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Live with Preach EZ

Author: Preach EZ

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Trouble telling your Hallelujah from your Hail Mary’s? Tune into Live With Preach EZ, where the popular Pope of Podcasts will give you the EZ answers on our hard Journey! A safe space for spiritual development focused on battling homophobia, racism, xenophobia, classism and every other systematic sin while highlighting ways individuals can work and manage despite these issues.
112 Episodes
How 2 Pray

How 2 Pray


Our favorite Radio Reverend answers the question #howdoipray Whether newly christened or veterans of the faith we have all once asked how do i pray? Some of us regurgitate recitations from our pastors while others use Christ’s words as a crutch. However both of these methods treat prayer as another language and not a personal dialect with the divine. To create that personal dialect we must immerse ourselves in communion with our creator. To do this in our prayer we simply Recognize our relationship with God in a personal way Release the issues of our life and problems of the heart Request what is needed to make it The price of prayer was paid so that we could communion freely with our creator! #PreachEZ #preacher #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #sunday



Our favorite Radio Reverend is back! Forgive Forgiveness is a tool for self-regulation. As humans we carry with us the pains, problems, and pasts with us for better or worse. Just like anything else in life our soul can wear down with the constant conflicts we face. Forgiveness works to regulate our soul like a tune up for a car. For many forgiveness is about compliance but in reality forgiveness is about growth. To forgive we must: 1. Recognize what hurt us 2. Release what weighs us down 3. Renovate what was broken 4. Relocate away from the trauma 5. Receive the blessings of God #church #sunday #preachez #spiritualgrowth #forgiveness #forgiven #easter
Diversity vs Division

Diversity vs Division


Our favorite Radio Reverend is back with “division vs Diversity” Folk often say we live in a very divisive age but humanity has always been divided. Christ offers a chance for humanity to unite not by denial of identity but instead by embracing the diversity of our identity. Diversity is the recognition of presented qualities and the belief diversity is apart of Gods divine design meant to show how God can create a space for all of creation. When we accept the diversity of divinity we can accept that we are enough in the eyes of the Divine. #bhm #church #spiritualgrowth #PreachEZ #preach #sunday #diversity
Our favorite radio Reverend is back with “judgement vs Discernment” Early humans may have relied on judgment to survive, but judgement limits the human experience. Judgement is the assignment of qualities to the world around us which limits our world to an amalgamation of assumptions. While discernment is the revelation of reality around us. Discernment leads us to a life of prosperity where we can recognize what is for us without having to dismiss or demonize what is not for us. #church #spiritualgrowth #PreachEZ #sunday #kjamz105
I’m listening

I’m listening


Our favorite Radio Reverend Preach EZ is back with “Speak, your servant listens” Often times we fall into the myth that God is less conversational in the modern age but 1 Sam 3:10 reveals to us that throughout history when we believe God is silent in reality Gods consistent conversation has become more like white noise We need to Anita our ears to listen not only hear Gods voice. Listening requires comprehension. Comprehension often leads to internal dialogue which results in fear. Fear is natural but not necessary for growth. Fear keeps us complacent and static so we commit the greatest sin. Inaction while the kingdom burns. #PreachEZ #church #spirtuality #samuel #sunday
Start over

Start over


Our favorite radio Reverend is back just in time to “start over!” In this new year as we choose to be better than we were last year there are three steps we can take to improve and start over. Acknowledge: what went well? What didn’t go so well? Use this knowledge not to plan revenge but to recognize the growth we have made ACTION: create systems to start over by releasing negativity and relocating either mentally or spiritually to somewhere more positive. ACHIEVE: we were designed to achieve, designed for victory. as we keep that in mind we can keep consistent in our process of starting over #sunday #church #preach #PREACHEZ #spiritualgrowth #spiritualjourney #gospel #newyear
Season of Giving

