Let's Talk About Sex, Really

Sex is everywhere, yet we're not talking about it openly and too many people report not having much sex or being unsatisfied with the sex they're having. Dr. Alisa Kriegel gets real. Talking about sex and relationships in an open, honest and shame free way. She gives you permission for pleasure and encourages you to be bold in speaking up to share what you want and improve the sexual connection with yourself and your partners.

Let's Talk about Facing Fears and Jumping In

This Episode is a bit of a departure as Dr. Alisa shares a personal story from her new blog (and reveals some exciting news!)There are many times you may find yourself standing on a ledge, needing to make a change but afraid to take the leap to do so. In sex and relationships, it is common to get stuck in patterns and dynamics that are no longer serving you. However, often speaking up or trying something new can be be terrifying.Dr. Alisa shares about just such a time, literally.&...


Let's Talk About Hacking Your Nervous System for Better Sex

Dr. Alisa talks about the nervous system. While it might sound neuro-science geeky, the Poly Vagal Theory can help you have better sex! She discusses how being stressed in a flight or fight/trauma response (Sympathetic nervous system) can shut down parts of your body's functioning needed for sex. Being in a Parasympathetic State, also known as Safe & Social, helps your juices flow for better, wetter and more connected sex. Listen to learn a simple hack to hel...


Let's Talk About Sex Rooms: Redecorating your Relationship

In this episode Dr Alisa Kriegel is talking about all the reasons why you should be watching the Netflix show "How to Build a Sex Room." She discusses all the ways in which it can help you learn more about what turns you on and how to create a more sensual space in your life for exploring sex, alone or with partners!


Let's Talk About Sex Toys: Solo Sex and Partnered Sex with Toys, Oh My! Part 2

Dr. Kriegel continues sharing information about sex toys this time with a focus on toys for Men and also toys for Couples. This is about exploration, pleasure and play. There is no one way to have sex or be sexual. Sex toys are an opportunity to discover new pleasures for yourself and your partners!


Let's Talk About Sex Toys: Solo Sex and Partnered Sex with Toys, Oh My! Part 1

Part One covers an introduction to some basics of how to find and buy the best toys for you. In this episode I then focus on sex toys marketed for women. I recommend this for anyone who has a vulva or plays with someone with a vulva as you may want to understand what you or your partner may like! This is all about experimenting, getting to know your body and your pleasure, and of course having fun!Part Two will focus on Toys for Men and for couples.


Let's Talk About Exploring Your Sexual Self (Sex Included)

In Episode 7 I talked about reconnecting with pleasure and giving yourself permission to have pleasure in your life as a way to start re-connecting with your sexual self in a non-sexual way. Now in this Episode (#8) I talk about different ways to deepen that exploration to get more comfortable in your body and see what turns you on sexually. I truly believe that feeling great sexually (whether by yourself or with a partner) begins with you knowing yourself and what you like.


Let's Talk About Reconnecting with Your Sexual Self

Sometimes you go through phases where you're not having sex, possibly even longer than a phase. Or where there has been significant changes in your life and you are no longer experiencing sex and pleasure the same way. In this episode Dr. Alisa talks about how to take a step back and learn to connect with your basic sense of pleasure as a first step to reconnect with the sexual part of yourself.


Let's Talk About Closing The Orgasm Gap

Did you know that men on average orgasm during sexual encounters and intercourse far more frequently than women? Statistics often show a difference of as much 40% more. This wide gap is often referred to as THE ORGASM GAP. In this episode Dr. Alisa Kriegel talks about possible causes for these differences and more importantly, explores ways in which we can start to close the gap! Share with your partner or with friends!Follow on Instagram #Letstalkaboutsex_really


Let's Talk About How to Have Less Shame and More Pleasure

Shame is something that comes up a lot with regards to sex. We all have our own stories that bring up feelings of shame and judgment toward ourself and sometimes toward others. It often comes from our own discomfort as well as from the messages we have heard. In this episode Dr. Alisa Kriegel shares some stories, including the one that inspired her to start this podcast. She also recommends ways for you to let go of the shame and create more pleasure and positivi...


Let's Talk About "Fit": Bigger Isn't Always Better!

***This Episode has been recommended as a "Listeners' Favorite" ***We talk about how we fit with our partner in many ways, personality, temperament, chemistry. But there is an important fit that gets less focus. Genital fit. In this episode, Dr. Alisa shares a personal story about a time when the fit was less than perfect and what she learned from that. As well as what a lesser-known section of the Kama Sutra has to teach us about this important topic for ultimate sexual ple...


Let's Talk About Sexless Relationships: Everyone's NOT Doing It!

Are you someone who isn't having sex frequently or barely at all. Maybe it's been months or years even. You're not alone. Sexless marriages and relationships are much more common than you may realize and nothing to be ashamed of. Dr. Alisa Kriegel explores underlying causes so that you can know where to begin if you want to make changes to your sex life. It's possible!


Let's Talk About New Discoveries of Desire: Knowledge Is Pleasure!

Do you need to feel desire or be "in the mood" as a prerequisite for sex? Waning feelings of desire for a partner or for sex at all is not uncommon. In this episode I share two major recent discoveries about desire and how it can change the way we've been taught to understand it's role in sex. After all, knowledge isn't only power; in this case it's pleasure!


Let's Talk About This Podcast, Really

Just like sex, there are so many ways to do a podcast about sex. This premier episode will help you know more about who I am, why I'm excited to share this with you, and what it's all about. Honest talk, pleasure focused, and shame free. It's a warm up to see if it's a fit and you're ready to jump into the next episode and all the ones that follow! Thanks for checking it out! Episode is Not LivePublish: Feb. 09, 2021 @ 8PM EditPublishAdd a TranscriptGet ep...


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