DiscoverLive Your Potential
Live Your Potential

Live Your Potential

Author: Felix Mack

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Practical strategies, tips and ideas for supercharging your personal growth, elevating your level of thinking, and becoming the CEO of your mindset.
53 Episodes
Welcome to the last episode of 2020. In today’s episode, I talk about some of the things you can do to jumpstart your 2021 journey and even make it your best year ever.No matter the challenges, obstacles, or even successes you had in 2020, I share with 7 simple steps or principles in this episode that you can put into practice to make a bigger impact in your life and in the life of others.
In today's episode, as we come to the final weeks of the year, it's time to reflect. Join me as I discuss the importance of taking some alone time to reflect on the positive aspects of 2020, and taking those positives into the new year. When reflecting, look back at where you've made progress in your personal growth, relationships and your health. Enjoy the episode!
In today's episode, I share 7 tips to increase your daily productivity. Focusing on these tips can mean the difference between accomplishing your goals and not making progress. Reaching your goals involves taking actions that move you closer to those goals every single day. With lack of productivity, you can get discourage, lose track of your goals, and remain stuck in the comfort zone. Follow these steps to keep moving forward and bring your goals to reality.
In today's episode, I share 5 things that will help your goal become a reality. Many people just set goals and forget about them. By incorporating these 5 principles into your goal-setting practice, you will help to achieve your goal faster.
Join me in this episode as I describe the most impactful personal growth principles to me, which are common steps taken by every successful person I know or that I've surrounded myself with.By adopting, developing, and consistently these steps, you will improve your mindset, change the way you think, become more, and ultimately achieve the results you desire in any endeavor.
In today's episode, I briefly discuss taking 100% responsibility for our circumstances.In order to achieve complete and full self-esteem we have to take full responsibility for our lives, for both our internal and external experiences. Often we fall into the trap of blaming other people for how we feel and for what happens to us.Looking for the solutions to our problems outside of ourselves distracts us. It is much more effective, however, to look inside ourselves to see how we are creating what we are experiencing through our thoughts, images and behaviors. Taking the position that we are responsible for our responses to the world gives us more power.
In today's episode we are joined once again by by Anna Cantwell. Anna is a soul coach and mindful living expert who supports folks like you to feel their best, free their mind, and feed their soul! She brings the power of peace, radiant positivity, and confidence to her VIP coaching clients, group masterminds, and online community. Today's topic is all about animal guides and how animals can teach us powerful lessons in life and in living our potential. Animal Guides Deck Animal Guides Kickstarter
Kerry's passion is equipping ambitious people – people just like you – to accomplish great things in their personal and professional lives. It is an honor and a privilege to help you become the best version of you, so you can live your life’s true mission. Join me in this episode as we discuss morning routines and achieving high performance.
Kawan Glover is a man looking to impact the world with his inspiring journey. He has had a generally good life but is no stranger to adversity. He has survived a stroke and three brain surgeries, but instead of that breaking him, it made gave him his purpose. His first book, “Favor: How Stroke Struggle and Surgery Helped Me Find My Life’s Purpose” is a memoir about the events that surrounded that period in his life. He is an Inspirational Communicator, Victory Coach, and the Chief Victory Officer of a company called Overcome Adversity, LLC.
After spending the first 18 years of his life in poverty, abuse, and abandonment, he then decided to spend the next 18 years abusing himself. It wasn’t until he was sitting in a first class seat on the way back from the Bahamas, depressed as ever, that he realized that something inside him was broken. Something that the myriad of anti-depressant medications he had taken (more than he can even remember) could never fix. Having spent the next two years consuming everything he could on personal development, Keith has broken free of these patterns and now lives a life full of joy and he wants you to feel the same joy he has.
Laurie Herbers is an Empowerment Coach and Author. Her recent book is Second Chances How I Turned Hate into Love and Found My Purpose. In her youth she struggled in abuse and trauma, carrying the pain forth into adulthood. Hating life was her home and daily struggle until the day she decided to change her thoughts and beliefs and pursued love with a fervor that superseded everything else. Now her mission is to guide over a million individuals into the fullness of love so they can pursue their purpose with passion and love. She is passionate about others never having to go another day feeling worthless, unwanted, unloved, feeling guilt, shame, pain, and judgment.  Join me in this episode as we get to know Laurie Herbers.
Tarnya is the bestselling author of Open Doors which is rated ‘an inspirational book’ by many readers. She is a member of The Association of Freelance Writers. and is being mentored by the #1 motivational speaker Les Brown.Tarnya is regarded as a respected and influential speaker. She has over 17 years’ experience speaking on many platforms. Mostly gained working in the educational establishment and church arenas. She’s distinguished for her down to earth approach to empowering women and for helping individuals live a life of purpose.Tarnya dispenses keys to success that work and results in transforming women by making their goals become a reality. She loves inspiring others to dream big.Tarnya’s tips are practical, and easy to execute —the biggest investment is your time. Tarnya says that it is essential to believe in yourself because that is where it all starts.Over the past two years, Tarnya has been sharing her story and empowering other women on how to overcome their challenges and live a life of freedom. She is passionate about vision boards and travels up and down the country delivering vision board workshops. Tarnya motivates women to let go of fear and start believing in themselves as that is the only way to manifest your dreams.
