Light Body Radio

Dr. Lara May is a Clinical Pharmacist Specialist, Usui & Angelic Reiki Master, & Intuitive Health Coach Certified in Integrative Nutrition. She helps clients reach their health goals, release their inner blocks, and reclaim the lives they love by working with various energy medicine modalities as a complement to her western & integrative medicine background.

Cannabis, CBD and Epigenetic Medicine with David Krantz

In biology, epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations in the actual DNA sequence itself. In this week’s discussion with David, we are going to explain more about what epigenetics means for wellness, treating illness, and how you can influence your genetic expression every day.We also dive into nutrigenomics, which is how food can influence genetic expression. Your unique DNA blueprint has a huge influence on how you experience your everyday life. What these two topics bring to the table is the empowerment for you to choose how you think, what you expose yourself to, and how you approach your wellness. Are you predetermined and powerless to be the combination of genes your parents passed on to you? Or are you empowered and ready to change how those genes are expressed to enable your life to be full, energetic, and healthy?Tune in. Get all the juicy details. And decide for yourself!


What's all that bloat about? Special Guest: Zoe Stern

In today’s episode we share our gut healing tips and approaches and talk about why healing the gut is the key to healing so many ailments in the body.You don’t want to miss this information-packed episode.Resources to Check Out:Grab Zoe’s free guide: 4 Simple Steps to Beat Bloatingrageagainstthebloat.comAbout Zoe Stern:Zoe is the owner of RAGE Fit Nutrition and has taken her love of healthy living and turned it into a passion for helping others transform their lives. Growing up as a dancer Zoe had always been side by side with a life of health and fitness, or so she thought. Little did she know that what she was being exposed to was not the way to live a healthy life. At the age of 18 Zoe moved to Mexico which sparked years of world travel and adventure. But it also sparked something else, years of yo-yo dieting and frustration as to why she couldn't maintain her body. In her quest to get in shape once and for all she learned what she'd been missing all those years and made it her mission to help others who were facing the same struggles. In this time Zoe also began having troubles with bloating and what started as something small began to get worse and worse until it turned into nonstop discomfort and spiraled her into an obsession with getting to the bottom of her bloat. Like yo-yo dieting, Zoe found quick relief multiple times but nothing lasted. Turning to traditional medicine provided no answers to her pain which led her to the world of natural medicine. Once Zoe began looking at her body as a whole she discovered why she was bloated and was able to heal. She now works with others to create lasting change so they can stop starting over in their health journey.Find Zoe on :Facebook:


Usui, Angelic, Holy Fire Oh My!

Have you heard of this energy healing mechanism called Reiki? If not, this is a great episode to introduce you to both Usui and the Holy Fire systems of Reiki.Stephanie and I are both Reiki Masters and are passionate about teaching others to manage their energy and improving their lives. Tune in to learn more about our new programs, the Reiki Booster Series, which is happening Dec 19 & 20th, 2020. We are offering a level 1 & 2 class as well as a master class. Learn more here. Up Notes from Episode:Holy Fire Reiki: Why placements?“The ignition style of Holy Fire is more powerful because of the fact the teacher’s energy was not involved. It was a hands off style. So he asked his Guide, to which he was answered, yes, and then began receiving the downloaded information during an ignition like experience.”The difference between Holy Fire and other forms?“Introduced to the ICRT in 2014, it is included part of Usui classes and Karuna Reiki training. The energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness.Notable differences include:i. Working continuously even when not thinking about it. Spontaneously heals issues as they come up.ii. It works very quickly WITHOUT distress, aka healing crisis.iii. Always respects free will.iv. Heals relationships and interactions with others. Can be long term or also be spontaneously with others. It especially heals religious trauma.v. Releases worry and replaces it with feeling of safetyvi. Spontaneously provides guidance applicable to every level of life experiencevii. Effects of feeling continuously loved, a deep and refined nurturing feeling.viii. Develops the healthy personality traits more that will serve a persons higher self more.ix. It continuously evolves within the person and becomes more effective.”Resources to Check Out:Previous blog post: podcast: International Center for Reiki Training. Reiki.orghttps://www.reikiassociation.netget more at


Why Do A Winter Detox?