Season of Giving


Our favorite radio Reverend is back in time for the Giving Season! As we move into a season of giving remember that gifts are more than material. God has granted each of us a gift to give the world. Whether this be a skill or a service we provide. Giving can at time feel like a burden when we give to the wrong people. Not every gift is for everyone so it is imperative to recognize our feelings when we give. God asks for a cheerful giver but if our gifts cause us to be anything but then we should change where our gifts our going. #church #preachez #preach #spiritual #spirituality #corinthians #gift #giving
Mission impossible

Mission impossible


Our favorite radio Reverend is with “Impossible Tasks” 1 Thessalonians 5:18-19” says be thankful in all circumstances” This can seem an impossible task. However humanity has a strong track record of turning impossible tasks into commodities. From flight to the internet to our own lives. The things we once thought we could never overcome are now the least of our problems. Thanksgiving reaches past our storms to orient ourselves toward what is good and solid. Giving thanks is not a way to excuse or ignore our problems but is a way to work through our problems. #impossible #church #faith #thankgod #thanksgiving #thankgodforeverything #PreachEZ #spirituality #spirit #grattitude



Our favorite radio is back with “Joy in the trials” Humanity is stuck in a cycle of conflict, since Cain struck Able. However this is not Gods vision for humanity. Christ sacrifice on the cross allows humanity to choose more than revenge or conflict. We can choose love. Love is the key to our freedom from the cycle of conflict. Love shatters systems of hate. Love does not justify the oppression but instead provides a path to freedom. #preachez #spirituality #church #sunday #joy #palestine #propalestine



Our favorite radio Reverend is back with #gratitude Psalms 118:24 states” this is the day the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad” For many readers rejoicing can be difficult in the midst or personal troubles and problems. Many believe Gratitude is about finding the good on good days but in reality gratitude shines best in the midst of trouble and turmoil. Gratitude allows us to release from our pains and trauma without erasing them or denying our history. Gratitude is a blessing that can allow us to dream of a better tomorrow. God created the day in Gods ultimate goodness meaning no amount of sun can ever blot out the good found in everyday. Gratitude is the commitment to find Gods goodness in the midst of the negatives. #gratidão #grateful #grateful #preachez #church #spirituality #kjamz1053 #kjamz #sunday #thanksgiving
Our favorite Radio Reverend is back with “the Allegory of Demons” Demons or impure spirits are exciting to discuss this time of year but in the discussion we often overlook the reality of demons for the fantasy. Often those with mental health problems are attributed as demon possessed which can lead to homelessness, death or imprisonment. The Bible does not call us to ostracize those that are “possessed” or simply pray but to actually support those of us with mental health issues. The language of demons and spirits was the only language biblical authors had to discuss mental health but through history this combination of concepts has led to a stigma that the church needs to correct. There is nothing wrong with those that deal with their mental health. #scary #spookyseason #spirituality #church #demon #demonslayer #PreachEZ #kjamz105
Our favorite radio Reverend is finally back with a moral interpretation of “Monsters in the Bible” Monsters exist in every culture, they represent the fears of each people group and by understanding the monsters we can better understand these peoples. In the Bible monsters like Goliath are meant to represent the fear the Israelites have for their neighboring empires. While monsters like the leviathan or behemoth, represent the fear of nature. Whether it be nature or other people, God is greater than our “monsters”. Since God has secured our future we can move not in fear but instead love. Even monsters deserve Love and as Gods children we are expected to face our monsters with Love #spookyseason #sss #spookyszn #spookyscarysundays #church #preachEZ #scary #monster #spirituality #halloween
Give it all ya got

Give it all ya got


Our favorite Radio Reverend is back with “Give it all ya got!” As we dredge through life the weight of everything can cause us to detach from life and result in us holding back or hiding from life. We deserve more. God calls us to give all we have not to our worldly bosses but to the kingdom. Our effort is not for the world but our soul. It nourishes us to live life to the fullest. When we place this energy I’m the wrong space it can result in us deteriorating our faith but that’s why we must place our persistence in the right place #jesuschrist #Faith #prayer #PreachEZ #gospel
The Main Mission

