DiscoverLife Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT
Life Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT
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Life Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT

Author: Free Association Radio

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For more information about this project, please listen to the Introductory Episode, or read the text for that episode which can be found here:
64 Episodes
Is Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj a kind of "father to the soul" of his followers? Is he a father to your soul? In what way? [Comments welcome!] “Who am I, finally, when I’m not playing? A poor orphan left out in the cold among sensations, shivering on the street corners of Reality, forced to sleep on the steps of Sadness and to eat the bread offered by Fantasy. I was told that my father, whom I never knew, is called God, but the name means nothing to me. Sometimes at night, when I’m feeling lonely, I call out to him with tears and form an idea of him I can love. But then it occurs to me that I don’t know him, that perhaps he’s not how I imagine, that perhaps this figure has never been the father of my soul…” -Fernando Pessoa (The Book of Disquiet)
“An episode chiefly inspired by a 10 second piece of animation by Alyssa ⁠on her YouTube channel⁠. Check out the full TWELVE SECOND video (plot-twist?)⁠ ⁠here⁠⁠. Also, if you enjoyed the vid version of this on Spotify, please consider subscribing to my new YouTube Channel Living The Book of Disquiet, for more of these 🙏🏼 -- This episode is also inspired by the following quote from fragment 32 of Fernando Pessoa's Book of Disquiet: Underlying everything, the hushed night was the tomb of God (and my soul felt sorry for God).” OTHER TOPICS THAT CROP UP:  -Lucid Dreaming: Rob’s experiences with lucid dreaming and the techniques he used to achieve it (counting backwards, repeating a phrase while falling asleep). -Finding Beauty in the Mundane: the concept of cultivating a "waking dream" mentality, where one finds wonder and beauty in everyday experiences. Cf. Eckhart Tolle/Nisargadatta. The Yearning for Connection: Lost loves, and the desire to recapture those feelings of connection and shared experiences. The possibility of finding a similar connection through lucid dreaming. -Techniques for Lucid Dreaming: dream journaling, sensory deprivation, and meditation. Life as a Waking Dream: living one’s life as a lucid dream state, rather than feeling trapped in our waking nightmares. -In The Forest of Estrangement: A text written in 1912 and forming the initial foundations for TBOD according to a letter to João de Lebre e Lima, in which FP talks about his new project. Read both the letter, as well as In The Forest of Estrangement ⁠here⁠.
62. An Arid Heart

62. An Arid Heart


"Sadly, or perhaps not, I recognize that I have an arid heart. An adjective matters more to me than the real weeping of a human soul. But sometimes I’m different." -Fernando Pessoa -- I'm taking a bit of a break from Nisargadatta for a while. Heading off to do a bit of communing with another of my gurus (Fernando Pessoa) who I think still has a fair amount to teach me. If you'd like to keep in touch, please consider joining us on Spotify (or iTunes) for more of this kind of soul-searching. Thank you, friends. 🙏🏼🦋
M: In my world love is the only law. I do not ask for love, I give it. Such is my nature.  Q: I see you living your life according to a pattern. You run a meditation class in the morning, lecture and have discussions regularly; twice daily there is worship (puja) and religious singing (bhajan) in the evening. You seem to adhere to the routine scrupulously.  M: The worship and the singing are as I found them and I saw no reason to interfere. The general routine is according to the wishes of the people with whom I happen to live or who come to listen. They are working people, with many obligations and the timings are for their convenience. Some repetitive routine is inevitable. Even animals and plants have their time-tables.  Q: Yes, we see a regular sequence in all life. Who maintains the order? Is there an inner ruler, who lays down laws and enforces order?  M: Everything moves according to its nature. Where is the need of a policeman? Every action creates a reaction, which balances and neutralises the action. Everything happens, but there is a continuous cancelling out, and in the end it is as if nothing happened.  Q: Do not console me with final harmonies. The accounts tally, but the loss is mine.  M: Wait and see. You may end up with a profit good enough to justify the outlays.
