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Lilith's Love

Author: Dan Shaurette on

Subscribed: 271Played: 2,811


Donovan, lonely and getting over the recent death of his parents, asks his long-time friend Christian to move in with him when he relocates back home again to Phoenix from Los Angeles.

After the Vampire Hunters find Lilith in New Orleans, she and her Wiccan friend Anna decide to go where they think no one would expect to find vampires — The Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, AZ.

Christian, who is also a Wiccan, meets Anna at a Samhain event (Halloween). The chemistry between them is immediate, and when they introduce their roommates to each other, Don realizes Lilith is not only the woman of his dreams — but that she is the woman in his dreams at night.

Two romances are sparked, and now that both couples have found each other, they must fight the vengeful plans of Lilith’s Master.
14 Episodes
LilithsLove 14

LilithsLove 14


Donovan updates his diary after everything he and his friends have survived.
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LilithsLove 13


Everyone and everything comes together in this episode and brings us the conclusion. An epilogue follows in the final episode.
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LilithsLove 12


Donovan has precious little time to adjust to his senses being improved after feeding from Lilith. His friends discover that Chris has been kidnapped so they mount a search party to find him. WARNING: This episode contains adult language and cliffhangers. Listener discretion is advised.
LilithsLove 11

LilithsLove 11


Lilith goes to Michael’s bar hoping to find out if he, Jake, or Malcolm might have seen Mary Jane. When Lilith discovers the truth, she’ll find it very difficult to trust them all. However, she may have no choice when she does encounter Mary Jane again.WARNING: This episode contains sexual situations, adult language, and astrology. Listener discretion is advised.
LilithsLove 10

LilithsLove 10


After Mary Jane attacked Donovan, Lilith stayed with him to make sure he was OK. That night, after he wakes from a new nightmare, Lilith tells Don the truth. That she is a vampire and that he is the reincarnation of her husband, and she tells him the whole story.
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LilithsLove 09


Saturday night arrives and the two couples go out on a double date together to a local Italian restaurant. However, the wonderful evening is ruined when Chris' old girlfriend, Mary Jane Hill, shows up and she's not happy at all.WARNING: This episode contains adult language and ominous foreshadowing. Listener discretion is advised.
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LilithsLove 08


The two couples pair off on their dates -- Chris and Anna enjoying dinner and dessert out while Lilith entertains Don at her new home. Eventually the conversations of each couple separately involve the same topic: Don's dreams of Lilith. When Lilith discovers Don's dreams, she is convinced that Don is the reincarnation of her first and true love 300 years ago, when she was still human. Yet when Anna hears Chris describe the dreams, she has the same realization. She confides this to Chris and then also drops the real bombshell: that Lilith is a vampire.
LilithsLove 07

LilithsLove 07


Chapter 6, part 2Anna meets Donovan while she is checking out the house next door to his. She agrees the house is a good choice and later brings Lilith to see for herself. Satisfied, Lilith buys the house and the ladies move in shortly thereafter. When Donovan meets Lilith for the first time as they are moving in, he realizes that she is the woman in his dreams, and is paralyzed over what to do.
LilithsLove 06

LilithsLove 06


Michael introduces Lilith to the Vampire Prince of Phoenix, Voivode Malcolm. It isn’t long after that Lilth finds herself weakened and in pain, and lashes out in hunger at the first person she sees: her friend Anna.
LilithsLove 05

LilithsLove 05


Lilith and Anna have arrived in Phoenix. In addition to looking for a house to move into, Anna wants to check out the local Wiccan covens to see if there’s any she could join. Chris is making his plans for Halloween. He also wants to find a coven and discovers one that has a Stone Soup meet for Samhain. On Halloween night, Chris is introduced to Anna who found the same coven’s Samhain supper.
LilithsLove 04

LilithsLove 04


Lilith and Anna are making good time on their way to Arizona. During the trip, Lilith has a dream that becomes a nightmare, and Anna helps her figure out what it means. Before they get too far, they have to cross the mighty Rio Grande.WARNING: This episode contains adult language and parodies of science fiction icons. Listener discretion is advised.
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LilithsLove 03


Donovan has been having strange dreams, ones that he can’t quite remember when he’s awake. These have been happening ever since his parents died, so this has been quite hard on him. Chris has been helping him remember more, and he finally has a breakthrough. The guys head to the State Fair to eat a lot of junk food, have some fun, and do a little shopping.
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LilithsLove 02


In this episode we meet Lilith Thompson, a vampire running from hunters who've found her in New Orleans. She and her friend, Anna Foster, decide to pack up and leave, heading to Phoenix, AZ -- the Valley of the Sun -- hoping no one would expect to find vampires there. On their way they make a stop in Houston, Texas, and Lilith decides to enjoy some "night life".WARNING: This episode contains sexual situations, adult language, and late night television. Listener discretion is advised.
LilithsLove 01

LilithsLove 01


Prologue and Chapter One -- The year is 1993. Donovan McElroy is a college student, living with his parents in Phoenix, AZ, until his 21st birthday when they are killed in a car accident. An only child, he inherits the house but doesn't want to live alone. His best friend, Christian Armstrong has just moved back to Phoenix from L.A., and Donovan offers him a place to stay while he gets a job and looks for a place of his own.
Comments (3)


Description sounded like this could be worth a listen so it's a shame, but I couldn't get past the first few minutes. I understand using sound effects to help create atmosphere. Typing sounds to go along with narration indicate using a keyboard, ok fine. Surely though once the narrator has started his story it's not necessary to constantly stop and start the sound effect each time he briefly pauses then resumes speaking? The constant tap tap tapping was distracting, became annoying and then finally I just had to stop listening.

Aug 1st

Heather Lida

i love this so much! the acting is not the best but still a very good story.

Dec 31st

Sarah Humphry

loved! 😍

Mar 18th