The Main Mission


Our favorite Radio Reverend is back with “The Main Mission” Missionary work is largely criticized and controversial due to its relationship with colonial invasions. The purpose of Missionary work is to invite others to the kingdom not invade others to make room for the kingdom. Mission work should be performed at home first. Too often Christian’s travel across the world but ignore their neighbors when serving God. Mission work is an invite to the kingdom not an invasion of the kingdom. Our spirit while on mission should be filled of Faith not pity, care not condescending, respect not ignorance. #PreachEZ #preach #spirituality #church #mission #missionary #sunday
Personal Prayer

Personal Prayer


Our favorite Radio Reverend is back with “Personal Prayer” Prayer is the foundation of faith and is publicly criticized often despite the fact that Prayer is meant to be personal. Prayer is connection despite circumstances. Prayer is not for solutions but for expansion. We are worth connecting with. God designed us to connect despite circumstances #faith #prayer #praymoreworryless #preach #PreachEZ #spirituality
Fab Fasting

Fab Fasting


Our favorite radio Reverend is back with “Fab Fasting” Faith can often be trendy and the acts of Faith such as Fasting can find itself in the spotlight. While this can be great for the kingdoms publicity it can have drastic results on individual believers. While Faith without works is dead, Fasting without intention is a diet. We deserve to be in alignment and to be free from the burdens that keep us away from God. The intention of Fasting is to align one’s self with God not to receive some advancement or achieve some goal. #fasting #fastingforweightloss #church #preach #preachEZ #spirituality
Acts of Faith

Acts of Faith


Our favorite Radio Reverend is back! “Acts of Faith” James 2:16-18 “Faith Without works is just fake“ James ,brother of Jesus, probably wrote this after seeing people running around using his brothers name without actually loving up to his brothers legacy. Sadly in the modern day we have the same problem. Too often Faith is used in response to something we don’t like instead of a proactive solution. Faith must permeate our mind, body, and soul not just our fears and politics. If our faith is leading us to anger instead of empathy then it is likely fear not faith #PreachEZ #Spirituality #church #family #james #summer #sundayfunday
Our favorite Radio Reverend is back with “mystical interpretations of Jonah” The Bible is full of numbers that have double meanings and the modern reader can use these to better understand the word 5=Grace. Jonah is a book of 5 chapters and the fifth prophet of the 12 minor prophets revealing that the story is about Gods grace. 3= starting steps. In order for Jonah to repent he must start over multiple times. Shown in the whale for 3 days and the journey to Nineveh 40= generation Grace allows us a generation to correct our actions. God warns Nineveh of their doom in 40 days. The reveals that Gods grace gives space and time for redemption before destruction #jonah #preachez #preach #sunday #church #spirituality #whale #orca
Our favorite radio Reverend is back with “moral interpretation” Many biblical stories are meant to teach moral lessons and instruct how to live out these morals. The book of Jonah teaches us how to repent throughout the book. 1st stop: Jonah like many of us run from God when we sin but in reality this is when we should turn to God 2nd Shift: change the situation or space that causes us to sin. The king of Nineveh looked crazy to onlookers but was receiving blessings internally 3rd sustain: we are human, we will fall short. But the story of Jonah reminds us that God constantly offer’s repentance, if we only just stay by Gods side. #jesuschrist #church #preach #preachez #kjamz105 #spirituality #whale #orca
Our favorite Radio Reverend is back with “Biblical Interpretations: allegory” The Bible is a big book with a lot of authors. Many of which wrote with the intention of allegory or double meaning. The book of Jonah can be read from a Allegorical interpretation. This interpretation can inspire the modern reader to continue their relationship with God in the midst of doubt and challenges. Jonah can be interpreted as an allegory for Israel or the modern reader. Jonah begins with doubt then finds himself in trouble only to be redeemed and to redeem. This cyclical nature is not only true for jonah and is real but is mean to reveal the nature of humanity. #church #jonah #spirituality #spiritual #PreachEZ #preach #christ #christian #sunday
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