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Life On Your Terms with Phil Graham
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Life On Your Terms with Phil Graham

Author: Phil Graham

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‘Life On Your Terms’ with Phil Graham is designed for accomplished entrepreneurs & individuals who are trying to figure out or want to make the most out of their next big move in life and business.

By the age of 30, Phil Graham has accomplished what take most a lifetime. He possesses wisdom well beyond his years, and is someone worth listening to no matter where you’re at in life or business.

When Phil was younger, he had his health taken away from him when he was diagnosed with type one diabetes. He was told he wouldn’t lead a normal life and that his future would be uncertain.

Phil set out on a mission to defy the odds, take control and totally transform his life.

He went on to become a champion bodybuilder despite being told it was impossible, authored the world’s first encyclopaedia on how to build muscle and get in shape with diabetes and now is founder of the world’s largest training organisation for fitness entrepreneurs. Phil’s work has impacted and changed the lives of countless individuals and entrepreneurs.

Phil makes millions in profit every single year, working less than 20 hours per week doing what he loves.

He has built one of the most impressive lifestyle businesses in the world and is on a mission to share the thinking behind his success with entrepreneurs who want to get the most out of life and business.

What start doing about all of this is that Phil wouldn’t be able to have achieve any of this without diabetes.

Phil's personal philosophy centers around the power of defiance, the ability to turn chaos into order, trusting in the flow of life, and refusing to settle for mediocrity. He believes in personal sovereignty, self-reliance, and the courage to be authentically rebellious, principles that have guided his journey to success.

This podcast will inspire you to think deeper, bigger and provides actionable insights to help you live life on your terms.

"Life on Your Terms" revolves around the concept of seven currencies for success, including freedom, money, health, family, relationships, identity, and mission.

Phil believes that many people miss out on success by letting their inner child run their business, making decisions based on circumstances rather than vision, and failing to understand that success is a feeling, not just a material goal.