Welcome back to Light Body Radio! There is a very specific reason I have chosen to start this program with a detox. Tune in to find out why. Also, it’s not too late to join. Find the link to get in on the action below. If the group program is not for you, but you still want to have access to the winter detox protocol you have two options.self-guided 14-Day Winter Detox here1-on-1 special attention and guidance with me hereI hope your holiday season is happy, healthy, and full of love and magic. NamasteSPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!The holiday season fast approaching, and probably just accepting that fact brings on a wave of anxiety, dread, and hopefully a little excitement. But this year let me help you face the holidays with grace and ease. I am hosting an entire Holiday Survival Series to help you avoid the stress, stick with your healthy eating, and come out the other end feeling great! I invite you this season to be willing to open up to the possibilities of eating healthy, not getting super stressed, and overall feeling more at ease over the next two months. I am dedicating my blog and podcast to holiday thriving for all of Nov & Dec. I am also offering a special two-month group coaching program for those of you who are ready to say no to the chaos and no to the overindulging. Holiday Thrivival, will be two months of clean eating, gut healing, personal help, greater accountability, all in a loving supportive environement dedicated to your success through the holiday season. Learn more here.To get us started and set the foundation, on October 24th at 1:30 pm PST I am hosting a free webinar “8 Ways to Drink More Water”. Make sure to SIGN UP and start with a simple but powerful change.


Can You Feel the Energetic Chaos of October? Mercury Retrograde, Full Moon, Halloween Oh My!

This week’s episode is the last in our October Movement Series. I took a unique view on this subject this week. I wanted to allow you room to reflect and celebrate all you’ve accomplished this past month.We are smack in the middle of Mercury retrograde with a full moon coming up on Halloween, just to make sure all our stuff is amplified. It is energetic chaos for sure! Halloween is also a time of ancestral celebration, embodying the Goddess Crone energy, as well as finishing up our harvests and preparing for the darkness of Winter coming. So much going on! Whew!Sit back and enjoy this quick little review. Make sure you have your journal handy to take some notes and make personal reflections. And don’t forget to have fun! I love this time of year! Namaste.


October Movement Series: Your Unique Journey To A Practice That You Love

Jaime Kerr joins us to share her story about finding the balance of movement in her life. Jaime is a 200 hour Certified Yoga Teacher and professional pharmacy technician in a level 2 trauma center.Today’s episode shines the light on the ups and downs, the challenges, and the balance that we all experience when we are navigating our journey with health and movement.So, join me today in this dive into the myths we’ve been told about meal frequency and much more about hunger regulation.


October Movement Series: Movement Beyond Weight-loss + How to build a yoga practice

Welcome back to Light Body Radio!Today is the first of three podcasts dedicated to the theme of movement for the month of October. Also, this includes two blogs this month all about movement! Yay!Why is movement so important? Here's a has nothing to do with weight loss.How? How do I create this practice and keep it up?Don't worry! I've got you covered. Tune in to get all the deets and tools to set you up for success.


Diet Myths Busted! Frequent Meals Do NOT Amp Your Metabolism

Eating 6 meals a day is actually doing more harm than good.The intention of this EPISODE is to take a good, hard look at the topic of meal frequency, and figure out how many meals you should actually be eating each day.There are NO STUDIES supporting the recommended “eat every 2-3 hours” dogma. None. Zero. Zilch. Matter of fact, I found the opposite to be true. Study after study showed a health benefit to eating less frequently…lower overall blood sugar, a faster metabolic rate, and even increased protein synthesis! (that’s building muscle)So, join me today in this dive into the myths we’ve been told about meal frequency and much more about hunger regulation.Resources to Check Out:A previous episode about fasting: previous blog about fasting: previous podcast about the sugar cholesterol connection: previous blog about cortisol & blood sugar connection: more on the show notes page at


Be the Pilot of Your Own Mental Health

Welcome back to Light Body Radio!In this week”s episode I am joined by Stephanie May, LMT, Reiki Master to discuss the victim state of mind and taking control of your mental health.We are all living through unprecedented times for sure! But that does not mean that we should allow ourselves to be victimized. Being the victim is a challenge that we must all face at some point in our lives, and actually will face multiple times throughout our lives. But there is a way you can perceive and move through those challenging times with empowerment and mindfulness.That’s what Stephanie and I wanted to bring you today, the tools to be empowered, to be the driver of your own mental state. You have the power to choose what and how you think and feel. You are not weak. You are not alone.I also wrote a blog about this back in March of this year right as COVID was starting to take off in the US. How timely?! Definitely check that out for tools to support mental health and self-care.If you or someone you love are in crisis, you are not alone! Please reach out and get help. I have listed some resources below to support you. You are needed. You are loved. You are valuable!Namaste,Dr. LaraThe information contained in this blog is intended to educate, inspire and entertain you on your personal journey toward health and happiness. It is not intended to replace care best provided by a qualified professional and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.FOR A FULL LIST OF MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES GO TO My Guest: Stephanie May, LMT, Reiki MasterStephanie first became interested in fitness and bodywork after suffering from many health conditions and injuries herself. As an athlete, she did not get much relief from traditional physical therapy. This led her to pursue studies in massage therapy at the Center for Rehabilitative Education (C.O.R.E.) Massage Institute and immediately following graduation pursued a 10-month Structural Integration, Active Release, and Neuromuscular Therapy specialty. In addition to her foundational training, she continues to be an avid learner and holds a plethora of personal training, group fitness, massage, and bodywork certifications through AAAI/ISMA, ACE, NASM, Aaron Mattes and many more. Stephanie also holds a Bachelor's in Science from Western State Colorado University in Exercise and Sport Science.


