Lifegate Podcast

Lifegates Podcast features the dynamic preaching and teaching of Pastor David O’Gorman, the senior Pastor of Lifegate Bible Baptist Church. Pastor O’Gorman’s preaching is challenging and Bible based.

God hears us (Sunday, 29th September 2024) - with Pastor Oriel O'Gorman

The Story of Hannah and Samuel in 1 Samuel Chapter 1.


Overcoming Depression (Sunday, 22nd September 2024) - with Layton Kelly

Overcoming DepressionPsalm 421. Recognise your feelings - Why? - Psalm 42:5,112. Share our feelings with God - Psalm 42:6; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 5:73. Encourage yourself in God - Speak His Word - Psalm 42:5; 1 Samuel 30:6; Psalm 119:284. Hope in God - Psalm 42:5,11; Hebrews 6:195. Remember God - Psalm 42:66. Praise God - Psalm 42:5; Isaiah 61:1-37. Declare - My help comes from God - Psalm 9:9; 42:5


Caleb the Overcomer (Sunday, 15th September 2024)

Caleb the Overcomer1. You must have faith in God - Hebrews 11:62. You must give yourself wholly to the Lord - Numbers 32:123. But you must also maintain a right attitude in spite of adversities - Hebrews 12:154. You must also have unquenchable desire to overcome for God - Don't Quit - Joshua 14:9-115. Finally, we must go out and overcome - Joshua 15:13-14


Be an Overcomer (Sunday, 8th September 2024)

Be an Overcomer Romans 12:14-211. Determine to bring your enemies good not harm. - Romans 12:142. Show concern for your enemies gains and losses. - Romans 12:153. Don’t allow yourself to think you are better. - Romans 12:164. Do not allow another’s evil to determine your response. - Romans 12:175. Always try to maintain an atmosphere of Peace. - Romans 12:186. Let God worry about repaying evil. - Romans 12:197. Give your enemy what he needs not what he wants. - Romans 12:20


The Parable of the Sower (Mark 4) - Sunday, 1st September 2024

Mark 4. The Parable of the Sower. 1. This is the key to all the parables - Mark 4:132. The seed by the wayside - Mark 4:153. The seed sown on stony ground - Mark 4:16-174. The seed among the thorns - Mark 4:18-195 the seed on good ground - Mark 4:206. The responsibility for the soil - Mark 4:23-25Mrk 4:1 And he began again to teach by the sea side: and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and the whole multitude was by t...


Revival Conference (with Dr John Van Gelderen) Day 4 - Wednesday, 28th August 2024

Revival Conference (with Dr John Van Gelderen) Day 4 - Wednesday, 28th August 2024


Revival Conference (with Dr John Van Gelderen) Day 3 - Tuesday, 27th August 2024

Revival Conference (with Dr John Van Gelderen) Day 3 - Tuesday, 27th August 2024


Revival Conference (with Dr John Van Gelderen) Day 2 - Monday, 26th August 2024

Revival Conference (with Dr John Van Gelderen) Day 2 - Monday, 26th August 2024


Revival Conference (with Dr John Van Gelderen) Day 1 (Evening) - Sunday, 25th August 2024

Revival Conference (with Dr John Van Gelderen) Day 1 (Evening) - Sunday, 25th August 2024


Humble Yourself (Sunday, 18th August 2024)

1. Pride - The enemy of Revival x- 2 Chronicles 7:142. Definition of Pride - "Pride is haughtiness, arrogance, the character of one who, with a swollen estimate of his own powers or merits, looks down on others and even treats them with insolence and contempt"Andrew Murray's definition of pride - "Pride is independence from God."3. Some Biblical characters that were proud - Isaiah 14:12 (Lucifer)4. How does pride manifest itself in our lives? - Mark 14:29-315. What do I do about my pride? - 1...


Revival is the ultimate expression of the Glory of God (Sunday, 11th August 2024)

Revival is the ultimate expression of the Glory of God (Sunday, 11th August 2024)1. Revival is the ultimate manifestation of Gods Glory. - Ephesians 1:6; 2:72. Blessed us with all spiritual blessing. - Ephesians 1:33. Chosen to be without blame - Ephesians 1:44. Adopted - Ephesians 1:55. Accepted in the Beloved. - Ephesians 1:66. Redemption through His blood - Ephesians 1:7 Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessi...


Turn us, O God (Sunday, 4th August 2024)

1. God is a God of grace - Psalm 85:1-32. Sin puts a shadow between us and God - Psalm 85:4-53. Revival removes the shadow - Psalm 85:6-74. We must listen to Him - Psalm 85:8-13Psa 85:1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. LORD, thou hast been favourable unto thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob. Psa 85:2 Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sin. Selah. Psa 85:3 Thou hast taken away all thy wrath: thou...


Seek Revival (Sunday, 28th July 2024)

1. God wants everyone saved - 2 Peter 3:92. It's urgent. Jesus is coming back any day now - 2 Peter 3:103. What does that mean to you - 2 Peter 3:10-11A. Be HolyB. Look UpC. Get excited


Hindrances to Prayer (Sunday, 21st July 2024)

Hindrances to Prayer (Sunday, 21st July 2024)1. Sin - Isiah 59:1-2; Psalm 66:182. Prayers blocked by wrongs unrighted, debts unpaid, offended brothers unreconciled - Matthew 5:23-243. A failure to work at the marriage relationship - 1 Peter 3:74. An unforgiving spirit - Mark 11:255. A selfish purpose - James 4:36. Ignoring those in need - 1 John 3:177. Lack of Faith - James 1:5-7


Life in the Holiest (Sunday, 14th July 2024)

Life in the Holiest (Sunday, 14th July 2024)1. Boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus - Hebrews 10:192. By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh - Hebrews 10:203. and having and high priest over the house of God - Hebrews 10:214. Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water - Hebrews 10:22...


Rend the Heavens and Come Down (Sunday, 7th July 2024)

1. Revival beings with a longing for God to Supernaturally move. Isaiah 64:1-32. Revival Waits on God - Isaiah 64:43. Revival always initiates repentance - Isaiah 64:5-64. Revival is always instigated by someone or someone's laying hold of God - Isaiah 64:75. Revival is wholly dependent on God and His Mercy - Isaiah 64:8-12


Look to Jesus (Sunday, 30th June 2024)

1. Look at those who have gone before - Hebrews 12:12. Put away anything that is holding you back - Hebrews 12:13. Stay in the race - Hebrews 12:14. Keep your focus on Jesus - Hebrews 12:1


Open your Mouth wide and I will fill it (Sunday, 23rd June 2024)

1. A Call to Worship - Psalm 81: 1-42. Because God has delivered us - Psalm 81: 5-73. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it - Psalm 81: 8-104. If you will not listen to God, He cannot bless you - Psalm 81: 11-16


Nothing to Fear - Sunday, 16th June 2024 (Happy Father's Day!)

1. Fear not! - Luke 12:32 "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."2. I am your shield! - Psalm 91:4 "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler."3. I am your exceeding great reward! - Hebrews 13:5 "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."


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