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Life Support with Nicole Oman
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Life Support with Nicole Oman

Author: Nicole Oman

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Life is a wild ride, and sometimes we just need a little extra support. Join Nicole Oman, as she uses her Empathic Life Coaching techniques to assist you in navigating your emotions and life experiences. Get ready to open your heart and your mind!
16 Episodes
This week, we are still in an eclipse corridor. We are still basking in the light of the Solar eclipse and we are having to bring awareness to the places within ourselves where we hold back from happiness. Through this Covid experience, you may have had the opportunity to slow down and have time for some self reflection. You may have notice that your career or relationships aren't actually fulfilling. We may have noticed that we are "going through the motions" of life instead of truly living. We may have expressed that this need for fulfillment may be important to us, but we are still procrastinating on taking new action to change our predicament. What is holding you back? Fear of the unknown? The belief that is too late? Or fears around money or security. Money is one need that does not guarantee happiness. Where have we sacrificed our creativity? Where have we sacrificed our time with our family? Where have we sacrificed our play? A life of fulfillment has purpose, and if you are feeling as though you are lacking purpose in your life, it is time to prioritize discovering what actually makes you happy. This week is a good week to reflect on your reality, and perhaps make a new commitment to spending a little time, energy or money on something that makes your heart sing. To live is more that putting air in your lungs, a full life is a life full of play, joy, risks and a certain amount of uncertainty. It makes the heart pump, and keeps you ever evolving. This is your chance to really live.
Solar Eclipse Special!

Solar Eclipse Special!


