Life on Life with Punky Tolson

Punky Leonard Tolson's deepest desire is to help others know God through a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, to love God’s Word, and daily live out His powerful Truth in their lives.

Encouragement: What It Is And Why We Need It

SHOW NOTES: Encouragement - we all need it, we all want it, we’re all supposed to get it, and we’re all supposed to give it away! In the body of Christ it’s not optional. God’s command is that His children encourage one another. But what is encouragement really? Listen in to find out! **The definition of “together” used in this episode was taken from "The Complete Word Study Dictionary of the New Testament" – we regret the omission of the source in the audio recording.** LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook:


Others Focused: What Would Dolly Do?

SHOW NOTES: It's been said that there are two kinds of people in the world, those who walk into a room and say, "Here I am!" or those who walk into a room and say, "There you are!" This isn't so much like a verbal expression as it is an expression of the heart. So, you guys out there, which kind of person are you? Listen in! LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook:


Competition: Women Who Celebrate Well

SHOW NOTES: In Season 2 we’ve been talking about how much more effective, powerful, and just better women are when we’re together. As we intentionally strive to do womanhood well for the glory of God, we will have to constantly remind ourselves that the enemy is out to get us stirred up against one another. What better way is there to stir us up than to get us to compete against one another instead of competing alongside one another? Scriptures mentioned: Hebrews 12:1, John 10:10, Ephesians 3:20-21, 2 Kings 4, Philippians 3, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Philippians 1:27, Luke 15:8-10, Psalm 68 LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook:


Comparison: What's Eating You?

SHOW NOTES: We can truly live in contentment… which is the opposite of comparison. Comparison says, “I'm not enough,” but contentment says, “I am enough, and I have enough in Christ Jesus.” How do we find this kind of contentment? Listen in! LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook:


Stirred Up

SHOW NOTES: What is it about we girls… we women, that causes us stir one another up – and not in a good way? That stirring starts so early in life! In fact, it started way back in the garden… with our sister Eve and the Devil in Genesis 3. Satan is after you and me and our relationship together. How do we fight back? Listen in! LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook:


Season 2 "Better Together: Doing Womanhood Well"

SHOW NOTES: Hey, it’s no accident that you were created as a woman. It wasn’t a random act. God intentionally dreamed you up as a woman. He specifically created every feminine part of you, and purposefully appointed you to be a woman at this particular time in history, in this generation, in the place you’re living your life in this very moment. Why? Because there was something that God dreamed and planned specifically for you to be and to do as part of his grand plan on this earth-- that only you as a woman could do.  LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook:


Bonus: Don't Panic!

SHOW NOTES: This world has us thinking that faster is better, and that if we don’t rush we will never be ready. Not so with God. If you’re in a rush, you’ll miss out on being ready for what He has for you. WANT TO READ MORE?  Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Website: Facebook: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder Website Management: Simply Design Group The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit


Bonus: Prayer Blessing 2019

Sweet friends, pause and pray with me as we close out 2019. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Hindsight is 2020

SHOW NOTES: We say hindsight is 2020, but is it possible to have 2020 foresight in this new year and in this new decade? I think so. Here's a thought for you. Wisdom takes a good look back at life, embraces it, thanks God for all of it, and moves forward with understanding - knowing that the one who was with us in the past has gone ahead of us into the future and is also with us in the present. New beginnings are a gift of grace from the Lord you all. Every day, every month, every season, every year. It's a chance to begin again. TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Use the next few weeks before the end of the year and the new year begins to do some thinking and a lot of praying and planning. Where do you want to be next year at this time in December of 2020? How do you want to have grown and developed as a person in these different areas of your life: spiritually, mentally, physically, relationally, and emotionally? What are you going to shoot for? What are you going to aim for? Think through and pray through those questions and then write down your answers. And remember to join us for Season 2 in January 2020! WANT TO READ MORE?  Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Website: Facebook: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder Website Management: Simply Design Group The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit


