax suggesting that his hotel client check-in and go through the guest journey. (Bradly will tell you the rest of the story) And now he’s helping make better communities throughout the world AND on military bases. You’ll be inspired and you’ll be touched. You’ll also be educated as Bradly reveals his four components of an Audacious and Legendary Customer Experience! Connect here: htt...


Why One Small Business Owner Supports Her Employees

The “why” for Evelyne Joan, the owner of Mauro’s Café in West Hollywood, is not about revenues, Customer Experience (CX), or Customer Loyalty – those take care of themselves – they’re strong. It is about how she cares about her employees and her community. There is no doubt that you will be touched and inspired by the actions Evelyne takes through her supportive and unselfish motives. Whether you’re a small business owner or CEO of a large conglomerate, listen and then stay ...


The Customer is NOT Always Right!

“What?!!!” was my reply when my guest, Treasa Edmond, best-selling, nonfiction ghostwriter, content strategist, and podcaster, and I were in a friendly and heated discussion about the customer/client experience (CX). Treasa holds nothing back in this episode, which can also be titled, “You’re the Expert!” or “You Just Don’t Like the Word ‘Wrong!’” If you’re a solopreneur, business owner, or C-Suite executive, or you find yourself being bulldozed by your clients, and may have bouts of im...


Transparency, Apology & Humor - A Moment with Max

New rules of CEX, The Customer and Employee Experience, have evolved, and we are now set free, to be honest, AND to be of service! In this Moment with Max, she takes you from the coffee shop to the doctor’s office, and from experience to data on why transparency, apology, and humor are the guideposts in building lasting relationships with our customers, client, or patient. There are surprises. It will mean a change in attitude that goes deep into what we thought worked. Please lis...


Theatre Tools for CX Managers

#005 How do components of the theatre make for a powerful leader whom employees want to follow? Colleague and friend, Teresa Norton, Founder of StarMakerHK, shares her decades of work with top-level executives. She goes into depth explaining her process through “directing,” her clients to be Employee Experience (EX) focused. Whether you’re C-Suite or CX team manager, in this spirited conversation, you’ll learn about tools that can transform your thinking and behavior. As alw...


Little things DO mean a lot in CX & EX. No, really!

DISCLAIMER: I’m eager for you to hear this content-rich interview with John Goodman. This was my first taped interview and my sound quality is not up to par. John sounds great. Mine does get better, so stay in there, and thank you for understanding. #004 Get your pen and paper ready and be prepared to be delighted by John Goodman and Customer Care Measurement & Consulting’s research on Customer Delight. For over 40 years John has been measuring customer satisfaction and ...


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