Be Your Own Intuitive Physician

The Body Scan Technique is a way to quiet your mind, tune into your body, and open up to intuitive guidance about the root of your dis-ease. This can be used for emotional or physical ailments alike.Today’s episode is akin to a guided meditation, so be ready with your journal and pen to take notes. While I will guide you into a relaxed receiving state, you will not be deep into mediation. You want to be present and able to jot down thoughts, feelings, emotions, colors, and even temperatures that come up as we scan through your body. You can do this as a focus in just one area of the body or you can use this as a whole-body scan.I’d love to hear how this tool helps you get to the root of your imbalance. Make sure to leave me a comment below!


Podshare Convo with Emma from "My Human Experience"

About My Guest:Emma Foster, creator of the “My Human Experience” podcast and author of the book, “Lies I Told Myself” is a dreamer, doer, and mother. She grew up in a small town in Montana and was thrown into a hard hit of reality when she moved to the city at a young age. Through trials and tribulations, she grew up in a rough way that only made her more determined to keep going. Through her journey, she learned the beauty of second chances, the impact that the people in her circle had on her life, and that joy truly comes from within. In her personal journey, she shows us all that we truly can grow from anything and even the most difficult circumstances ultimately make us who we are.Her podcast is “a safe space where we can talk about all things human with a focus on mental health, entrepreneurship, spiritual and emotional healing, and overall wellness. This is a platform where we will get raw and honest about our experiences, our mistakes, our triumphs, our letdowns, and all the places inside of ourselves that we struggle. This is where we come to understand that our challenges are what bring us together and make us stronger.”Follow Emma on Instagram @myhumanexperiencepodcast out her podcast on Google Podcasts, iTunes, Spotify or Anchor.fmGrab her book on Amazon!Don't forget to rate and review Light Body Radio on the platforms below.Listen & Download below or find it on Anchor, Podbean, Stitcher, iTunes or Spotify @Light Body RadioThis episode is sponsored : The easiest way to make a podcast. this podcast:


How to Unblock the Flow of Your Inspiration

In January I said my word for 2020 would be flow. And my how has the context of that word been challenged this year! So once again I bring forth my own experiences and struggles to hopefully help you as well with similar struggles.So, what is inspiration? The basic definition of inspiration is“the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. and/or a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.”But as with everything else in our world, it is not one dimensional. It is multifactorial. Inspiration also involves motivation, action, and creativity. There could be things, habits, or practices you are doing that is blocking the flow of your inspiration. So in today’s episode, I talk about what some of those behaviors are, and then I bring you solutions. This is a contemplative episode, in which I challenge you to take an honest look at some of the dynamics in your life, with an open and loving heart. You might want to grab a pen and paper to jot down things that come up over the next half hour.


Using the Summer Solstice Energy to Propel You Forward

Are you feeling the power of the new moon, the solar eclipse and the summer solstice? It can be overwhelming at times. But in this weeks episode I break it down into the astrological influences, the nature influences and the spiritual influences to help you put it to maximum use in your life. This energy will be lasting all month, so take advantage! Use the extra light in your life to be productive and propel yourself forward!I have included this week a special channeled message from Orion surrounding this energy of the summer solstice. Check it out on YouTube


Demystifying Epigenetics with David Krantz

In biology, epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations in the actual DNA sequence itself. In this week’s discussion with David, we are going to explain more about what epigenetics means for wellness, treating illness, and how you can influence your genetic expression every day.We also dive into nutrigenomics, which is how food can influence genetic expression. Your unique DNA blueprint has a huge influence on how you experience your everyday life. What these two topics bring to the table is the empowerment for you to choose how you think, what you expose yourself to, and how you approach your wellness. Are you predetermined and powerless to be the combination of genes your parents passed on to you? Or are you empowered and ready to change how those genes are expressed to enable your life to be full, energetic, and healthy?Tune in. Get all the juicy details. And decide for yourself!


