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LifeWatch ERIC

Author: LifeWatch ERIC

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LifeWatch ERIC is a research infrastructure facilitating research into biodiversity and ecosystems, supporting society in addressing key planetary challenges. Our main series is 'A Window on Science', where we outline the progress made in the last two years, developing cutting edge e-services for biodiversity and ecosystem researchers. Learn more at
49 Episodes
LifeWatch ERIC, the European e-Science Infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem research, is starting up a free podcast series, called 'A Window on Science'. We have chosen this easy-access podcast interview format, because reliable information on the environment is of relevance to everybody. The knowledge produced through the LifeWatch ERIC e-Services can inform political decisions and assist businesses in transitioning to a green economy. Have a listen and subscribe t...
In conversation with Africa Zanella, LifeWatch ERIC International Gender Officer, for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2023, LifeWatch ERIC has created a podcast miniseries that investigates the authentic experiences of women working in science, called Voices of Women @LifeWatch ERIC for International Women's Day. We invited scientists from our eight member states to talk candidly about their work and experience, and interviewed them in pairs, which produced some spontaneous and insightful conversations. A range of ages and a diversity of backgrounds are represented, whi...
LifeWatch ERIC has created a podcast miniseries to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023, featuring candid interviews with women working in science, called Voices of Women @LifeWatch ERIC for International Women's Day. The scientists we invited from our eight member states talk openly in pairs about their work and experiences, and provide insights from their varied backgrounds. The resultant podcasts are an enriching panorama of the contributions of women to science and to society. &n...
The centerpiece in the 'Voices of Women @LifeWatch ERIC for International Women's Day' podcasts is this interview with International Gender Officer Africa Zanella, hosted by Chief Communication Officer Sara Montinaro, and published today 8 March 2023 - Happy International Women's Day to all our listeners!As such, this podcast draws on the other four interviews in which scientists invited from our eight EU member states talk openly in pairs about their work and experiences. Ms. Zanella d...
Priscilla Licandro, from the Integrative Marine Ecology Department, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples, Italy and Dessislava Dimitrova, from the Institute of Biology and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, get together in the fourth podcast in the mini-series 'Voices of Women @LifeWatch ERIC for International Women's Day'. They exchange ideas on women in science, women in society, role models they have had and - from their different perspectives - give the ...
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2023, LifeWatch ERIC created this podcast series in which scientists from our eight EU member states talk, two at a time, candidly about their work and experience. These ' Voices of Women @LifeWatch ERIC for International Women's Day' conversations elegantly complement the reflections of our International Gender Officer Africa Zanella on the importance to science and to society of implementing the European Union's Gender Equality Strategy. This four...
Alberto Basset, Professor of Ecology at the University of Salento and Director of the LifeWatch ERIC Service Centre in Lecce, Italy, features in this podcast 'What is Biodiversity', the first of our podcast series focused on biodiversity issues. Starting with the foundation concepts of biology - the science of life, or more operationally, whatever concerns life and living organisms - and diversity, in terms of the diversity of the species, populations collected at a single sampling station, t...
When Izwandy Idris fell in love with polychaete - baitworms or bloodworms - during his PhD, many people wondered why he wanted to specialise in worms, instead of more iconic marine species like whales and dolphins. Now, as Professor at the Institute of Oceanography and Environment at the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, he is still a passionate advocate for the many virtues of the humble bloodworm. "They can be very useful and perhaps make you rich as well," he says. Fish farms, the biosynthes...
This second interview with Alberto Basset, Professor of Ecology at the University of Salento and Director of the LifeWatch ERIC Service Centre in Lecce, Italy, concerns "How biodiversity is organised and maintained". The organisation doesn't vary simply according to the species found in a given system, how many are primary producers, how many are consumers or predators, the space available or the resources on hand; it is related to fundamental drivers on energy availability, disturbance inten...
