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Literary Blend: A Publishing Podcast

Literary Blend: A Publishing Podcast

Author: Demi Michelle Schwartz

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Welcome to Literary Blend: A Publishing Podcast, hosted by Demi Michelle Schwartz. Tune into new chapters every other Sunday to hear insightful conversations with authors, agents, editors, and other publishing industry professionals. There’s no perfect recipe for chasing a dream in publishing, but Demi hopes this show gives you the ingredients to bake yours into reality.
29 Episodes
Okay, cover your eyes. Hey, don’t peek! Fine, you can peek. I’m beyond excited to share chapter twenty-seven of Literary Blend with Stephanie Henson on a peek into picture books. We talked about the picture book market, specific PB elements, working with an illustrator, and much more. It was a true delight having Stephanie on the show for such an insightful conversation, so I hope you learn lots about picture books. If you would like to check out Stephanie’s work, head over to her website: Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Do you write short stories? If so, have you ever considered creating a collection? I’m delighted to share my insightful conversation with Michael Goodwin Hilton for chapter twenty-six of the show on crafting a short story collection. Michael’s debut short story collection, What the Statue Thinks, was published by Wild Ink Publishing, so he has first-hand experience with this topic. From discussing the process of choosing the stories for a collection to tips for ordering them to take readers on a journey, we covered it all. I learned so much during our chat, so I hope you do as well. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Here we go, friends. We have reached chapter twenty-five of Literary Blend with Carey Blankenship-Kramer about writing for the middle grade audience. Whether you write for this age category or are simply interested in gaining industry knowledge, this conversation is for you. Carey and I covered tips for writing middle grade and things to avoid, the difference between lower MG and upper MG, word count expectations for this age category, writing a stand-alone vs a series, and so much more. Also, Carey unveiled the details about her upcoming middle grade horror debut, Ghost Scouts Honor. I loved having Carey on the show, so I hope our chat gives you a glimpse into writing for the middle grade audience. If you would like to stay up to date with all Carey is up to, head over to her website: Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Okay, friends, it’s time to get deep into craft, but don’t worry, this isn’t English class. Christine Goss and I sat down to cover line level writing in a super entertaining way for chapter twenty-four of the show. Whether you are drafting or revising, being aware of certain things on the line level can really elevate your writing and make it immersive for readers. I can’t thank Christine enough for joining me to tackle this topic. There are tons of gems in our conversation, so get ready to take mental notes or even grab a pen and paper to jot down the key points you learn. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Is your story plot driven? Is it character driven? What if it’s a secret third thing and both plot and character driven? I’m delighted to share chapter twenty-three of Literary Blend with Bethany Hensel on braiding plot and character. From covering how plot and characterization work together to breaking down the ways a character’s beliefs, values, surface pain, and deep pain are woven with the plot, Bethany and I hope our conversation gives you the tools to strengthen your story through braiding plot and character. Whether you are a plotter, pantser, or something in between, this chapter shines a spotlight on insights and techniques that fit all writing styles. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Hey, you. Yes, you. If you’re a plotter, put your hand up! If you’re not, that’s perfectly okay, because you’ll get a chance to learn about this writing style. I’m delighted Megan Davidhizar joined me for chapter twenty-two to cover the plotter approach to writing. We talked about techniques for plotting a novel, the pros and cons of this approach, asking ourselves why we made the choices we did while working on our stories, and much more. I hope our conversation gives you a glimpse into how plotters approach writing, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll give plotting a shot if you haven’t before. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Here we go, friends, it’s time to talk about revising our stories. My best friend, Jessica Lee Minneci, and I sat down for chapter twenty-one to give you a glimpse into revision. We chatted about why revision is an essential part of the writing process, receiving and applying feedback, our revision tips and tricks, and much more. Oh, and we briefly touched on the mysterious power water has to help when we’re stuck. Whether you love revising or the thought of it makes you cringe, this conversation is for you, since every writer edits their work. I hope my chat with Jessica gives you insight into this stage of the writing process and ideas for how you can tackle revisions for your own stories. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Woohoo, we have made it to chapter twenty of the show, and what a wonderful one it is! I’m beyond delighted Arianna Siddiqui joined me for a highly entertaining and insightful conversation about staying organized as an author. From deadlines and boundaries to writing schedules and more, Arianna and I cover it all. Also, prepare yourself for lots of laughs along the way. I hope our conversation provides you with the tips and tricks you need to become more organized as you chase your publishing dreams. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Have you started to write a novel a few times but never finished one? Are you halfway through your manuscript and struggling to reach the end? If so, my conversation with Bruce Buchanan for chapter nineteen on committing to writing a novel is for you. From covering common barriers for writing a book to sharing advice for how to keep making forward progress, this chat is packed with tips, insights, and personal experiences. I hope my conversation with Bruce inspires you to pick up your pencil or put your fingers on your keyboard and complete the novel of your heart. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