You'll discover actionable strategies, inspirational stories, and interviews with remarkable individuals. Phil will guide you on your journey to success and personal growth, helping you overcome obstacles, break free from average, and experience the beauty of life. Tune in to engage in clear, direct, and powerful calm discussions that encourage you to think deeper and live life on your terms.
30 Episodes
In this episode, I discuss five mindset shifts that have helped me achieve success in both my business and personal life. I emphasise the importance of having a clear vision for the future and how it can generate energy and excitement. By envisioning where you want to be and integrating that vision into your daily life, you can make significant progress towards your goals. I share my insights on making millions in profit, coaching entrepreneurs, and living life on your own terms.
Discover the three things that can kill your energy in business, and it's not what you think. From my experience, fear of success, the discomfort of giving up the familiar, and the necessity of having a vision bigger than your current reality are crucial takeaways. Forget biohacks - I've learned that true energy comes a compelling vision that propels you forward. Learn how I've overcome these energy-draining obstacles and how you can unlock your full potential in business.
Learn the key principles to fast-track your retirement and never worry about money again. Discover how setting clear, focused goals can provide direction, create a vision for a better future, and take control of your financial expectations. I share potent lessons and wisdom that helped me retire at 30, guiding you through a future self maths exercise to plan for financial stability and the lifestyle you desire. Tune in to pave your way towards a secure financial future.
Discover the five daily habits that catapulted me to multi-millionaire status. Let me share why tackling the tasks you've been dodging is essential for growth in both personal and business realms. Embrace new opportunities and confront your fears directly for exponential progress. Join me to uncover the secrets to building confidence, expanding your skill set, and achieving your dreams.
In this episode, I discuss the beauty and challenges of being an entrepreneur. While we often have a keen eye for opportunity and ideas, this can lead to constant distractions. I emphasise the importance of focusing on key metrics like profit, free time, peace of mind, and customer success to measure true success. I caution against chasing every opportunity that comes along, as it may not contribute to growth in areas where you excel. I underscore the significance of investing in oneself first and staying focused on what you are truly skilled at in business.
In this episode, Sonny Webster discusses his coaching business, focusing on Olympic weightlifting athletes and CrossFit enthusiasts. He shares that one of his biggest challenges in scaling his business is hiring effectively. I emphasise the importance of replacing oneself to achieve business growth and highlight the necessity of quality decision-making made without direct involvement.
Founders Hike: on a journey to maximise life's potential with me as I share personal insights on overcoming fear and embracing growth. I discuss the challenges of leaving comfort zones to reach new heights, I encourage you to push past uncertainties and embrace change for a fulfilling life. Tune in for a reflective and motivational episode on stepping into the next level of personal growth.
Join me for the Founders Hike on the 25th of April to network, learn, and solve problems within a community of smart entrepreneurs. Discover the benefits of surrounding yourself with successful individuals and like-minded peers. I'll share a personal story about the value of having high-quality connections. Register for free using this link: this episode, I share my excitement about organising a Founders Hike for CEOs, founders, and entrepreneurs to connect and share ideas whilst enjoying nature. I emphasise the importance of plugging into a community for support and inspiration on our entrepreneurial journey. The hike is described as a networking opportunity with the potential for deep connections and problem-solving discussions. 
In this episode, I delve into the crucial role of cultivating an inspiring environment for work and productivity. I share my deep-seated passion for cooking, hosting gatherings, and connecting people right at my restaurant next to my home. I highlight the profound impact our surroundings have on our performance and advocate for investing in a space that not only motivates but also inspires. The scenic setting of my place, with its breathtaking view overlooking a lake and a mountain, serves as the perfect backdrop for our discussion on the importance of environment in nurturing creativity and paving the way for success.
In this episode, I share some personal insights on the journey of making money through social media and the profound impact it's had on various aspects of life. I stress the critical importance of distinguishing between merely consuming content and actively creating it on these platforms. It's a nudge for listeners to take a moment and assess how their online activities are affecting them, both mentally and emotionally. The aim of the podcast is to equip our listeners with the right mindset and create an environment that enables them to navigate the complex world of social media effectively.If you liked this podcast you should also check out my new YouTube channel:
In this episode, I had the pleasure of sharing a rather transformative concept known as the "one second whoa" from a conversation I had with Konstantin Buschmann, the owner of Brabus, a German automotive tuning company. The concept quite fascinatingly emphasises the sheer power of a first impression and the idea that a mere second can leave a lasting impact. I delved into how this notion can be applied across various facets of life, be it marketing, customer service, or even our personal interactions. It's a call to arms, if you will, urging us, the listeners, to make every moment count.If you enjoyed this podcast you might also enjoy my new YouTube channel:
I'm sitting in my office, enjoying a cup of coffee and reflecting on my recent jiu-jitsu session. It's always humbling and challenging, but I love pushing myself to grow. Today, I had the opportunity to wrestle with a brown belt, and I focused on holding my ground and not getting subbed out. It's all about pushing myself beyond my comfort zone to accelerate my development.Anxiety in business is something I've grappled with, just like many others. The worries about clients, competition, and the unknown can be overwhelming. But I've come to realize that anxiety is a natural part of growth and change. Setting ambitious goals, like hitting a million in business or buying a Ferrari, initially scared me, but they also propelled me forward.I've learned that setting focused goals is key to combating anxiety and gaining clarity. Vague goals can leave us feeling lost and open to distractions. By setting specific goals with constraints and timeframes, we can channel our energy and direction towards achieving them. It's all about maintaining focus and protecting our vision amidst the noise and distractions of the world.I've set some personal goals for myself, from regaining my abs to exiting my coaching business within a year. These goals, whether related to health, finances, or personal growth, are my roadmap to success. By keeping them visible and constantly revisiting them, I stay motivated and driven towards my vision of a life lived on my terms.I hope this podcast episode has resonated with you and challenged your beliefs about what you can achieve. Your journey towards success is unique, and it's essential to stay focused, determined, and true to your vision. Remember, wealth is not just about money; it's about having options and living life on your terms. Let's continue to push ourselves, set focused goals, and strive for the life we truly desire.
In this episode, I share a moment of reflection during the peaceful morning hours, just before the chaos of parenting takes over. I discuss my new YouTube channel, created to offer valuable insights for high performers and ambitious entrepreneurs looking for personal growth: emphasise the channel's focus on strengthening decision-making, expanding thinking, and navigating the world in a more effective and empowering way. I express a desire to deliver content that transcends the typical mindset advice found on other platforms, aiming for a more multidimensional approach to personal development.
In this episode, I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my brand new YouTube channel, which is designed to teach you how to think in both business and life. I cannot stress enough the importance of navigating the distractions and challenges of the modern world to stay on track and achieve success. The YouTube channel will provide weekly videos to help you build a life that allows you to live on your own terms and have peace of mind.YouTube:
In this episode I talk about why building relationships with team members and clients is crucial for success in business. You need to prioritise these relationships and take the time to connect with people on a personal level, which in turn can create a strong foundation for business and drive performance. I urge you to not to let your drive for efficiency and being to-the-point hinder your ability to build strong relationships, as it is in the white space between tasks that meaningful connections are made.
In this episode, I emphasise the importance of intentionally choosing our social circle and surrounding ourselves with individuals who can inspire, challenge, and mentor us in the areas we want to improve. The term "black belt" is used metaphorically to refer to individuals who have achieved a high level of success or expertise in specific areas of life, such as physical fitness, finance, personal relationships, business, or spirituality.I suggest that by evaluating the people we interact with on a regular basis, we can determine if they are "black belts" in the areas that matter to us. By being in the presence of these individuals, we can learn from their experiences, gain insights, and be inspired to reach higher levels of achievement.To evaluate our social circle, I recommend looking at the average 10 people we communicate with on a weekly basis. We should ask ourselves how many of them are "black belts" in the areas that matter to us. If they are not individuals who have achieved success and mastery in those areas, it may be beneficial to seek out and surround ourselves with people who are.I also emphasise the impact of our social circle on our personal growth and success. By surrounding ourselves with people who have conquered challenges and figured things out, we can be inspired and motivated to do the same. Additionally, I highlight the importance of modelling and emulating the behaviours and mindsets of these successful individuals.In conclusion, the episode underscores the significance of intentionally choosing our social circle and surrounding ourselves with individuals who have achieved success and mastery in the areas that matter to us. By doing so, we can accelerate our own growth and increase our chances of achieving success in those areas. I also emphasise the importance of showing respect and gratitude to those who have taught valuable lessons, even if we don't have a deep personal relationship with them. By consistently showing up and implementing the lessons learned, we can build relationships with people at the highest level in their respective fields.
In this podcast episode, I open up about the importance of nurturing my relationship with my partner. I reflect on a recent trip with my wife to Dubai, I share the vulnerability of discussing our emotional needs and how they can be optimised. I emphasise the significance of identifying and understanding these needs and how they have shaped my life. Despite my personal growth and seeking professional help, I acknowledge that I still crave validation as one of my emotional needs. Tune in to hear more about my journey and how it may resonate with listeners of all ages and experiences.
In this episode, I discuss the importance of defiance in achieving success and personal growth. I emphasise the need to overcome obstacles and refuse to be held back by negative self-talk or past experiences. I also share my personal journey of therapy and how it has helped me understand and overcome the glitches in my thinking. Hopefully, you, as listeners, will gain insights on how to navigate challenging situations and continue moving forward in your own lives.
In this episode, I share my insights on how to manage and increase your energy levels. I emphasise the importance of being well-fueled and energised to achieve your goals. I discuss the threats to your energy, such as boredom, burnout, procrastination, and hanging around the wrong people. I then go through a list of 20 conscious raising activities to boost your energy, including time alone for reflection, spending time in nature, being open to receiving, getting enough sleep, reading, listening to great music, enjoying wine and coffee, fasting, exercising, cold and hot therapy, having great sex, cooking, journaling, prayer, putting yourself in tough situations, having planned and unplanned days, buying things that make you feel uncomfortable, and practicing gratitude with a fresh attitude. By incorporating these activities into your life, you can raise your energy levels and operate at a higher level of performance.