Life Testimonies

People sharing their stories about how they overcame difficult obstacles in life and providing motivational moments to help others see they are not alone in their time of need.

Push Forward

I fell off of getting episodes loaded and we all fall into our doubts but I'm here to encourage you to get back up and keep going! We can do it together and continue our growth despite the fear that drags us down!Together we are stronger!


Freed By Forgiving

We've all been hurt or wronged by someone and we still hold on to that anger and pain to this day, forgiving is the hardest thing for us to do but I explain how forgiveness helps you heal and how it helps you grow after you release the grudge towards the people that have hurt you.


Mindset Makeover

I use to live the most negative mindset in my life until i decided to do something about it because I was tired of always feeling down and out. I started shifting my focus on seeing the best in situations, speaking more positive about myself and making better choices in and hanging out with those who encouraged me rather than bring me down.My life has changed dramatically since I made these changes!


Derek's Testimony Pt. 2

Derek tells us in this episode how he got called into being a reverend and then how God used him to reach and actually heal people from the things they were going through. It was an incredible journey for Derek and this was an awesome interview to see what God has done in his life!


Derek's Testimony Pt. 1

Growing up with Faith and Love for the Lord, Derek went through a few stages of unfortunate events that would bring many to question their faith and walk away. Derek stood by his faith and never waivered even after being in a coma for12 days and having the ability to drive taken away for ten years.


Testimony 2 Brian's Story Continued

Coming into his new found faith, Brian went through a series of heart breaking moments that made him question why God even allowed him to live and why nothing was going his way. Let's follow his story to see where this road ended up leading him and where he stands on his faith!


Testimony 2 Brian's Story

Through his 37 years in life, Brian has seen and been through many things that has shaped him into who he is today. Follow along in his journey to hear what all happened in his younger years!


Time is funny.

Where does time go? We talk about how time is short and what we do to make sure you get the best out of the time we have in life. Stop wasting time and live a more productive life!


Josh's Testimony Continued

Welcome back to the second part of Josh's testimony. We left off with the stories of how he escaped death twice and we pick up where he left off about how he lost his best friend and the events that followed.


Testimony 1 Josh's story.

Being found lying in the middle of the highway is just one of the stories from Josh's multiple near death experience's in this testimony!


What is success?

What does success look like and how do we get there? I share stories on what I learned about success and how I've grown from my experiences. Hopefully it reaches those that needed to hear this and shows them we all struggle the same way.


Introduction to our show.

I give a brief description about what this podcast is about in my hopes to reach people and let them know they are not alone in the struggles they are going through in the moment.


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