60. Live Facts, Not Fancies

60. Live Facts, Not Fancies


Q: What is necessary? M: To grow is necessary. To outgrow is necessary. To leave behind the good for the sake of the better is necessary. Q: To what end? M: The end is in the beginning. You end where you start — in the Absolute. Q: Why all this trouble then? To come back to where I started? M: Whose trouble? Which trouble? Do you pity the seed that is to grow and multiply till it becomes a mighty forest? Do you kill an infant to save him from the bother of living? What is wrong with life, ever more life? Remove the obstacles to growing and all your personal, social, economic and political problems will just dissolve. The universe is perfect as a whole and the part's striving for perfection is a way of joy. Willingly sacrifice the imperfect to the perfect and there will be no more talk about good and evil. Q: Yet we are afraid of the better and cling to the worse. M: This is our stupidity, verging on insanity.
Q: Do you advise shunning pleasure and pursuing pain?  M: No, nor pursuing pleasure and shunning pain. Accept both as they come, enjoy both while they last, let them go, as they must.  Q: How can I possibly enjoy pain? Physical pain calls for action.  M: Of course. And so does Mental. The bliss is in the awareness of it, in not shrinking, or in any way turning away from it. All happiness comes from awareness. The more we are conscious, the deeper the joy. Acceptance of pain, non-resistance, courage and endurance — these open deep and perennial sources of real happiness, true bliss.  Q: Why should pain be more effective than pleasure?  M: Pleasure is readily accepted, while all the powers of the self reject pain. As the acceptance of pain is the denial of the self, and the self stands in the way of true happiness, the wholehearted acceptance of pain releases the springs of happiness.  Q: Does the acceptance of suffering act the same way? 
Q: Must I not examine the teacher before I put myself entirely into his hands? M: By all means examine! But what can you find out? Only as he appears to you on your own level. Q: I shall watch whether he is consistent, whether there is harmony between his life and his teaching. M: You may find plenty of disharmony — so what? It proves nothing. Only motives matter. How will you know his motives? Q: I should at least expect him to be a man of self-control who lives a righteous life. M: Such you will find many — and of no use to you. A Guru can show the way back home, to your real self. What has this to do with the character, or temperament of the person he appears to be? Does he not clearly tell you that he is not the person? The only way you can judge is by the change in yourself when you are in his company. If you feel more at peace and happy, if you understand yourself with more than usual clarity and depth, it means you have met the right man. Take your time, but once you have made up your mind to trust him, trust him absolutely and follow every instruction fully and faithfully. It does not matter much if you do not accept him as your Guru and are satisfied with his company only. Satsang alone can also take you to your goal, provided it is unmixed and undisturbed. But once you accept somebody as your Guru, listen, remember and obey. Half-heartedness is a serious drawback and the cause of much self-created sorrow. The mistake is never the Guru's; it is always the obtuseness and cussedness of the discipline that is at fault. Q: Does the Guru then dismiss, or disqualify a disciple? M: He would not be a Guru if he did! He bides his time and waits till the disciple, chastened and sobered, comes back to him in a more receptive mood. Q: What is the motive? Why does the Guru take so much trouble? M: Sorrow and the ending of sorrow. He sees people suffering in their dreams and he wants them to wake up. Love is intolerant of pain and suffering. The patience of a Guru has no limits and, therefore, it cannot be defeated. The Guru never fails. Q: Is my first Guru also my last, or do I have to pass from Guru to Guru? M: The entire universe is your Guru. You learn from everything, if you are alert and intelligent. Were your mind clear and your heart clean, you would learn from every passer-by;. It is because you are indolent or restless, that your inner Self manifests as the outer Guru and makes you trust him and obey. Q: Is a Guru inevitable? M: It is like asking 'Is a mother inevitable?' To rise in consciousness from one dimension to another, you need help. The help may not always be in the shape of a human person, it may be a subtle presence, or a spark of intuition, but help must come. The inner Self is watching and waiting for the son to return to his father. At the right time he arranges everything affectionately and effectively. Where a messenger is needed, or a guide, he sends the Guru to do the needful. -- It's early morning, no one is awakeI'm back at my cliff, still throwing things offI listen to the sounds they make on their way downI follow with my eyes 'til they crashI Imagine what my body would sound like slamming against those rocksAnd when it landsWill my eyes be closed or open?I go through all thisBefore you wake upSo I can feel happierTo be safe up here with youI go through all thisBefore you wake upSo I can feel happierTo be safe up here with youI go through all thisBefore you wake upSo I can feel happierTo be safe up here with youSafe up here with youSafe up here with youSafe up here with youSafe up here with youSafe up here with youSafe up here with youSafe up here with youSafe up here with you
Q: I find it hard to grasp what exactly do you mean by saying that you are neither the object nor the subject. At this very moment, as we talk, am I not the object of your experience, and you the subject? M: Look, my thumb touches my forefinger. Both touch and are touched. When my attention; is on the thumb, the thumb is the feeler and the forefinger — the self. Shift the focus of attention and the relationship is reversed. I find that somehow, by shifting the focus of attention, I become the very thing I look at and experience the kind of consciousness it has; I become the inner witness of the thing. I call this capacity of entering other focal points of consciousness — love; you may give it any name you like. Love says: 'I am everything'. Wisdom says: 'I am nothing' Between the two my life flows. Since at any point of time and space I can be both the subject and the object of experience, I express it by saying that I am both, and neither, and beyond both.
