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Let’s Toast To Knowledge (LTTK)

Author: Ololade Ogeye

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Are you a lifelong learner? Do you want to improve in your knowledge of how the world works from a personal, societal, or spiritual perspective? Then this is your plug! Join me as I explore the world through my burning passion for becoming a better person than I was yesterday.
73 Episodes
Entreprenuers and enthusiasts, this one is for you. In this episode I spoke to Kelly about her journey to becoming an entrepreneur, which started from when she was 7 years old. Being a business owner is less about the money, and more about how you solve a problem for your customers. She also shared helpful tips on how to stand out in a competitive landscape. Listen and share :)  Love and kindness, Ololade
It's not news that we're in the technological age with things changing rapidly and AI systems becoming more relevant to our society. In this episode, I spoke to Tolu and Shola about the exciting advancements being made in our tech world, especially our new favorite helpmate, ChatGPT and some things we should keep in mind when using technology. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to share :) Love and kindness, Ololade
We all know that one smart person who always contributes something meaningful in almost every conversation. What's so special about these types of people? I talked to Janus Kwong (whose intellect I admire) about reading books as one of the things that have shaped her mindset and critical thinking skills. One thing is certain, reading allows you stand on the shoulders of giants and see life through the eyes of those who have gone ahead. Enjoy this enlightful episode and don't forget to share :) Love and kindness, Ololade
In this informative episode, Anuoluwapo and I discussed the meaning of identity - both personal and shared. It was interesting to see how identity is tied to self esteem as well as the influence of childhood experiences in shaping one's concept of self. Enjoy this episode and don't forget to share ;) Love and kindness, Ololade
In this episode I talked to Ife (among other things) about the meaning of love, what love isn't, and how social media has influenced our perception of love. Is love a feeling, a person, or an action? Find out more by listening and don't forget to share ;) With love and kindness, Ololade
A career is what you make of it and there are essential soft skills that can set you up for success. With practise and dedication, you can learn any skill, including how to learn. In this episode, I shared some of my favourite skills that I am learning and using to build a career that I love. Listen to hear the full list and I'd love to know if there are other skills worth mentioning. Write me here - :)  Love,  Ololade 
If you've worked before, you probably understand the term called "probationary period" which is more or less the talking stage of a romantic relationship. Traditionally, companies assess the performance of their new employees to see if everything they claimed in their resume and during their recruitment process is indeed true. In this episode, I shared some tips on how to thrive during your probation period after starting your new job. Best believe, you've got this, so show 'em what you've got! Enjoy this episode :)  Love,  Ololade
The best part of job hunting is when you get an offer from an employer. It's an euphoric feeling, especially after job hunting for a while. In this episode, I shared some next steps to take after receiving an offer, from checking the terms & conditions of your job contract, to evaluating whether the offer is right for you. Do enjoy and share :)  Love,  Ololade
Hi Ololade, we've really enjoyed getting to know you. Unfortunately, we have decided to move ahead with other candidates. Does that sentence strike some personal chords? My guess is yes! In this episode, I shared how rejections could hurt but more importantly be channeled into a positive experience. I hope you enjoy this short but meaningful episode. Please share also :)   Love,  Ololade
Waiting seasons are usually tough and understandably so. The human mind always wants to have everything under control and predictable. However, as with many things in life including job search, we have little/no control over external circumstances. Therefore, in this episode I recommended some helpful things to do while waiting during a job search phase and before getting that dream job. Please enjoy and share :)  Love,  Ololade
Interviews could be intimidating and I understand. I've been there and done that (lol) and came out stronger. In this episode, I shared some of the things I did after an interview which helped and some mistakes I made and learned from. Please enjoy this episode!  Love, Ololade
Regardless of the job role or career field, there are usually some questions which cut across industries and in this episode, I shared some of those and gave guides on how to answer them. The success of any job interview (largely) depends on your response and how you are able to make a lasting impression on the interviewer. Remember that practise takes you a step closer to mastery and there are a number of online resources that can help you, apart from this Podcast of course. Please enjoy this episode and don't forget to share :)  Love, Ololade 
You made that job application and received an email which made you smile but also triggered some anxiety about how you will proceed with the next phase of your job hunting. In this episode, I explained some of the helpful ways you can prepare for your job interview, starting with research, and understanding your skills and the best way to communicate them. Importantly, you got that email because you are qualified and you can get that job! Believe in yourself and prepare for that big breakthrough because your time will come. Please enjoy this episode and share :)  Love,  Ololade
I read a book titled "what color is your parachute" by Richard Bolles and found it super insightful. Based on some insights from the author, I learned that there are two approaches to job searching, one being traditional and the other being more strategic with an end goal of getting a job you really love and which utilizes your skills. In this episode, I discussed some elements involved in these two approaches and gave some examples of how this plays out in day-to-day job hunting. Please enjoy and learn something new :)  Love,  Ololade 
In this episode I spoke about some of the trends in the career space and how it's important for job seekers to upskill and have a growth mindset that they can learn anything they want and grow in any aspect they choose, as long as they invest in themselves. Key takeaways from the episode relate to the changes tech has brought to the job market, the concept of talent sourcing and how employers hire. Have fun listening and learning.  Love,  Ololade 
After a few months being MIA, it's my pleasure to introduce another season of LTTK, where I will be solely focusing on career topics including job search, interviews, and navigating the world of work. As you may know, I'm all about self improvement and hope this season will bring you some knowledge and inspiration. Let's go! Love,  Ololade
To wrap up the year and the culture series, I featured three main cultural representations from Nigeria: Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba. As expected, it was quite enriching to discuss some of the stereotypes associated with these tribes and explore marriage from their lens. Although Nigeria is a country, the rich diversity of its people must always be acknowledged. Enjoy this episode and I wish you a merry christmas & happy new year :)  Love,  Ololade
I have a bias towards anything that looks and feels korean, so it was easy to immerse myself in this episode with the delightful Young who shared her perspective about the South Korean culture. For starters, we spoke about the personality of koreans, discussed the famous korean dishes and their love of vegetables. Also super interesting is their style of arranged marriages which is fast becoming a booming business for the companies who specialize in these services. More details in the episode so enjoy! Love,  Ololade
You could tell from my excitement that I had looked forward to recording this episode. Nicole and I spoke about the German language which I'm still learning *wink*, food and probably the most interesting, being gender roles. Did you know that in Germany, both male and female are treated equally to a large extent, and we discussed the context of their parental leave policy. You haven't heard the best part! For more juice, listen to this interesting episode :)  Love,  Ololade
What have you heard about India? Perhaps you may want to refresh your knowledge with this refreshing episode where Kalpan passionately spoke about his country. We spent some time understanding the diversity of language in India as well as the role astrology plays in marriage. Quite insightful if you ask me, so enjoy! Love,  Ololade