It’s time to put on your editing hat! Kesia Lupo joined me on the show for chapter eighteen on being an editorial agent. During our conversation, we talked about the skills necessary to be an editor, what the life of an editorial agent looks like, preparing projects for submission, common issues in manuscripts that need to be addressed in revisions, and so much more. It was a true delight having Kesia on Literary Blend, so I hope our chat gives you insight into what you can expect working with an editorial agent and a glimpse into editing in general. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
The publishing journey continues with a trip down the internship path to agenting. I’m delighted Esty Loveing-Downes joined me for chapter seventeen to share the steps she took to becoming a literary agent. Internships are a fabulous way to get your foot in the publishing door. Whether you’re interested in a career as a literary agent or simply curious about this path, I hope you find this conversation both engaging and informative. I can’t thank Esty enough for coming on the show to have a fantastic chat with me. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Welcome to the query trenches, my friends. For chapter sixteen, Ann Rose joined me on the show to discuss querying from the agent perspective. From manuscript wishlists to offering on projects, Ann and I covered the whole process. If you have ever wanted a peek behind the curtain into what querying is like on the agent side, this conversation is for you. I’m so honored Ann sat down with me for this fabulous and insightful chat. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Perseverance is a core quality that is essential for publishing success. I couldn’t be more delighted to share my fabulous chat with Dana Hawkins for chapter fifteen on the power of perseverance. Chasing publishing dreams is an emotional roller coaster ride, so it takes strength to keep pushing forward. I hope my conversation with Dana reminds you that you’re not alone and gives you valuable tips for how to become more perseverant. If you would like to check out Dana’s books, events, and more, head over to her website: Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
The literary adventure continues with chapter fourteen of the show. Cassidy Jackson and I sat down to cover why it’s important to read as a writer. Reading has so many benefits, from supporting other authors and staying on top of the current market to developing craft and beyond. Cassidy and I packed so much into our chat, so I hope it inspires you to embrace the importance of reading as a writer. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
May is mental health awareness month, so there’s no better time for me to share my wonderful conversation with Caroline J. Trussell for chapter thirteen on mental health and publishing. By covering subjectivity, social media, rejection, mental health representation in books, and more, we explored mental health and publishing through both the author and agent perspectives. I truly hope you find our conversation insightful. Also, remember to always be kind, and if you’re facing challenges of your own, Caroline and I want you to know you’re not alone. If you would like to check out all Caroline does as an author, agent, and editor, check out her Linktree: Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Are you ready to take a deep dive into deadlines? I hope so because I sat down with Bri Eberhart to cover this topic for chapter twelve. From discussing why we like deadlines and how we set realistic ones to sharing how we deal with all the emotions when the clock is ticking, this conversation gives a glimpse into deadlines like never before. I had a blast chatting with Bri, so I hope our conversation gives you valuable insight as you set and meet your own publishing deadlines. If you would like to read Bri’s work and keep up with her publishing adventures, head over to her website: Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
It’s time to give the spotlight to the fabulous small publishing houses out there! I’m so excited to welcome S.E. Reed onto the show for chapter eleven on the small press path to publishing. Whether you’re interested in signing with a small press or you would like to discover more about this path to publishing, our chat is for you. Shelby is a very talented author who has found success with this path, so I learned so much from her and hope you do as well. If you would like to check out Shelby’s books and keep up with all she has going on, head over to her website: Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Woohoo, we have made it to chapter ten of the show. I couldn’t be more delighted to share my fabulous conversation with Amy Nielsen on writing and submitting short stories. During our chat, Amy and I cover the benefits of writing short stories, how to approach submission calls, the key elements of short stories, and much more. I truly loved having Amy on the show, so I hope our conversation inspires you to write and submit short stories of your own. Stay up to date with all Amy has going on in the publishing industry on her website: Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
Wow, look at that! We have almost reached double digits for the chapters. Before we do, though, I have an insightful conversation to share for chapter nine with my fabulous literary agent, Michelle Jackson, surrounding being an agent and author. There are so many talented individuals in the publishing industry who are both, and Michelle sat down with me to share her experiences. During our chat, Michelle unveils what she has learned in both roles, how she juggles her own writing career and agenting work for her clients, and much more. Whether you are an agent or author interested in stepping into the other role or simply curious how someone can be both an agent and author successfully, this conversation is for you. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!
As authors, we have big dreams, like becoming best sellers and having our books adapted for film and TV. Though it’s amazing to shoot for the stars, we need to remember to keep our expectations realistic. I’m excited to bring you a fabulous chat with Christina Dotson for chapter eight, covering realistic expectations in the publishing world. We talk about where unrealistic expectations come from, how to adjust our expectations of the business and ourselves as authors, and more. I hope our conversation gives you insight into ways you can shift your mindset and develop reasonable expectations as you chase your publishing dreams. Are you enjoying Literary Blend? Do you have a topic suggestion for a chapter? Would you like to be a guest on the show? I would love to hear from you. Show Email: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Thank you so much for listening. Until we flip to the next chapter of Literary Blend, happy reading and writing!