[INT. LARRY'S LIVING ROOM - DAY] Larry David sits across from an enigmatic, serene guest, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, who's unfazed by the trivialities of Hollywood. Jeff, curious, joins with a sandwich in hand. LARRY: (Confused) So, you're saying when someone dies, it's all about what they believe? What about afterlife specials? MAHARAJ: As life before death is imagination, so is life after. The dream continues. Jeff nearly chokes on his sandwich, bewildered. JEFF: (To Maharaj) And what about you? You just... don't die? MAHARAJ: The jnani never dies because he was never born. Larry and Jeff exchange looks of utter confusion. LARRY: (Sarcastically) Oh, great, so you're just floating around, not being born or dying. Must be nice. [CUT TO: INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY] Larry tries to explain Maharaj's philosophy to Leon, who's more interested in his coffee. LARRY: He says we're all just consciousness. No birth, no death. LEON: So, what, we're just in a big-ass dream? Man, I've had some messed up dreams. No way this is one. LARRY: Exactly! And apparently, I'm building walls by thinking we're different. LEON: Larry, you build walls with everyone. That's your thing. [CUT TO: INT. LARRY'S LIVING ROOM - DAY] Larry, now more agitated, confronts Maharaj again, with a group of friends gathered, including Ted Danson. LARRY: So, if we're all just dreaming, why bother with anything? Why not just... float around? MAHARAJ: You are the world, and the world is you. When you see the world in yourself, you see it as it truly is. Ted nods, pretending to understand, while sipping his drink. TED DANSON: (Trying to sound profound) It's like we're all part of this big, cosmic soup. LARRY: Cosmic soup? We talking about soup now? [CUT TO: INT. GOLF CLUB - DAY] Larry attempts to share his newfound "wisdom" with Richard Lewis who's having none of it. LARRY: It's all about awareness, Richard. I'm trying to broaden mine. RICHARD LEWIS: Larry, the only thing you're aware of is where your next "issue" is coming from. LARRY: (Frustrated) No, it's about seeing the fiery point of awareness. Like an incense stick burning down. RICHARD LEWIS: So, what? Now you're going to set the club on fire to find your inner spark? [CUT TO: INT. LARRY'S LIVING ROOM - EVENING] A final meeting with Maharaj, Larry's frustration peaks. LARRY: So, let me get this straight. We're all just part of this... awareness , and nothing really matters? MAHARAJ: In essence, yes. But understanding your true self is what matters. LARRY: (Exasperated) I'm more confused than when we started. MAHARAJ: That confusion is also part of the dream. LARRY: Great, so I'm dreaming. Maybe I'll dream myself into a world where people don't park in two spaces. MAHARAJ: (Smiling) That would be a dream indeed. [CUT TO: EXT. LARRY'S HOUSE - DAY] Larry, inspired yet bewildered by Maharaj's teachings, decides to live life more "aware." He immediately trips over his own feet and sprains his ankle. LARRY: (To himself) So much for awareness. ChatGPTChatGPT For the episode inspired by Maharaj's teachings, here are the Hindu philosophical terms explained: Jnani: A person of knowledge, particularly in the spiritual context of one who has realized the ultimate truth, Brahman, and has thereby transcended the ego and the cycle of birth and death. Brahman: The ultimate reality or universal consciousness in Hindu philosophy, Brahman is considered the supreme, unchanging reality, amidst and beyond the world, which is the source of all that exists. Consciousness (Chit): In Hindu philosophy, consciousness is not merely awareness or wakefulness but the fundamental aspect of existence, the essence of self and the universe. Awareness: In the context of the dialogue, it refers to a state of being fully present and conscious of one's inner self and the outer world without being caught up in the mind's narratives or identifications.
