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Life Coaching For Parents

Author: Torie Henderson

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You love being a mom but get overwhelmed, lost and resentful by all the parenting responsibilities. Listen as life coach, teacher and parent educator, Torie Henderson, answers common parenting questions from hard working Supermoms. Are you exhausted from working hard all day but still feel like you haven’t accomplished anything? Do you want to feel calm, energized and in control? Then this podcast is for you.
172 Episodes
Episode # 171 – Relief from Money Worries with Liz Carroll Here, we usually talk about whatever is stressing moms out the most. So even thought I focus mostly on parenting issues, money is something that effects all of us and is a big source of stress. Today I am interviewing Liz Carroll from ... Read more... The post Relief from Money Worries appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Episode #170 – How to turn off “Task Master mode” and have fun with my 13 year old boy. Question of the Day: I’m pretty sure my kid is going to grow up and remember me as a nagging, grumpy task master. He’s barely 13 and our relationship is already on thin ice. On the ... Read more... The post How to become a fun mom instead of a nagging mom appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Letting Go Challenge

Letting Go Challenge


 Letting Go Is there something you need to let go of? Most moms intuitively know when they need to let go of something, but this often is accompanied by a  resistance to doing so. The thought of letting go induces a tight feeling of holding on. When part of us wants to let go, ... Read more... The post Letting Go Challenge appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Enneagram Type 9 The Peacemaker – The Mediator If you resonate with every number on the enneagram, you might be 9. The Enneagram Type 9 can be called the crown of the Enneagram because it is at the top of the symbol and because it seems to include the whole of it. Nines can have ... Read more... The post Enneagram #9 – The Peacemaker appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Enneagram Type 8  The Challenger – The Leader   If you are thinking, “I don’t believe in this Enneagram personality typing, what a stupid waste of time.” Then you might be an 8.  Enneagram Type 8’s enjoy taking on challenges, as well as challenging authority figures, the status quo, or any obstacle that prevents them ... Read more... The post Enneagram Type 8 – The Challenger appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Enneagram Type 7 – The Enthusiast – The Adventurer Sevens are defined by their desire to experience everything life has to offer while avoiding pain and boredom. They appear to others to be lively, fun-loving, optimistic and extroverted. Sevens are often very busy people who bounce from one activity to another in their quest to ... Read more... The post Enneagram Type 7 – The Enthusiast – The Adventurer appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Enneagram Type 6 – The Loyalist The Faithful Guardian – The Skeptic – The Doubter Type 6’s are dutiful & committed to their systems, groups, relationships and beliefs, and will hold on to these longer than other types. Once they align themselves with people and institutions they trust, they make excellent team players who are ... Read more... The post Enneagram Type 6 – The Loyalist appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
The Enneagram Type 5, often referred to as “The Investigator” or “The Observer,” is known for their thirst for knowledge, a desire to understand, and a tendency towards introspection and solitude. These perceptive, cerebral problem solvers are intensely curious and love to delve into topics that interest them. 5’s are lifelong learners and enjoy acquiring ... Read more... The post Enneagram Type 5 – The Investigator appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Enneagram Type 4 Supermoms Enneagram Type 4 personalities are often known as “The Individualist” or “The Romantic.” Sensitive, creative, introspective, and unique, the enneagram type 4 craves authenticity and unique creative expression.  Type 4s possess a rich inner world and often have a unique artistic sensibility. They are drawn to creative pursuits such as writing, ... Read more... The post Enneagram Type #4 – The Creative Individualist appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Enneagram Type 3

Enneagram Type 3


Enneagram Type 3 – The Achiever Threes value achievement, results, and recognition and like to do their best. They tend to be ambitious, efficient, highly flexible and adaptable to help them accomplish their goals. Hard working and principled, Three’s can make reliable, devoted parents with the will and energy to be their best. Image-conscious: Maintaining ... Read more... The post Enneagram Type 3 appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Enneagram Type#2

Enneagram Type#2


 Enneagram Type #2 The Giver – The Generous, Supportive Advisor Enneagram Type #2     Twos are warm, caring and welcoming at their core. Twos want to be liked and try to meet the needs of others. They are demonstrative and want to be valued for helping others and being a positive influence.Twos have ... Read more... The post Enneagram Type#2 appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Enneagram Type #1

Enneagram Type #1


Type #1 The Perfectionist – The Reformer The rational, principled, self controlled idealist  Today I will help Enneagram Type #1’s understand their motivation, release the burden of perfection, trust in their goodness and finally relax. Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are always striving to improve things, ... Read more... The post Enneagram Type #1 appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Introduction to the Enneagram for moms   The next 9 episodes are designed to help us become saner, wiser, more compassionate, moms and humans. The enneagram types will reveal patterns about how you interpret the world, and the world around you. You will learn what’s holding you back and get tools and tips to feel ... Read more... The post Introduction to the Enneagram for moms appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Get Clarity in 2024

Get Clarity in 2024


Get Clarity in 2024 Mental and emotional clarity is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves but when you are surrounded by other people’s needs, personalities, demands and desires, self clarity is a difficult thing to access.  When we feel clear, we know who we are and what we want. It makes it ... Read more... The post Get Clarity in 2024 appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Episode 157 – Caught kid watching porn | Encore “Dear Torie, I am so upset. I just walked in on my 9 year old son. He was looking at our lap top and shut it as soon as I came in the room. I asked him what he was looking at and he said “nothing”. ... Read more... The post Caught kid watching porn | Encore appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
 Dear Torie So….my pre-teen just pointed out that every time I have to drive him somewhere, I act annoyed. (which annoyed me). My teenager piggy backed on that saying I’m ALWAYS mad and yelling at her to pick up her things and do her chores. (which irritated me). My partner joined in saying he can’t ... Read more... The post Annoyed and Irritated? Why that’s important | Encore appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Episode #155 “How do I get my kids to listen to me? | Encore”   Question of the Day: “I feel like I walk around all day barking orders. ‘Pick up your shoes, turn off the TV, finish your homework, clear your plate.” I’m exhausted from the constant negotiating and push back I seem to ... Read more... The post How do I get my kids to listen to me? | Encore appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Episode #154 – I can’t get anything done! – Replay Question of the Day:  I am thrilled that school is back in session —really I am—but I am gobsmacked at how little time I have for myself. I’ve been holding my breath waiting for all my kids to be in school at the same time ... Read more... The post I can’t get anything done! – Replay appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
Episode #153 Question of the  Day: Dear Torie,  I feel bad for not playing with my kids. They are super cute 5 and 8 year olds who happily live in the moment. I would love to be more like them. When they ask me to play, I TRY to say yes, but either I start ... Read more... The post Rebroadcast: I feel bad for not playing with my kids appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.
I feel bad , all the time, about everything. Episode #152  How to feel better about everything   Question of the Day: Dear Torie You asked me on the coaching call what area of my life is causing me the least satisfaction. I’ve given it some thought and realized, it’s not just one area.  I ... Read more... The post I feel bad , all the time, about everything appeared first on Life Coaching For Parents.