Wholehearted Part 2

SHOW NOTES: What would it look like if loving God was a lifestyle for us? I believe it comes down to choosing to live our lives by and according to God's priorities, and then establishing boundaries to safeguard or jealously guard our relationship with Jesus. How do we do that? Tune in to Wholehearted – Part 2 to hear more! TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Pray that God would be your one true and Holy passion. Pray that God would be your magnificent obsession. And pray that he would be your one glorious ambition of your life. And then go know him, and fall in love with him, and follow him all the days of your life. WANT TO READ MORE?  Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Website: Facebook: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder Website Management: Simply Design Group The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit  


Bonus: Meet John Tolson!

SHOW NOTES: Punky's husband, John Tolson, joins her on the show! John is the author of The Four Priorities and Take a Knee and is a sought-after speaker and teacher. For more than 45 years, John has spiritually mentored hundreds of thousands of adults and students and his deepest desire is to see people become the leaders God created them to be. WANT TO READ MORE?  Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Website: Facebook: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder Website Management: Simply Design Group The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit


Wholehearted Part 1

SHOW NOTES: In Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus essentially tells us that if we keep the Great Commandment (to love God and love others) then every other command and every other thing that God has told us to obey in his word, will fall in line under it. It's like two hooks and everything hangs on those two hooks: 1) Loving God and 2) Loving Others. In Episode 7, we focus on loving God first, remembering to love God wholeheartedly. TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Think through that equation again - all of those little scenarios I gave you. Jesus + _____ = my satisfaction? Success? Significance? Security? Take some time to really think and pray this through, and then ask the Lord to show you areas of your life where you are adding something to that “blank.” Confess it, repent, and then remember this: The God who made you and loves you knows what you would put in that blank… and he knows that blank will lead you in the other direction away from Him. But His goodness and mercy won’t let you stay headed in that direction – his relentless love is pursuing you to the end. So turn around, empty that “blank”, and let him catch you as you fall into His arms of love. WANT TO READ MORE?  Check out Punky’s blog at


FaceTime with Jesus

SHOW NOTES: There's just no other book like the Bible. It is the most important message you will ever read from the God who created you, who loves you, and who wants to have a relationship with you. Tune in to find out how to develop a deeper relationship with God through his Word. TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Follow the 7 steps mentioned in the podcast to start spending time with the Lord to become better acquainted with him, to hear him, and to deepen your relationship with him. WANT TO READ MORE? Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Website: Facebook: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder Website Management: Simply Design Group The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit


When Your Holiday Isn't Happy

SHOW NOTES: There's another kind of overwhelmed-ness about this crazy-busy season that I address in this episode to really give it the honor and respect that it deserves, because, not everyone is having a happy holiday season. TODAY'S CHALLENGE: Enjoy the season you are in - enjoy it to the fullest! But while you are going about your day, be aware and be compassionate towards those who are in a painful season. Think of them. Remember them when God puts them on your heart in some way and reach out to them. And if you are in a painful season, remember the breathing room. Rest at the feet Jesus and breathe Him in. Read more on Punky’s blog at Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Website: Facebook: Email:


Breathing Room

SHOW NOTES: Breathing Room is the intentional space we choose to make in our daily life, the time we take and the place we create with Jesus to devote time with Him in his Word. Do you feel stressed or overwhelmed as you enter this crazy-busy holiday season? Then join me today for some Breathing Room. TODAY'S CHALLENGE: Recalibrate under God's truth in the breathing room with your Bible open, and ask God to show you what you can eliminate– what's not important. Eliminate the distractions, the urgent, and the unnecessary so that you can jealously guard your relationship with Jesus during this season and always. WANT TO READ MORE?  Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Website: Instagram & Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook: Email: LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas.


Do You Know Jesus?

