Little Steps to Growth

The personal growth podcast that supports you in living your BEST LIFE! Everything is relatable with plenty of ways you can apply techniques to your day to day. I talk about manifesting, visualisation, the law of attraction, meditating, journaling and anything else that is related to our personal growth. I'm here to support you in taking lots of little steps so that you feel you are living a life you absolutely LOVE. We all deserve that.

#44 - Focus on one thing at a time

Truth be told...I am terrible at focusing on one thing at a time. I et distracted so easily and wish I could time lapse all my DIY projects so they all went in x2 speed but I can't. This is where being clear on our core values is SO important. It brings us back to what is truly important and where to focus our main energy.Enjoy xSupport the show


#43 Spring Clean The Energy In Your Home

This episode is your motivation for a little spring clean!We all have so much to give but if our homes feel cluttered and dirty it can sap so much of our energy. I hope you feel inspired to get the energy circulating again and that it spurs some creativity or amazing projects from you!Enjoy! the show


#42 - Authenticity over perfectionism every time

In this episode, I talk about perfectionism and how overrated it is! The more we stay true to ourselves, the easier we attract the same vibe and make deeper connections. And also...noone wants or needs you to be perfect. Just be you, gorgeous!Support the show


#41 - You deserve more rest

This episode talks through how it's okay to start the year with a little bit of rest. We don't all have to hit the ground running to achieve all our goals.I share my top tips for including a bit more rest in our day to day and how that rest will actually help us to achieve more when the season is right!Enjoy xSupport the show


#40 - New Year's Goal Setting

This episode is SUCH an important one! I love setting goals and have spent a lot of time figuring out journaling practices that help me the most and here they all are!I hope you enjoy the episode and have some good takeaways from it.Have an amazing Christmas lovelies!Marion xNEW YEARS GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP the show


#39 - Reflecting on the current year

In this episode, I share my absolute favourite way to wrap up a year. I've been using this practice for the last 3 years or so and I just love looking back at the current year to prepare myself for the new one! Enjoy! the show


#38 - Doing Less

Don't we all need to do less! This episode is all about how we can start to relax more so that our cups are fuller and we are able to give more to everyone around us.You deserve a break and you deserve to do less!I share a favourite journaling exercise of mine to help you delegate, outsource, batch and automate which will help free up lots of your time! the showSupport the show


#37 How to use yoga cards - Pick a card with me!

Hey gorgeous, In this episode, I talk about how I use yoga cards and why they're so awesome. I even pick a card myself and share how I would apply it to my own life and the message I see.I use Sahara Rose's 'A Yogic Path' and massively recommend them. They are so spot on for me, and I always have a great reading. Plus the cards are absolutely stunning. You can check them out here.I hope you enjoy the episode. Have an amazing week x the show


#36 - Catching yourself when you're having negative visualisations

In this episode, I talk about how we can start to notice our negative visualisation patterns. For me, there are so many silly times when I picture myself in negative situations (not being able to make a return, having the wrong train ticket and my dad asking me awkward questions). Picturing these negative situations actually makes them more likely to happen! So it's time to cut the vicious cycle and turn it into a positive one...and we can start today!Enjoy x the show


#35 - Doing Less During a Busy Season

I hope you're having an amazing week!In this episode, I talk about the importance of doing less and I break down HOW we can actually do it...because let's face it, it is HARD to be able to do less and relax more. I struggle with this SO much but have made some little changes recently that have had a big impact - which I share in the episode.Enjoy x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the showSupport the show


#34 - What are you affirming in your day to day?

In this episode, I talk about how we could all do with less whinging and more boasting...I mean sort of...Basically we don't want to keep focusing on the negative but it's a social norm to say things like 'Work's just the same old, same old' or 'I'm just so exhausted, we're so busy all the time' or 'There's always something, isn't there...'It's time we broke that social norm and started focusing more on the positive - sharing what lights us up and what we're excited about. Because what you focus on grows...So we definitely want to stop focusing on the negative stuff and start sharing all about the stuff we love so we can attract more of it!    Enjoy,Marion x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


#33 Setting yourself up for an ideal morning

Mornings can be pretty chaotic - I should know, many of mine still are!BUT, we absolutely have the power to change that and to set ourselves up for an incredible day.In this podcast, I share how we can prepare ourselves for our own amazing mornings, which will set us up feeling motivated, happy and calm.Our mornings really influence the way we carry on our day so tweaking them so they flow a bit better can have a really big impact on our lives!Enjoy,Marion x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


#31 - Building Resilience with Affirmations

Studies show that more resilient people are more likely to be successful. That makes sense but how do we build resilience?This one is a game changer for big goals that we keep failing at or keep giving up at. I absolutely need to work on my resilience, and for the first time, I'm excited about it! Enjoy x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


#32 - Done is better than perfect

We've heard it before...' Just start', 'stop procrastinating', 'done is better than perfect'.But I get that it can be really hard for people who are perfectionists. This week I go through some lessons my parents taught me about getting sh*t done. My parents are total opposites: My mum is a doer and my dad is a dreamer, and that taught me so much about how important it is to take action on your dreams.In this episode, I share the lessons they taught me and THE most important thing you need to know to start taking action towards your dreams. Enjoy x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


#30 - How to Centre Yourself

What is centring yourself? What does it feel like? How do we centre ourselves?!This podcast is all about how we can come back to ourselves, feel more grounded and simply be in the present moment. Enjoy x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


#29 - The Best Thing You Have to Offer

We don't always think about how our energy affects other people but OH does it!This week has been a 'challenge' for me and my kids have absolutely reflected my negative energy and we've basically had a real sh*t show!This episode is all about the importance of taking care of yourself because your energy is your greatest gift!  Support the show


#28 Health Motivation - You can't Pour From an Empty Cup!

This week I have a motivating reminder to prioritise your health!So many of us leave our health till last because we have so many other commitments but our health is absolutely crucial to our wellbeing.In this podcast, I share some positive changes that I'm making to my health, and I hope it will inspire you to nourish yourself as well!You are amazing and deserve to take good care of yourself! Enjoy x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


#27 Three easy ways to gain perspective and flip a bad mood

I share three easy ways to gain some perspective on our negative situations. Sometimes just seeing things in a different light can make us feel grateful for where we're at...and we all know that gratitude is the best emotion to be vibing at!Enjoy x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


#26 Are You Being Triggered By Your Money Blockages?

Often in personal growth, we skip over talking about money but the truth is sooooo many of us have money blockages (I have many!).In this episode, I share two of my recent triggers and what I've done since to prepare myself for the next trigger. We can use journaling and visualisation to really effectively centre ourselves around our blockages so that next time we get triggered we don't fall so far and hopefully have less anxiety and stress.       Enjoy x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


#25 Let's be more sure of ourselves

 This week I talk through the importance of journalling exercises to help you get in touch with the true you.Being sure of who we really are keeps us centred and keeps us in tune with what best suits our lifestyle. We can say no more easily if we know ourselves better and make plans that suit our true personalities...not necessarily what our friends and family expect of us.So, if you have an event coming up where you know you might get knocked off centre and find yourself saying things like "I wish I was more like...",   Then take 10 mins to journal all the things that you are...I love to dance, I hate getting my hair cut, I love gardening. That prep will help to keep you confident in who YOU are, rather than wishing you were more like your cousin,  Enjoy x@thesisterbubble@marionzielentinoSupport the show


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