Lewis Black's Rantcast
Author: Lewis Black
Subscribed: 1,536Played: 82,177Description
Lewis Black has some things to get off his chest! With his weekly podcast "Lewis Black’s Rantcast," the Grammy-winning comedian does just that. Channeling his anger in ways only a man who’s devoted his entire life to ranting can do. The tirades are sometimes big, other times small, yet they are always fun-spirited and truly hilarious. No topic is safe from Black’s trademark style of comedic yelling and animated finger-pointing. Skewering anything and anyone that gets under his skin. On the "Rantcast," Black isn’t the only person getting things off his chest, each week Lewis allows fans to submit their gripes so he can commiserate in their frustrations. Black’s long career includes movie roles in Accepted, the voice of Anger in the Pixar’s "Inside Out," and is currently the longest-running correspondent on Comedy Central’s "The Daily Show."
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I can't listen to your podcast while walking, because you don't use any automatic volume control. I can't hear you talk over the ambient volume of just regular street noise. Your commercials come in overloading loud and clear, because they do normalize their volume. I'd like to listen to your podcasts, but as a practical matter, I throw most of them out due to frustration of trying to hear you. Sorry. Please hit the button to apply AVC, ok?
I wish you would run your podcasts through some automatic volume control. I can't listen to you during walks because you are too quiet when I'm anywhere near traffic and your commercials then are loud enough to knock out my bicuspids. I also can't listen to you in one room with someone in another room because I get blasted when you blast something, usually a commercial. I have to be ready to slam the volume up or down, and I won't often do that. otherwise I like your stuff.
OMG that Becka story....dogs are AMAZING!!
GREAT episode...hahaha. Gonna rethink Jack O Lanterns this year...
This is hilarious!