SHOW NOTES: We will never love or trust or believe whom we do not know. Do you know Jesus? Whatever you are struggling with - Jesus has the answer because Jesus IS the answer. TODAY'S CHALLENGE: Get a bible you can read and understand… and then read it. If you’ve never read the Bible before—start with something you can understand. Get a children’s story bible. I’m not even kidding. If you’re not familiar with the Bible then start by doing a quick read of a children’s bible to get a an overview of the story of God and get you going deeper from there. The Catherine Vos Child’s Story Bible is a good one, or The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones is great; it tells the gospel in the sweetest way with great pictures. WANT TO READ MORE?  Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Website: Instagram & Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook: Email: LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas.


Surrendering to Jesus

SHOW NOTES: Punky shares Part 2 of her story and how she came to surrender to the perfect plan God had for her. TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Read Jeremiah 29:11-13 What is your heart set on? What is it that you’re longing for… that thing you’re convinced that if only God gave it to you would bring you contentment and happiness? What is it? Do you want it more than anything? Because that thing, whatever it is, is driving you. And that thing is most likely the thing you want more than you want Jesus.  Are you seeking his hand (what he can give you) instead of his face (who he is)? Here’s the question: Where would your relationship with Jesus be if he told you that you would never have that thing? God only gives us good gifts. Like the good, loving and protective Father that he is, he will not give us what is not his very best for us.  So- Where would your relationship be with him if he told you, “No” to that thing. Talk it over with the Lord; ask him to show you what you’re holding so tightly to that you can’t take hold of him.  Would you be willing to surrender it- whatever it is, and pray, “More than what I want, Lord, I want what you want for me.” I strongly encourage you to pray that and lay that thing down. There’s freedom in that prayer, friend. And what’s more— if God says no to something, it’s because he always has a better yes.   Talk this over with your trusted friend or small group, then open God’s Word and seek God with all your heart. When you do, you will find him— not just to be something, but Everything you need.  WANT TO READ MORE? Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook: Website: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. 


Bonus: Doing Breast Cancer with Jesus

SHOW NOTES: Sometimes the thing that was meant to take you out is the thing that sets you free. Punky shares her story of overcoming breast cancer. TODAY’S CHALLENGE: If you're going through a hard time right now, what's God's showing you? Ask him. Ask him to do a full work in your heart with whatever you're going through to teach you so much more about who he is and show you his grace and show you himself in ways you've not experienced him. And then ask yourself, what am I learning about Jesus as I walk through this trial? WANT TO READ MORE? Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook: Website: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. 


Falling in Love with Jesus

SHOW NOTES: Punky shares Part 1 of her story and tells us how her desperate pursuit to find love led her to fall in love with Jesus (and how you can, too)! TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Have a conversation with your small group (or a trusted friend) about what you’re really pursuing and how your relationship with Jesus is moving forward. Talk about where you are, what the struggle is, where the successes have come and what you are pursuing… like what’s in your heart, what is it that you desire, what is it that you’re craving and how are you filling that up (if it’s not Jesus). Join us for 7 days in praying: “Lord, I want to fall in love with you. Lord, I want to love you more than anything and anyone and desire nothing on this earth as much or more than I desire you.” WANT TO READ MORE? Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook: Website: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. 


Introducing the Life-on-Life Podcast!

Life-on-Life is truth transferred through relationship. Come join us as we bring our faith into our everyday lives, and learn to walk it out together - following Jesus all the way. TODAY’S CHALLENGE: What are you passionate about? What’s your dream? If you could do anything you wanted to do, and money was not an issue, and you knew you would not fail, what would you do? Take a few minutes to pray about it and write it down. Share it with a friend or in your group and then dare to dream together. Pray for one another about those things and see where God takes it. WANT TO READ MORE? Check out Punky’s blog at LOOKING FOR PUNKY? Instagram: @punkytolson Twitter: @punkytolson Facebook: Website: Email: INTERESTED IN HAVING PUNKY SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT EVENT? Submit a request at LIFE-ON-LIFE PODCAST: Content and Host: Punky Tolson Podcast Operations: Michelle Schroeder The Life-on-Life podcast is brought to you by, a division of The Tolson Group, a discipleship ministry based in Dallas, Texas. 


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