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Little by Little

Author: Called to More

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Little by Little is a weekly video series by Called to More in collaboration with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Our host, Fr Columba Jordan CFR, brings you quality Catholic content with new episodes every Thursday at 6pm GMT. Be sure to subscribe!

191 Episodes
Car drifting is not something we imagined we’d cover in this series, but when the opportunity arose Fr Columba seized it. And here we are — with an incredibly helpful analogy about high-speed car drifting — which helps us learn more about how to imitate Christ. Well done Fr Columba!🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | E...
For many people, swearing or using God’s name is just a habit. That may be somewhat passable if you don’t know any better, but should a Christian swear? It’s hotly debated, and not all Christians agree. Fr Columba gives his thoughts.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Episode #187Little by Little is a weekly video seri...
God is at work, but are you paying attention? While you wallow in woe, could incredible opportunities for graces be passing you by? It's easily done, but important to snap out of. Whether it's low bible study numbers (like in Fr Columba's case), or any other number of disappointments — remember to look for the grace, even if it's a little hidden.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you ...
You are not the Devil’s slave, but in order to declare that boldly in your life you need to expunge the “victim attitude”. Fr Columba shares how to spot this attitude and, importantly, how to transform it into trust in God. God is always greater.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Episode #185Little by Little is a week...
Evangelising can be awkward, but isn’t that almost the point? It’s something Jesus explicitly asks us to do, and he knows it’s not always easy. He will give you the grace you need. Fr Columba offers some practical advice on how to share your faith with others.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Episode #184Little by Li...
Worrying can be a form of attempted control. But when we worry it’s lose-lose: it ruins our peace, and often ruins the outcome of whatever we’re try to achieve. It’s not always easy, but it’s certainly always better to surrender to God. Fr Columba offers advice on how.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Episode #183Lit...
Prayer is essential to the Christian life — it’s okay to find it challenging, but it’s not okay to give up. Fr Columba shares three tips for building the habit of prayer over 21 days. Whether you’re building up a prayer life from scratch, or improving what you have — we hope these tips help you.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle ...
Yearning for connection with God isn't necessarily a pleasant experience, but it can be incredibly formative. In the difficult times, the spiritual winters, when connection with God feels at the same time far off and deeply desirable — these are the moments, the crucial points at which our faith can grow deeper roots. If, of course, we are willing.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help yo...
Money isn’t always what it’s hyped up to be. In theory it should make life easier, take away our stress — but this isn’t always the case. Perhaps it’s down to how we use our money, not the amount we actually have. And, certainly, how we prioritise it and order it within our lives.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Epi...
Jesus’ wounds teach us a lot. In his resurrected, glorified state — Jesus keeps his wounds. Why? And, if Jesus keeps the signs of his wounds in his perfect state — what does that say about us and our wounds, whatever form they take? In at least some cases, can our past weaknesses, our visible (or invisible) wounds come to their perfection in God, for His greater glory and even our own salvation? It may just be possible.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostola...
Friendships are deeply fundamental to our human experience — they can be edifying and uplifting, but they can also be draining or even destructive. Fr Columba gives great tips on how to choose and treat your friends.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Episode #178Little by Little is a weekly video series by Called to M...
How much time do we waste every day — probably more than we'd like to think about. Time is precious, and can be used for God's glory. What will you do with yours?🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Episode #177Little by Little is a weekly video series by Called to More in collaboration with the Franciscan Friars of the...
It's nice when the world sees our talents, isn't it? Not so nice when we have to do something we're not so great at. How do you show up in either scenario: doing something you're gifted at, or doing something you're rather lousy at? Can you give God your lousy best, or will your pride get in the way?🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLi...
Do you desire fame, either big scale or small scale? So did Sr Clare Crockett, and so does everyone else, to some extent. But this doesn’t have to mean you’re a narcissist, it actually might just mean you’re human. And being human involves an innate desire to be known — that can only fully be satisfied by the One who made us.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve...
Are you doing enough to save your soul? At the end of your days, will you face mercy or justice — eternal reward, or eternal punishment? These big questions are wrapped up in the seeming contradiction between justice and mercy. Yet, miraculously, in God we find 100% mercy and 100% justice. In Him, all things come to perfection.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and ser...
Do you engage in negative thoughts about yourself, your life or the world around you? In a previous video (linked below) Fr Columba listed out 10 common negative thought patterns and gave advice on how to avoid them. Now, in part 2, Father gives three practical tips on how to actually remove these thoughts from your life entirely.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and ...
As Christians, we are told two things that can seem to contradict each other: that we should trust in God and that we should act boldly. Interestingly, too much of either can lead us to heresy, so it's important to find the right balance.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Episode #172Little by Little is a weekly video...
Most of us don’t associate desperation with anything positive. But in the fight against sin, it’s desperation that often helps us realise Who our Saviour is. It’s not a Catholic speaker, or a certain program, or a book or a priest or a friend or a mentor, and it’s certainly not our own sheer will — no, only God can free us from the chain of sin. The sooner we realise this, and live like it’s true, the sooner we will find freedom. (Of course other things can help, but ultimately it will be God...
Blaming your priest or bishop is easy. You know what’s not? Dusting yourself off and finding your mission. God needs you — uniquely you and your gifts — to build his Kingdom. Will you answer the call?🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know, love, and serve God.🔴 THIS SERIESLittle by Little | Episode #170Little by Little is a weekly video series by Called to More in collabora...
The Enemy loves our distractions, and Church politics can be one of them. True, there is a place for correcting the Church and helping her to fulfil her mission. But have your efforts been so pointed in that direction — that you’ve forgotten the much more personal, tangible call to evangelise your neighbour? It might be worth thinking about.🔴 ABOUT USCalled to More is a Catholic not-for-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast to help you know,...