Alberto Basset, Professor of Ecology at the University of Salento and Director of the LifeWatch ERIC Service Centre in Italy, in his third podcast "The need to conserve and manage biodiversity" argues there is no longer much wilderness left in the world. Large areas of our planet have been rebuilt, ecosystems fragmented and forests destroyed in Europe and much of North America, where we have actually rebuilt our own human ecosystem, changing the landscape and importing alien species from else...
Paul Bower, left the British Ecological Society in October 2023, after 7 years as Senior Development Manager. In this podcast "The British Ecological Society: a personal view", he speaks freely of the pride and gratitude he feels at having worked with outstanding ecologists in what was the world's first ecological society, founded in 1913, and which boasts an impressive range of professional peer-reviewed journals. BES is not just British, though. It has around 7,500 members, in 119 coun...
Alberto Basset, Professor of Ecology at the University of Salento and Director of the LifeWatch ERIC Service Centre in Italy, in this fourth podcast on biodiversity issues, entitled "Biodiversity responses, human well-being and climate change" explores how biodiversity loss and climate change, which are both having profound impacts on societies around the world, relate to each other, while focusing on the most important impacts of climate change and global warming on ecosystem functioning, ec...
The first season of the LifeWatch ERIC podcast series 'A Window on Science' outlines the steps forward that the European e-Science infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem research has made in the last two years, developing cutting-edge services for researchers. Our CEO, Christos Arvanitidis, opens the series, walking us through terminology that may seem challenging to non-scientific audiences: Research Infrastructures, the Joint Internal Initiative, and virtual servers. The conver...
The LifeWatch ERIC Internal Joint Initiative is the development of innovative online resources and tools designed to further the investigation of Non-indigenous and Invasive Species (NIS), and their impact on ecosystem functioning and services. But what are these ecosystem services and functions, and what are invasive species? Giving us the answers is Alberto Basset, Professor of Ecology at the University of Salento, who explains all this and more in this easy-to-follow interview, pitch...
LifeWatch ERIC Chief Technology Officer, Juan Miguel González-Aranda, is the guest in the third episode of this introductory season of "A Window on Science". A Virtual Research Environment is a complex online platform that allows biodiversity and ecosystem researchers to access/ upload data and analyse them to produce visual representations of how species – in this case, Non-indigenous and Invasive Species – are impacting the environment and affecting our own well-being. An insigh...
Season Two of the LifeWatch ERIC podcast series 'A Window on Science' looks at the research cases that validated the development of the virtual research environment - the online tools and services that enable biodiversity and ecosystem research at scales never before achieved. The first episode concerns the Atlantic Blue Crab validation case, the story of Callinectes sapidus, a colourfully aggressive non-indigenous invasive species that over the last 50 years has moved into the Mediterranean ...
Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures placed in European coastal waters and retrieved on a regular basis provide the sampling and data collection context to this second episode in season two of the LifeWatch ERIC podcasts. The ARMS research case that helped validate our ground-breaking Virtual Research Environment is presented by Katrina Exter of the Flanders Marine Institute and Matthias Obst from the University of Gothenburg, and concerns hard-bottom communities. To find out exactly what ha...
Meet Ana Filipa Felipe from the University of Lisbon and Christina Pavloudi from the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research in this third episode of the second season of the LifeWatch ERIC podcast, 'A Window on Science', focused on Metabarcoding. According to the Living Planet Index, populations of freshwater vertebrate species are declining faster than terrestrial or marine communities. They fell by 81% between 1970 and 2012. That’s a danger signal that researchers at CIBIO-InBIO at the Un...
The Non-indigenous and Invasive Species in S2, E4 is not an aggressive crustacean or insect, it's a pungent, invasive tree, called Ailanthus altissima, the 'Tree of Heaven', known to horticulturalists as the 'Tree from Hell'. It excretes toxins to displace other plants, produces millions of seeds a year and extends underground suckers that grow into thick clusters of trees, which makes it difficult to eradicate. Native birds and animals can’t nest or feed anywhere near it, which makes i...