Stacie Kiselman is a professional freelance writer and author. She started her business right after graduating college when she was diagnosed with Epilepsy following a car accident. After years of endlessly battling this chronic illness, Stacie suffered from PTSD. Her way of coping was writing. She started journaling 12 years of her life from a third party perspective. What started out as a little project meant for Stacie’s recovery turned into a book; a book that will help others who might be struggling in the same or similar situations. Stacie aims to educate and end the stigma around invisible illnesses, specifically chronic illnesses and mental illnesses. She wants you to know that life is more than just a disability. There’s so much more to live for. Stacie’s upcoming memoir, 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS, will be released in November. She is already working on her second book! As a freelance writer, Stacie works with students, job seekers, entrepreneurs and other professionals on projects such as resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, blog posts, website content, business plans, and much more. She found her love of writing back in college, and turned her passion into a full time career.
In today's episode, we got a chance to catch up with Cecile Thomas, who is a Mindset and Manifestation Coach. She helps self-aware joy seekers feeling unhappy, unfulfilled and controlled by their circumstances in the creation of their own blueprint to bring their dreams to life and build a thriving life experience on their own terms with ease and flow by using neuroscience and the teachings of the universal laws. You can learn more about Cecile at and join her community on Facebook here.
A captivating and powerful leader, Sara Cruz ( specializes in taking clients to an elevated level of performance in life and business. Her background and professional education encompasses psychology, confidence building, productivity, and empowering others to incorporate high performance habits as a new standard. She challenges clients to discover their addictive behaviors that are keeping them stuck, and teaches them new skills and habits, so they can experience a vibrant career and an extraordinary life. In today's episode, we discuss the 3 aspects of energy - mental, physical, and emotional, and how to elevate your levels of energy.
In today's episode we are joined by Dean Fox. By 2007 Dean had been a National Sales Manager for a Major Company and built a multi six figure property business, but just a few years later, he had lost the business, was bankrupt, almost killed in a car accident and contemplating suicide. By immersing himself in personal development over the last decade Dean has built a coaching and speaking business and is now a leading international mindset coach, trainer, consultant and speaker. Using his personal experience he works with Entrepreneurs, online marketers and other coaches and speakers to end procrastination and turn doubts into sales so they can charge their true worth for their services and unlock their potential.
In today's episode we are joined by Anna Cantwell. Anna is a soul coach and mindful living expert who supports folks like you to feel their best, free their mind, and feed their soul! She brings the power of peace, radiant positivity, and confidence to her VIP coaching clients, group masterminds, and online community. Our topics today included: Aligning the mind, body and soul The many benefits of Yoga and meditation Overcoming trauma Ants, hummingbirds and that poor squirrel Anna's Mindful Living Mentorship begins on September 20th. It's a group program to spark or continue a lifelong path to mindfully moving through the world. Everyone in the program makes a commitment to support their mind, body, and spirit, and we focus on building a consistent + healthy lifestyle. You can join here
In today's episode, I discuss persistence and your ability to persist in the face of obstacles, setbacks or disappointments.Persistence is how much you believe in yourself, your ability to keep going and to succeed.It is one of the qualities of success, because challenges and obstacles are no doubt something you will face when you have definiteness of purpose.When you set out to accomplish something, more often than not, you may come across difficulties, and your willingness to persist is one of the most important assets you can have. It will separate you from those who simply give up. 
In today’s episode, I talk about not settling for mediocrity.There’s a quote that goes: “Don’t settle for mediocrity when you were created for greatness. Know who you are.”Mediocrity is defined as the state of being mediocre, which is moderate or low quality, value, ability or performance.I think of it as doing just enough to get by, settling for just being average, or not striving to get the best out of yourself, which is something a lot of people do.But if you’re seeking to live your highest potential, then you cannot and must not settle for mediocrity. You must step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself every single day, and always strive for excellence – not perfection, but excellence in your field.
In today’s episode, I share some thoughts about having an abundance mindset.Having an abundance mindset is the belief that there are enough resources to go around or to share with others – as noted by Stephen Covey in the 7 habits of highly effective people… As opposed to a scarcity-based mindset, which is the idea that there isn’t enough or that you always have to compete in order for you to WIN or for you to create some sort of successful outcome.In the book, the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles, he notes that “You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete for what is already created.”Join me in this episode as I discuss the abundant mindset.