In the vibe of Lil Baby, let's drop it: Yo, Maharaj speaks, droppin' wisdom, deep and tall, 'Bout a state where he feels nothing, nothing at all. No stepping into minds, no shared scenes in his view, Just knows the grain, like a dealer, through and through. "Are we in Brahma's mind?" the questioner probes, Nah, Maharaj says, that's not how it unfolds. Universal don't care 'bout the personal plight, It's all 'bout the absolute, beyond wrong and right. What links us together, you ask, tryna find, Maharaj's like, "Dreamers, in their own mind." The real link's the seeker, in search of the truth, In your own mind's maze, find the proof. Supreme Reality, what's its role, what's its part? Maharaj laughs, says it's the art that makes all start. Without it, nothing moves, nothing stands, Yet in daily grind, it lends no hands. "Why seek the Supreme if it brings no gain?" 'Cause holding on's the root of pain. Let go, give up, and you'll find, In that nothing, everything's intertwined. Your world's a dream, fleeting, light, Realize that, and end the night. Let dreams unfold, don't hold them tight, In awakening, you'll find your might. Love in dreams, it binds, it clings, But real love, it frees, it brings A love for all, beyond the strings, In true self, love's wings. No need for time, for past, for lore, In now, find what you adore. Let go, be free, explore, In being, find your core. Lil Baby style, Maharaj's teaching, About letting go, true freedom reaching. In dreams or life, the lesson's clear, Find yourself, and you'll have nothing to fear.
We're back! Massive thanks to Marc for agreeing to co-read and talk about this super-poetic and rich dialogue with me. Imagine you're playing a video game where you can switch between different characters: one character is the "Person," another is the "Witness," and the ultimate level is becoming the "Absolute." 1. Person: This is like your character in the game. It's what you control and move around with, dealing with all the game's challenges. In real life, this refers to you with your body, thoughts, and feelings. 2. Witness: Imagine this as the camera following your character around in the game. It sees everything your character does but isn't actually doing any of it. The Witness is like a part of you that watches everything you do, think, or feel but doesn't get involved. 3. Absolute: Now, think of this as the entire game itself—the world, the rules, everything. It's the big picture that includes all the characters, the witnesses, and even things you can't see or haven't discovered yet. The Absolute is reality at its most fundamental, beyond time and space, and it's what everything else comes from. Maharaj talks about three kinds of "spaces" to help us understand how everything is connected: - Mahadakash: This is like the physical world in the game—the maps, the landscapes, everything you can see and interact with. - Chidakash: This represents the mental space, like the game's storyline, the quests, and the decisions you make. It's all about perception and cognition. - Paramakash: This is the ultimate level of the game—the code and logic that make up the game's universe. It's beyond the physical and mental, the source of everything. The dialogue also touches on how we often confuse the "Person" (us playing the game) with the "Witness" (the camera/viewer) and the "Absolute" (the entire game). We get so caught up in our roles and stories that we forget they're all part of a bigger picture. Maharaj encourages us to explore beyond our character in the game (our body and mind) and realize we're more like the game itself—vast, interconnected, and part of a larger reality. He suggests that understanding this can change how we see the world and ourselves, helping us to find true happiness and freedom from suffering. It's a bit like realizing you're not just playing the game, but you're also the one watching it and, on an even deeper level, the one who created it. This shift in perspective is where the liberation occurs, making life's challenges feel less personal and overwhelming. Glossary: 1. Person (Vyakti): Refers to the individual human being, characterized by physical and subtle bodies, perceived through the lens of personal identity. 2. Witness (Vyakta): The aspect of consciousness that observes or witnesses the phenomena of existence without being affected by them. 3. Absolute (Avyakta): The ultimate reality that is beyond time, space, and perception; the source of all existence and consciousness. 