Live and Let Fly: An STF Network Starfinder Podcast

Live and Let Fly: An STF Network Starfinder Podcast
Author: STF Network
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© Copyright 2025 Live and Let Fly: An STF Network Starfinder Podcast
Live and Let Fly is proudly presented by the minds of the STF Network. Using the Starfinder TTRPG system, STF is bringing Paizo's Fly Free or Die Adventure Path to life with their signature brand of character development and well produced story telling.
Join in the fun now as the GM and Players work to take care of that one big job!
#Starfinder #Pathfinder #Pathfinder2e #Paizo #actualplay
Join in the fun now as the GM and Players work to take care of that one big job!
#Starfinder #Pathfinder #Pathfinder2e #Paizo #actualplay
99 Episodes
The Independence crew finally faces the business dragon in all her majestyPlease support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Independence crew continues their assault on EJ Corps destructive machines.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Independence crew begins their assault on EJ Corps destructive machines.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Independence crew makes their journey across the Shadow Sea.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Independence crew continues to aid the Aglians, and visits their holy cave.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Aglians require one more show of faith.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
To protect the Aglians' nest, the crew deals with a bigger fish.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Independence Crew dives deeper with the AgliansPlease support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
There's always a bigger fish.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew joins Shan on her mission deep in to the ocean.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
One more hurdle stands between the crew and Shan.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
On the quest for Shan, the crew finds another scientist in distress.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
New inhabitants are found as the crew goes through Terra 5.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
As the crew explores Terra 5, new worries are found.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Independence Crew arrives at Terra 5.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
A new horror emerges from the depths.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
A new horror emerges from the depths.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Announcement reel for July 2024Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com
The ambush has the crew in deep. Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Vincent faces his fears in the depths of Entha.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew meets the Foredragon of the operations at Entha.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Faced with a stressful situation, the arrival at Entha takes a familiar turn.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Independence makes its way to Entha for a new adventure, and hopefully to save Shan.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew heads into the warehouse to pick up the shipment, only to be met by some interesting security.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Tarika calls the crew for their next job, but this time it could be personal.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
A mysterious signal leads the crew to an even more mysterious encounter.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew explores some abandoned shipsPlease support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
A job of transportation gets an electric jolt.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
A job of transportation gets an electric jolt.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew deals with the fallout from the Noodle ambush and is off to their next jobPlease support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Even a nice meal is tough for the Independence crew.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The interlude continues for the crew of the Independence.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Join the Independence crew in a bit of an interlude in between chapters.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Join the cast as we review the intense book 2 of Fly Free or Die!Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The climatic finale of Book 2! Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew beings their climatic showdown with the Adamant ScalePlease support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Independence crew finally gets to the bottom of what's going on here, but still comes up short on answers.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The fight with the bunker drones continues. Tomfooolery makes a return.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Dizzy's drone is in pieces while Hezz'Tia's is getting stronger. What will the Independence crew uncover as they go deeper into the bunker on Calm-93?Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Some wild reveals as the crew talks with their friends from the Winterborne. Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew of the Independence tries to suss out what is happening in Calm-93, but is only faced with more questions.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
A new wrinkle in the job leads to an interesting discovery about Marixah's incarceration system.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The Captain and his crew finally gets a pay day, even if it is tiny. Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
A new skill is unlocked as the Independence tries their hand at Stormrunning.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew of the Independence acts quick to save their newest contact.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew of the Independence takes inventory of the ship, turns out the pantry is bare.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
It is time to see what the Independence is made of in combat. Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
Once inside, the mission takes a turn that the Independence crew was not anticipating.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The crew follows a lead to an old temple of Weydan. What new troubles await them?Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
The needle drops and the records scratch as the crew shakes down Sonic Future.Please support us on Patreon: Networkhttps://www.thestfnetwork.com - Fly Free or Die AP from Paizo Publishing.Title Music:"Live and Let Fly" by Adam Kelly
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