Let There Be Truth

Is it possible that many "Christian" traditions today aren't in line with Biblical teaching; or that we have neglected the commandments of God, to hold to the traditions of men? Have you ever wondered where Christmas came from, how about the Easter Bunny, or when the sabbath changed from the seventh day to the first? Have we been missing important truths from the bible and history that are preventing us from living a life like our Savior? Join me, Caleb Gee as I explore some of these things and my journey to get to the truth of these matters!

New Moons With Kisha Gallagher

In this episode Kisha Gallagher, author of "The Biblical New Moon: A Guide for Celebrating", joins us to discuss New Moons; what they are, what they mean, and their significance for believers today!


Idolatry- Journey Out of Egypt with Josh Muglia

This is an episode you don't want to miss.  Listen along as I interview Josh Muglia, the author of "Idolatry: Journey out of Egypt" and be sure to grab a copy of his book afterwards!  


Sin, Love, and Torah

In this episode we dive into the bibles definition of sin, love and what the gospel is!  With the world and society trying to redefine it every day it's important we learn what God's definition is and live with that understanding!


What about Paul? With Nathein and Shannon Perkins

In this episode we dive into Paul and some of his letters.  Not so much verse by verse but more how he is cited often by believers to justify not following God's law today.  What was he talking about, why is he hard to understand, and what did he teach?


The Fall Feasts with Brent Hanson

In this episode we explore the fall feasts.  What are their implications, should we celebrate them today, will we celebrate them when our King returns and much more!  Special guest Brent Hanson helps us unpack a lot of the information!


The Sign of Jonah- Passover vs. Easter

In this episode I look historically and biblically at the timeline of Yeshua's death and resurrection and then compare this to both Passover and Easter, to try to determine which one we should celebrate as believers!


Can Holidays with Pagan Origins Honor God

In this episode we don't dive into the history of widely celebrated holidays as much as we ask the question, is it ok to participate in them?


Introduction to Holidays and Holy Days

In this episode we set the direction we are headed for the next few episodes discussing traditional holidays and the Holy Days given in the bible!


Is it ok to eat bacon?

In this episode we explore the dietary laws as well as the theme throughout the bible in support of God's Law and the implications for us today!


Is Sunday really the Sabbath?

In this episode I discuss the history of the sabbath, what the bible has to say about it, and how my family celebrates it today!


The Way: Leaving Churchianity to live like the Savior

In this episode I sit down with the creators of The Way Documentary, Luke and Kayte Abaffy.  We discuss the documentary, their journey of making it, and other projects that they have completed or may complete in the future!



In this episode get a quick overview of my history and what to expect from the rest of the series!



Brief trailer for the podcast!


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