4. Mahadakash: The physical space or the "great space" that encompasses nature and all physical existences. 5. Chidakash: The "space of consciousness" or mental space where time, perception, and cognition occur. 6. Paramakash: The supreme or ultimate space that is beyond physical and mental realms, representing the infinite potentiality and essence of reality. 7. Vyakta and Avyakta: Manifest and unmanifest; used to describe the visible aspects of reality (vyakta) and the invisible, underlying essence (avyakta). 8. Chit: Pure consciousness or awareness, the fundamental essence of existence that knows and is known. 9. Gunas: Qualities or modes of nature in Indian philosophy, namely sattva (purity, harmony), rajas (activity, passion), and tamas (inertia, ignorance) that influence the behavior of all beings. 10. Viveka-Vairagya: Discrimination and dispassion; spiritual practices of discerning the real from the unreal and detachment from the non-essential. TRANSCRIPT
"Don't be anxious about your future - be quiet now and all will fall into place. The unexpected is bound to happen, while the anticipated may never come. Don't tell me you cannot control your nature. You need not control it. Throw it overboard. Have no nature to fight, or submit to. No experience will hurt you, provided you don't make it into a habit. Of the entire universe you are the subtle cause. All is because you are. Grasp this point firmly and deeply and dwell on it repeatedly. To realize this as absolutely true, is liberation."
Life: In your search for love what exactly are you searching for? Questioner: Simply this: to love and to be loved.
“Watch your thoughts as you watch the street traffic. People come and go; you register without response. It may not be easy in the beginning, but with some practice you will find that your mind can function on many levels at the same time and you can be aware of them all. It is only when you have a vested interest in any particular level, that your attention gets caught in it and you black out on other levels. Even then the work on the blacked out levels goes on, outside the field of consciousness. Do not struggle with your memories and thoughts; try only to include in your field of attention the other, more important questions, like 'Who am l?' 'How did I happen to be born?' 'Whence this universe around me?'. 'What is real and what is momentary?'  "No memory will persist, if you lose interest in it, it is the emotional link that perpetuates the bondage. You are always seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, always after happiness and peace. Don't you see that it is your very search for happiness that makes you feel miserable? Try the other way: indifferent to pain and pleasure, neither asking, nor refusing, give all your attention to the level on which 'I am' is timelessly present. Soon you will realise that peace and happiness are in your very nature and it is only seeking them through some particular channels, that disturbs. Avoid the disturbance, that is all. To seek there is no need; you would not seek what you already have. You yourself are God, the Supreme Reality. To begin with, trust me, trust the Teacher. It enables you to make the first step — and then your trust is justified by your own experience. In every walk of life initial trust is essential; without it little can be done. Every undertaking is an act of faith. Even your daily bread you eat on trust! By remembering what I told you you will achieve everything. I am telling you again: You are the all-pervading, all transcending reality. Behave accordingly: think, feel and act in harmony with the whole and the actual experience of what I say will dawn upon you in no time. No effort is needed. Have faith and act on it. Please see that I want nothing from you. It is in your own interest that l speak, because above all you love yourself, you want yourself secure and happy. Don't be ashamed of it, don't deny it. It is natural and good to love oneself. Only you should know what exactly do you love. It is not the body that you love, it is Life —perceiving, feeling, thinking, doing, loving, striving, creating. It is that Life you love, which is you, which is all. realise it in its totality, beyond all divisions and limitations, and all your desires will merge in it, for the greater contains the smaller. Therefore find yourself, for in finding that you find all. Everybody is glad to be. But few know the fullness of it. You come to know by dwelling in your mind on 'I am', 'I know', 'I love' — with the will of reaching the deepest meaning of these words.”
