Lighter Impact with Besan

What does it look like to make an impact in the world and feel lighter doing it? Join us as we explore the power of mindfulness, somatics, and spirituality in the creation of meaningful impact. Whether you're an entrepreneur, activist, or simply someone looking to make a difference, this podcast will provide you with insights and tools to do so more intentionally.

23. Navigating Career Transitions with Julia Firestone

Julia Firestone is a transformational coach who helps do-gooders unlock their full potential, create meaningful change, and live a more fulfilling life. In this episode, Julia reflects on how she came to realize the limitations of individual impact and the importance of collective action. She also shares how she personally navigated a big career transition and emphasizes the importance of being present in the in-between spaces and paying attention to what energizes and drains us. Timestamp Summary 00:00 Introduction and Background 09:20 Understanding Impact and Purpose 19:00 Exploring the Question of Purpose 39:01 Navigating Transitions and Uncertainty 46:59 Future Transitions and Possibilities 51:01 Legacy of Interconnectedness Learn more about Julia Firestone on her website and follow her on LinkedIn!


22. Reclaiming Your Power

In this episode, I share what it means to reclaim your power in today's world. Key Takeaways: Reclaiming power begins with consciously connecting with one's individual energy field. A routine practice of calling in your energy can help reclaim power and become the truest version of yourself. Oppressive systems and societal norms often restrict our ability to choose life and live in alignment. Remembering the transient nature of life and living true to one's soul is a vital aspect of reclaiming one's power. -- Are you looking to make an impact in the world and feel lighter doing it? Schedule a consultation through ⁠⁠


21. Energetics of Purpose

Have you found yourself asking: what is my purpose? In this episode I go into depth on my philosophy on the concept of purpose, and the three steps can help you tap into your own sense of purpose, using concepts from energy medicine. -- Are you looking to make an impact in the world and feel lighter doing it? Schedule a consultation through ⁠


20. Job vs. Impact

Do you ever wish that you were making a greater impact in the world through your job? In this episode, I give very unconventional advice as a social impact coach...challenging the concept of making an impact through your job. -- Are you looking to make an impact in the world and feel lighter doing it? Schedule a consultation through


16. The Subtle Power of Somatics with Caitlin Clarke

Caitlin Clarke is a somatic coach and healer who specializes in working with highly sensitive, ambitious women who are struggling with stress and burnout. She is a certified Hakomi practitioner and has a background in creative marketing. In this episode, Caitlin explains the principles of somatics and how it involves tuning into the body's wisdom and intelligence. Rather than merely talking about somatics, we do a short demo together! She also provides tips for connecting with the body and finding inner peace, such as focusing on the breath and tuning into the back body. Connect with Caitlin ⁠here⁠.


15. Gratitude as a Tool

In this episode, I share how gratitude can be used as a tool to shift your state almost instantly thanks to the release of neurotransmitters in the brain. Instead of telling yourself "I should be more grateful" ask yourself "what am I grateful for in this moment?" The former has this expectation that you should simply be grateful, while the latter realized it is a tool that we exercise. The three practices I share to help you practice gratitude are (1) spontaneous gratitude lists (2) guided meditations that bring into awareness subtle things to be grateful for (3) random thank you notes to people in your life. Guided meditations on gratitude to try: - 10 Minute Morning Meditation for Gratitude and Positivity to Start your Day - Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude with this 15 Minute Guided Meditation


14. The Future of Mental Health and Well-Being with Danish Munir

Danish Munir, healthcare entrepreneur and founding partner of Gray Matter, discusses his journey in the mental health industry and the need for a systems-level approach to improving the entrepreneurial journey for future founders. He shares his personal connection to mental health and the importance of destigmatizing the conversation. Danish highlights the current state of the mental health sector, the shift towards holistic well-being, and the revolutionary work being done by companies like Home Away Health in providing compassionate care for individuals in crisis. He emphasizes the need for societal awareness and intentionality in addressing mental health and creating a more supportive and inclusive world. Timestamp Summary 4:43 Leaving Microsoft to launch a mental health company 7:11 Advice for younger self on making big life decisions 13:47 Evolution of mental health industry in the US. 18:00Need for a holistic understanding of mental health 21:19Wellness as prevention and human potential actualization 22:21Home Away Health's revolutionary crisis respite model 31:03The power of using our voices for positive change "What is more reckless than not following your dream or to living a life that is not true to yourself?" - Danish Munir Are you following your dream and looking for someone to support you on this journey? Curious about what it would look like to work with a social impact coach? Learn more at


13. Committing to Lightness

In this episode, I talk about the practice of committing to lightness. We can do the exact same thing, but have two very different experiences, depending on our state. I reflect on what shifts with on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels when you commit to lightness. Key Takeaways: Lightness in actions can be achieved by bringing awareness to the physical body and releasing tension. Embracing the full spectrum of emotions without judgment or shame brings emotional lightness. Mental lightness is attained by accepting the present moment and not striving for constant achievement. Lightness on a spiritual level involves experiencing religion, spirituality, and nature with a sense of ease and trust. "You don't have to give up the goal. You just have to find a path there that is filled with lightness." Show Notes: The Guest House by Rumi Ready to make an impact in the world and feel lighter doing it? Schedule a consultation