Myth Busting, Common Sense Cleaning Tips & Tools to Keep You Healthy

Here is the excerpt from Stephanie’s newsletter discussing essential oils for cleaning:When it comes not just to cleaning, but to boosting immunity in general, I like to use the following essential oils or foods as topicals.Melaleuca oil (aka Tea Tree Oil) is one of my all-time favorite oils to use for a plethora of reasons. To me it is God’s gift to man. It is a natural anti-fungal, antiseptic, stain remover, bug repellent, astringent, fabric refresher, etc. It can be used for so many things. It does need to be diluted as it is very potent, but when used as a spray, and/or in combination with other oils, it is just as effective.Lemon (or other citrus) is also a natural disinfectant, hence why it is used in so many cleaners. Citric Acid is very effective. Likewise, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is great for boosting immunity and the colder winter seasons.Lavender is also amazing. Not only is it great for relaxing (and therefore good for stress), it is also a very effective degreaser and cleaning agent. Additionally, lavender is a natural antiseptic and anti- inflammatory. Some of its other many uses are for burns, bug bites, in baths, and in humidifiers.Ginger is also a very popular as a food and oil both. As a powder it can be used as a topical paste and as an oil in soaks or baths. It aids in digestion which helps boost your immunity because most of your immune system lies in your gut. Ginger is also beneficial for inflammation and detoxing the body and tissues which explains why you may be seeing it included in more and more supplements these days, especially joint supplements.Turmeric, like its 4 friends mentioned previously, is a miracle worker. It has incredible healing properties by being a natural anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent as well. Combined with ginger and omegas, it is great for healing injuries and likewise natural pain relief. I love putting it in my baths and making pastes with it also.More Informed Resources:EWG (Environmental Working Group) links: a brief explanation of how our immune system works go back and listen to the last episode*Disclaimer: All of the aforementioned recommendations are not a substitution for medical treatment, nor intended to diagnose. The aforementioned recommendations are all intended for topical use and not for internal use or ingestion. Always read the label of any product you buy and consult with your medical professional before beginning or ending any regimen or treatment plan.*


How to Create Long Term Immune Support from COVID

Covered today:SuperfoodsAntioxidantsAntiviral nutrientsAntiinflammatory foodsRegular exerciseGetting your sweat onMindset toolsEnergetic toolsTune in and get all the juicy details.Announcement!!! (drumroll!)I am now on Patreon! yay!!!What does this mean for you? Even MORE chances to have access to me and more of the juicy content I bring to you!For only $5/mo you get bonus content with each podcast (that’s twice a month!). Also, I want to bring you members-only live Q&A sessions, live personalized readings and channeled messages, and anything else that will help support you on your healing journey.Bonus content for this episode:Immunity Support e-guide to download, print, take with you shopping, whatever works best for youGalactic Heritage card message specific for this episode and the next 2 week time period.Head over to and sign-up today!


Finding Coherence in Your Heart Space with Special Guest Marianne Schneider

This week’s guest is Marianne Schneider from Reiki Tahoe & 5th Element Healing.This week I joining me to discuss the energy of the heart space and the benefits of finding the energy of coherence is Marianne Schneider.Our heart space in the bridge between the spiritual and physical realms. It is the area of our body where we integrate the two realms for manifestation and understanding. Through the heart, we have the ability to improve the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our health. Many of us have built walls around this area to protect ourselves from the challenging aspects of human life. Today we are going to encourage you to open up and let go, to grow, and allow the love to shine through. Tune in and get all the juicy details.


How Magnesium Supports Your Immunity

Magnesium has over 300 functions in the human body and is essential to healthy function. The best part is that you can reap the benefits just by taking a bath. Tune in and get all the juicy details.After listening, you might also like this blog post I did about creating a relaxing and rejuvenating bath time. Check it out here.I also have a great post on natural remedies during the cold season. This translates nicely to any viral illness, which COVID-19 is of course. Get those natural remedies here.


Navigating the New Normal of COVID-19

In today’s show, we offer you something to ponder, to practice and to play with.To ponder:“One day when you wake up, you will find that you have become a forest. You have grown roots and found strength in them that no one thought you had. You have become stronger and more beautiful, full of life giving qualities. You have learned to take all the negativity around you and turn it into oxygen for easy breathing. A host of wild creatures live inside you and you call them stories. A variety of beautiful birds rest inside your mind and you call them memories. You have become an incredible self sustaining thing of epic proportions. And you should be so proud of yourself, of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used to be.”– Nikita Gill, You Have Become a ForestPractice -Honor and mourn/acknowledge the loss of OLD NormalBe open to the possibilities and ways to thrive in NEW NormalChoose to take small, do-able steps toward creative solutions in NEW Normal.The meditation that I led us through - at min 26:30 - 32:00. It's a beautiful 5 1/2 minutes. So CALMING AND GROUNDING!Play with-Step 3 - creative solutions- Make it FUN!Have a dance party! Movement is GROUNDING!


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