Let's Talk with Andrew Love

Let's Talk with Andrew Love
Author: Andrew Love
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© Andrew Love
Let's Talk with Andrew Love formerly known as Yur Journey, interview people to share their life experiences, ideals, their crafts and their Journey. Sharing their Journey with OPEN MINDED PEOPLE. We all have a story to tell in Journey we choose. This allow people to learn and understand other ideals and experiences with out condemning a person's choice. REMEMBER IT'S ABOUT THEIR JOURNEY. Yur Journey also on YouTube Thanks for listening and subscribing.
37 Episodes
Dr. Judy explains what the RNA Covid vaccine is and how to detoxify your body from it and other viruses.
Tim Savage full interview about R. Kelly and how it all begins.
Andrew Love Linktree:
Timothy Savage IG:
Terry A O' Neal Hogan :
#RKelly #freerkelly
Former Bishop Darrell Nichols talks about his contact with a UFO, aliens and magick.
Nyla Nguyen is a Twin Flame, an old soul and a Light Warrior here to assist the planet and its inhabitants in this pivotal ascension period. She helps to anchor the 5D energy, share her spiritual/metaphysical and Galactic knowledge for people going through their ascension journey. She has a Youtube channel to spread the light.
Nyla Nguyen From 3D to 5D Consciousness joins me to reveals secrets and truth about Kanye West and the Kabal, Elon Musk buying Twitter, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates concerning Covid19 vaccines.
Here are the links to Nyla Nguyen channels and the page to book business consultation
Twin Flame Journey 3D to 5D
3D to 5D Consciousness
Business Consultation
Sherry Jackson former IRS seen on America: Freedom And Fascism and Zeitgeist: The Movie, talks about herself being locked up for four years and also exposes the truth about IRS Income Tax. She reveal ways to not fall victim to the government control on paying taxes. She explains how to build authentic tangible wealth. Ms. Jackson tells the important of building and educating your family in business and generational wealth. Ms. Sherry Jackson speak about Kanye West and Kyrie Irving situation dealing the evil of music industry with Cancel Culture. She also talks about her role in Freedom And Fascism and Zeitgeist film.
Sherry Jackson's websites social media is below:
1st YouTube Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson:
2nd YouTube Wake The People:
To contact Sherry Jackson:
The constant divide and conquer trick used on Black people over the past few hundred years is that slavery was already in the West African system before the Trans-Atlantic enslavement began. The truth about the Dahomey and the film called The Woman King. This is true but also inaccurate.
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#TheWomanKing #TheWomanKingMovie #dahomey
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Carol Flowers is a Self Employed Business Owner, Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach and Totally Fit Physique Personal Training. Carol Flowers tells about her journey into fitness. She explains also why proper dieting and exercise is important to a person well being.
To get in contact or follow Carol Flowers click on her website link:
Bernard K. Mensah is a Children's Book Author by night and a Software Engineering Manager by day. He is from Ghanaian, a dad to two rambunctious little boys, and I have a pretty wild imagination. He grew up in Ghana playing "Police and Thief" and Pilolo. I climbed mango trees that didn't belong to me, and I fished in pouring rain in rivers that overflowed. Bernard kept his head stuck in a book! More than once, his dad had to visit the library multiple times because I would finish books so quickly. In this interview Bernard K. Mensah talk about his upcoming Kickstarter 28 pages comic book , Yawa The Adventure. Bernard K. Mensah website: Go support Yawa the Adventure on Kickstarter: Bernard K. Mensah Facebook: Bernard K. Mensah Instagram: Bernard K. Mensah Twitter: #kwamebrown
Dr. Judy Mikovits talks about natural immunity and why Big Pharma targeting African American to take the vaccines and the danger of the vaccines. #KwameBrown
Dr. Judy Mikovits talk about origins of Covid, viruses and Dr. Vaucci. The explains how vaccines suppose to work and how dangerous many can be. #kwamebrown Recommended by Dr. Judy MIikovits :
Dex Elliott shine light on the beginning to now of a corrupt injustice system against African Amrican during a pandemic. Dex is a well known former Hollywood actor now activist against the injustice against African American and also push on the importance of educating oursleves about history and how to deal with reallity.
Jane Elliott tells the truth about education and the difference between human races.
Goddess Tanieka Carter is a model coach, tarot reader, gypsy, and high vibe jewelry creator. She talks about the importance of sex and how to use sex to manifest what you want.
To listen to Goddess Tanieka podcast, follow her on social media or buy her products go to her website:
Actress Trina McGee is famous for playing the role as Angela in Boy Meets World. She elaborate why she got into acting and her bad experience on Boy Meets World. To listen to the full interview go Yur Journey podcast: Follow Trina McGee on: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:
Trina McGee share her experience in acting and explains how she was disrespected and descrimantion in Boy Meets World.
Cindy Anneh-bu is a psychotherapy and hypnotherapy major. She explains why most black women is joining OnlyFans and how to pursue a better way to make money. Yur Journey Podcast: Cindy Anneh-bu Website: Cindy Anneh-bu Facebook Group: Cindy Anneh-bu Instagram: Cindy Anneh-bu Twitter: Cindy Anneh-bu Podcast: Cindy Anneh-bu Email:
Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green found the cure for cancer in mice. The cure have no side effects. She turned down big investors in order to keep her rights and not to allow her cure to be tampered with. She talk about the important of funding her project and why people are skeptical of her cure. Donate to her Oral Lee Foundation.
Ways to Donate: or Text ORA to 7177
CashApp: $OraLeeFoundation
Venmo: @OraLeeFoundation
Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green Social Media Links:
Twitter: @drhadiyahgreen
Raven Tutankhwadjet talks about her experiences dealing with fatal health issues in her life. Since the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic she shares how people can protect themselves and build their immume system up. She also talk about products she made called GreenGodess Immune Elixirs that is 100% pure and organic She breaks down what each product is good for as well. also shares remedies that people can do to keep a good immune system.
Raven Tutankhadjet Website:
Raven Tutankhadjet Instagram:
Raven Tutankhadjet Facebook :
Raven Tutankhadjet YouTube:
Creator, executive producer and director, Christopher B. Pearman talk abut how he got his daughter Raven-Symone on the Cosby Show and how he produce and direct shows. He also is greatly involve in in helping the homeless. He started making Dream So Big Credit cards through donations and gave to homeless so they could buy food. Than later he created Tiny House Four Homeless Veterans .
Christopher B. Pearman social media links:
Tiny House For Our Homeless Veterans:
Sgt. Cheryl Dorsey break downs the truth about the justice system and high profile court cases such as Botham Jean, Atatiana Jefferson, and Kamille "Cupcake" McKinney.
To read Chapter 1 and purchase Sgt. Cheryl Dorsey book Black and Blue click link below:
Cheryl Dorsey YouTube:
Sgt. Cheryl Dorsey Instagram:
Check out Cheryl Dorsey (@sgtcheryldorsey):
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