12: Debunking Expertise and Finding Collective Knowledge with Negar Razavi

Negar Razavi is a political anthropologist. Her work brings a critical feminist lens to studying national security, expertise, gender, race, humanitarianism, and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Drawing on over two years of ethnographic research in Washington, D.C., Negar’s research specifically examines the role of policy experts and think tanks in shaping U.S. security policies towards Iran and Egypt. In this episode, we discuss the importance of expertise, but also the need for diverse perspectives and voices in shaping policy. Negar encourages individuals to recognize their own expertise and contribute to the conversation, while also leaving themselves open to constructive critique to improve our collective knowledge and ability to tackle structural challenges of our time. Key Takeaways: The experts who shape U.S. security policies towards the Middle East are often individuals who understand how Washington works rather than deep-level regional experts. Experts from the region need to create their own spaces and alliances to have a voice in shaping policies. Expertise should be recognized at different levels, including personal experiences, in-depth research, and technical subject matter knowledge. Individuals should contribute their expertise while remaining open to critique and review. Curious about what it will look like to work with a social impact coach? Check out


10. Social Impact Wheel

This episode shares a tool I have developed from my work with clients called the Social Impact Wheel (adapted from the Wheel of Life). It identifies the 8 most important areas for people to find joy and balance on their social impact journey. Download your guide to the Social Impact Wheel here.


9. White Saviorism and Individual Responsibility with Themrise Khan

Themrise Khan, an independent development professional and researcher with over 25 years of experience in international development, joins us to talk about the issues around how international aid is practiced and the responsibility we have as indviduals. Themrise is currently based in Pakistan and her work focuses on social policy, aid effectiveness, gender, and global migration. Themrise actively speaks, writes and advises the global community on notions of decolonisation, North-South power imbalances in development, race relations, immigrant citizenship and integration and most recently co-edited the book White Saviorism in International Development. Theories, Practices and Lived Experiences. And if you are curious about what it might look like to work with a social impact coach, check out


8. What are you being called to create in the world?

In this episode, I ask the question: What is it that only you can create in the world? And why is it a good idea to create a social impact venture? “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” -Pablo Picasso Curious about what it will look like to work with a social impact coach? Check out


4. The Impact of ONE

In this episode, I share one of my favorite tools to help people stay motivated motivation, it's called the impact of ONE. Curious about what it will look like to work with a Social Impact Coach? Check out


3. What's stopping you from creating?

In this episode, I ask the question: what is stopping you from creating what you are being called to create in the world? You'll hear my 3 reasons why, as well as tips to help you overcome them. Curious about what it will look like to work with a Social Impact Coach? Check out


2. How can I make an impact in the world?

In this episode, I share my own personal philosophy about how you can make an impact in the world: it starts with asking the question: "what makes me come alive?" We then introduce the Ikigai framework-- a Japanese concept that translates to "reason for being" Four questions to reflect on if you are looking to find a job that makes you jump out of bed in the morning: What do you love? What are you good at? What can you be paid for? What does the world need? Learn more:


1. My personal story

In this first episode of Lighter Impact, I start by reflecting on the quote by Rumi, "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” And through this, share my personal journey in the social impact space, and how I hope to create a space that empowers people to make an impact in the world, and feel lighter doing it. Learn more:


27. Radical Practice of Enoughness

In this episode, I share what it means to have a practice of "enoughness" in a world driven by capitalist greed. Takeaways The concept of enoughness is a radical practice in a world driven by capitalist greed. Overcoming greed, illusions, and hate and attaining love and compassion are essential for optimal being. Asking ourselves 'Do I have enough?' can lead to transformation and a more balanced way of living. Living in harmony with nature and recognizing when we have taken enough can create a more sustainable and equitable world. -- Are you looking to make an impact in the world and feel lighter doing it? Schedule a consultation through


26. Leaving your 9-5 & Following your Calling

Najla Abdellatif shares her personal journey with coaching, from leaving her 9 to 5 job to becoming the creator of Zero Waste Palestine. She discusses the challenges, identity shift, and the impact of coaching on her journey. The conversation delves into the importance of lightness, flow, and overcoming limiting beliefs in the context of social entrepreneurship and following one's calling. Takeaways Coaching can help address limiting beliefs and stay in a state of flow while building a venture. Approaching environmental work from a place of inspiration and beauty can be more effective than fear and anxiety. Working with a coach who understands the impact scene can provide valuable support and guidance. Leaving a 9 to 5 job to follow a calling can be a challenging but empowering decision. It's important to remember why we started creating ventures and to find joy and lightness in the process. Learn more about Zero Waste Palestine.


25. From Palestine to Brazil: A Mother's Brave Move

In this episode, Suha Abdul-Hadi, a mother of three, shares her experience of working with a life coach during a turbulent time in her life. Suha talks about feeling overwhelmed and the guilt she felt as a mother. She explains how she reached out for support and the positive impact coaching had on her life. Suha also discusses her journey as a mother, including moving from Palestine to Brazil, and how coaching helped her stay grounded and trusting during amidst so much uncertainty. She emphasizes the importance of communication, support, and looking at things from a different perspective.


24. The Value of Coaching

In this episode, Besan discusses the value of coaching and her personal experiences with different coaches. She emphasizes the importance of finding a coach who can help you achieve the results you desire in your life. Besan also highlights the balance between appreciating what we have and striving for more. She encourages listeners to consider investing in coaching as a way to receive the support and guidance they may be seeking. Besan concludes by sharing her approach to coaching and inviting listeners to schedule a consultation call with her. Takeaways Coaching is about getting results in your life and finding a coach who can help you achieve those results. Appreciate what you have while also striving for more in life. Investing in coaching can provide the support and guidance you may be seeking. Finding the right coach is important, and it goes beyond certifications. Trust your gut and do your own research. Coaching can be beneficial for high achievers who feel a lack of inner peace and satisfaction in their lives. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Personal Experience with Coaching 01:55 Understanding the Value of Coaching 02:52 Coaching vs. Therapy 06:43 The Beauty of the Coaching Industry 08:30Investing in Yourself through Coaching 11:05Personal Growth and Transformation through Coaching


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