Life is a game

Welcome to life is a game, the ultimate destination for those who find themselves battling with a lack of discipline, struggling to maintain control, and feeling stuck and unfulfilled. 94% of people never reach the goals they set. Which means only 6% of people do. This podcast is designed to help you become part of that 6%. If you wake up every day feeling tired, drained, and want a change, you're not alone. @emccabemindset - instagram Book a call -

#021 How To Completely Reinvent Yourself

In today's episode, we talk about how to reinvent yourself. Over the last year my life has completely changed in so many ways. Through this episode, there are so many practical tips on how to level up and create your absolute dream life. We dive into crafting your competition - the ideal version of yourself. Where do you live, who do you surround yourself with, what time do you wake up? Then with every decision ask yourself will my choice leave me closer or further away from that ideal version of myself (my competition) Enjoy!


#020 - Orna Murphy - Getting Over an Ex, Getting Ghosted and How To Deal With Heartbreak

In this episode we dive into all things attachment styles, relationships and so much more. Find Orna on instagram @empoweredbyorna @Emccabemindset


#019 How To Rewire your Mind For Success

In the episode we are going to dive into how to rewire your mindset to actually allow you to get closer to your goals. The reason you haven't got your dream life yet is because you continue to accept your beliefs rather than taking a second to actually question if they're doing you any good. We dive into how to find and get to the root of the believes that are holding you back and how to change them to propel you forward in life. Instagram @emccabemindset


#017 How To Gamify Your Life

Imagine there was a game and the more time you spend on it, the more productive you become. You would be playing and enjoying it all day. Your career would improve as your income increased, you would experience better relationships with your family, create value for your community, and solve the world’s most challenging problems. That is the promise I believe gamification can fulfill, and it is the vision I continuously strive for throughout my life. 


#016 - Daniel Dargan - How to build a bulletproof mindset

In this Episode I’m joined by Daniel Dargan - one of my biggest inspirations. We talk about how to deal with bad days, finding your why, hitting rock bottoms and so much more.


#015 The Art of Detachment - How letting go will bring you EVERYTHING you want

In this episode I share my personal experience with placing my worth and happiness on external factors - job, relationship etc. The more you hold onto something the further you push it away. Letting go will make you MAGNETIC. I share 6 different kind of situations where you can practice detachment.  Enjoy 🙌🙌  @emccabemindset - instagram  Book a call -


#014 Some things I wish I knew at 20

In this episode, I delve into eight profound lessons that have transformed my life. I knew half this stuff at 20 I would be so much further ahead. Stop caring what others think: Understanding the root of our need for social validation and how to manage it effectively by surrounding ourselves with the right people. Find purpose: Prioritising something important to invest our energy into, leading to a shift in perspective and priorities. Harness the power of consistent early mornings: Exploring the impact of quality sleep and the benefits of waking up early for increased productivity and energy. Start with a win: The significance of tackling the most important task first thing in the morning to set the tone for a successful day. Embrace consistency and improvement: Recognizing the importance of consistent effort and continuous improvement in achieving success. Extraordinary accomplishments come from ordinary actions over time: Understanding the value of commitment and perseverance in achieving remarkable goals. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well: Prioritizing quality over quantity and focusing on tasks that align with long-term goals. There's never a perfect time: Embracing discomfort and avoiding procrastination by seizing opportunities for growth and change. Each lesson reflects personal experiences and insights gained on the journey towards self-discovery and fulfilment.


#013 Why comfort will ruin your life

In this episode, we talk about why stepping out of our comfort zones is so important for growing as individuals. I'm going to explain how discomfort can actually lead to positive changes in our lives. How sticking to what's easy can hold us back, and why it's crucial to challenge ourselves regularly. We break down simple ways to push our limits, like doing things more often, trying harder, or going longer. But, there's a catch: don't push too hard and end up in the "danger zone." We want to make sure we're growing safely and steadily. So, let's get comfortable with being uncomfortable and start leveling up.


#012 How to rewire your brain to see the positive in everything

Through out this episode, I explain how positive thinking can rewire the brain for the better. Just as physical exercise shapes the body, repeated positive thoughts create new neural pathways, enhancing cognitive function. Conversely, negative thinking reinforces negative pathways. Practices like mindfulness and surrounding oneself with positive influences aid in cultivating positivity. Scientific studies highlight the benefits of positive thinking on emotional well-being, cognitive performance, and physical health. This episode underscores the transformative impact of positive thinking on brain structure and function.


