Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan

<p><b>Hey guys, I’m Tiffany Jordan - a mom of 3, a wife, and a firm believer that success looks different. I’m going to dive into all things parenting, relationships, business, marketing, personal growth, and everything else that life throws at us. There’s no gate keeping here. Follow along as we talk goals and the strategy to get you where you want to go. </b></p><p><b>Now, let’s talk. </b></p><p><br /><br /></p>

Fake It Til You Make It

explore the concept of "fake it 'til you make it," a mindset that encourages you to step into new roles with courage and confidence—even when you're not quite sure you're ready. 


Building an Empire – The Marketing Strategy Behind Taylor Swift's Success

It's no secret that Taylor Swift has built an empire that continues to amaze. I'm breaking down the 5 things that she's done in her marketing to create never ending buzz and hype that you can turn into actionable steps for your business. 5 things Taylor Swift has done in marketing to build an empire: 1. Build a Personal Brand 2. Engaging with Fans and Building Community3. Leveraging Exclusivity and FOMO4. Collaborations and Partnerships5. Reinventing and Staying Relevant


Digital Directions - Where, When, and Why to Show Up Online

This episode is for you if the online space overwhelms you, if you aren’t sure where and when to show up, and if you are distracted by the next shiny sexy thing that is coming out. If you feel like digital marketing and social media is so overwhelming because you can’t possibly be everywhere and you can’t afford an agency - but you see people killing it on TikTok and Instagram, and you know if could be you, but you don’t even know where to start. If you want to stay in the know about new resources coming visit Tiffany-Jordan.com


Quarterly Planning

Hard Truth - I have been in a creative rut feeling like I don't know what to do next. And that's a hard realization when your job literally requires you to be creative at all moments. So I went back to basics and started quarterly planning for myself. Diving in really allowed me to get clarity and define what I needed to do next to make those movements in my personal and professional life. 


Let's Talk About Your Business

Why is it that talking about your business is so hard? I'm breaking down ways you can just START in ways that aren't cringe. 


Spring Break with Kids

This week we are diving into the challenges when working from home and your kids are off from school, how to stay on track, and when I realized (after than mental breakdown) that I was missing the key piece to organizing my day when I was out of a routine. 


My version of 75 hard

I created my own version of the 75 hard challenge, and finally finished! If you want a customizable habit tracker, you can download that here! 


Your YOU Factor (you know, the secret sauce, what makes YOU, you).

We are diving into the 5 ways to find your YOU factor. If you're a mom who wants something more, is struggling to find a side hustle, business idea, or passion project idea... listen to this! We are diving into the 5 ways to find your YOU factor:Reflect on Your PassionsIdentify Your StrengthsEmbrace Your StorySeek FeedbackExperiment and START


Ins & Out's of Chapter 37

In this episode we dive into what's in and out now that I've turned 37. 


Let's Talk Rebranding Part 1

Rebranding part 1 - How I knew I needed to move on from Coffee, Kids, & Cocktails, and the questions I asked myself when I had to decide if I could rebrand or if I needed to start from scratch. If you are thinking of rebranding, or even thinking of starting a side hustle or your own business, you need to hear this! Here's where you can take ACTION: Ask yourself these questions. Have a conversation with yourself, journal them, or talk to another person - maybe your partner, a business colleague, or a business coach. Is your current business scalable with your goals? Do you have the same audience, is there overlap, or do you completely have to start over? Are you ok with seeing little interaction with your new services but to stay consistent and grow your message? visit Tiffany-Jordan.com to watch the rebrand and evolution of the business come to life! Ooh, and if you're thinking of starting a side hustle or jumping in to your own business, head over and download some of the free resources we have for you! 


Let's Talk - Growth & Change

My FIRST Episode, rebranded from Coffee, Kids, & Cocktails into Let's Talk with Tiffany Jordan. Today we dive into growth and change and what lead me to change from Coffee Kids & Cocktails to a self branded platform. This episode is brought to you by Boutique Rugs - use code COFFEEKIDS for 10% off your order. Or check out my blog post to see which rug I got and how it transformed our space. http://coffeekidsandcocktails.com/how-i-transformed-my-living-room-with-just-1-new-purchase/



This week I talk about imposter syndrome. It's basically my disclaimer to every episode from here on out. But I also talk about how I'm working on challenging that mindset and moving forward with goals. I found some information on Imposter Syndrome that was helpful for me here https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/imposter-syndrome


The GE Spot

This week we talk about the GE Spot... it's not what you think. It's the Good Enough Spot. Are you hitting that in your life, or are you striving to be perfect? I've learned that I am the happiest, the best, and the most successful when I strive to hit the GE spot, and I'm sharing my story with you. coffeekidsandcocktails.com


I'm Back, Bitches

First solo episode back, Tiffany talks about why she's bringing the podcast back and what to expect for future episodes. coffeekidsandcocktails.com


Going Crazy

We're Back! It's been 2 weeks, and we are finally able to record together again. This week we talk about Mental Health Awareness Month, and discuss our mental health in our world's current state. CoffeeKidsandCocktails.comCheck In Project -- https://www.thecheckinproject.org/https://www.thecheckinproject.org/post/managing-mental-health-during-covid-19


Girl, Get Yourself Together

This week we have our 2nd guest ever - Ashley, with Instilling Wellness. We chat about all things food, and how she changed her whole families eating habits for her daughter, and the positive changes she's seen come from it. CoffeeKidsandCocktails.com 


Here We Go Again

This week we catch up on all the things we've been up to at home - our messy, no schedule, loosing control, homes. We talk about how we felt when we found out we were pregnant (each time), and share a surprise! Don't worry, no matter how surprised you are, we were WAY more! CoffeeKidsandCocktails.com


Why the Fuck did I Stay - Part 2

This week we talk about how I left a very toxic relationship that was actually shutting my body down. Leaving was the best possible thing I could have done. If you, or you know someone who is going through any type of domestic violence please contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline at https://www.thehotline.org/help/


Why the Fuck did I Stay? - Part 1

We would like to apologize for the audio quality on this weeks episode. It is out first time recording remotely (#quarantined) and there were some hiccups. But hey, we're pushing through and brought you an episode full of truths about domestic violence and abusive relationships. If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, there are many resources available to you. Please visit The National Domestic Violence Hotline https://www.thehotline.org/help/CoffeeKidsandCocktails.com


Dating Your Spouse

This week we are all riding the struggle bus! Being home with the whole family is hard, we know. We want to break things up with some fun ideas of how to still date your spouse. Things you can do at home, never leaving, but maybe after the kids go to bed. http://coffeekidsandcocktails.com


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