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Life in The Red States with Michael Stickler
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Life in The Red States with Michael Stickler

Author: Michael Stickler

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Mike Stickler is a highly gifted author, producer, ex-felon, philanthropist, horseman and internationally sought-after conference speaker.

His best-selling book, Cliven Bundy American Terrorist Patriot, is charging up the best sellers list, revealing the truth of what is known as the “Bunkerville Stand Off.”

Mike's Latest Book, Life Without Reservation, is widely acclaimed throughout the Christian community.

Mike's first fiction book, Ghost Patriot will be released Fall 2021.
5 Episodes
Have you every discussed current events, faith or politics and felt like the person you were talking to was FROM A DIFFERENT PLANET!Join Mike and discover why. Join Mike for this meaningful discussion.
Have you ever spoken to someone and felt like they were from another planet? Oddly, they felt the same way.Join the Discussion.
What is the Ghost Patriot Group all about?



Today’s public education reality is that budgets continue to shrink, leaving parents with a growing financial burden to pay for after school and extracurricular activities that historically were covered by the schools. “No kid should miss out on learning and development opportunities due to lack of sufficient funds,” says Hogan. “Education doesn’t stop when the school bell rings at the end of the day. Whether the need is supplies for a science fair project, music lessons or sports equipment, we wanted to provide a means for kids to pursue their interests even when the cost of doing so surpasses the expendable income in the household.”Join Mike and Tom as we meet two innovative men that want to meet this gap.



Today’s public education reality is that budgets continue to shrink, leaving parents with a growing financial burden to pay for after school and extracurricular activities that historically were covered by the schools. “No kid should miss out on learning and development opportunities due to lack of sufficient funds,” says Hogan. “Education doesn’t stop when the school bell rings at the end of the day. Whether the need is supplies for a science fair project, music lessons or sports equipment, we wanted to provide a means for kids to pursue their interests even when the cost of doing so surpasses the expendable income in the household.”Join Mike and Tom as we meet two innovative men that want to meet this gap.