You say: You tell us that we can be considered under three aspects, and you then use three sanskrit terms for these aspects which, as far as I can tell, comes from a root verb meaning to smear (as in pigment or make-up). So when smeared around a self, we get a personal, or identity-focused human consciousness (vyakti). Another mode of being is that of the non-personal (vyakta): the smear suggesting that which the senses perceive as some thing, or object, or some kind of boundary. Finally there is a smear that doesn’t define or contain any one distinct entity, the Ultimate Smear, the Universal, the Real, pure I. The non-personal is the Ultimate Smear’s reflection in consciousness as ‘I am'. The personal is also the totality of physical and vital processes. Within the narrow confines of the present moment, person-focused states of consciousness are aware of themselves both in space and time; not only as individual people, but as a long series of people strung together on the thread of karma. The personal is a witnessing consciousness as well as the residue of these accumulated experiences, the seat of memory, the connecting link. It is part of our character which life builds and shapes from birth to birth. The Universal, however, the Ultimate Smear, is beyond all name and shape, other than what it imparts to consciousness as an echo. But it is ultimately beyond consciousness and character: pure unselfconscious being. Have I summarised your views as you see them? Life answers: On the level of the mind — yes. Beyond the mental level not a word applies. You say: I can understand that the person is a mental construct, a collective noun for a set of memories and habits. But, this consciousness to whom “the person” happens, the witnessing centre, is it mental too? Life answers:The personalised being needs a base, a body to identify itself with, just as a colour needs a surface to appear on. The seeing of the colour is independent of the colour — it is the same whatever the colour. One needs an eye to see a colour. The colours are many, the eye is single. The personalised being is like the light in the colour and also in the eye, yet simple, single, indivisible and unperceivable, except in its manifestations. Not unknowable, but unperceivable, un-objectival, inseparable. Neither material nor mental, neither objective nor subjective, it is the root of matter and the source of consciousness. Beyond mere living and dying, it is the all-inclusive, all-exclusive Life, in which birth is death and death is birth. You say: The Absolute or Life you talk about, is it real, or a mere theory to cover up our ignorance? Life answers:Both. To the mind, a theory; in itself — a reality. It is reality in its spontaneous and total rejection of the false. Just as light destroys darkness by its very presence, so does the absolute destroy imagination. To see that all knowledge is a form of ignorance is itself a movement of reality. The witness is not a person. The person comes into being when there is a basis for it, an organism, a body. In it the absolute is reflected as awareness. Pure awareness becomes self-awareness. When there is a self, self-awareness is the witness. When there is no self to witness, there is no witnessing either. It is all very simple; it is the presence of the person that complicates matters. See that there is no such thing as a permanently separate person and all becomes clear. Awareness — mind — matter — they are one reality in its two aspects, immovable and movable, with three attributes of inertia, energy and harmony. You say: What comes first: consciousness or awareness? Life answers:Awareness becomes consciousness when it has an object. The object changes all the time. In consciousness there is movement; awareness by itself is motionless and timeless, here and now. You say: There is suffering and bloodshed in Ukraine at the present moment. How do you look at it? How does it appear to you, how do y
"But when the part of us that say 'I am me, I am myself' leaves us be, what follows is often an 'I am all'. And again: when the 'I am all' goes, then we might experience the 'I am'. And when even an 'I am' consciousness goes, reality alone is and in it every 'I am' is preserved held dear. Diversity without separateness is the Ultimate that the mind can touch. Beyond that all activity ceases, because in it all goals are reached and all purposes fulfilled."
Hello! Very excited to share a new episode of this podcast with you, and another chapter of "I Am That".  In forthcoming episodes, Vimla Gulabani has kindly agreed to read the other part of the dialogue with me, as well as chat a bit about the text together.  Also check out Vimla's podcast Coaching Confidential if that sounds like something that might interest you. -- This is the next episode in my/our here-and-now, complete audiobook reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah’s “I Am That” Info about this project:
This is the next episode in my here-and-now, complete audiobook reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah’s “I Am That” Info about this project:
This is the next episode in my here-and-now, complete audiobook reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah’s “I Am That” Info about this project:
This is the next episode in my here-and-now, complete audiobook reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah’s “I Am That” Info about this project:
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