#011 6 Steps To Stay Focused (Even With Boring Tasks)

Learn how to combat distractions and boost productivity with 6 actionable hacks. In this day and age is can be sooo hard to stay focused. Discover the power of strategic to-do lists, prioritizing tasks, and turning off notifications. Plus, explore the benefits of making fewer decisions, listening to binaural beats, and incorporating a quick workout to elevate focus.


#10 How to get 1% better everyday

People really underestimate the power of tiny improvements and how these can add up over time. By committing to just improving yourself 1% each day for the next 12 months your entire reality could be different this time next year Episode Highlights: Life is a wave: Embracing the ebb and flow of everyday experiences. 1% better every day: The power of consistent self-improvement as a lifestyle. Shifting self-identity: Understanding how beliefs shape actions and habits. Every action is a vote: Making intentional choices to align with desired outcomes. Embracing incremental progress: Small habits leading to significant long-term changes. Committing to growth: Choosing to make self-improvement a lifelong journey.


#009 Monk mode - how to win 2024

In this episode, we delve into the concept of "Monk Mode," a strategy for achieving your goals by eliminating distractions and focusing intensely on what truly matters. We challenge ourselves to envision the consequences of maintaining our current habits and lifestyles versus embracing change and prioritizing our ambitions. By committing to a period of intense focus, we can maximize productivity, concentration, and self-improvement. Drawing from personal experience, I share the transformative power of Monk Mode in our lives, highlighting the incredible progress achieved within a short timeframe. We emphasize the importance of conscious decision-making and aligning actions with long-term goals. Reflecting on past experiences and the impact of previous actions, we stress the need for accountability and proactive steps towards change. It's not enough to desire improvement; we must take consistent action to realize our aspirations. Make 2024 your year and commit to a focused, disciplined approach. Try out a Monk Mode phase and prioritizing personal growth, it will set you on the fast track to success across all areas of life.


#008 Science backed method to build habits that actually last

Discover the secrets of building habits that truly stick in this episode. Learn practical tips and insights to make lasting changes in your daily routine. Straightforward guide to building habits that stand the test of time. Understand that every habit we have is made up of a Cue, craving, response, reword. Let’s go.


#007 5 hacks to stop procrastinating and get shit done.

In this episode I explore practical steps to overcome procrastination and achieve your goals. Learn to redefine yourself, reverse engineer goals, find your 'why,' optimize your environment, and embrace the effective "Eat the Frog" technique. It's time to break free from limitations and build the life you envision. Tune in for actionable insights to boost your productivity and conquer challenges!


#006 How to become more confident

Join us as we share straightforward tips and tricks to boost your confidence and start taking control of your life. @emccabemindset - Instagram


#005 How to be more disciplined

In this episode, I delve into the importance of self-discipline for achieving happiness and success. I share practical tips, and discuss the impact of designing your environment, the countdown technique, habits pairing, and the gradual introduction of new habits to foster self-discipline. The key message is to take small, consistent steps toward positive changes in pursuit of a disciplined and fulfilling life.


#004 How to find your purpose

What is purpose, why is purpose so important? Purpose is like the compass for your life, showing you where to go and why it matters. It goes beyond just going through the motions and makes your actions feel important and fulfilling. Having a purpose means waking up excited and ready to tackle each day. It's like having a big, motivating reason to get out of bed. It's not just about existing but actively living, setting goals, and being a part of something meaningful. When you have a purpose, you feel a buzzing energy each morning. It's a sign that you're passionate about what you're doing, and you see each day as a chance to grow and make a difference. Purpose gives your life a clear path, helping you face challenges and find happiness in your journey.


#003 5 simple steps on how to say no, stop people pleasing and prioritise yourself

In this episode, we're tackling the game-changer: saying no, stopping people-pleasing, and putting yourself first. A quick, no bullshit guide on reclaiming your time and energy. Five simple steps to help you confidently say no, set boundaries, and prioritise your goals and yourself. It's time to embrace the power of prioritising yourself.


#002 How to completely change your life in 6 months

6 clear actionable steps on how to close the gap between the current version of you and the person you actually want to be. @emccabemindset - instagram Book a call -


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