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Listen & Talk 英語

Author: Studio Classroom

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🏆空中英語教室 x OneClass為您的孩子訂製一對一專屬課程,輕鬆自信說漂亮英語。
📢《大家說英語》、《空英Lucy Says兒童英語》教材
📢 對象:小一到高三
🎁 名額有限,額滿為止

「空中英語教室教育集團」為彭蒙惠(Doris Brougham)於1962年創立。旗下三本英語教學雜誌《大家說英語》、《空中英語教室》、以及《Advanced彭蒙惠英語》,除教學雜誌外,亦發展廣播、電視、網際網路教學及開創性創新數位內容產品,屢獲國內外多項大獎肯定。創刊50年來,對提升台灣學子英語能力及拓展國際視野深具影響力,為深獲海內外廣大讀者肯定的英語教學雜誌領導品牌之一。

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455 Episodes
【英語對話框 #36】Ordering Coffee 點咖啡 【英語對話框 #37】Ordering Food for People With Allergies 替食物過敏者點餐 【英語對話框 #38】Talking About Allergies 談論過敏 【英語對話框 #39】Diets 節食減重 【英語對話框 #40】Signing Up for the Gym 報名健身 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nuit Blanche is a global urban night-time festival that began in Paris, France, in 2002. For one night each year, a diverse lineup of artwork and performances are on display in several cities around the world. 「白晝之夜」是二〇〇二年始於法國巴黎的一個全球性城市夜間藝術節。每年的一個晚上,世界各地幾座城市都會展示其多樣藝術作品及表演。 This year, Taipei City will turn into a gigantic art museum on the night of October 7. 今年,就在十月七日的晚上,臺北市將搖身一變成為一座巨大的博物館。 【非當年當月新聞】 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
🎶🎤 **Think about it **🎶🎤 ♪ What is it like to be a friend to those we meet each day? Is it the things you do for them or things that you might say? Think about the friends you know and what they mean to you They’re the ones who understand when you’re down and feeling blue (Be a friend) To all you meet and help them on their way (Be a friend) You can make a difference and brighten up their day ♪ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
空中英語教室的老師們與你分享在聽、說、讀、寫各方面學習英文的秘訣! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
👄It was still a success. 還是很成功啊。 看似失敗,仍要正面思考,看重成功的部份! 👄Is it gold or silver? 是金的還是銀的? 一提到戒指,大家的直接反應是問這句! 👄How about you? 那你呢? 當你有某個提議,而且想知道別人的作法時… -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
空中英語教室的老師們與你分享在聽、說、讀、寫各方面學習英文的秘訣! --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Today, we are going to talk about how context can really change the meaning of the same expression… --Hosting provided by SoundOn
On Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023, a solar eclipse will be visible in parts of the United States, Mexico, and many countries in South and Central America. This celestial event occurs when the moon aligns perfectly between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow on our planet. 二〇二三年十月十四日星期六,部分美國、墨西哥及不少中南美洲國家將得以見到日蝕;此一天文現象發生於月球運行至地球和太陽中間且呈現完美對齊之際,月球的影子將因而投射而出籠罩地球。 【非當年當月新聞】 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
🎶🎤 It's Up to You 🎶🎤 ♪ Living day by day In the same old way It’s time for you to know Stepping out is the way to go People pass you by You know not what’s inside Lonely souls with doubt and fear Needing a word of joy and cheer It’s up to you It’s up to me To be there when we see a need It’s up to you It’s up to me To reach out with a loving hand To be the one who understands ♪ --Hosting provided by SoundOn
#33 I used to … #34 Let's … one … #35 Before … the … are prepared #36 I’ve never … before --Hosting provided by SoundOn
👄That bothers me. 這樣會干擾我。 看電影時請勿交談,否則真的會干擾他人。 👄 A lot of people came. 有很多人來。 你的派對很熱鬧嗎?如果很多人前來,就用這句! 👄Only choose the best ones. 只選最好的。 你會挑選怎樣的照片上傳呢?當然是最好的! --Hosting provided by SoundOn
空中英語教室的老師們與你分享在聽、說、讀、寫各方面學習英文的秘訣! --Hosting provided by SoundOn
A: Hi Liv, this is Eva. Could you check Grace’s calendar and see if she’s available for a one-hour meeting next Tuesday at 11 am? B: Let me check. Hmmm…. Grace will be out of the office on Tuesday. How about Wednesday at 9 am? --Hosting provided by SoundOn
【英語維基 #36】「他」與「她」與性別歧視 【英語維基 #37】三個易混淆的字 【英語維基 #38】令人困惑的C 【英語維基 #39】Word的多重定義 【英語維基 #40】GO 的兩個定義 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
On November 26, the Thai town of Lopburi, about 150 kilometers north of Bangkok, will hold its annual monkey buffet festival. Over 2,000 macaques will indulge in a feast of fruit, rice cakes, sweets and soft drinks. This annual event was first started by an enterprising businessman in 1989 who wanted to attract more tourists to the town. 十一月二十六日,位於泰國曼谷北方約一百五十公里處的華富里府將舉行一年一度的「猴子自助餐節」。超過兩千隻獼猴得以恣意享受擺滿水果、米糕、甜點、汽水的盛大饗宴。泰國猴子節這個年度活動於一九八九年首次由一名具有生意頭腦的商人發起,他希望透過該活動吸引更多遊客來到小鎮。 【非當年當月新聞】 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
🎶🎤** Dare to dream **🎶🎤 ♪ If you look into your eyes You’ll discover there’s a place inside A place you’ve never known And all along it’s been the light that’s guiding you And once you can believe The light within will come shining through Come shining through If you listen to your heart It will lead you to the place that you’ve been searching for Your shining star is just within your reach Beautiful butterfly spread your wings and soar If you believe in miracles, this one is yours It’s yours Dare to dream, dare to believe You can soar so high beyond the clouds Discovering where dreams are found Dare to dream, dare to believe God knows all that you can do How far you go is up to Him and you Any star is reachable when you can dream ♪ --Hosting provided by SoundOn
#29 … as well as … #30 On …, visitors can … #31 I haven't … yet. #32 I don't … either. --Hosting provided by SoundOn
👄Have some. 吃一些吧。 請別人一起吃東西可以說得很口語! 👄 It might rain. 可能會下雨。 看到天空烏雲密布,你會怎麼說? 👄 It’s a popular activity. 這是個受歡迎的活動。 popular是受人歡迎的'的意思,什麼樣的活動是受歡迎的呢? --Hosting provided by SoundOn
空中英語教室的老師們與你分享在聽、說、讀、寫各方面學習英文的秘訣! --Hosting provided by SoundOn
A: Hi Carla, I need to ask for sick leave today. I caught a nasty cold and woke up with a terrible headache this morning. (Dave coughs) B: I understand. Take care of yourself. Go see a doctor and pick up some medicine. --Hosting provided by SoundOn