On Saturday/Sunday we have a New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Summer Solstice! That is a whole lot of light that is coming onto the planet. We will be experiencing this event in the sign of Cancer. This may be a turning point for the planet and humanity as we know it. The energy that I picking up, feels as though it is time to come out of the feelings of victimhood, and into empowerment. You are seeing this on a global scale with Black Lives Matter, medical freedom movements, and individuals that are refusing to believe what they are being fed by mainstream media and are beginning to do their own research on what is truly happening in the world. This can feel chaotic and uncertain, but have faith that there may be some deep healing and beauty to all of this. With any movement, it takes a little time to see the true effects and changes, but just like what we witnessed in the 60's, we do end up with significant changes. Be patient with yourself and others as we all enter this time of massive change. Not everyone is willing to change all of their belief structures in day. Know that these movements take time for everyone to "catch up" in their consciousness. We can't force people to change, we must only take responsibility for our own changes, which is actually good enough to effect change. 
Next weekend, we will have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. On top of that on Wednesday Mercury will be retrograde also in the sign of Cancer. Cancer rules our emotions and subconscious, as well as our relation to our Mothers and children. This emotional energy may stir up deep wounding that we may not have been aware of previously. A deep sense a grief may arise this week. Try not to suppress it, or escape. Sometimes we try to connect to substances or toxic relationships instead of connecting to the actual feelings we are storing. Don't be afraid of the emotion even if you feel panicked at first. You will have the opportunity to free these stuck emotions, and in turn freeing yourself from receiving deeper love. This week focus on forgiveness and understanding. You may process very old grief that is ready to be released.
This week, we are in an eclipse corridor. During this time, a lot of change can happen. We may feel a lot of past pain arise to the surface and we have to deal with it. During these huge revolutionary times on the planet, us as individuals will feel it and deal with differently. We may feel called to go out and fight these battles on the front lines, or you may feel called to fight these injustices within. Neither is wrong. The path to true healing always starts with seeing how it effecting you first and foremost. Before being called to take action out of guilt or obligation, it is always good, to check in to see where you need to heal. I encourage you to do some inner reflection this week, so you can be effective in the world. The healing starts with the man (or woman) in the mirror.
In this episode of Candid Conversations, Nicole Oman and Vanessa Burrows tackle the issue of Black Lives Matter. The only way to truly heal this difficult subject and circumstance is to come together and have the hard conversations. Vanessa sheds her light on her personal experiences. Please join us and shed a light on unity instead of separation. 
As you may have already experienced, this week will be a powerful one. We have a full moon/Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on Friday. We are all needing to make some deep decisions and it is time to choose a direction or belief structure. You are seeing on a grand scale, where we have been avoiding looking at certain things that have been out of alignment and integrity, and now we are seeing where we all need healing and growth. Now that the wounds are on the surface, we may face some internal dilemmas, need to decide what we believe, and what that means for you. As we get into this next two weeks of eclipse energy, we will have to make some life path decisions that may change the course of everything.
Join Nicole as she gets raw about her own process of heartbreak. Heartbreak can come in many forms, but each one comes with a new lesson. Are we courageous enough to trust the pain and anguish of heartbreak? Can we continue to be courageous and open our hearts again? Or we going to succumb to the urge to wall ourselves off to keep out heart safe? What is the true beauty of the heart break?
Are you ready to see who you truly are? Are you ready to take ownership of your gift's, talents, and your personal higher purpose? This world is looking for it's healers, teachers and leaders. The leaders that we currently have aren't cutting it when it comes to having the highest good for humanity. The only way we will have the shift we desire is to be the change we would like to see in the world. If those who have the purest hearts would really see their value and begin to take ownership and courage to be who they truly are, then those with the purest hearts will begin to lead and shift us into a new reality. We don't have the luxury to stay hidden in the status quo. We must embody our true nature. Are you ready to take ownership of being the Earth Angel that lives within you! The time is now.
On Friday May 22nd, we will have a New Moon in the sign of Gemini. This new moon is going to ask us to have a shift in perspective of the people who were a "Villain" in our lives. Villains are those people that have hurt, betrayed, and abused us in our life. When we are trying to heal these experiences, it's good to remember that there is always light in the midst of darkness. Can we see the beauty of our experience and even find a sense of gratitude for those people for their role in helping shape the person that we are today. It is a time of great courage, but if you can allow yourself to go there, you may find a huge breakthrough in yourself, and even the corse of your path.
This week we have a big new moon in Gemini. In this new moon we are having to make some important decisions. The main decision we will have to make is where we make our decisions from. Are we listening to our head and logic alone? Or are we going to really listen to that deep inner voice trying to guide us forward in a more aligned direction. This may require taking risks, and also speaking to others with authenticity and vulnerability. You may have to say how you truly feel, to get what you want. Take deep emotional risks, bring your logic and ming with you, and you may find great reward this week.
As we have awakening experiences and commit to our inner work, it is normal to want to share our experiences with the ones we love the most. We want our family and friends to grow with us, but you may be met with a massive amount of resistance. How can we support our family through their own awakening process? Join Nicole Oman and Katy Neisler as they share their stories on how they helped their linage through their healing process.
This is your weekly guidance for May 10th-May 16th. This week we have a lot of shifting going on, and a whole lot of retrogrades. Saturn, Venus and Jupiter go retrograde this week, which may give us a Covid-19 reprieve. This will be a time to take a step inward and see what we need to restructure in our life. Who and whatever that is not truly aligned with our heart and service may need to sacrificed so we may commit to a deeper purpose and fulfillment. This is a very important time in human history, and you are a very important piece of our future. The time is now to commit to your inner most healing so you may become the leader, teacher or healer that you truly are here to become. 
In honor of the full moon in Scorpio, we are discussing our intimate stories on how we are keeping the spark alive during this stressful time. Dive deep with us and see if you can be inspired to deeply connect with yourself and your partner when you need it the most. Thanks for listening
Join Nicole Oman as she provides support and guidance for the week ahead. Nicole looks at the astrology and pull cards to get a glimpse of what may be in store for this coming week. This week, we will experience a full moon in Scorpio on Thursday. The theme for this week is a Life Phoenix. We may experience a death and rebirth in our life. You may have to let go of the old relationships, job, or even an old Self, to make room for the more authentic YOU. 
Join Nicole and Alex as they discuss the importance of creating a new normal. We cannot go back to life the way it was 3 months ago. We have all change significantly through the Covid-19 crisis. As we begin to begin to feel restless with quarantine, this may be a good time to reflect on the parts of your life that weren't working. It may be time to let go of some things in your life, so you can truly commit to your new normal.
We are in a new paradigm with a new set of rules. Covid-19 may actually be the opportunity that we have been waiting for to create a lasting change. We are moving from the ways of the ego to the ways of the heart. It is time to heal. Join Nicole as she explains the opportunity we have to let go of what doesn't serve us, and truly embrace the Divine purpose that is calling you.
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